My Best Friend's Step-Brother...

By YeolieBae_

1.8M 57.6K 39.1K

"Not here Ace" I begged as his fingers went under my short skirt and straight to my knickers. I was so anxiou... More

Notes By Author
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chaper 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 36

27.3K 989 460
By YeolieBae_

Bria's POV

I had never been more scared in all my life. As my eyes took in Ace's unconscious figure tears flowed freely from my eyes. His face was extremely red and blotchy and his skin seemed as if he had obtained a fever. Sweat ran from his face and neck and damped his shirt.

I ran down the hall to the rest of the family and told them what happened. I can't believe none of them heard my scream. Unbelievable.

Jim raced down the hall and into the room and took in his son splayed on the dirty floor.
"Call an ambulance!" He screamed at no one in particular and checked Ace for a pulse.

Cara dialed the paramedics as Jim tried to get Ace conscious. Hailey and Ash silently watched while I over reacted with all my crying.

When the paramedics arrived, they placed the oxygen mask on Ace's face and hooked him up on some drips.

I rode to the hospital with Cara and Jim while Ash rode with her new bestie. Cara had tried to calm Jim down a few times on the way. He seemed so worried and out of it. He was literally on the verge of tears. It was then that I knew how Jim really felt about Ace. I always thought he didn't care but I had it all wrong. I mean, Ace was his only child after all.

We soon arrived at the hospital and the nurse asked us to wait before we could enter. Ash and Hailey then arrived and started asking questions that we didn't even have the answer to.

Very soon a doctor came and greeted Jim. They must've studied together or something. When Jim asked him what was wrong he smiled and told us all to calm down.

"It's nothing serious. He just had an allergic reaction to a few things actually. Was he eating something he never had before?" He asked and everyone looked around at each other as if they were stupid.

"No, but the dinner did taste a little different tonight. Probably the seasoning." Cara commented and Jim clenched his fists. Oh somebody is gonna get it.

"Well, that was probably what triggered it. Also, does he have an allergy to dust?"

"Um. Not that I know of. The guy is always neat." Jim told the doctor.

"Well, it seem as though that allergy was triggered as well. For now, he is doing okay. He is already conscious. You can go to see him. Room 236." He told us and walked off.

The five of us rode the elevator silently and deep in our thoughts. When we got to the room. Ace was sat up and flirting with the nurse. Oh he was alright. If only I could smack the grin from his face.

When he saw us he face fell. I thought he would be happy to see a familiar face but I guess not. Jim sat on his bed and kept asking him questions and examining him all over. It was quite funny to look at and I couldn't help but to giggle softly.

"They said I could get discharged tonight."

"Only because you are living with a doctor." Jim told him and he rolled his eyes.

"Yet here I am." Ace teased and looked around the room.

His eyes met mine before falling on Ash and Hailey. "You scared the poor girls." Cara told him and he grinned. 

"I did?"

"Of course you did. Bria couldn't stop crying and for once Ash and Hailey could shut up." We all laughed at this comment and rolled our eyes at her.

"I didn't think anybody would care." He said while looking at me. Really? He wants to do this here?

"Of course we care." Jim told him and checked him for fever once more.

"You still have a fever. You sure you don't want to stay here?"

"Of course not! I want to go home! Can't you see how messy it is in here?" We all looked at each other confused. I have never seen a messy hospital in my life. What is he talking about? The only thing out of place was a few unmade beds but he couldn't even see them because he was in a room all by himself. Unless he was talking about the different cords hanging around. I think they should've checked his brain as well.

Before Ace could leave, he had to finish his bag of drips and Jim was instructed to hook him on another when we got home. He grumbled and gave a few curse words but after being told that that was the only way he could get discharged, he agreed.

Ace's body was still weak. Jim had to help him walk to the car and load him in. I rode back with ash and Hailey and for once we drove in silence. I guess they were still a bit shaken up.

When we got home, Jim lead Ace to his room and hooked him on the drips before coming back down the stairs to fire his wrath on the maids. I have never seen Jim angry before and I doubt I would want to see him angry again. He is scary as hell. As I looked at him scold the maid, it was obvious that him and Ace were similar in more than one way and this was my first time seeing it.

I scrabbled to Ash's room and took a shower then made my way to bed.

When Hailey had already left and everyone had already fallen asleep, I snuck from Ash's room and went to Ace's.

"You took your time." He commented when I closed and locked the door softly.

"I had to make sure everyone was asleep." I walked over to him and felt his forehead.His temperature seemed cool and I was relieved.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly.

"I'm fine. Just come here." He told me and pulled me down to the bed. We cuddled for a bit before I started crying again.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Ace, I thought something-"

"I'm fine okay. I am sorry I scared you like that." He told me and placed soft kisses all over my face. I smiled and cuddled closer to him.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" He asked.

"Ace you know I can't"

"Just lock the door. I need you tonight babe."


"Please baby."

"What am i going to do if you get sick?"

"I won't. And even if I do you can practice on me."


"Didn't you say you wanted to be a doctor?" He asked.

"Yes but-"

"Then I'm in good hands. I trust you. Just don't try to take advantage of me in this state. Although, I wouldn't mind if you do." He teased and I smacked his arm.

"I see you are indeed better after all." I told him.

We were both silent for sometime before he asked me the one question I'd been dreading.

"Have you decided on where you're going for college?" I remained silent and just listened to his heart beat as his hand played with my hair.

"I went and got some brochures of different colleges close by for you to look at. You don't have to pick one extremely close by but at least close enough so I could stop by or something. Am I clingy?" He asked and I had to laugh.

"Yes, a little." I told him and watched as his face fell. "But I love it." His dimpled smile appeared once more and it was hard to imagine him as the serious person I saw him as before. Ace is a great guy. Some woman is going to be lucky enough to have him.

As much as that pains me to say, it's the honest truth. I won't allow him to wait around for me while I am off to college. I just hope that one day we could be together again.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me.

"Life." I told him and he sighed. "Ace, do you think we'll still be together 10 years from now?" I asked.

"I'd hope so. Bria, I don't think I could love another woman the way I love you." He told me and I felt my cheeks grow moist with tears. I am such a baby at times.

"Don't say that Ace."

"I'm not just saying it babe. I mean it. After all of this is over and you become a doctor I'd like to marry you."

"What makes you think I'll actually become a doctor?"

"Because I believe in you Bree. You can do anything."

"Sometimes I feel as if you're too good for me."

"I'm not."

"You are."

"I'm not. If anything, you are too good for me." He responded looking in my eyes. "Now stop crying, you're making me sad." I giggled buried myself further into his chest.

"You didn't say yes" He commented after a while.


"I said I'd like to marry you after everything is over but you didn't say yes."

"I will Ace. So long as you will still have me."

"Always." He said and placed his lips on mine.


After Ace's recovery, it felt as if everything was back to normal but I knew that was just wishful thinking. He started spending more time at the gym or my bedroom rather than his house. When I asked him why, he just shook it off without responding.

I then ask him about when he was planning to move into his house and his response almost made me cry.

"Babe, As soon as you're ready we can move." He had said. "I already told you before, that house is ours and I'm not living there without you."


A few months later.

Today was another boring day at school. We were down to the third quarter of my high school life and things were still spiraling out of control. At this point I felt as if I had little to no control about what was going on in my life.

My mom started disappearing more and I even found a man's belt and boxer briefs in her room once but she had just roared at me for being in her room and going through her stuff -which I was not, then she told me she had bought both the belt and the boxers for her. As if.

My mom went ballistic about me going through her stuff even though she goes through mine more than anything. I swear something is seriously wrong with that woman. Could you believe she even went as far as to have her friends from church to stare at me and report everything back to her? 

I couldn't wait until graduation. Although it was just a few months away, I still keep track of the days and count them down daily.

Oh yes, before I forget. My mom also took it upon herself to apply for a few colleges for me. She even wrote the essays and everything. Had I not been so angry I would've laughed at her foolishness. I am sick and tired of that woman. I know she is my mom and I am wrong for saying this but I can't stand that woman. She is nuts!

One time she overheard Ash and I talking about senior prom and lets just say, prom is off my list for high school achievements.

I dragged myself to my Biology class and tried to focus as much as possible. At lunch, Ash and I made our way out to the football field to watch Josh practice for some big game we were about to have. Go Josh. His college application must be loaded.

"I have something to tell you." Ash told me while eating a salad.

"What?" I asked. Ash and I were still friends but half way through I lost my trust in her. I don't even tell her my mom troubles now.

"It's about Ace." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Is there something going on between you two?"

"What? No! The guy hates me remember? Why would you ask me that?"

"I just wanted to be sure."

"There is nothing between us."

"Good. You know you're my best friend right?"


"And you'll support me no matter what right?" She asked.


"Good because this is hard for me to say as is.... " She said and took a deep breath.  "Ace and I have been sleeping together for some time now and we're thinking about making our relationship public. I know it is hard for you to grasp but we love each other Bree. Plus were not even blood related. Anyway, can you give us your blessing?"




I know this chapter isn't saying much but it's because I am so exhausted! I can barely keep my eyes open. -Yawns-

Anyway, Tell me what you think?


PS #BlackLivesDoMatter!!

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