Lean on me

Af Grace013310

16.4K 297 27

Grace Walker was Jensen Ackles' lifelong best friend. When she dies giving birth to her daughter, she asks Je... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 14

313 6 0
Af Grace013310

Grayson gets up early the next morning to go to the bathroom. When he's walking back to his room, he hears a gasp from Sloan's bedroom. He walks up to the door and puts his ear against it, hearing the sound of muffled cries coming from being the door. He slowly pushes the door open to see Sloan sitting up in her bed, her body covered in a light sheen of sweat, her hand to her mouth to quiet her sobs. 

"I'm sorry." She says, lowering her hand. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." Grayson shakes his head and walks over to the girl, sitting on the edge of her bed. 

"You didn't. I was already up." He tells her. Sloan simply nods, wiping at her teary eyes. "C'mere." Grayson says, pulling her to him. Sloan grips the front of his shirt as he holds her to his chest, running his hand through her hair. "You're okay. It was just a dream." Sloan shakes her head. 

"No it wasn't." She says, her grip on him tightening. "It was real." Grayson sighs and rests his head against hers. 

Once Sloan has finally calmed down, Grayson lays her back in the bed and stands up, about to walk away when Sloan grabs his hand. The boy turns and looks down at her. 

"Stay with me?" She asks. Grayson gives her a small smile and nods. 

"Just let me close the door." He says. Sloan nods and releases her hold on him. Grayson closes the door before returning to the bed. Sloan moves to the right and Grayson slides into the bed next to her. 

Sloan moves closer to him and rests her head on his chest, surprising Grayson. Anytime they've had to share a bed before, they always kept a little bit of space between them. Now, Grayson can't ignore the way his heart quickens as he wraps his arms around the girl, who immediately feels safe in her friend's arms. 

Sloan wakes up again the next morning to find the bed already empty. She sits up and rubs her eyes before getting out of the bed and getting ready. She pulls on an oversized red hoodie sweater and a pair of light blue skinny jeans with dark blue patches. She slips her feet into a pair of brown lace up leather boots, leaving them untied as she walks into the bathroom and brushes her teeth, grabbing the hairbrush before going back downstairs, finding everyone in the living room.

"Can you help me?" She asks Jensen. He looks up from his phone and nods. "Can you brush and braid my hair and tie my shoes?" 

"Yep. Sit." He instructs, patting the couch cushion before standing up and walking behind the couch. He runs the brush through her hair a few times before he starts to do a dutch braid down her back. 

"How do you know so many braids?" Grayson asks, watching the actor twist the strands of Sloan's hair together.

"I raised a little girl who only wanted to wear her hair in braids until she was six years old. I had to learn." He says, making Sloan laugh quietly. "I watched videos on how to do different braids and practiced on the barbie dolls Sloan never played with so I wouldn't ties knots in her hair." 

"I didn't wear braids every day." Sloan says.

"Yes you did." Jensen insists. "And you could never wear the same braid two days in a row so I had to learn to do a lot of different braids so you could wear a different one each day." He finishes the braid and ties it off with the hair tie that was wrapped around the handled of the brush. Jensen walks back around the couch and crouches in front of Sloan, reaching for her shoe laces.  

"Wait." She says, making him stop and look up at her in confusion. "Let me try." 

"Sloan, I don't mind." He tells her. 

"I do." She replies. "I want to try. I can't live the rest of my life asking other people to tie my shoes like a child. I want to do as many things as I can on my own. I want to try to tie my own shoes. Please. Let me try." Jensen nods and sits back on his heels. 

Sloan leans over and picks up the laces, using her thumb to hold the left one in place and her index finger to loop the other underneath it. She tries making two loops with the laces but can only make one. She tries to back another one but the first just slips out of her grasp. Sloan sighs in frustration before trying again, and again, and again. After five tries, she gives up and sits back. 

"Damn it." She mumbles before sighing and looking at Jensen. "Go ahead. Say it." 

"Say what?" He asks as he leans forward and ties her shoes.

"I told you so." She says, looking down at her hand resting in her lap. "That I should just accept help and not try to do things I know I can't do anymore. That I need to learn to ask for help and be okay with not being able to do everything I used to." 

"I wasn't going to say anything." Jensen says with a small smile before standing up. "Everybody ready to go?" 

The three stand up from their seats and move to the front door. Sloan and Grayson grabs their book bags and Sloan starts walking to the SUV. Jensen hands the keys to his truck to Grayson, who jogs to catch up with Sloan. 

"Actually, you and I are going to get coffee and breakfast." He says, coming to a stop beside her. 

"Gray, I have to be at set in an hour." She tells him. "I don't have time for coffee this morning." 

"They pushed back your shooting time. You don't have to be there until 11:00." He says with a small smirk. 

"Grayson, what are you doing?" She asks in slight exasperation. 

"Taking my best friend out for breakfast." He says, offering her his arm. Sloan smiles and loops her arm around his, the two of them walking to Jensen's truck. 

Forty-five minutes later, the pair pulls up to Sloan's favorite coffee shop. Grayson gets out of the truck and quickly walks around the vehicle, opening Sloan's door for her. She smiles at him in thanks as she climbs out of the car. 

The two walk into the building, which was nearly empty since it was still pretty early. They approach the counter and the lady behind it smiles at them. 

"How can help you?" She asks. 

"I'll have a large warm vanilla latte." Sloan says. She begins patting her pockets, searching for her wallet, only to realize it's not there. "I forgot my wallet. You can just cancel my order." 

"Add it to mine." Grayson says quickly. Sloan starts to object but Grayson shakes his head. "I was gonna pay anyway." The lady behind the counter smiles at the two, looking between them quickly. Grayson orders and pays and the two sit at a small table by the window.

"Thank you." Sloan says after a few minutes. "One day I'm gonna pay you back for all these times you've payed for my stuff." 

"Don't worry about it." He tells her with a smile. "You don't owe me a thing." Sloan gives him a small smile, looking down at the table for a second before looking back up. 

"Wanna play a game?" She asks. 

"Sure." He says. "What game." 

"The ABC game." She says, seeing a confused look cross his face. "Name a country that starts with A and I'll name one that starts with B. Then we keep naming countries alternating letters." She explains. "If you name something other than a country or you can't name one, normally you would do a shot. But, since we're underage, we have to pick some other type of consequence." 

"We could do shots of espresso." Grayson says with a shrug after a few moments. Sloan nods. 

"Okay. You start." 

"Australia." He says after a moment. 


For the next two hours, the two play round after round of the game. By the time they're ready to go, Grayson has to do four shots of espresso and Sloan has to do six. Grayson orders the shots and takes them over to the table on a tray. Sloan watches as he divides the little cups up and the two immediately down shot after shot of the caffeine. 

Sloan shakes her head quickly as she can already feel the caffeine taking effect. The pair decide to leave before the caffeine makes Grayson too jumpy to drive and an hour later, they're at the set. They walk in and go to the set of Bobby's house. Grayson sits in Jared's chair while Sloan sits in her own. As they sit, Sloan has her leg bouncing up and down and her eyes are jumping around the room, the caffeine fully taking effect. 

"What's wrong with you?" Jensen asks as he and Jared approach. He looks at her bouncy leg, her jumpy eyes, and her shaking hand and is immediately filled with concern. "Are you okay?" 

"I did six shots of espresso in under a minute." She says quickly, making Jensen and Jared's eyes widen. 

"What?" Jared asks before looking at his brother who's hands were also slightly shaky. "Grayson, why'd you let her have that much caffeine?" 

"We were playing the ABC game and had to do a shot for each country we couldn't name or got wrong. I did four shots." He says. 

"I have to get ready." Sloan says quickly before darting out of the building. 

Once she's ready, Sloan returns to set and quickly moves to sit in the wooden chair, her legs bouncing and her fist clenching and unclenching as a PA ties her wrist and ankles to the chair. The Marvel men sit behind Grayson and watch as the group prepares for the scene. 

"What the hell's wrong with her?" Sebastian asks, leaning forward to talk to Grayson. 

"She's wired." He answers, turning his body to look at the four men with a grin. "She did six shots of espresso an hour ago and the caffeine's fully hitting her now." 

"Is that what's wrong with you?" Chris asks, noticing the boy's shaking hands. Grayson nods quickly, almost sporadically. 

"I did four." He says. "We were playing a game. That was the consequence." The men simply nod as Robert calls for quiet before yelling Action. 

Jensen throws a bucket of water on Sloan to "wake" her up. She immediately jumps, her eyes wide as she shakes her head, flinging water from her wet hair. "Holy mother of God! That's cold!" She yells. Robert sighs and hangs his head but decides to keep going with the scene. 

"Who are you?" Jared asks, his arms crossed as he, Jensen, and Misha stand in front of the girl. 

"I told you. My name is Justice. Justice Grace Winchester." Sloan says before looking at Jensen. "I'm your daughter." Jensen shakes his head. 

"I don't have a daughter." He says, beginning to pace the room. 

"My mother's name was Katie Bryce. Fifteen years ago, she needed help with a nest of vampires. You, your brother, and your dad helped her. The two of you got, well, close. Nine months later I was born." Sloan says. "You do have a daughter, Dean. And I'm her." 

"Test her." Jensen says to Jared. Jared steps forward to splash more water on her but Sloan opens her mouth before he can. 

"Did you know that too much caffeine can trigger a heart attack?" She asks, speaking quickly. "Do you think that's gonna happen to me? I had a large latte and six shots of espresso and now my head feels weird. Is this what it's like to bed drunk? Can I try that next to compare the feelings?" 

"Sloan!" Jensen says, cutting off her rambling as Jared and Misha double over in laughter at her little rant and how fast she was talking. "We have to do this scene."

"Sorry." She says. "I can't help it. I think someone might've put a little too much caffeine in those shots." Jensen shakes his head and Sloan tilts her head to the side. "Why is it called that? Caffeine. It's kind of a funny word. Who's in charge of making words? Why do they have to make such funny ones? And how do we know that they really mean what they tell us they mean?" 

At this point, all three actors are lost in fits of laughter as Sloan keeps rambling. Grayson shakes his head and walks up behind her, putting duct tape over her mouth to shut her up. Sloan keeps talking, though, her voice and words muffled by the tape. 

Once the three have calmed down, Jensen stands in front of his daughter once again. "I'm gonna take the tape off now. Will you be quiet except to say your lines?" He asks. Sloan nods and Jensen carefully removes the tape. 

"Ow." Sloan mumbles. "Why does tape have to hurt so much? And why is it called tape?" 

"Sloan." Jensen warns before she can go off on her rant about words again. She quickly shuts up. 

"Sorry." She mutters. "Okay. I'm ready." 

After nearly six hours of spastic Sloan, she starts to feel the caffeine starting to diminish. Sloan's pacing around the room, listening as Dean, Sam, and Bobby talk about they've found out about Leviathans. 

"So let me get this straight." She says, stopping the three's conversation. "There are new monsters out there who can look like anyone and their faces turn into giant mouths so they can eat people. And they can't be killed, as far as you know. And they're only walking the earth now because your angel pal brought them here after working with the King of Hell. " The three sitting at the table look at each other before nodding. 

"Yeah. Pretty much." Jared says. Sloan looks at the three with a blank expression before smirking. 

"What the hell. Count me in." She says. She starts walking forward but collapses, all her energy gone at once. 

"Sloan!" Jensen yells, the three rushing towards her. 

"I'm fine." She says, waving them off. "I'm fine. I think I just crashed from my caffeine high." 

"Alright. Lets get you up." Jensen says, pulling the girl to her feet. 

He leads her to her chair and she sits down. Once he's sure she won't fall out of her chair, Jensen goes to get her some food, knowing she hasn't eaten all day and barely ate yesterday. He hands her the sandwich and she reluctantly eats it, a little bit of her energy coming back. 

"No more espresso shots for you." Jensen tells her. 

"Yeah. That's probably a good idea." She says. "At least there'll be some funny stuff for the gag reel." Jensen shakes his head in amusement before returning in front of the camera, the three men moving on to the next scene that Sloan just so happened not to be in. 

"I hate you." The girl says, looking at her best friend on her left.

"No you don't." He says with a grin. "You love me." Sloan rolls her eyes and puts her headphones on, turning her classic rock playlist on as she reads the book she's supposed to do a report on. A report that was due the next day that she hasn't even started on. 

An hour later, Sloan's headphones are knocked off of her head. Sloan looks up and glares at Jensen, closing her book. "What?" She asks in annoyance. 

"Watch the attitude." He tells her. "Did you hear I word I just said?" Sloan shakes her head and Jensen sighs. "We have a photoshoot tomorrow afternoon so bring some clothes to wear for it."

"I'm not gonna do it." She says. "Y'all do it without me." 

"Sloan, it's just a few pictures." Jensen says. Sloan shakes her head. 

"I'm not ready for it." She tells him. "You three do this one without me. I'll do the next one." 

"Okay." He sighs. "Just bring some clothes just in case you change your mind." Sloan nods and puts her headphones back on before diving back into her book, ignoring Grayson's gaze on her. 

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