Once Upon A Bus Ride

By iamtheeamani

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Morgan Hall is your average teenager. That is if you consider having a billionaire CEO of a world renowned co... More

Chapter 1: I'm Not Perfect
Chapter 2: You Really Need Some Excitement In Your Life
Chapter 3: I'd Like To Do Him First
Chapter 4: You Should Really Stop Giving A Shit
Chapter 5: You're Not So Bad
Chapter 6: Amber Hall Has Done It Again
Chapter 7: As Single As A Pringle
Chapter 8: I'm Sorry You're Such A Bitch
Chapter 9: Sorry For Calling You An Asshole
Chapter 10: I Like You Only A Little
Chapter 11: Keep Flirting And Play Dumb
Chapter 12: Top Secret
Chapter 13: Bitchy Boy
Chapter 14: I Knew You Couldn't Resist Me
Chapter 15: French Fry
Chapter 16: Cloudy With A Hundred Percent Chance Of Bullshit
Chapter 17: How To Get Away With Murder
Chapter 18: You So Like Him
Chapter 19: My Inner Self Is A Bitch
Chapter 20: He's Only Three Quarter Bitch
Chapter 21: Lean On Me
Chapter 22: Incompetent, Unskillful, Inexpert
Chapter 24: I Don't Sweat, I Shimmer
Chapter 25: On Wednesdays We Wear Pink
Chapter 26: He's A Walking STD
Chapter 27: I Sound Like Arnold Schwarzenegger When I Scream
Chapter 28: I'm About To Descend Into Armageddon
Chapter 29: At Least Kiss Him Before You Pass Out
Chapter 30: I Definitely Leave Them Screaming
Chapter 31: She Didn't Come Here To See Magic Mike
Chapter 32: Epiphany
Chapter 33: My Face Has A Mind Of Its Own
Chapter 34: Take A Cue From Elsa And Let It Go
Chapter 35: I'm A Limited Edition
Chapter 36: Kill Him And Then Move To Mexico
Chapter 37: Ma'am This Is McDonald's
Chapter 38: You Kiss All Your Friends Like This?
Chapter 39: The Only Kind Of Running I Do
Chapter 40: I Fear For My Brain Cells
Chapter 41: Take Control
Chapter 42: Outside Is Overrated
Chapter 43: There'll Be No Making Of My Grandchildren On This Couch
Chapter 44: The Most Awkward Conversation In History
Chapter 45: They Have A Verdict
Chapter 46: La La Land
Chapter 47: This Is Your Mom's Couch
Chapter 48: I Bet I Make Your Bells Jingle
Chapter 49: Somewhere In The Fucking Stars
Chapter 50: It's An Inclination I Guess
Chapter 51: It's Britney Bitch
Chapter 52: Freaking Hannah Montana
Chapter 53: You Lucky Lying Bitch
Chapter 54: Priorities
Chapter 55: Guess You're Just Toxic
Chapter 56: I'm Not Just A Pretty Face
Chapter 57: Too Fucking Little Too Fucking Late
Chapter 58: I Like This Kind Of ClichΓ©
Chapter 59: Lucifer One and Lucifer Two
Chapter 60: You Make Me A Nervous Wreck Too
Chapter 61: There's More Than Meets The Jackass
Chapter 62: Bottoms Up Bitch
Chapter 63: Have A Nice Life
Chapter 64: Someday
Epilogue 1: Quite Miss Home
Epilogue 2: Once Upon A Bus Ride
Author's Note

Chapter 23: I Don't Have Enough Middle Fingers For That

750 69 21
By iamtheeamani

23. I Don't Have Enough Middle Fingers For That

I was freaking out.

It was evening, and I was back home - I came to meet it empty thankfully- and I was freaking out.


Because I like Aaron.

I like Aaron fucking Smith and I don't know what to do about it.


Shannon would know what to do. She was an expert at this kind of thing. I mean a guy could so much as breathe close to her and she'd start thinking of names for their six children.

As if she read my mind wherever she was, my phone began to ring. I picked up immediately I saw it was her. Before I could form a sentence though, she yelled into my ear.


"Wow, um Shan-"


"But you hate spoile-"



"I am completely broken," she groaned. "I mean, Sloan, Lexi, now McDreamy? I might need therapy to get over this."

If over dramatic was a person it'd be her.

"Shannon I have to tell you someth-"

"What do I do with my life no-"

"I LIKE AARON," I blurted, seeing that she wasn't going to shut up about Grey's Anatomy anytime soon.

The line went silent, and I checked to see if she was still there.

"Shan? You listening?"

Still nothing.

"Are you okay?" I asked, before hearing her hung up.

I looked at my phone screen. "She is so weird sometimes."

I sat criss-crossed on the couch and turned on the tv. Maybe the signal was weak or something, so I decided I'd call her later.

About ten minutes later though, the doorbell rang. I groaned and got up to answer it, and was surprised when my best friend stood in front of me, clutching her side while panting.

Safe to say she wasn't the most athletic person.

"Wha-? Shan, did you sprint here or something?"

"No," she panted, and I stepped aside for her to come in. "I drove, but I sprinted from the driveway to the door and that my friend is quite a distance."

"Why?" I laughed.

"Because," she answered, finally catching her breath. "We have important matters to discuss. Now with that said, WHAT?"

"What?" I asked as we walked into the living room.

"Um, what you told me about a certain boy called Aaron?" she elaborated with an eyeroll.

I sat on the couch. "Oh...that. Yeah, I think I like him."

She rolled her eyes and sat down as well. "You think?"

I sighed in defeat. "Fine, I know. I know I like Aaron."

She squealed as if she was about to burst. "Oh thank God! I thought I'd be one of those people in the movies with the super stubborn and oblivious best friend. I am so glad I don't have to spend my time trying to knock some sense into you."

"What do I do?" I groaned. "Do I tell him, do I-"

"Oh you tell him honey!" she said. "And if he fears for his life he won't break your heart."

"I can't tell him when he's out getting himself a girlfriend," I muttered.

"He went on one date Morgan for crying out loud," Shan said. "It's not like he's proposing to her."

"You don't know that," I told her.

She rolled her eyes. "Hey, until that boy tells you he's in a relationship, don't assume anything. Right now, it's every girl's game."

"You make it sound like I'm competing for him," I chuckled.

"And I will drag whichever bitch that wants to get in the way of your happiness to hell," she stated with a dead serious look in her eyes that honestly scared me.

"Okay, let's calm down," I laughed.

She threw her arms around me, pulling me into a side hug. "Seriously Morgan, tell him."

"What if he doesn't like me back?" I asked softly.

"He'd be a fool not to," she chuckled. "I'm pretty sure he does, but it won't be the end of the world if he doesn't. I just think you'd regret not taking that chance if you don't."

I sighed. "Feelings suck."

I honestly didn't know how she did it.

"Yeah they do," she chuckled. "A lot of times you're going to feel like your heart is being ripped out of your chest and stomped on, but then there'll be the days where all you feel is butterflies, the good kind too. And then everything in life will just seem so much...better. Crazy how one person does that to you."

I pulled away and looked at her. "You better not be talking about Cole."

She laughed. "You'll warm up to him."

"So, what now?" I asked.

She shrugged. "We could order some pizza ad watch Grey's Anatomy. And then you can tell me everything and destroy my life."

I chuckled and shook my head. "You're so over dramatic."

"Why thank you," she said. "I try my very best."

"We're watching The Big Bang Theory instead though," I said, grabbing the remote.

"Why?" she groaned.

"Two words," I grinned, thinking of my favorite character. "Sheldon Cooper."


"And then he never called me back," Shannon continued to complain, as we got ready for gym class in the locker room.

"I mean, it was one argument, how mad could he be?" she continued.

I pulled my gym shirt over my head. "Have you tried talking to him?"

"I haven't seen him all day," she sighed.

"Call him then," I told her, trying to give her any other solution apart from dump his sorry ass. "Come on, let's go."

I picked up my phone and shut my locker, and stopped when I was missing something.

"Wait, where's Aaron's iPod?"

"Oh, what do we have here?"

I rolled my eyes and turned around to meet a smirking Paige with Sienna and Macy by her side like the lost puppies they were.

"Interesting device Morgan," she smirked.

"Paige, just give it back so we can all get to class," I sighed.

Macy being the smartest one of the group hacked the school's system so that we'd all be able to have one class together. She picked gym because it was the easiest class to talk in without landing a detention. It worked when we were all one big happy bunch, but now it was annoying and I had to restrain myself from intentionally aiming for their faces everytime we played a sport that involved a ball.

"I think I'd rather hold on to it," she said. "I mean, friends share right?"

"We're not your friends Paige, now give it back," Shannon snapped.

"Just give it to her so we can go," Sienna sighed, much to my surprise.

"Listen to your minion Paige," Shannon said.

Paige only glared at Sienna and then turned to smirk at me. "Aaron Smith huh...interesting."

"Paige," I muttered, getting annoyed at the way she said his name.

"You know, I never thought I'd see the day where miss I'm too cool for boys actually landed herself one!" she laughed.

"Oh somebody better hold my earrings," Shan said, attempting to take off her studs. "I'm about to bury this bitch."

"Paige..." I warned again, stretching out my arm so Shannon couldn't get any closer to her.

Because I guarantee she was waiting for the opportunity to rip her blonde locks out of her head.

"I knew you weren't the prude you always made yourself out to be," Paige continued.


"Paige," Sienna said. "Just give it to her and stop creating a scene."

Paige ignored her. "Aaron's okay I guess. Only I wish you'd let me know sooner, I know some very eligible people who are actually worth your time."


"Are you saying he's not worth my time?" I asked her, anger settling in my chest.

She smirked. "I'm just saying I could have helped you out when it came to boys. But I guess you just decided to settle and scrape the bottom of the food chain."


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I ended up jumping Paige for the second time.

And you know what, you provoke me twice, and I will cause twice the fucking damage.


"Again girls?" Mr. Young sighed.

"She has anger issues," Paige said, sending a glare my way.

"And you have issues with keeping your mouth shut," I snapped back.

It was messy. Paige fought back, I'll admit, but I fought harder. And I think I won considering the fact that I walked away with only a couple of scratches as compared to the bruise that was forming on her face.

I just hoped Shannon picked up the iPod after our brawl. It was special to Aaron and it would kill me if something happened to it.

"Girls, why don't you just find a way to express yourselves without involving violence?" he suggested.

"Thanks, but I don't have enough middle fingers for that," I muttered.

"Morgan," he warned.

"She needs help in my opinion," Paige huffed.

"Do you remember me asking for your opinion?" I asked her. "Yeah, me neither."

"You th-"

"Okay, girls!" Mr. Young called, interrupting our bickering.

We both shut up and looked at him.

"This won't go to the principal," he said. "For now. But let this happen again and you two will be in a lot more trouble. This school has a no-violence policy."

Paige scoffed. "You might want to adjust that policy for Morgan over here, clearly she doesn't get that."

I scowled at her. "What you need to adjust is your attitude."

"For now," Mr. Young continued, talking over us. "You both get detention everyday after school for the next week."

Fair enough.

"And I'm calling your parents about this."


A smug smile tugged at the corner of Paige's lips and I resisted the urge to smack her across the face.

"That's not necessary Mr. Young," I said.

"Oh but it is Morgan," he told me, and I cursed silently.

"You girls get to class," he continued. "And Paige, you might want to go to the nurse and get some ice or something for that bruise."

Her hands found their way to her face. "I hope my make-up hides this."

"Too bad that concealer don't work on personalities too," I remarked with a sarcastic grin and she glared at me.

"Morgan," Mr. Young warned before sighing. "Just get to class."

I didn't say anything. I just walked out and went to change out of my gym clothes since the period was long over. I wore my uniform and pulled my hair into a bun before going to my next class, which was Biology.

I wasn't worried about being late. The substitute, who I got to know as Mr. Wilden, was still around. In fact we found out he was going to stick with us for the rest of the semester since our teacher was on sabbatical or whatever. He was younger than most teachers, and so he let a lot of things slide. Things like being late a couple of times. He was good looking too, I'll admit. So Biology had become a lot of girls' favorite subject off late as you might guess.

I explained that I was in the guidance counsellor's office, and he permitted me to take my seat without asking for a further explanation than that.

I walked over to my seat and got settled, casting Sienna a couple of glances.

"Thank you," I finally managed to say.

She looked up from her book and up at me.

"For standing up to Paige," I explained. "You know, telling her not to mess with me."

She looked back at her book. "I didn't do anything much less stand up to her. Besides, clearly you don't need anyone to defend you."

"True," I chuckled lightly.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out something, sliding it towards me.

The iPod.

I grabbed it and squeezed it in my palms. "Thank you so much. I could hug you right now."

"Don't," she said.

I chuckled, and opened my textbook.

"You're welcome," I heard her say.

I only smiled and then began to listen to whatever it was Mr. Wilden was saying.


Go Morgan!

I'm trying guys, to not get lazy...or laziER :(.

So I signed up for summer classes because I don't have much to do at home and let me just say that I'm starting to regret my decision. Oh well...

Keep doing your thing though, and let me know what you think!

- amani

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