Callsign: DEKU

By indiancanadian2

309K 6.4K 1.1K

Not everyone is born equal, This is a story of how a qurikless kid is forced into a life he never wanted, wit... More

CH:1 11 years ago
CH 3: Still Falling
CH: 4 Welcome to HAVEN
CH: 6 Ochako's first day
CH 7: First day at work
CH 8: Reunion
CH:11 Awake
CHARACTER skills break down (Deku)
CH 14: let's go
Ch:15 Lunch
CH 16: Just breath
Ch:17 The plan
CH: 18 Aftermath
CH 19: Date
Quick heads up
CH: 20 First Patrol
CH:21 spotlight
CH: 22 The briefing
Ch: 23 I-island
Holy shit guys
CH:24 Replacement
CH: 25 Display
CH: 26 night recce
CH: 27 Planning the attack
CH: 28 Operation Castle siege
Ch: 29 Contact front!
Requesting artistic support
CH:31 hand to hand
Ch: 32 Team up
Ch 34: Left behind, but not forgotten
requesting artistic support.
CH:35 survival
CH:36 Backup
Discord server
CH:37 Torpedos away!
Happy Holidays!
CH: 38 Operation Telephone
Ch : 39 Early Christmas
CH: 40 Always make them pay

Ch 33: escape

1.2K 42 13
By indiancanadian2

Deku was ready for a fight as the sound of footsteps got louder Deku readied the rifle. A pale young boy with sleek black hair walked in. Uravity/Deku-"Sprinter?" Sprinter-" I lost my buddy in this maze. I told him if we got split up to trace steps back to the vault door. Just got confirmation that he made it. I decided to push forward after hearing a loud machine whirr" Deku-"we got a possible invasion scenario here. We need to radio this in"

Sprinter then proceeds to call in the situation while Deku and Ochako check out the terminal. Deku-"We have to end thi-" Deku's train of thought was interrupted when his earpiece came to life with Hades voice. 

Hades-"All callsigns be advised sensors are picking up a massive spike in radiation, possible WMD all personal evacuate the area now!"

Uravity took point as the 3 rushed back to the vault door and up the stairs back topside.  As they reached the top the saw hundreds of transport helicopters landing across the island and picking up civilians evacuating the island. The entire JSDF air force and I-island security force was mobilized for the evacuation. Ilda-"This can't be! what kind of low life would use a weapon of mass destruction!" Midnight-"Students lets go we have to evacuate the island, board the choppers, that includes you too bakugo!" As she grabs him by the collar Bakugo-"LET ME GO IM GONNA BLOW THE BASTARD THATS BEHIND THIS!!"

Cop-" Wait! we are missing someone from our team!" Deku's eyes widened with fear. We were running out of time a catastrophe can happen any moment. Nezu's voice came on the comm net. "All heroes and students will assist with the evacuation, lets find that missing officer". The students and heroes split up into separate teams. The gen 2 augs regrouped with Deku and Sprinter as they went to go find the missing officer with swat members. They split up and searched the maze underneath the building.  Up top Uravity was rescuing civilians from a collapsed building support structure. A panicking citizen ran their car into the support beam and the building partially collapsed.  It was chaos. Uravity uses her quirk to lift rubble and civilians who were unable to move. Shoto was able to hold the crumbling building using his ice quirk. As the heroes worked feverishly the ground SHOOK as tremors began to shake everyone's core. Windows were breaking car alarms blared in unison.
When the miniature earthquake stopped everyone got back on their feet. Luckily no buildings fell. The emergency broadcast began transmitting from loudspeakers across the city.

"Attention everyone please head to the airport to be evacuated from the island heroes and security forces will guide you there.   Remain calm."

Underground Deku brushed the dust off him. His battle wounds began to sear in pain as the painkillers wore off. He made sure the bandages were not tampered and used his last shot of painkiller he had. Deku"-Sound off! is everyone okay!"  the augs and swat team sound off with painful groans and oks. Luckily only one officer was mildly injured. Pulse-"What was that?" he groaned. Sprinter-"No idea we gotta find that cop"  as the group carried on for a few more meters they stopped and took a knee. Trying to listen for any noises that can be a clue they need.  PING PING PING.  Pulse-"Sounds like metal on metal contact"  Swat officer-"AKIRA! WHERE ARE YOU!" Akira-"OVER HERE!"  The team began to bolt towards the voice. When the crossed the corner they saw the officer pinned down underneath collapsed piping. The augs worked to together using their might to barely lift the heavy rubble, enough for the swat team to pull their injured man out.  Akria-"Damn I can't walk my leg is busted" he squirmed in pain as bandages were wrapped around his bloody limb. 10  minutes later everyone was sprinting back to the exit Akria on a stretcher carried by his fellow officers.  When they got topside the sight was that of a horror movie. The city was an abandoned shell it once was  All the civilians had evacuated from the city centre, the majority of civilians left were backlogged at the airport waiting for the helicopters and transport planes. The expo saw an explosion in the civilian population. the Airport was overcrowded with people.  Deku saw Ochako and the other students at the LZ ready to embark and leave. A swat officer gave a short salute as the swat team boarded their chopper ready to take off.  

Hades-"Deku your chopper and the augs will be the last ones to leave the city, it will pick up any stragglers left in the city" Deku-"Copy that" Deku saw the expression of Ochako's face. The expression of Fuck that I ain't leaving. Deku internally smiled at the girl. Her bubbly personality and loyalty were one of the few reasons why he fell for her hard in such a short time. Maybe its because he grew up with without much hope. Ochako was the only person Deku could express his real feelings and weaknesses too. He never gets this personal with Sprinter the closest thing to a brother he has.  Deku grabbed her hand and gave it a firm squeeze. Deku-"I'll be fine you need to go, the teachers are held accountable for you, I'll be right behind you." Ochako smiled and gave him a fist bump. The two mounted on their respective choppers as they took off. Pilot-"Were going to circle around the housing districts first make sure no civilians are left. Deku nodded and took a seat. An onboard medic tended to his wounds. The medic was a young intern type. A 19-year-old medical technician with a healing quirk placed his ungloved hands over Deku's bandages. A red glow appeared and Deku felt a numbing feeling over his wounds. When he took off the bandages his wounds healed, not even a scar. Deku-"Thanks man I owe you one" Deku saw HIRO on the young teen's name tag.  Hiro-"No problem man glad to help." For an hour the helicopter completed its runs around the I-isalnd the augs scan the buildings for any signs for life.  The airport has been completely evacuated 

Hades-"Ghost 4 Radiation source is spiking get the hell out of there." Pilot-"Copy that Hades we are RTB"  As the chopper zoomed towards Japan a rumble was felt amount the crew. Pulse-"|The hell was that?" Hiro-"Over there" he pointed at a small glowing orb street level at their 3 o'clock.  Pilot-"We are taking heavy turbulence, strap in". Deku saw the orb of blue light get bigger and bigger and bigger. Deku-"SHIT, BRAC-" A loud boom filled his ears as the blue light suddenly collapsed on itself realising the most powerful shockwave he ever felt. The augs were pinned to the side of the helicopter as the shockwave knocked the bird out of the air. Pilot-"MAYDAY MAYDAY GHOST 4 IS GOING DOWN I SAY AGAIN GHOST 4 IS GOING DOWN" Every light in the cockpit was off, all the instruments were dead as the pilot desperately tried to pull on the controls. Arms aching as he cursed at the dead weight of the controls. Engines weren't restarting, nothing was going to save the chopper.   The augs fighting the G forces made it to their seats and strapped in, Deku helping Hiro with his.  Pilot-"WERE GOING IN HARD BRACE BRACE BRACE" Deku's head was pinned to his seat as he thought about his end, would he finally die after everything, would his brothers die, The last thing Deku thought before the impact was Ochako's bubbly smile. 

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