The Boneless and The beast

By zukey_grimm847

40.3K 736 37

The sons of Ragnar sail to Ireland to raid, as per usual but from the few people that they brought back as sl... More

Chapter 1: Fiadh the Mac Tìre
Chapter 2: the boneless
Chapter 3: how the little pigs will grunt....
Chapter 5: perhaps my fate is fixed now too
Chapter 6: nightmare or dream?
Chapter 7: A moment of truth or disaster
Ivar and AHA photo's, edits and wallpapers
Chapter 8: Now you see the wolf
Chapter 9: time to see my brothers pt1
Chapter 10: time to see my brothers pt2
Chapter 11: i am no beast!
Chpater 12: hello dear ivar
Chapter 13: jakub?
Chapter 14: psycholodgical war fare with a wolf
Chapter 15: are you not happy with your son?
Chapter 16: life in the pack pt1
Chapter 17: life in the pack pt2
Chapter 18: life in the pack pt3
Chapter 19: Even the wolf gets scared
Chapter 20: fight for a life or two
A reminder
Chapter 21: blinded by madness and sorrow
Chapter 22: torture and sweet revenge pt1
New chpt soon and annoucment
Chapter 23: torture and...
Chapter 24: ...sweet revenge

Chapter 4: a split between brothers

3K 68 1
By zukey_grimm847

(little smut and I guess for play)

Fiadh POV

It has been sometimes since the battle against King Aelle, floki has left this life with the sons of Ragnar and life in Kattegat because his lover Helga has passed, he said there was nothing left here for him. I and many others could tell Ivar was saddened by this and since then his has become more and more unhinged but still able to strategies against the Saxons while we were in York. I must admit if there's anyone that can create such an almighty strike against the Christians...its him. My people that were taken as slaves were left back in Kattegat but yet again Ivar kept me with him, even though he now has some body guards, I feel like a guard the literal sense sometimes. I did get to get some attacks in at York, my claws tore straight through those helmets of there's, I even crushed one or two skulls. Normally I'm not this violent and during fighting I have to keep my pulse down or I might shift. I mean I always could of because I'd look just like any dog roaming the streets, so I did I shifted, my fur covered in blood and mud, I tore into the British soldiers they were still some what alive.

~back to the battle of York~
(The time when Ivar is yelling "you can't kill me!")

I've shifted and they think I am just stray dog wondering the streets looking for scraps. I would snap and snarl at those that'd come near me not many would as I'd let my eyes glow and they'd think I was a demon or some kind.
Soon I heard Ivar yelling, I could smell the blood he hand on him and I could smell his anger which often radiated off of him a lot of the time, I ran towards it appearing a few from him, our eye met my eyes where bright colbolt blue and I was about to go to him but there's was this tall dark haired man who looked to be a holy Christian man but not, he had caught Ivar's attention too, he had his sword pointed at him then other British soldiers and Vikings clashed ounce again.


It's been a long journey since York and we are now heading"where we going again?" I asked poking Hvitserk who hasn't spoken since he sided with Ivar and let Ubbe sail back to Kattegat. "To Vestfold, it belongs to King Harald, Ivar wishes to get Kattegat back from largatha as she killed our mother" he explained. I nodded understanding, I was really thirsty so I got up to get some water from the barrel we had on board but my cup was smacked out of my hand by Sigurd and my head is pushed into the barrel of water. "This is for trying to kill me you little whore!" I heard him yell through water, I gripped onto the edges of the barrel, my hands on the otherside trying to push him off me, I had my claws out to help and eventually my head is pulled from the water, I gasped for air while my now soaked getting in my face, I was moved away from the barrel and placed my hand on the floor in front of me away from view. "Fiadh?..are you ok Fiadh?" I heard hvitserk saying, I took a deep breath a couple times calm myself then turned back to hvitserk, he moved the hair from my face. "I apologise for Sigurd actions but it was to be expected as you did try to take his life"
After a while the boat docked in vestfold, I could instantly smell all the Dead Sea animals, their guts spilled on the ground but honestly I was really hungry still, looks like scraps again for dinner.

(ik in the show Sigurd is dead by now, chill)

Ivar POV

I saw it, black fur and glowing blue eyes like Fiadh said and now this bishop heachmund is with well I should hope he is with us, I'll have to test him. I've thought more and more about Floki since he left and his suspicions of Fiadh. There must be some truth them, I've seen what this Mac Tíre can do to men both Norsemen and English, hvitserk saw strange markings on the barrel after Sigurd tried to drown her as a punishment for trying to kill him. "What do you know of the old Norse legend of werewolves? Floki thinks the Mac Tíre spirit those Irish people spoke of is one. Do you know of ways to lure it out? Our soldiers were killed and attacked by it in Ierland and even while in England after the battle against King Aelle and I even saw it in York. It's following us" I say while I sat with King Harlad as we ate dinner, Fiadh was serving us with the other slaves and thralls. "Hmmm, a werewolf you say? We have many story's about them Ivar, wolfsbane is good way to reveal the wolf but it grows in northern Norway" King Harlad said before taking a sip of his ale.

"Send some men to get some, those legend may be true" I say, then heard someone smack one of the girls, I looked over and it was Fiadh got smacked by halfdan. "She went to bite me, all I did was grab her thigh...she tempted" he says and King Harlad drunkenly laughed, "maróidh tú bastard má mharóidh tú mé arís!!" Fiadh yelled as she backed up, even the other girls were scared of her, I have no idea what she yelled though, I just chuckled a bit and next thing I know she runs out the hall. "Ivar control your thrall will you" halfdan said before sipping his drink so I got out of the chair with my crutch and went after her, it was a few minutes before I found her as the chain she had on her ankle had gotten caught.
"Little Fiadh you shouldn't have offended halfdan like that, he is haralds brother and we need him on our side" I say calmly as I watch her struggle.

(She said 'you bastard I will kill you if you touch me again')

Fiadh POV

"I am..not little" I say while pulling at the stupid chain, I was this close to just using my full strength to break them but of course he had to show up. "Why'd you come after me?hmm...making sure I don't just run off" sounding clearly annoyed then I fell to the ground, I groaned. Ivar then clicks his tongue "do you want help or not? I can easily leave you here for some other man looking to fill his seed to find you.." He says as I then heard his crutch move enough to tell he was walking off. "Cac.." I mumbled, "we make deal help me with these chains on my ankle,you take them off and I promise I won't run away, it wouldn't benifit me...I don't know this land like you do" I say looking up from the ground as my back was still sore from falling over. "Hmm...what do you say Ivar the boneless?" I said his full title because I know he likes to hear it.

( cac means shit)

"Fine, I'll help and yes you can have the chains off...if you then go to my room ready a bath and prepare my bed, that you'll be sleeping in tonight and only tonight, for being such a good thrall" he says clearly belittling me at the end, I looked up and his lips curled up slightly. "Deal..." I say as raised my hand for him to both shake and pull me up.

Ivar POV

I slowly but surely walked over to her as I'm still getting used to having these new braces and walking with the crutch. Then I grabbed her hand to pull her up, our faces were so close for a moment it was just us in the world, my eyes looking straight into hers and hers into mine. "Ivar did you find her?!" I hear Sigurd drunkenly yell which took me out of this moment, I cleared my throat and went to untangle the chain on her legs. "Where's the key for these? My ankles hurt having them on so long, why do I still have them on? I've faught for you and your brothers since you wanted to avenge your father" she asked as she reached for her ankles, I said nothing and tried getting up but it was difficult, Fiadh tried to help me, I jerked myself away. "No...I can do this" I say sternly and got myself up, "don't ever feel pity for me like that Fiadh now go get my bath ready" I say barking orders and I went back to Harlad and halfdan.

Fiadh POV

"Don't ever feel pity for me like that Fiadh, now go get my bath ready" Ivar said sternly barking orders before walking back to I'm guessing King harald and hal..'ah what is it...oh yeah halfdan' I thought to myself as I walked to find a bucket for the water I need for his bath, I hate having to beckon to his every call but I have to admit his is great shape and that...that 'moment' just now least what think it I once felt for eòghan, as I thought of him a tear fell down my cheek, I had cried most nights missing him, my friends and of course my mother. I am yet to avenge her, I plan to torture the man who raped and killed her.

~half an hour later~

(Play ⬆️ sound)

The bucket of water was hanging over the fire, the metal bath not far from it, I sat waiting for Ivar to come through the door, I chuckle of course I can both smell and hear him coming from a miles away. Speaking off him, "Fiadh!" I hear him yell from down the hall, other thralls getting out of his way and some squealed, I just rolled my eyes and then the door opened he slammed it open, I could hear the key in his pocket. "Yes Ivar, are you ready for your bath?" I ask as picked up the bucket from the fire, it burnt my hand a little but it healed pretty quickly. "Yes my bath, I have the key for the chains" he said back to his almost emotionless self and he sat on the bed starting to take off his braces on his legs. "Fiadh could you.." He was saying, "yes Ivar" I said quickly while pouring the last of the water in the bathtub, I walked over and knelt down at his feet that only just rested on the floor and began undoing them, I could feel his eyes on me, I glanced up but quickly looked down. " are we going to talk about it or not?" I ask calmly, he moved his leg a little and winced. "Careful..and what are you talking about?" (Alexander and Alex's interview....I think with Canada e4 but if you know the interview then 😂) Ivar asked scratching his neck, " you know the ummm...the mini staring contest we had when you helped me free fr..." I was interrupted by his finger bringing my face up to look at him, his forefinger tickled under my chin and his thumb dragged my lower lip down a little, he looked if he was going to say something but couldn't put word together then took his hand from my chin and took off his tunic, " ó na déithe" I said under my breath (oh the gods) looking at his chest, I got up. "What is it?" Ivar says "although I do not understand your language it sound beautiful coming from you" he continued, I blushed and looked away hiding it. "Is that blush I see?" He says turning my face back to him, I cleared my throat. "Hurry the water will get cold" I say quickly getting up. "May I have the key?" I ask holding my hand out and he placed it into my hand, I went over to the bathtub to create some distance and knelt down to unlock my chains, the redness around my raw skin was obvious around my ankle. "Your bath is ready Ivar" I say while lightly rubbing my left ankle. He crawled over and lowered himself into the water until it was just his head poking out of the water, there was silence for a moment or two. " may rest your feet in the water for your ankles, I know they must be sore Fiadh" Ivar said looking my way, I raised myself up to look at him, I nodded "thank you Ivar" and smiled a little, he reached out to touch my cheek, I flinched but calmed down quickly...surprisingly. "I've been meaning ask this...does Fiadh mean anything in your language?" He asked not breaking eye contact with me. "Umm...yes.....yes it does Ivar, my name means Wild" I saying almost mixing up my words. "Wild..hmm that seems to fit you doesn't it and just out of curiosity what do you know of werewolves? What are the legends of them in Ierland? I'm sure they are different from mine" Ivar asks tilting his head to the side a little while reaching for my hand and gently caressing it while maintaining eye contact with me, I gulped a little my throat and mouth were getting dry, he could tell he was having an effect on me.

Ivar POV

For someone who doesn't shy from things all that much, she is quiet shy right now, I'm definitely have an effect on her, Fiadh has blushed and not even flinched when I touch her now although she did a minute ago. "A werewolf? Ireland they are seen as protectors and great warriors when called to battle, not much is ever known about their human selves but it wouldn't matter if it was known either, no one would hunt u..them as they don't attack humans unless in battle" she explained while lifting up her dress bunched up in one hand, her pale skin was like the snow around Yule time, she climbed and stood while pulling up the rest of her dress just above her knee, she has no marks even though she's been in battle with others and while she's done the work I asked of her, where the bow men must of struck her higher up on her leg because I can't see a mark from that either, it would surly scar.

She sat herself down on the edge of the bath and lent over to rub her feet, the upper part of her dress opened up a little more exposing her plump Snow White plump breasts. I may just have to pull her into the water just to have take her dress off. What's even stranger is the fact the pain I usually feel because of my cursed legs was gone for a moment or too, she must brushed against them or something, this has happened once or twice before since we have met, so she must be having an effect on me....what am I saying, I sound like ubbe when he was with that bitch margrethe. This is unlike when I let freydis kiss me and then I freed her, perhaps she will join Fiadh and I in bed one night. I looked up to see her gazing at the fire, she looked as if she were in a trance, the light of the fire burning so bright you could see all of us clearly. "Fiadh..." I calming spoke up, she didn't turn her head so I lent forward and gently rubbed her foot nearest me, she quickly turned to me. "Hmm.." She hummed, "would your wash my hair and" I asked, now that is a word a rarely say to someone, even those I am close too. "Of course Ivar, right away Ivar" she says turning from me bringing her feet out of the bath, I quickly moved my legs from the water to rest on the side and I took the opportunity to pull her into the water, she secreamed a little and I just laughed not caring they the water got in my face. "Ivar!" She yelled looking at me mostly submerged in the water, I splashed her with water using my hands and she looked at me shocked but then splashed me back, this went on for a couple of minutes until I brought myself forward and pinned my arms on either side of her bringing myself close to her allowing my legs to fall behind me. "So...this was fun little Fiadh wasn't it, I'm not a big mean man after all...hmm" I say inches from her face, water droplets fell from her face back into the water, I brushed her wet hair from the side of her face.

Fiadh POV

I've not seen this side of him before but it's Ivar he go from this to...well....Ivar. "So...this was fun little Fiadh wasn't it, I'm not a big mean man after all...hmm" he say before brushing some of my wet hair that had stuck to my face from splashing water back and fourth, we were so close I could we could feel each others breath and the water was still warm so steam came off our. My eyes darted around nervously and had to think fast " you are not, I never thought you were Ivar" I say not able to look at his eyes this close to me. I cleared my throat "besides I am not little Ivar.." I say defending myself while chuckling nervously, he lifted my chin to pull me to look at him. "Then might I show you the man I really am" he while getting close to me face still with his hand on my chin that was slowly sliding up to gently rest on my cheek...he's trying to kiss me, I panicked and splashed him with water causing him to pull back from this intimate moment  and got out of the bath. "I need to got get a new dress on, this is soaked" I say heading for the door, I heard him sigh "Fiadh...." He said quietly, I look out the door way and everything's dark and all are asleep, I heard him get out of the water and start to dry himself off. "Fiadh..." I had goosebumps appear on my skin and small knot begin to build in my stomach so I turned round on the ball of my foot but remained in the doorway. To see Ivar crawling to the side of hid bed putting on him nightwear "come here little Fiadh.." He taunts me a bit, "I told you I a.." I began to speak but he silenced me with a " not talk back to me Fiadh" he say while looking over to me and patting the bed before pulling himself up to it on his side. "Come on Fiadh, we must rest, you'll need it if your going to train with my brothers and I tomorrow" he says still looking at me, I slowly walked over. "I ha...have nothing to wear to sleep in" I stated from standing at the edge of the bed, the fire I made was slowly dying down so the room was a little darker.

"That is fine, I won't do anything to you..." He says reaching my hand and playing with the ends of my fingers. I then turned round a let my dress fall to the ground, "look away for a moment while I get under the covers...please Ivar" I say, he does so and moved the fur's back so I can get under them, he turns back around. "Thank you Ivar for taking the chains off, I can't wait to train with you and your brothers tomorrow" I say while fixing the pillows a bit, he rest his head on his hands while his elbows dug into the bedding, "your tell me why is it you panicked when I tried to kiss you just now...hmm, have you not done that with someone before?" He asked then licking his lips, they looked so smooth. "Yes I have kissed a man before, I have kissed many times..." "But yet you shy from me..." He says with mischievous look in his eye, "I just...I just don't know what good will come of it, your people will think I'm a whore, they already talk about me under their breaths when I walk past them in the market or in this case Vestfold" I explained, he looked down a little but then his eyes slowly look back up to mine. "Why do you care what they say? Are you ashamed to kiss me? Embarrassed....of course you are, no one kisses a cripple" he says getting agitated, I reached up and touched his face, gently caressing his cheek with my thumb. "No Ivar I'm not, I don't care if you are crippled, that doesn't make you any less of a man then the others" I spoke softly while bringing myself up to kiss his cheek, I saw him smile a little then we were looking in each other's eyes...again.

Ivar POV

"...that doesn't make you any less of a man then the others" she says before coming up and kissing my cheek. I smiled and I think she saw me, we were looking into each others eyes for what seemed like forever. "Kiss me then..." I ordered speaking calmly, "what?.." She asked "kiss me..." I repeat, she did as I asked and pulled away quickly "I heard you the first time..*kiss*...just wanted to hear you say it again" I shook my head and pulled myself on top of her and lent down and began kissing her slowly at first but it soon turned into a hungry one when her fingers trailed up through my hair and lightly pulled it once she reached the back of my head. My lips left hers for a couple seconds to then leave a trail down from her jaw to her neck and sucked on it from time to time, earning me a little moan from her sweet lips,I pull away and lay down to rest my head on her chest and wrapped my arms around her and let out a peaceful sigh as she ran her finger through my hair, 'pray to the gods when Haralds men return with the wolfsbane that floki's suspicions were right' I thought to myself and looked up. "Fiadh....Fiadh.." I whisper poking her cheek, she opens her eyes, they glow even in low lighting. "Yes Ivar..." She says quietly. "What do you think of me?" I asked rubbing her cheek lightly with my finger.

"Why at this hour are you asking me this Ivar?" Fiadh says sounding very tired. "I'm serious Fiadh I want to know, you are still a my property and you will answer me" I say sounding more authoritative, "fine I'll tell you, may I speak freely though Ivar?" and I nodded. "Well when I first met you, you didn't pay me any mind, I thought you were just a spoilt entitled child and when I taunted you Infront of your brother, you had your one and only chance to kill me and you didn't, I still don't understand've changed since floki left and now you've split your brothers up, you could kill Sigurd anytime, I see he angers you, so why don't you...., so Ivar I think of you as an intelligent yet angry sad and scared man, you getting angry is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die" she says, I was...speechless and laid my head back down on her Breasts, nuzzling into the right one, I moved my arms from under her and pulled us we faced each other, I pulled her close enough that I could feel her breathing as she slept and I fell asleep listening to her heartbeat.

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