The Seven Deadly Sins: Faded...

By Spencer_Lorenzi

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"Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." Lucas quoted Alfred Lord. "But how would... More

The Seven Deadly Sins: Faded Stars
Don't Challenge Me
Expect the Unexpected
Seeing the Past
First Day
I'll be your Aphrodite, if you'll be my Ares
Humans and their weird phrases
Better? Better
Death of me
Who Am I?
The Weather
Jungle Berries
Cherry Bomb
Mirror Effect
Angels Vs Demons
Restless Thoughts
Quality Time
Playing Creepy
Splitting The Future
Haunting Past

Ancestors and Descendants

592 27 17
By Spencer_Lorenzi

Skylar's POV:

It is proper rules of etiquette to address a Queen on time and with respect. It was one of the most basic lessons I learned in my private angel classes. Anything else, even a slight track of attitude can result in receiving a harsh punishment. Not necessarily death but enough pain that you would wish to trade places with even your best friend. That was one of the many lessons I witnessed and experienced with Alex. Undoubtedly, the teaching about receiving a harsh punishment was never taught to these people. The deadly sins live up to their names.

"For the last time, there is no way that Skylar saw the future."

"Oh come on, Alex, you're telling me you didn't feel whatever it was that Skylar's expelled from her body?" Jackie said as she leaned slightly forward to look at Alex.

I was comfortably sitting next to Jackie on the couch, watching her interact with Alex, who was once again back in her chair. It was placed near the fireplace, which helped illuminate her halo that hovers perfectly of her head by just a few inches. It was slightly hard to see, but it was there nevertheless. Sometimes I even forgot that it was there, and subconsciously, I reached up to touch my own, my eyes never leaving Alex's halo. My fingers hovered over my head to see if I could feel my halo, but unfortunately, I couldn't. It was, after all, just light.

"Of course I felt it, I was holding her hand," Alex said as she looked over at me.

Slightly frowning, Alex tilted her head as if questioning what I was doing. Shaking my head, I lowered my hand and interlocked my fingers together.

"Anyone want to fill us two in?" Gabe asked.

"We can always just reschedule the meeting Alex," Brendon mumbled.

"Can everyone just be silent for one second, I can't think with everyone going off," Alex said.

"So that's it? We are going to say no to Skylar seeing the future?"

"Oh my God, Jackie! Skylar didn't see the future because it's not possible! Not even I can see the future!" Alex said before abruptly standing up.

Instantly I stood up too to try and comfort Alex. Placing my hand lightly on Alex's shoulder, I guided her to sit down on my lap. Sighing, she allowed me to take control as I secured my arms around her waist and placed my chin on her shoulder. Leaning back, I felt Alex slightly relax before laying her head on the side of mine. I knew my touch was calming her down, so I tried to give her some of my energy.

"Are you done with your tantrum?" Jackie commented.

"Let's not poke the beast, please," I mumbled as I closed my eyes.

"Can we all just backtrack for one second, please?" Gabe commented as he tried to gain our attention.

"What do you mean you don't have the power to see the future? Aren't you like all-knowing, all power, and all present?" Brendon asked this time.

Groaning, Alex shifted her weight slightly before addressing the boys.

"No one can see the future or at least any realistic version of it. It all complicated stuff I don't want to get into it," Alex said.

"Can you make it less complicated then?" I whispered slightly in Alex's ear. Once again, Alex's groan.

"Fine but just this once... and cause you asked," Alex said before she once again shifted her weight. I will be lying if I said that I could be the big spoon in our relationship.

"For starts, I'm not God. He is the one who created everything and lives in eternity. I am just a descendant of that power, which is why I am born. And also, for the record, there is no future for God, he envisioned everything all at one and lives during it all. He is all-present, which means being aware and present at all times; past, present, and future. Secondly, everyone has free-will to do as they wish because God loves his children enough for them to choose their path, no matter if we chose to live in sin. Even though I have foresight, I can't know what you guys will do with your free-will since I am not all present."

"So, you can see the future?" Gabe said.

"I just explain... No, Gabe, I can't see the future because I'm not all present. I live in the now. I just have the foresight to get glimpses of the future." Alex said, straining her words.

"What's the difference?" Brendon asked.

"The difference is when I get glimpses of the future, I have to leave the present, and thus I don't know if you have changed your mind while I left since again, you have free-will to do so. How about an example for you three idiots," Alex mumbled.

"There are four of us," Gabe said.

"Skylar's not an idiot, a little slow at times, no offense, but at least she learns."

"non-taken," I responded.

"Like I was saying, I can know what will happen but not how. I've never used the power, though, so I don't know how it feels like. After my father got my mate killed, I promised myself never to use it," Alex said.

"And how did your father get your mate killed if surprising, she is still alive," Jackie said.

"I can't believe you never told us she was still alive," Gabe commented.

"One explanation. Do you want to know about my mate or how I can't see the future," Alex said.

"Future," Jackie commented.

"That's what I thought. Backtracking, after Demetrius went missing and refused to let my father see her child, he decided to use his foreseeing power to know how I would turn out. Every future he saw, I ended up dead in different ways, but once he went to the future, he didn't see the present changing. Every time my father saw me die, in one future that was based off the present he had just left, it always changed. He didn't see Demetrius changing her mindset in the present. So instead, he decided to kill Skylar because she was the cause of me dying. Unfortunately, I still got shot and died because he never saw Demetrius waking up."

"But you're not dead," Gabe said slowly.

"The future he saw was that I die, and I died. That future got fulfilled. He just couldn't see further because that's where Skylar's free-will came into place, so even if he had an idea that Skylar would have helped me, it couldn't be for sure. That's why I don't use my foresight because at the end of the day, once you see the future, you set it in motion even if the person changes the present. I can tell what will happen in a generic sense but not how, and I rather not see something I can prevent with my free-will during the present," Alex said.

"So, I did see a future, just not the future?" I asked.

Nodding her head, she responded.

"Whatever you might have saw will come true in a way but not in the way that it did in your vision. How you execute your free will will happen differently now that you know what you will do. You now gained knowledge of the future that you didn't have in that future thus eliminating it from happening. That future you didn't know the information until you saw it and then again you don't take your current body with you, so you have no idea want past you was doing since you subconsciously was else where. It's like knowing you'll fail a certain test in the future and studying for it. You now don't fail that test and thus you didn't see the future just a different version where you do fail it. Yet because you weren't in your body during the present, you don't know if you forgot to study for another test. The action of failing a test is still very much in your future, you just don't know when and which one."

"So, I can't change it?" I asked.

Shaking her head, she responded.

"Nope. Like I said the free-will of an action is going to happen, you just don't know when you'll do it. There hasn't been a future that my ancestors have seen that hasn't happened because of  the free-will from the present that they didn't see. Very complicated stuff you'll learn one day when you become queen."

"Well how about if it includes your free-will?" I asked.

"Not even I am safe from behaving like the future me because you don't see what I'm doing when you went to the future. I have the free-will to do good and wrong. I mean... I'm a deadly sin, after all."

"Well, how about if the future you decided you wanted to hurt me? Does that mean present you wants to hurt me subconsciously?"

Instantly that caught the attention of the whole room.

"A mate will never intentionally hurt their other half. We have no free-will in that," Gabe said.

"Technically, a mate could, but we will just be hurting ourselves, thanks to daddy dearest Ethan. No offense Alex." Jackie commented.

Ignoring Jackie, Alex continued to look at me.

"I would never hurt you, Skylar," Alex commented softly.

"But you just said that-"

"Why did I hurt you?"

"Because of the illness... I guess you stop feeling the link between us, so it was easy for you to hurt me."

"Is that what you saw? Me hurting you?" Alex said.

Nodding my head, Alex looked around the room before standing up.

"Let me see it," Alex said as she turned to look at me. Frowning, I responded.

"Didn't you just say you didn't want to see the future."

"I know what I said, and now I'm using my free-will to take it back."

Running my hand through my hair, I stood up and decided to do as Alex said, before realization kicked in. The second Alex's hand came close to my forward I instinctively smacked it away.

"Why you do that?" Alex said, sounding like a small child while holding my hand.

"Because it's your free-will to hurt me. You want to hurt me and gaining the knowledge as too why, you will do it in the present while you're in the future," I said, trying to put some distance between Alex and me.

"I don't want to hurt you, Skylar."

"Wait, just wait one second," I said as I continued to look around and took steps away.

Standing up, Jackie turned to look at me, and that alone caused me to get scared.

"Sit down!" I turned to her, feeling my eyes shifted slightly.

Almost immediately, Jackie sat down before frowning.

"Did you just compel me?"

Ignoring her, I turned to Alex.

"Alex, you are going to hurt me, I know it."

I watched as Alex tried to walk over to me, but once again, I decided that distance was the best course of action.

"Stop walking away, Skylar," Alex said but made no effect of closing the distance.

"Listen to me, you touching my head or even one of your friends coming too close to me can trigger what I saw to happen,"

"I don't understand, what could probably happen right now that will cause me to hurt you in just a few minutes of absences?"

"I can't do this or have this conversation with you with them here, especially if Brendon is here," I said, turning to look at him.

"Hey, now! The rest of you guys might not be easily offended, but I am," Brendon said.

"Skylar, you are talking a hundred miles an hour and are making no sense," Alex commented.

Shaking my head, I decided the best thing to do right now was leave the area.

"I have to go. I can't be here, especially with those three," I said, sounding slightly disgusted.

"So, we are just going around offending people?" Gabe asked.

Feeling my eyes start to shift, I tried to control myself since I could feel Nicholas's present.

"Nicholas, you are going to get me hurt," I thought.

"Me? Those three used their power to hurt you even though they knew you could have died. And what did Alex do huh she allowed it to happen. She put her crown over you. I am the only one who tried to get you away from them and tried to tell you what might have happened, but you kept shutting me out. Even in that future, I used my free-will to help you like I am doing now. You need to leave now because Jackie smells me." Nicholas responded, sounding somewhat bitter.

"Skylar, come sit down," Alex said, sounding somewhat mad.

That caused me to snapped.

"Free-will this and free-will that, but you still feel like you can command me to do things. I told you to give me some space, and you are still ignoring it. We just had this conversation."

"Sky I didn't mean it like,"

Before Alex could finish her sentence, I found myself running.

"Skylar, let me help. You won't get too far before Alex finds you,"

"And how are you-"

"Let me just have a little more control. My smell will cover you. She can't track my descendant side,"

Letting out a small groan, I decided to listen to Nicholas. I already learned today that Alex can run faster than me and can easily track me down. Relaxing a bit, I allowed my angel form to come out, and instantly I could feel Nicholas's present. However, for a slight second, I felt a sharp pain above my head.

"Just because I gave you access to my mind doesn't mean you can go wild."

"Skylar, please, sister, trust me. Now, I bought us some time, but you are her mate. After all, if she gets too close, she will pick up your scent. You are using too much of your energy, remember what Alex told you and used some of the tree's energy. Enough to give you a boost but not enough to leave a dent, we don't want to leave a trail."

Once again, I let out a groan as I could feel my muscle start to ache since they were still sore from all the training I did with Alex. Nevertheless, though, I tried to control how much energy I gained from the tree to power myself further.

"Go to Mike's old house. It still has the spell to hide it."

Listening to Nicholas, I headed to Mike's house. Clenching my teeth, I continued to push myself. It was only after I heard movement and Alex's voice calling out to me from the forest that I knew Alex was closing in on me. Panicking, I spoke to Nicholas.

"Take over, take over before she gets us. Hide us."

"Anything for my queen,"

Releasing all tension I had held to keep Nicholas from entering my mind fully, I found myself blacking out the second I allowed him in. For a moment, I thought my body was shutting down, but before I knew it, I was running faster than I had even done before. I could feel my body growing lighter, and with a hard kick off the floor, I was soaring through the forest.

"Nicholas, your sped, it's-"

"I am flattered, my queen, but this is your body expelling such energy. I am only driving the car, and might I say, it is incredible power," Nicholas responded.

"My body, it's flying so, elegantly. I have never flown this perfectly."

"Again, my queen, I am merely twisting the muscles in your body to do what comes so naturally to you,"

"But it doesn't come this naturally,"

"You just haven't been given a chance, now give me a few more seconds. Even time you speak, you reactive your smell."

Once again, I did as Nicholas instructed. For the time being, however, I tried to look around but found out that Nicholas also had complete control over that too. I knew if I tried hard enough, I could overpower him, but knew it was best to leave him to it. After all, it was either fighting off Nicholas or Alex, who surely would do more than just hurt me from leaving her so abruptly.

Guiding my body through the forest, Nicholas stayed low and took several turns within it to avoid being out in the open. Only once did Nicholas push us up into the atmosphere so he could direct us to a straight path to where Mike's house was. After getting high enough, he bent my wings slightly and shot down at a high-speed. I forced my eyes to close out of pure fear, causing Nicholas to semi-screamed at me that he couldn't see what he was doing.

Despite the small hiccup, it was incredible feeling the wind hit my face at such an intense sped. It also took Nicholas less time to get to the house as last time it had taken me about 15 minutes. For him, it took maybe, 7.

As soon as we got to the house, Nicholas directed me to a room where I saw what appeared to be an unconscious Nicholas, slumped on a couch.

"Forgive me, your highness. I had to leave my body to be able to direct yours. Normally I can control my body and another, but well, as you know, you are an exception. But here, let's talk normally,"

Looking at Nicholas, I watched as his body slowly woke up, as his presence left mine. The second he was completely out of my mind. I found myself growing heavier before puking.

Bending down, I clenched my heart as it started to beat wildly.

"Oh my queen, I didn't mean to make you ill," Nicholas said as he sped over to stand next to me.

Placing one of his hands on my lower back and one on my shoulder, he directed me down a hall. I thanked him as he helped me stand back up while still clenching onto where my heart should be.

"Your heart, that's disgusting," Nicholas said as he shook his head.

Turning my head to face him, I responded through clenched teeth.

"Trust me. It's no walk in the park to have it beating either."

"Come, let's wash your mouth, a queen shouldn't have a stain black chin."

Sighing, I exhaled to expel the air in my lung as I forced my heart to stop beating. Guiding us over to a door, Nicholas opened it and ushered us in.

"Unfortunately, this place doesn't have electricity, but the water still seems to work," Nicholas mumbled.

Walking over to the sink, I relaxed my shoulders and turned on the faucets. Cupping my hands to gather some water, I was about to respond, but upon seeing my reflection, I felt myself grow cold.

"My halo, what the fuck is wrong with my halo?" I responded, my voice caught in my throat as I tried to touch it.

My once perfect halo now had a considerably large part of fragmentation.

"Oh no, no calm down, your halo will be okay, that always happens when I enter another angels' body. As you can see, I have no halo since I haven't been promoted to a guidance angel, and as a descendant, that is the only way to get it. It's either the halo or the horns, and well, I live to serve the queen."

"Are you sure?" I said as I turned to look at him.

Nodding his head, he gave me a big smile before placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Positive, remember those two other angels I entered when we played the game? Their halos were the same, but they were soon restored. Your body is still reading my descendant present and thinks it is you."

Moving away from Nicholas, I tried to stabilize myself with the sink trying to control my heart. The last thing I wanted was to see my halo dimmed or in fragments.

"Tell me, do you feel it?" Nicholas asked.

Shaking my head, I was about to respond when I remember feeling a slight pain when Nicholas enter my mind.

"I never have, not even when I transfer into my angel form, but when you enter my mind, I did feel a sharp pain. Now I know why. It was because of my halo breaking."

"It's not broken, you'll be fine, now please clean your chin."

Rolling my eyes, I turned around, avoiding looking at the mirror, and washed my face. Once I figure my face was no longer stain, I turned around to look at Nicholas. At this point, my heart had almost stopped beating altogether.

"Happy?" I said.

Once again, Nicholas gave me a big smile before throwing his arm over my shoulder and moving us out of the bathroom.

"I am always happy to be in the presence of my queen."

"I am not your queen, and at the rate I am going, I might not even have my princess title."

"What do you mean?" Nicholas asked, guiding us back to the living room.

"Nicholas? Do you not remember that I ran away from Alex, or are you just dense?"

"Eh, Alex was forgiven you, she has done it countless times. But Skylar, you can't seriously be thinking of going back to her."

"Why not? I can't possibly or exactly stay here forever."

"Skylar, for the meantime, you have no chose, and we can change the future so that neither one of us gets hurt," Nicholas said as he walked over to the couch.

"Nicholas Alex is going to find out, either way, you heard her," I mumbled as I went to sit next to him.

"Not if we wait until the sickness leaves your body. That way, the other sins can't smell me, and you regain control over your emotions again. It's a perfect idea!"

"No, it isn't! Where are we going to stay, and I just started my training!"

"Oh! I'm so glad you asked!" Nicholas said before turning to look at me.

Raising one of my eyebrows at him, I waited for him to continue.

"Now, this might sound like a crazy idea, but with Natalie!"

"Oh, you are right. It is a crazy idea, and the answer is no," I said before making a motion to stand.

Quickly grabbing my arm and pulling me back down, Nicholas forced me to look at him.

"She can train you to continue your hunter side, and we both know she hates Alex! Plus, I can train you to be an angel. You saw how well I controlled your body. I know how it works!"

"One problem, she has two kids who I know for a fact she doesn't want finding out the trust about us or her!" I said as I yanked my arm out of Nicholas's grip.

"Oh Devon and Leo, what a waste of talent. But don't worry about Devon he is off at college doing a summer term. Leo is also off at a summer camp. I have a feeling
Natalie doesn't want her children here at the moment after your visited with Alex to her house."

"That doesn't mean she is going to train me," I responded as I thought about Devon. Strange enough, I wondered how he was doing and hoped that he was okay.

"It's worth a try, especially if she sees your halo in fragments. It might excite her enough to try and win you back."

"I'm not messing with Natalie. I have a mate."

"I know you won't, and you know that, but she doesn't."

"Oh my God Nicholas, why do you think so... I don't know, demon-like. Everything that has come out of your mouth is a sin, and I am no sinner."

Groaning, Nicholas stood up before facing me.

"Everyone sins. That's what separates us from her. That's why she didn't help you, Skylar. Alex will always pick the throne over you. The only quote on quote sin she commits is wrath, and even that isn't a sin because that's also a duty she has to the throne. Trust me, when I tell you this, if she had a choice, she would denounce having that sin because of the effect it can have on a person."

"And that's what separates me from you, Nicholas. I can't just commit sins and ask for forgiveness. It sends a bad message to the other angels. It like look at me, the mate of the queen, and I can do anything I want because my mate will always forgive me."

"Yea, you're right, she surely forgave you in that future you saw. She was all-forgiving. Right, let's go back then, and you can prove to me how your mate will always forgive you," Nicholas said.

Grabbed me by my upper arm and roughly yanking it, he started pulling me towards the door.

"Let me fucken. Go!" I exclaimed as I grabbed his hand.

"No, no, I serve both my queens, not just you, and since both of my queens want to be with each other, I will drag you to her."

"And get us both fucken killed!?" I exclaimed before finally getting Nicholas's hand off me.

Gripping his wrist and bending it, Nicholas instinctively, got onto one of his knees.

"She will only hurt you. I will surely get killed."

"I ran away from her, she might not fucken kill me, but she will punished me too. She's done it before and you saw that in the future she will do it again."

"But I thought she would just forgive you because she's your mate. She would never choose to execute her duty over loving her mate," Nicholas said sarcastically.

Squinting my eyes, I was about to argue with him before something clicked in my head. Releasing Nicholas's wrist, I looked down at him.

Alex has never forgiven me for anything, and I have never asked for forgiveness from her.

Not when I failed to realize she was my mate since I was lied to about my identity. Not when I dated Devon. Not when we both tried to regret either other and used other angels for sexual pleasure. She didn't even ask for forgiveness when she tried to enter my mind to get me to behave. I also haven't said I forgave her for compelling me to be silent. For any human, it might not have been a big deal, but for an angel, it was necessary to forgive and be forgiven. It was, after all, the source of our being. To love, to do good and to forgive.

Yet, we have never once forgiven one another but instead have always glossed over it and moved on. We have never uttered the word forgiven to one other. She hasn't even forgiven me for dying for her.

Looking down at Nicholas, I realized he wasn't the one living in sin, I was.

"I'm a sinner," I said softly. Giving me a sad smile, Nicholas stood up and embraced me, my arms limbed at my side.

"Skylar, you're no sinner," Nicholas said as he placed his chin on top of my head.

"But I am, she hasn't forgiven me for anything."

Staying silent for a few moments, I stayed limb in Nicholas's arm as he ran his fingers through my hair softly.

"Come, we can't stay here, but I know someone who can forgive you for some of your sins and is also a queen."

Nodding my head once, I tried to get my legs moving but found that I couldn't.

"I got you, Skylar," Nicholas said softly.

Picking me up bridge style, Nicholas extended his wings and walked over to the hole in the roof.

"Hold on."

Gripping onto Nicholas's shirt, I laid my head on his chest and let him take control of the situation. Surprisingly, I found myself trusting a descendant more than a pure angel.


Natalie's POV:

Sighing for the hundredth time today, I rubbed my eyes, trying to get rid of the tiredness. I didn't have to look at the clock to know that it was late into the night. Unfortunately for me, sleep was the last thing on my mind. Paperwork upon paperwork litter my desk, and I had to try to organize them.

After sending Devon off to college, and Leo to a summer camp, I knew now was a perfect time, to gather intel about the other hunters. It came as surprise to me how many different packs there were and how many of them disliked me for what I did to Mike. Others, however, were more forgiving and expressed that they would help me in any way they could if I extended a hand to them when they needed it. After killing Mike, every single power he was able to gain from killing creatures, ended up coursing through me. Although I was rusty from not practicing, I could still do a great deal of harm if I tried.

For now, though, the first thing I had to do was regroup and try and get some stability back into the pack near me. The last thing I wanted to happen was for Alex to make good on her promise and be unprepared.

Trying once more to concentrate on the paperwork, I was interrupted when my doorbell went off.

Instinctively I took a sniff and found myself frowning when I recognized one of the scents, but not the other. The scent I did remember was so intoxicating that I already knew who it was and was on my feet in seconds.

My feet took me to my front door without me realizing it, causing me to curse myself out. No matter how badly I didn't want to find her intoxicating, I still did. Sighing, I opened my front door, ready to curse Skylar out.

"Skylar, I told you last... what's wrong, is she okay?" I asked, immediately seeing Skylar in the arms of a male. She was draped in his arm with her neck hanging off his arm. Skylar's face was also stained with blood as well as the male's shirt.

"She's okay, just asleep and... unconscious. Um, can we come in, please? She's dead weight right now, and for an angel of her power, it's almost impossible to lift her."

Stepping aside, I watched as the male awkwardly moved into my house, before placing Skylar down on my couch. Closing my door and locking it, I then followed them into my living room.

Fixing her position on the couch, so she was laying comfortable, the male then took Skylar's shoes off her, before rearranging her legs. When he was done, he stood up and seemed to admire her. He had one of the biggest smiles on his face.

Clearing my throat, I regained the male's attention.

"So care to tell me who you are and why Skylar is in that state."

Turning around, he gave me a tight smile before bowing slightly.

"My name is Nicholas, and it's because she had a rough day," Nicholas said as he let out a laugh.

Frowning, I was about to tell him to pick her back up and leave when I noticed one small detail. His eyes were brown, and he knew about angels.

Taking a stance, I found myself getting angry at him. Noticing this, he put his hands up.

"Wow, wow, we are all friends here. It's the eyes, isn't it? Don't worry, I didn't bring her here with bad intention, but because I have a proposition."

Still not loosing up, I waited for him to continued.

"May I? As I said, it's been a rough day and not just for Skylar," Nicholas said as he pointed to the other sofa.

"For a descendant, you are bad at being bad," I responded, slowly advancing towards him. Without realizing it, I stood in front of Skylar.

For some reason, this caused Nicholas to smile widely again.

"It's because I'm not bad. I wish only to serve my queen."

"Well, you should have brought her to Alex instead of me. Everyone knows how Alex is with her mate," I responded.

"No, not that queen, the one you seem to be protected from me. And actually, I think today was when Skylar finally found out how Alex really feels towards her," he responded.

"What are you going off about? Skylar already knew how Alex felt about her," I said as I loosen my stance.

"Please relax, if I wanted to harm you, I would have done it by now," He said.

Chuckling, I regained my stance and responded.

"I would like to see you try."

Chuckling, Nicholas closed his eyes before responding.

"If you insist."

Frowning, I was about to ask him what he was doing, but before I could, I found one of my arms being twisted behind my back in an upward motion. My other wrist was being bent, and with a kick to the back of my knee, I was on the floor. Before I could process what was going on, a leg was placed over my shoulder, bringing me down and I was placed in a headlock.

"One small move, and I can have your head."

"Fucken shit you weren't unconscious, you were pretending," I responded harshly, trying to get some air.

"She wasn't pretending, Skylar is unconscious. It takes a lot to keep her this way, you see, I had to leave my body to do it."

"Nicholas? Wait, are you brainwashing her!? Oh, Alex is going to kill you!"

"I'm not brainwashing her, now how about you be a good host and just listen to my proposition. Trust me when I say this, but with Skylar's power, I can kill you in a second, and she will never know. I can even bring your head to Alex, and she will promote me. If that doesn't show you how much loyalty I have towards Skylar, I don't know what will."

Groaning and trying to move my head, I responded.

"Okay, get off," I said as I started to feel dizzy.

"With pleasure."

Instinctively, I felt Skylar go limp, allowing me to get out of her hold.

"Do you need help getting her off the floor? I don't want my queen sleeping on the floor when there's a sofa right behind her,"

Frowning and looking over at Nicholas, I noticed he was pointing at Skylar.

"I got her," I mumbled before shifting into my hunter form.

Turning to look at Skylar, she looked so peaceful asleep, but one thing caught my attention. Her halo was in fragments.

"Her halo, why is it in fragments. Is she a fallen?" I asked.

Shaking his head, Nicholas scratched his chin before, once again gesturing to Skylar.

"Please pick her up from the floor. She shouldn't be laying on the dirty ground."

Rolling my eyes, I picked up Skylar only to realize she was, in fact, very heavy.

"It's a simple lift and placing her gently on the sofa, do you need help cause if you drop her,"

"I'm not going to fucken drop her! Dam," I said as I finally got a good grip on Skylar.

Lifting her, I gently placed Skylar back on the sofa and rearranged her.

"I'm sorry for getting upset. It's just, well, we all want what's best for Skylar," Nicholas said.

Using his super sped, he came over to Skylar and ran a finger from her jawline to her chin.

Turning to look at him, I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Touchy much? You do know she has a mate, right?"

"And so do I, but it doesn't stop the admiration. I can see why both you and Alex fought for her. Don't worry. I wouldn't get in the middle of a love triangle."

"There's no love triangle," I mumbled.

"But there can be! I've seen the way you look at her, even if you lied about being over her. Guess it's easier to admit defeat and lie than tell the trust," Nicholas said as he turned and looked at me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I'm losing my grip on Skylar, the illness is almost out of her system, and I can't let that happen, not when we can do something so great with her."

"What do you mean?" I asked slowly.

Shaking his head, Nicholas gently picked up Skylar's upper body before responding.

"Please take a seat, let Skylar get some leverage from your lap," Nicholas mumbled.

Sighing, I decided to listen to the kid and sat down before Nicholas reposition Skylar onto my lap.

"I'm sorry if your legs start to fall asleep with her weight, I'll wake her up in a few. I just want to tell you about my proposition, and if you don't like it, we'll leave... first thing in the morning. I have no strength to carry her, and your spelt your house to stay hidden. This is one of the only places where Alex can't find her."

Looking down at Skylar, I responded.

"Get me a towel from the kitchen and wet it. Skylar's face is stained from her blood."

This time, Nicholas did as he was told.

"She's been throwing up and crying. I had to put her under, so when she wakes up, she doesn't have to endure any pain."

"Why has she been crying?" I asked softly as I took the towel from Nicholas.

Cleaning her face, I started to admire how beautiful she was despite her current condition.

"Well, Alex and Skylar have been fighting a lot, and I have finally gotten her to see that maybe Alex isn't as good for her as she believes she is."

"They're mates. She's always going to go back to Alex and forgive her," I responded.

"Ah! That's where you are wrong because, as it turns out, the queen hasn't ever uttered that she forgives her and vice versa."

"Okay, and?" I responded before taking a peek at Nicholas.

"Of course, you wouldn't get it, but believe me, forgiveness allows for mercy to be shown and is very important to an angel. It's very Christianity, read a bible. It's all in there, but that's not the main point I'm trying to make. Her mate hasn't forgiven her, and that's probably one of the most important duties that Alex has. By her not uttering, she forgives Skylar, it means Alex doesn't want to show her mercy. Or at least, that's the narrative I've spun to Skylar."

Nodding my head, I just continued to clean Skylar's face.

"So, where do I could into play because I'm still missing why you brought her here."

"Because you love her, and I'm convinced I can get her to love you back."

"She's not going to love me, and I refuse to love her. I don't know a lot about it, but I think we are half sisters or something."

"Oh, not this crap again. You two are not sister. She was infected. It's like having a bad patch of cells. Skylar's mom had an intrauterine infection. The membranes that surround Skylar when she was a baby got infected by Mike's infectious sperm. I mean hello, ever heard about a baby contracting HIV from within the wound. Is the baby part HIV part human? No! It's still a baby but now has infected HIV cell. It doesn't change the baby's gene DNA but affect a group of cells receptors. So for crying out loud stop with the sister shit, it got me so mad to hear that when Alex and Skylar went to see you. Pick up a health book! Preferably a physiology one!" Nicholas exclaimed.

Looking at him, I noticed that his eyes were turning red.

"Calm down."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he responded.

"I am sorry, but for royalty, all three of you pissed me off that date with how idiotic you gals sounded. And that connection you two feel, for crying out loud, she have infected cell that control the hunter generics, so of course, you are going to feel something. I even call Skylar my sister, but it doesn't mean she is, it only cause I feel a connection with her."

"Okay, okay, gosh, temperamental much?" I responded.

Finishing with the towel, I placed it on the armrest and turned to look at Nicholas.

"No just annoyed but like I was saying, I can make Skylar yours on one condition."

"How do you plan to do that?"

"Every time Skylar shifts into her angel form, she loses the mate bond she has with Alex until she calms down. I wasn't too sure about it and thought maybe it was the hunter part, but it's because of the infection. We got to see something, and in that vision, Alex had no problem harming Skylar to get to me, proving it's because of my infection."

"How is that even possible?"

"Because I'm a descendant. My ancestor refused to obey and acknowledge God as his savior. I have his blood in me, and because of that, I can also still refused to acknowledge Alex as my queen. Skylar can't, at least not by herself. She needs the infection. I've felt it. Every time they have fought, that's nothing but anger."

"That is from you, not Skylar. She loves Alex."

Shaking his head, Nicholas dropped his shoulder and walked over to us.

"You don't see the big picture, and if you don't want to free Skylar from that toxic relationship, I'll take her."

Placing one of my arms over Skylar's chest, I raised my other to stop Nicholas.

"Than, take the picture clearer."

"Alex doesn't deserve to rule. But Skylar? Oh, she's so pure, she just needs a small nudge. She's so powerful, and Alex isn't allowing her to develop. I mean, does no one see it? She's the answer. She has the original blessing power from her ancestor Barachiel, the human side from her father's ancestors adam and eve, hunters from your ancestors, and now me from my ancestors. Yet no one can see that, and she's losing my side and quickly."

Squinting, I finally understood where this was going.

"You want me infected her with your blood."

"Smart and beautiful."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because she will have back her full free-will and not be compelled to the mate bond. The max the infection has is maybe a week because of how many times she has thrown it up and gotten blast from Alex."

"Alex has blasted her?"

"Twice, one with you and then in an alternative state of being, which is also complexed stuff. I just need your help, and in return, you can have her love," Nicholas said before returning to his seat.

"What's in it for you?"

"Alex dethroned and dead. She needs Skylar to survive. Alex's sin comes from the corruption of people's wrath. But do you know who created her sin? Satan, who Lucifer became. Without Skylar balancing her out, she will become corrupted, and that's when we strike."

"Why would I allow that? Without her, there's no balance."

Pointing to Skylar, Nicholas responded.

"She will take the throne, because she is her mate and has a bless power that allows for it. It will create a better balance. Picture this, you and her on the throne with a child that will bring peace. You and Skylar can have a kid together because you are human, and then I'll infect the baby with my blood. That way, the baby gets both genes, virtue, and sin."

Sighing, I looked down at Skylar.

"You've thought this through, so tell me what you really want from Skylar."

Chuckling, Nicholas clapped his hands once before answering.

"I want respect. I want admiration, I want-"

"Power," I said, interrupting him.

"Do you know how long I've had to endure being treated like shit and used? Every single descendant has to, while Alex gets to sit on that throne, when she is the closest thing to satan than any of us. But she gets praised, admiration and not once have she stood up for us descendant. Hell, not even you respect me, and you have no right not too. I didn't wrong you. I haven't wrong anyone. Skylar, however, she respected me the second she met me despite me hurting her and Garnet. She even told Alex to forgive me because she had already forgiven me herself. Now she, she is a queen I know will respect us descendant so that we don't turn evil like my brother Austin."

At the mention of the name Austin, I looked at Nicholas.


"Yea, the guy you killed, after using him to get the original Skylar."

"He was your brother?" I asked slowly.

"Yea, and because he turned evil, my whole family had to live in shame and had to leave me behind in heaven. Alex banished my whole family, but my parents left me with other descendants to watch over me. Just when I thought there was no hope that anything was going to change for us descendants, she showed up. I can see why so many are drawn to her."

"I'm sorry," I responded.

Shaking his head, Nicholas gestured to Skylar again.

"Let us stay here for a day or two, and I can prove to you, she can love you, and in return, you infect her with my blood keeping my connection with her alive."

"Bingo," I thought.

"You want a connection with her for her power. You love using her power, don't you?"

"I can't control what I'm not allowed to, Skylar is letting me, and that can be seen in her halo."

"Well, keep it up, and she won't have a halo left."

Rolling his eyes, Nicholas responded.

"I'll never let it get that far. Without her halo, she's no longer a blessed angel and thus she can't take the throne."

"Well, how about we wake her up? Let her rest in a conscious state?" I responded before looking down, wanting to see her eyes already.

"Sound peachy with me. Try to be charming she's very valuable and could use someone to comfort her. Maybe even cuddle. Oh and also, be careful she might throw up on you," Nicholas said with a soft chuckle.

Quick grabbing the towel again, I covered Skylar's mouth with it.

Within a few moments, the weight in my lap change, and Skylar became lighter. A second later and her eyes opened, showing off how blue they could be. Sensing Skylar's back stiffen, and her hand moving to her face, I knew she was about to throw up. Shifting back into my hunter form, I placed my hand on her chest.

"Medeor," I whispered.

Once the word left my lips that translated to heal in English, Skylar relaxed again.

"What did you do?" Nicholas said quickly.

"I healed the sickness she felt right now, so she didn't throw up and get any more blood out of her system," I said as I looked at him.

Understanding the doubted meaning behind my words, he once again smiled widely.

"So, I take it we can stay?"

Looking back at Skylar, I watched as she tilted her head as she looked at me.

"Thank you," She mouthed. Smiling at her, I nodded my head.

"Yes, but a week, you get a week, Nicholas, to show me."

"You won't regret this, Queen Natalie."

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