The Darkness of Kuoh Academy

By Ash_The_Reaper

151K 1.8K 813

A new sacred gear, a eternal fight. The new host is going to have to not only get used to his life as the hos... More

Info and character Bio
Waking up, school, you know the "normal" stuff on the first day
The date, a start of new life and..... Devils!?
Sacred gears? The supernatural? A new face? Oh great
A new friend, and a new voice, and traning will start. Finally!
Traning and a friend in need (im so soooorrryyy)
Bonus chapter 1: getting to know a new friend
First fight! Saving our friend!
Bonus Chapter 2: Time with the new devil
Down Time? Nah, Fight
Sports and a wacko search! Wait...wacko?
A Phoenix appears, and the Kyoto visit
Kyoto, Powell hunting. What could go wrong
Powells help
Home at last... But no resting yet!
Back on the daily grind (Beginning of DxD New)
An old face! The Church duo arrives!
An Alliance is Made!
The Search, And The Encounter.
Boss Fight! The New Brotherhood!
Pool Time, Fun in the...Oh Crap
Bonus Chapter 3: The Request for Sirzechs
4th of July special (non-cannon unless you want to think it is to main story)
A Fallens help, how could this go wrong?
Day 1: Start Traning!! The Dragons meet!
Day 2: Parent meeting, a Maou, and a date!
Day 3: A New Friend!
Day 4: The Awaited Battle! Rivio vs the Darkness!
The Otherworld
The Castle & The Meeting
Freedom of the Soul
Summer Vacation!!!!
The Darkenss and The Bael
Party Crashers
Arc of the New Brotherhood: The Abduction
Arc of The New Brotherhood: Shades of Trust
Arc of the New Brotherhood: Eye of the Storm
Arc of the New Brotherhood: Climax
Arc of The New Brotherhood: Breakdown the Beast
Arc of The New Brotherhood: Will of Humanity๏ฟผ
Arc of The New Brotherhood: End and Epilouge
Waking up, School, Experiments, you know the normal stuff๏ฟผ
Bonus Chapter 4: Maou Sentai Satan Rangers!
Rivio's Troubles
Halloween Special
Rias vs. Sona! (Part 1)
Rias vs Sona! (Part 2)

The Rating Game! Rias vs. Sona Begins!

620 10 1
By Ash_The_Reaper

  I look over the items presented to was a joke. A joke! But before me stood paperwork presented by the Devil's side for the next major event: the Rating Game between Rias and Sona. "So tell me again why I have to do this?" I say annoyed. Sirzechs laughs as I stare at him.

  "Well you see, the Rating Game is coming up. We wanted to see you there but we couldn't find out a way so..." he turns to the other two occupants: Grayfia and their son Millicas who seems to have been the mastermind behind this.

"I thought it'd be awesome if you were a commentator with mom! So I made some papers for you to sign with dad's help." He said with an innocent smile. "And one day big bro, I'm gonna have you signing similar papers of acceptance when you join my peerage." He says determined. Huh, he already is scouting for that?

"Well while I can see myself signing these easily without a fuss, joining a peerage will be a bit different." I say as I sign them. "Alright I'm set. What'll I have to do for this? Dress up and act super uptight I suppose?" I say smirking and getting a chuckle from Sirzechs.

"Don't worry about apparel; Azazel and the Grigori has your uniform for the event covered. Think of it as a gift from each of your teachers." He says smiling. I nod and hand him back the papers to look over. "One more thing- I'm sure I don't have to tell you but you must be neutral for the event. This is also an opportunity to set you up for the other Rating Game so make a good impression for it to be easier." He said. I get his other meaning: the game between Rias and Diodora where I will aid in fighting back the Kahos Brigade should they show up. I nod to him as he stands and turns to leave, but before they go Millicas turns and points to me.

"No matter what big bro Rivio, I will get you in my peerage when I get my evil pieces!" He says letting off some of his unmarried power; so it's a challenge huh? With the feel I get from him he may vary well become stronger than Sirzechs even. Well...fuck it.

"Really now little brother? Because" I say letting off some Dark Essence just to match his so he doesn't get overwhelmed or disheartened "I won't back down from such a challenge you know? If and when you feel prepared to challenge me I'll be waiting no matter how many tries you need." I say smirking. He matches my smirk and turns to leave ahead of his parents.

"Are you serious about what you said Rivio? We don't even know if you can be reincarnated now." Sirzechs says.

"I'll ask Ajuka if it's possible the next time I see him. Truth be told even if I hadn't fused with the Darkness I wouldn't turn down his challenge. But I have to tell you now, I won't simply told over and let him win." I tell the two parents before me. They both look to one another and then smirk at me.

"Than leave it to us to see that he is properly prepared for the trials that he will face against you." Grayfia says.

"Yes, because if it's for our son we will make sure he is ready." Sirzechs says. I nod to them and they leave after I get the location and portal card to get where I'm needed by the Rating Game. First I need to go visit Ajuka for more tests, and then Azazel for my clothes. The card says...tomorrow is the rating game so I have some time. I best head to the Satan's lab now then so I can get to Azazel sooner.

  It wasn't that long of a train ride and since I'm seen as a 'political figure' now I get my own private car. There was almost a problem with one of the passengers and Cadriel- something about being a 'noble devil' and refusing to share a train with a 'disgusting angel'. Stupid old man honestly. I watched as the terrain changed and buildings passed by while we sped off to Ajuka's lab.

"So these tests, are they going to be dangerous?" Cadriel asks me.

"If they have to be then sure; anything to get an understanding of my power now will help and is needed. Weren't you basically assigned to put me down should I loose control again anyway? What does it being dangerous matter?" I ask her turning to match her gaze. A look of hurt flashes across her face at my words.

"That is the official job detail yes...but I'm also a guardian angel assigned to you- I'm supposed to protect and look out for you so you don't loose control to begin with. On top of that I hate people being in pain. Especially when it's not needed or I could do something about it." Cadriel says to me. She is telling the truth I could tell, but still...she was assigned to kill me should I go out of control. There isn't going to be much trust easily built up between me and her- and Heaven with this as well. I know it's for the greater good but I still should have a say at least.

  "Regardless, the tests still need to happen so I know what I can do." I say as the train comes to a stop. "Looks like we're here. Ajuka- sorry; Satan Beelzebub should have an attendant here to guide us to his lab." I say standing and leaving the train: angel still behind me every step of the way. Looking around I am instantly blinded by flashes from cameras and people wanting to get news reports.

  "Sir, sir! Is it true you are going to be allied to all three factions even though you are a new species with immense powers?" "Are you really the brother of the current Red Dragon Emperor?" "There are rumors of you being a commentator on the upcoming Rating Game between the heiresses for House Sitri and House Gremory, are these true?"

  They all barraged me with questions like the reporters they were. Of course this would happen; it's not everyday a 'new creature' is just wondering about in the Underworld with Satan approval. But this is an opportunity...ya! A chance to show them what I'm gonna do! I held up my hand and was surprised that the Devils actually stopped talking and let me have my turn.

  "I know there are a lot of questions you have for me" I start off saying to them, their attention on me unwavering "and sadly I can't answer them all. But I can say this: I plan to help all three factions and any of their allies as best I can. The enemy we face is the Kahos Brigade- a vile terrorist group that seeks nothing but their namesake. We must put an end to them once and for all! And after that, I plan to be the bridge or help build the bridge that units us all in peace." I say to them. "I hope to see you all at the Rating Game tomorrow as indeed I am commentating. Good day to you all." I say nodding and walking forward as the people cheered at my words. After some looking about I saw a formally dressed person with a sign, my name written on it neatly.

"You have arrived exactly on time. I have been sent to retrieve you by Satan Beelzebub and I shall drop you off at his lab." He says gesturing begins him to a car. "Please enter and allow me to take you."

I nod and climb into the back followed by Cadriel. The drive was silent and uneventful, but when we arrive at Ajuka's was amazing! I always heard from Sirzechs that Ajuka proffered his hobbies over being a Satan but I bet he sunk a lot of funds into this for that very reason! We walk in and are blasted by a hush of cool air as I look around. It was mostly empty of any people aside from a few in lab coats working on stuff.

"Ahh, Rivio. So you made it on time I see." I hear from my left and look to see Ajuka himself walking over. Here he wore a business casual like attire with a lab coat as well overtop. "Welcome to my laboratory. Here, the Evil Piece system was created; and here we shall attempt to gauge a better understanding of your powers. Now Azazel tells me he tested something I asked of him and got interesting results?" He asks me.

I nod and walk over shaking his hand real quick. "Yes indeed he did. It was a surprise when it happened but I could overlook it now: he chucked a Light Spear at me and somehow I was able to stop it. He said it resembled something you developed?" I ask him getting a nod and a gesture to follow. He gave a small flourish of his coat as he turned and led Cadriel and myself down the hall he came from into his own personal lab. A lab within a lab. That's amazing.

I hear him chuckle as I look around. "I can see you have an interest in science and creating things yourself huh?" He asks me as I cough a bit to hide my embarrassment.

"While it's a side of me I hardly show or use in public I do love science in my spare time. Nothing as large-scale or fancy as this but...ya pretty tame actually." I say looking around again. He laughs at this again and moves over to a desk with monitors and pc towers underneath. He starts tapping away on a keyboard and charts and tables pop up.

"Alright Rivio, I feel it's best to jump right into the tests. I will be doing something similar to what Azazel did- that is throwing an attack at you- and I want you to simply stop it when I do understood?" He asks going into scientist mode. I nod as he moves over to me and attaches stuff to me: pulse readers, magic indicators, all that fancy stuff to get a read on what's happening when I do this. "Alright..." he says backing up and holding his hand out, middle and index fingers outstretched "now stop my attack!" He says as he fires fire-like arrows at me. I do what I did with Azazel and try to stop them only to not be able to this time. Oh shit!

I move to dodge but am suppressed when suddenly they stop and shrink till they are gone. "Test one is failed. Onto the second test. Stop this attack!" He yells again shooting the same thing. No resting huh? Alright! I focused harder this time and felt a tingle in my eye as I watched the arrows draw nearer. Suddenly they stopped without Ajuka interfering this time. He moved to his computer quickly as suddenly the devices hooked up to me were going crazy with their readings. "This is...and that's....astounding...almost inconceivable!" He says looking nit over as if he were a kid in a toy shop, going between the different monitors quickly.

"What is it?" I ask him breaking his trance like state. However he marches right up to me and grabs my face, turning it every which way as he left eye?

"Satan Beelzebub, please don't be so rough with him!" Cadriel suddenly called out as he began pulling and poking around my left eye.

"This is...a discovery of untold precedents. You don't have a power like me Rivio, the Kankara Formula that is. It's something completely different! I've never seen anything like it before." He says moving back to his computer and typing away. "Since as long as the Darkness has been around it's been known in accounts of previous hosts that the primordial being had and controls its own dimension." Ajuka says attracting another's attention.

"What does this boy think he knows about me?" The Darkness asks. 'Glad to have you back again partner' I tell it in my mind. It scoffs at my words. "As if I'd be gone for long boy. Pay attention, he will explain what I've already found out it seems."

"No one else can access it or manipulate it save for the Darkness and it's host. Until now that is. Since you and the Darkness' fused at the soul and became one being you have access to that dimension! What the readings are telling me is that your Eye of Darkness as you called it has evolved to the highest it can go." He says pulling out a white board and a easy-erase marker. He begins doodling crude designs as he thinks. "Picture it like....this." He says caping the marker. He points to what I assume is supposed to be me. "You now are fused with the Darkness making you both one in the same and you a Dark Essence factory. That means your eye, which was once something you had to channel Dark Essence into to activate, is now passively yet permanently active. This eye is essentially looking into that Darkness Dimension: so whenever you see an attack incoming in your right eye, the one in our dimension, the other sees it there as well. With that in mind" he moves over to a picture from my 'face' where a line separates views of a crudely drawn him and Sirzechs on one side and the other holding Darklings "you subconsciously control the Darkness Dimension and stop the attack in it; but since the dimensional barrier between that one and ours is now weaker due to your fusion it also stops it here!" He finishes.

I look it over and think about it before grabbing the marker as well. "So that means within time, so long as I can learn to properly control this dimension I could do more than just stop the attacks. I could even send them back or make them stronger. But that would mean only as long as I could actually see the attack and keep my eye safe for the phenomenon to occur." I say illustrating my thoughts. "That's why in my Break Down the Beast state the area was so effected! Because when I used that it let the other dimension into ours!" I say getting a smiling nod from him.

"Precisely!" He says as we smirk at our funding. "From what I gather so long as you can keep the eye safe and open as you said then it'll be a permanent thing. You won't be able to control people as they are not translated into the Dark Dimension as attacks can be. People, unless dead, are grounded in their dimension." He says finishing our science rant.

Cadriel coughs snapping us back to reality. "So in essence...eye stays open, eye acts as gate, eye can cause things to stop?" She asks.

"Yes, in a simpler way that is correct." Ajuka says. "It just needs a name now. It's not exactly a reality interface like mine..."

I think on his words and snap my fingers. "Dimensional Interference!" I say. "If we name it something like 'Eye of Dimensions' or anything related to eyes then anyone would target my eye; and that's what the other dimension is doing anyway right? Interfering in ours." I say.

"It's settled then. Rivio, Cadriel, we have made a landmark discovery today." He says smiling and typing on his computer. "Now although I'd love to test it more on various things I'm afraid I cannot. The Rating Game between the Sitri Heiress and Gremory Heiress will be tomorrow- as such I most prepare for everything. Good day to you both." Ajuka says giving a slight bow of his head which we return before leaving. I sigh in excitement with the new news; the boundary between dimensions is weakening allowing me to control it.

  "Well where to next Rivio?" Cadriel asks me as she pulls out a small list. "We could visit popular spots in the Underworld! I've always wanted to try the food here." She says smiling while looking over her own bucket-list.

  "I guess one small stop wouldn't hurt, but after that we have to go to Azazel and get my clothes. Since the game is tomorrow I need them today." I tell her getting a nod after an excited 'yes'. We wonder for a bit to see the sights; I'll admit having her around is kinda fun- it's a breath of fresh air compared to the near-death experiences always happening. But still I can't shake the fact that if she's not able to seal my powers she is supposed to kill me. We finish up in the Underworld after visiting a shopping center and getting some food and random things. Next was Azazel's place, which in this case was actually the Grigori. I had seen the fashion the Fallen Angel's of the organization had to offer and it was indeed good for the event. Cadriel and I leave the Underworld via train and teleport toward the Grigori.

Once outside I look up and see it to be a pretty simple building: perfect for the Grigori who hide in plain sight among the Human World. It looked to be a rather large office building; down below I am sure there was the labs and more secret things they kept hidden from people. At the entrance was a barbed and electrified gate giving it a real 'don't come in' look, brought together by a 'Entrance on Verification of Appointment Only' sign. An intercom was present at the gate with a camera to check, we move forward and I press the button hearing the speaker click to life. "Welcome to Aid for the Fallen Services, do you have an appointment?" A nice female voice asks through the box.

"Yes I'm here to see Mr.Azazel? I have an appointment around this time." I tell them going along with the rouse. I hear the camera turn on and some papers and keys be typed and moved.

"Welcome Mr.Rosan, Mr.Azazel is expecting you on." The lady says as a buzz sounds out and the doors open.

We walk in and enter the building getting blasted by the ac. Inside was nice, decorated to look luxurious and carpeted to feel welcoming. The lady directs me to the elevator and hands me a paper with the room number; Cadriel enters last and pushes the button for us. "What kind of attire do you think the Governor General has made for you? I hope it isn't anything inappropriate..." she says. I can briefly see her eyes widen at her own thoughts. "He better not! This is a professional event after all." She says with a minor blush at the mere thought of someone dressing inappropriately in public.

"Knowing the Grigori they made some top tier amazingness. I've seen their fashion lines and dear God it is amazing." I say getting a pointed look from Cadriel. "Er, sorry. Dear Lord it is amazing." I say correcting myself and getting an approving nod from her. The elevator dings and the doors slide open revealing...a blank room?

  "Ah you're finally here. Took you long enough." Azazel's voice said as he stepped into my sight. "Now since the suit ordered for you was a custome it was finished a while back knowing that it was time sensitive; just follow me and you can get it for a test-run." He says with a smirk as he leads us through the now shifting room! The room was actually changing into a tailor shop as we moved!

  "The world has grown strange yet again I see." The Darkness comments at the changing room.

  'I think it's fucking awesome!' I say in my mind looking around in amazement.

  "Now we took notes from your previous styles outside of your school uniform and made this nice piece. It's battle tested and can withstand anything short of a nuclear bomb." Azazel said confidently with a smirk.

"How the hell did you get it to withstand that?" I ask him confused.

"Well it isn't that the clothing itself is indestructible. Come on, it's right here." He said tapping a few keys on a console in the wall. Next to it mirrors pop out and on the floor a hole opens revealing a manikin wearing what u could only describe as amazingness incarnate.

On the plastic doll from the bottom up: a pair of sleek black dress shoes freshly shined to a reflection. Up from that was the most comfortable and breathable dress pants I've ever seen, black outside with a silver zipper and some red trim inside. A belt of a deep red with a silver buckle laid at the waste, and above that was a dress shirt of the same deep red with black buttons and a black tie. Over all of it was a fresh looking dress coat fit for what one would think would be royalty.

Azazel gestured me forward. "Go ahead, try it on and I'll explain afterwards." He tells me. I move forward and do as instructed placing my clothes in a basket nearby and putting these amazing articles of clothing on instead. "Now the way it's able to survive so much" he says making a dagger made of light appear and slicing it across my shoulder "just watch." He says holding up a hand up to Cadriel who tried to move to stop him.

I looked to the cut and saw the skin immediately relating itself as if it were a bunch of small stitches. Then to my udder shock the suit began stitching itself together as well!

"Small machines within the fabric absorb the Dark Essence you produce. This way not only can your clothes fix themselves, but it can control your output at the same time." Azazel says with a smirk.

"Jeez Azazel; this is awesome!" I say to him getting a chuckle as he rubbed his chin.

"Yeah well, I kinda owed you for not coming in time when you were rampaging. Think of this as an apology and a 'have a good time tomorrow'. Obviously you know why it really repairs itself so no need to explain. See you at the event!" He said as we walked out, my normal clothes back on and the others in a nice bag and box. We head home where it was business as normal: not really as everyone was anxious for tomorrow. I slept normally as I knew what was on the line.

After school I took a portal and was dressed to impress. Today was the day. I tap the mic in the commentators booth and spoke. "Let's get ready to rumble!" I said to the crowd who erupted in a cheer.

Finally right? Ya sorry it took a bit, I've been really stuck on Black Clover. Hope you all liked this though! The next one will be a commentators perspective on the Rating Game! I never read the LN before so I'm going into this as blind as a bat. Wish me luck and I hope you like what I write for it!
All ownership of the works that are not mine belongs to their original makers, thanks for supporting this story so far! Love ya'll and thanks! Have a good day!

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