Eye for an Eye

By AutumnLeighxo

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{Sequel to The Deal} Hope is back with vengeance. Every single person who had the audacity to threaten her a... More

Chapter 1: Unexpected Return.
Chapter 2: He's The Spy.
Chapter 3. Lip Biting.
Chapter 4: We Are Not Killing Him... Yet.
Chapter 5: The Phone Call.
Chapter 6: Mafia.
Chapter 7: I'm Going To Miss You So Much Baby Girl.
Chapter 8: Breakups & Rebound Sex.
Chapter 9: Cut A Bitch.
Chapter 10: I Won't Hesitate To Break Your Fingers.
Chapter 11: Satisfying My Needs.
Chapter 12: My Locket.
Chapter 13: The Mafia Ball.
Chapter 14: The shooting.
Chapter 15: Happy Memory.
Chapter 16: The proposal.
Chapter 17: My sister.
Chapter 18: No, I'm much worse.
Chapter 19: The Truth.
Chapter 20: Jace Porter.
Chapter 21: Time to say goodbye.
Chapter 22: Moving On.
Chapter 23: Siblings
Chapter 24: I'm Fucked In The Head
Chapter 25: Surrounded By Idiots
Chapter 26: Oops
Chapter 27: I Don't Deserve You
Chapter 28: My Idiots In Shining Armour
Chapter 29: They've got her.
Chapter 30: I see you.
Chapter 31: Let The Darkness In.
Chapter 32: Surprises
Chapter 33: I Know How You Think
Chapter 35: Never Have I Ever
Chapter 36: Morning Shenanigans
Chapter 36: Remembering
Chapter 37: Broken
He's The Damon To Your Elena
Chapter 39: All Revealed
Chapter 40: The Huntress
Chapter 41: I'm Afraid Of Falling
Chapter 42: Mrs King
Chapter 43: War
Chapter 44: Breaking Promises
Chapter 45: Green Eyes
Chapter 45: Loss
Chapter 46: Heartache
Chapter 47: Never Ending

Chapter 34: Feelings

158 9 13
By AutumnLeighxo

"None of this would have happened if you didn't stab Hope in the back if you didn't stab us all in the fucking back. Hope wouldn't have had to take over her uncle's gang. She could still be a mother to your daughter"

"Everything I did was to protect them both, to protect you now shut the fuck up Caleb"

"You shouldn't be here West, she's gonna flip when she wakes up"

"Well, I don't care, Jace, she needs to know why I did this. She needs to know why I broke her heart"

"She doesn't have a heart you prick, she's not the Hope that you loved over two years ago. You have yourself to thank for that. She's lost her daughter, she lost you and Callum who now wants her dead. Did you know she loved him, more than you? She's never been the same and then you went and killed her best friend" I heard Caleb chuckle dryly.

"I can get her back"

"No you can't, and she's marrying Xavier anyway so don't even bother"

"I refuse to let her marry him"

My eyes opened up slowly after listening to them argue with each other, I was laying in my bed, my sheets draped over my body and stopping just above my chest. Caleb and West were stood next to each other by the window, both of them angry and completely forgetting I'm in the room.

Jace was sat beside my bed, his legs stretched out and his arms crossed over with a bored expression as he just watched the two brothers compete against each other. His hair was messy, and his pretty green eyes looked tired.

This was so weird, all three of them in the same room as each other. All we were missing was Callum but Id doubt he would join this little gathering. He just wants me dead, he doesn't remember a single thing about me, he hates me more than anyone and I know if I cant get him to remember me he will never be completely on our side to beat whoever West is or was working for.

"Can you two shut up please, you're giving me a migraine" I tried to sit up but Jace was fast and gently pressed his hand against my shoulder.

"Careful Carter, we don't want you ripping them stitches again" I gave him a gentle smile and rested my head against the pillows.

"Can you get me a drink please"

He nodded and walked out of the room leaving the door open and I faced Caleb "Please leave, I need to speak to your brother"

"I'm not leaving you with him"

I took a deep breath and flinched from the sharp pain in my stomach, I'm sick of not being able to do anything. I'll be sure to repay my mother for this.

"I don't have time for this Caleb, stop disobeying everything I tell you and for once do as you are fucking told" I snapped.

His eyes turned into slits and his hands started clench together, I noticed him shaking from the anger that he struggles to contain but with one last harsh look he stormed out of the room nearly knocking into Jace who was now holding a glass of water for me.

Jace stood by my side, not mentioning Caleb's behavior, and passed me the water with some tablets, I thanked him quietly and he lightly squeezed my hand then left the room setting the door behind him. I could hear him telling Caleb off and telling him to calm down or he'd shave his hair.

Caleb is obsessed with his hair.

He takes an hour styling it every morning.

He reminds me of Jack frost with how white and shiny it is.

Now it was just me and West in a room alone together, with no interruptions so I can finally find out what he's been up to all this time. The tension in the room kept rising as no one spoke.

West was still looking outside, his shoulders hunched up like he was tense.

"I want to know about Mila" He finally said.

"Tell me why you betrayed me then I'll tell you anything you want to know about her. That's if I'm satisfied with your excuses"

He made his way over to me and say on the bed just missing my leg, his blue eyes searching mine.

"She has your eyes" I softly said.


"Mila has your eyes, you always crossed my mind whenever I looked into hers because they are the same. They held the same sparkle" I quickly shoved the tablets into my mouth and took a sip of water.

The corner of his mouth lifted up into half a smile

"Why did you betray me?"

West took a deep breath and blew it out, turning his body so now he was facing me.

"The first thing you should know is everything I did was to protect you and Caleb. You two mattered the most to me and then you told you were pregnant, I needed to protect our daughter no matter the consequences. Your uncle is behind all of this Hope, from faking your brother's death to what is happening now. If I didn't do everything he said he'd kill you, and anyone I loved"

My heart was beating rapidly, my uncle is the reason why my life is ruined. Why I lost West and had to give my daughter up.

"Wait my uncle, but he can't be. I trusted him, I even let him take away Hope with my dad..."


"When I sent Hope away, my dad, brother, and uncle took her but she's fine. I saw my dad at the hospital with her until I told him to leave. He mentioned my uncle disappearing but I had no idea... Oh my god I need to tell my dad"

I tried looking around the room searching for my phone, I could feel the bile rising up my throat.

"Hope he doesn't want her dead yet, we know that because he hasn't made a move. I've been his fucking puppet all along, that night at the mafia ball I really didn't want to kill Lilly, believe me, but he threatened to have you killed by someone close to him someone who is closer to you than you think but I don't know who it is. I have no fucking clue who it is. You need to be careful in who you trust and you need to tell your dad to stay away from his brother"

West did everything to protect us.

My uncle is the mastermind behind all of this, and he's working with someone who's close to me.

Whoever it is, will wish they had never crossed me when I find out that's for sure.

"I love you, Hope, I always have and probably always will. Breaking your heart was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, not only did I lose you I lost Mila as well" His voice was quiet, cracking at the end as he tried to hold himself together.

He held my hand which made me flinch but he kept hold of it.

"I don't love you"

"That's a lie and you know it Hope"

"I don't, not the way I used to but you helped me realise it was Callum who I loved and he died, so did a piece of me" I took my hand back and cradled it to my chest.

"Don't marry Xavier"

"I'm marrying him whether you like it or not, I'm not speaking about this with you. I know what you did was to protect us but you still did it and that doesn't change the fact. I would have rather died then Lilly, she didn't deserve this, I'm the one who dragged her into this life. I should be the one dead not her" I was now crying.

"Don't you dare speak like that, do you know how hard it was for me to see you with Ryan? He was working for me to keep an eye on you, he ended up falling for you but never loved you. It makes me sick that you ever hugged, kisses, and fucked him. I don't anybody else near you apart from me"

"I don't give a fuck West, just get out now. I'll speak to you when you've calmed down and stopped being a dick"

"I'm not leaving Hope, not till you tell me about Mila and tell me that you won't marry that bastard" His voice came out cold.

Now he was right in front of my face, his hand wrapped around my arm holding it tighter by the second.

"Get the fuck off West" I tried pulling his arm off but the medication I'm on made me too weak.

The door burst open revealing Xavier and a dark coloured girl, wow she's super pretty. I've never seen her before, so I'm guessing she's either his ex or works with Xavier.

"You need to leave" Xavier spoke, anger laced his voice as he flared at West.

The idiot that West is stood in front of Xavier and laughed in his face.

"Who the fuck put you in charge" He slammed his hands against Xavier's chest making him take a step back and bump into the girl behind him in the process.

Oh shit.

West didn't have time to react when Xavier wrapped his hand around West's neck and pushed him against the wall.

He looked calm but that just made it worse. He doesn't show his anger, his face holds no expression and lets his actions take over.

"You are in my house, so when I tell you to get the fuck out of a room you obey with no questions asked. I could kill you in a second without even blinking but you're Milas' father. Now leave this room, and if I ever see you lay a hand on Hope again I will rip you limb from limb do I make myself clear" He softened his grip around West's throat so he could speak.

"Yes," He ground out, his teeth scraping together.

Xavier simply let him go and made his way over to me.

"Set up a meeting with Callum, tomorrow at twelve. Make sure he isn't late" West huffed and stormed out of the room.

"Well isn't he a great big ball of sunshine, must have been good in the sack ey Hope" She grinned then licked her lips.

"Who are you?" I asked her, Xavier was smiling at the both of us.

"Names Reagen and I'm Xaviers second in command, it's nice to finally have another girl around here. The testosterone was becoming too much. Anyway, I'll leave you both to it, tonight is game night with lots of alcohol, all get to know each other. Xavier, no fucking the girl till she can at least stand will ya, toodles"

Xavier laughed as he threw his head back and Reagen blew me a kiss and left the room.

He cleared his throat and sat next to me, a warm smile on his face as he stroked my cheek.

"How are you feeling," He asked gently.

"Like shit"

"Well that's to be expected, you lost a lot of blood"

I pulled his hand away and wrapped my own around his "Xavier, just because Callum back doesn't mean I'll leave you" I whispered.

"I won't hold you back if it's him you want, you did love him after all. We just have an arranged marriage mixed up with some feelings..."

I placed my finger against his lips "I like you Xavier, and one day I'll love you"

He placed a gentle kiss on my lips and rested his forehead against mine. His chocolate eyes swirled around the little specs of green.

"Well there's only one thing we need to do, and that's get married"

"What would you say if I wanted to wait till we... Yano was married till we had..." I mumbled to myself making him laugh.

"Have sex?"

I nodded, messing with my fingers waiting for his answer.

"Then we will wait, even though it will be a god damn hard but I can understand why you would want to" He spoke with a grin, his finger playing with my engagement ring.

I placed my hands on either side of his face and pressed my lips against his this time, sparks spreading through my body as they became one. His hand pushed my head to deepen the kiss, our tongues caressing one another, it felt like we were the only two people in this world. Something I only ever felt with Callum but there's something different with Xavier.

We finally parted from each other, trying to catch our breath.

I could feel the medicine start to kick in, the pain had subsided but now I could feel sleep try and take over me.

"You are so beautiful" He whispered.

He gave me a small kiss on the head and lay next to me on the bed, my head resting on his chest as I slowly closed my eyes with a smile on my face. The beating of his heart sounded so calm, lulling me into a peaceful sleep.

So what did you think of West's confession?

Are you happy she's sticking with Xavier?

Who do you think is working with Hopes uncle?

Will Callum ever get his memories back?

Vote and comment, please.

Ciao! X

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