I'm nobody's b!tch

By DatYaoiFanGirl

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Kendal Rivers, a foulmouthed boy who is sent to a school were he is expected to coexist with mystical creatur... More

Part 1: i'll make you mine
Part 2: thank god, humans!
Part 3: So his name is?
Part 4: The "Love guru"
part 5: I didn't ask for it...
Part 6: i believe i can fly?
Part 7: You better come back for me!
Part 8: I may need a blood transfusion
Part 10: My body hates me
Part 11: Kiss of death
Part 12: Tessa's "feel better" note
Part 13: Thinking back
Part 14: Awkwaaard~~
Part 15: Back to school
Part 16: Ache
Part 17: I can't do it
Part 18: Tired of my bullshit
Part 19: The place i called home
Part 21: Unexpected visitor
Part 22: Getting comfortable
Part 23: Now you've done it...
Part 24: Kendal goes for the low-blow
Part 25: I broke her heart
Part 26: I can't relax
Part 27: Let's end it
Part 28: Holy crap we're awkward!
Part 29: Tripping balls
Part 30: Tease
Part 31: Getting emotional

Part 9: Just get me home please...

152 10 0
By DatYaoiFanGirl

Have you ever been awake but at the same time not? Well, i'm having one of those moments right now... And for some werid reason i'm not cold anymore, which is fucking awesome! But weird... It was freaking freezing out! And now it feels like i'm under a blanket... Speaking of which... I feel heavy.

Something shifts, and i force my eyes open. The only thing i can see is a bit of skin and a black tuft of hair... Oh my god Silas is lying on top of me... Did he crawl over here in his sleep? Or did he do this shit on purpose as soon as i blacked out? Anyhow, this is unacceptable... I grab his shoulders and i start to push him off of me with all my might. It's easier said than done, if anything it only seems to make him pull me closer... Sweet jesus will this guy ever leave me alone? What if he decides to bite me while he's asleep!?

Trying to wriggle my way out of his grip just makes me tired... I know i have low stamina, but i didn't know it was this low... Or is it the fact that i haven't eaten since yesterday? Bloodloss? Doesn't matter... I just need to get this bastard off of me... I draw my hand back with a sigh, and then i proceed to sla the living daylights out of Silas, who growls and slightly tightens his grip on me before releasing me entirely. I push him off, surprisingly enough he's still asleep...

I sit up and pull my backpack towards me... Luckily my orange isn't squished... I peel off the shell, looks good enough to eat... I bite into it, which is a big mistake on my part, the juice sprays everywhere... Thankfully i manage to get it down, is this how it feels to bite somebody's neck? I shiver, What the fuck me? No seriously what the fuck?

I sake my head and finish my orange. Feels good to have eaten something at least... I look over at SIlas, still sleeping? I scoot over to him, and i flip him over, yup... Asleep... "Silas... Wake your lazy ass up right now..." i lightly kick his side. He grumbles, but stays asleep. Unbelivable... "Are you fucking kidding me? Silas... Up!" i kick his side harder this time. He slowly opens his eyes and glares at me "What?" he grumbles. I raise a brow "Get your ass up right now, i want to go home..." i pull my knees up to my chest. Silas nods and sits up with a grunt, rubbing at where i just kicked him.

 "You could at least have been a bit more gentle..." he grumbles, i choose not to grace that with an answer... I wait until he's all the way up on his feet before i try to stand on my own. My feet are a bit wobbly and i immediately feel the need to sit back down. Kind of like my legs won't be able to keep me up. SIlas watches from a short distance, he looks ready to catch me if i fall... But after all of the shit that happened yesterday, he's not carrying me, let alone touching me with both hands for a while.... His gaze lands on my neck and he nods in approval. I raise a brow, ready to question him, but he shakes his head and says "The scar doesn't show from a distance..." he says, stretching. I nod "Good...".

After about fifteen minutes of packing and dawdling we set off. I quickly find out that last nights had worse effects on me than i thought... We haven't even walked for twenty minutes and i feel even worse than i did from standing up. My breathing is a bit laboured, which i hope Silas doesn't notice... I can see black spots dancing in my vision, my head is pounding and i feel ready to fall over at any given moment. Silas has been staring at me for quite some time now, i turn towards him "What..?" i question, immediately sucking in some air into my screaming throat. "You look like shit... Come on, let me help you..." he holds out his hand, i glare at it, slap it away stubbornly before i flip him off and i turn away. I can imagine he's rolling his yellow eyes by now... Asshat...

We walk and walk and walk for hours upon hours... Did we really go that far from the school? Or is my head just messing with me? Whatever, we're probably forced to take one soon anyway... My legs are shaking badly, i won't be able to hold my body up dor much longer. Besides, the black spots in my vision has merged and become huge black clots that takes away most of my vision. "Hey, Kendal, let's take a break... You look ready to drop dead..." he pats my back lightly, which sends me into a coughing fit... What the fuck body... He patted me on the back, he didn't slam a baseball bat into it...

Silas' brows crinkles in worry, i nod and sit straight down where i am... More like falling to my knees really.... Silas sits himself down on a fallen tree a few feet behind in front of me. He watches me like an eagle, as if waiting for me to faint so he can bring me to his evil lair or something... Hey, don't blame me for having such thoughts, considering everything he's done to me so far... I regret ever thinking he's a good person. Fuck i'm beat... I manage to cool down a bit, and after maybe half an hour of resting i feel a bit refreshed, still feeling shitty, but a little better... I stand up on wobbly feet again, Silas stares at me in disapproval, but really... Who gives a shit? He's really just all bark and no bite... Or maybe not, considering he's had a huge amount of blood now... He should be really fucking grateful for that... Well, it's not like i'm that angry anymore... Considering that the black spots are almost gone, and that i can breathe properly now...

"Let's go..." i demand, gesturing towards the way we're headed. Silas shrugs and stands up, mumbling something that i can't quite catch... Whatever, i just want to go home and sleep for a few days... Maybe a month? Hah, wouldn't that be something...

When we're on the road again i can feel my mood dropping, not a surprise considering that Silas is constantly asking me for the permission to carry me home, saying that it's quicker and less tiresome... Can't do much else but refuse... I don't give a flying fruity fuck about how much quicker it is... I just don't trust him... That's all there is to it really... But still, my pride aside... I feel even shittier than i did before... Maybe because i'm hungry as well now? I'd gladly down three portions of the shit we're served at school just to feel less hungry...

Luckily, i can see the school in the distance... Thank fucking god... I quicken my pace a little bit, and Silas follows. Not even half an hour passes before we're back... But it has already begun to darken out, and that kind of says a bit about how far away we've been... Wow... Now that the feeling of relief is gone, i can kind of see the world spinning... It's kind of funny really, how well the spinning goes with the black dots and nausea... The rim of my face feels icy cold, yet scorching hot at the same time... And as if to add on to my suffering it feels like i'm about to throw up mu guts... Is this what a dizzy spell is like? Wow...

As we head up the hill that leads to the school entrance, i can see Tessa waving down at us, she looks relieved to see us... I raise my hand to wave back, but my hand refuses to move... It kind of just freezes mid-air and in the next moment i'm on the ground, looking at gravel. All sounds become muffled, but i can hear Silas' shout of surprise... Tessa is shouting my name too i think...

My vision is going dark, so i can't really see anything... I can feel my conciousness slipping away... Well fuck... I guess the universe just kind of hates me huh?

A/N: Ahhh, this chapter may not be that good, so sorry XP But at least i've had my persona soundtracks to use for inspiration/motivation... And now i've decided how to end this story! Since you know... I have no idea what the plot actually is... But i guess i have a little more of a grip on it now at least... Hope you enjoyed ;)

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