Part 6: i believe i can fly?

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A/N: WOHOOO! Another chapter, yeah! I love writing Kendal, seriously... But i think this chapter is a bit more related to the nonexcistent plot hahah~~ The song on the side is actually a random song my friend sent me, but when i first heard it i was like... okay, cool song... And then comes the Chorus and i go all *gasp* "OMG THAT'S TOTALLY KENDAL!" and my friend agreed, so i thought it would be funny if i added the song here... It's the nightcore version because it sounds better... Anyway, enjoy this chapter :D

I was in a bad mood even before i woke up... Want to know why? No sleep that's why... It was like some hellish torture... The kiss replaying in my head a million times like some broken record... And every time, my hatred for that bastard Silas grows... And today i have to spend more time with the rat bastard... I swear to god, i'm going to make today a living hell for him...

Tessa bursts in, like she does every morning nowadays, a great big smile on her face. This time she actually left the piercings in... Her hair is set up in a messy ponytail, and unlike the usual punkish outfit, she's wearing shorts and a vest... Pair that with her backpack, stockings and comfy shoes, i'd say she's ready as can be for this hunting trip...

I groan and turn, but as usual Tessa is having none of it. She drags me out of bed, going over to my closet. She rummages through it a litte, before throwing some clothes at me "Uppity up sunshine! We're going out today!" she cheers. I flip her off, yet she only laughs at me. I finally look up from my pillow, and stare at the clothing she threw at me "Oh yeah... And you just had to choose the sluttiest hiking clothes i have... Thanks...

I get dressed and stare at my reflection, Tessa laughs "Now we match, right!?" she snickers. I roll my eyes. Well, at least i'm not wearing stockings... But these Knee-length comfy pants aren't exactly much better... Especiallys since she chose my shoulder-less long sleeved gym shirt... I shrug "Let's just go..." i point towards the door, Tessa nods once and skips over to the door. Why is she so damn happy today anyway? Well, we have no classes so that's a plus...

I force down my breakfast, that today consisted of tasteless scones and some runny berry jam... Yum... And then we all assemble outside of the school. And holy shit you won't believe how many people there are here... Tessa scouts the area, before her eyes land on a girl a little ways off, her eyes light up "Sienna!" she calls, the girl turns towards us. Happiness spreads across her pretty features and she starts running towards us. The girl's black ponytail swishes behind her as she runs. A werewolf huh? Tessa takes off running as well, and when she's close enough she jumps into the air, this Sienna girl catching her. And to my surprise they share a long sweet kiss before Sienna drops Tessa gently back to the ground.

When they're both back by me i can't help but smirk "Oh? So you swing for that team huh?" i tease and Tessa blushes. Sienna studies me, sniffs a little at me, making me feel a bit uncomfortable, but Sienna's eyes widen in surprise "Oh... You've been claimed by that guy huh?" she deadpans and offers me a look of pity. "Oh, Sienna Price by the way..." she smirks and holds out a hand, i take it if not a little sceptically "Kendal Rivers... Pleasure" i offer her a smile. Tessa looks genuinly surprised "I thought you hated mystical creatures..." she raises a brow. i nod "I do... But seeing as this is your girflriend, i think i can make an exception..." i shrug.

Tessa's eyes widen in delight and she embraces me "Thank you Kendal! I love you!" she pauses and turn towards Sienna "But not more than i love you!" she proceeds to blow the werewolf a kiss. I smile a little at it, nice to see more people like me... I snort, being gay isn't exactly socially acceptable yet... I mean, it's more acceptable than before, and there are probably a lot of closet gays in this school, but it's still nice...

"You two are very cute..." i wink at them, making Sienna blush. Tessa simply smirks, so cute... But of course, my slightly improved mood just had to be crushed to pieces... Fuck you Silas... "Morning puppy~~" he purrs, sliding his arms around my neck, so now his face his next to mine. "You're not allowed to pull away when i hug you today..." he teases and i sigh in resignation. "I swear to god, Revenge will be truly sweet..." i growl, but Silas pretends he doesn't hear me "Morning girls! I'm just kidnapping this little fellow for the day..." he smirks. Tessa shrugs while Sienna raises a brow "He doesn't seem to like you very much Silas..." she points out, gesturing towards my outraged expression. Silas waves her off "Of course he does, he just doesn't realize it yet... Right puppydog?" he winks. I sigh "Yeah, sure...", i'm just going to give up now... Save me all the trouble of trying to shake him off... "So obedient today..." Tessa teases, pinching my cheek. I glare at her "I lost a bet..." i spit and her eyes light up in understanding "Oh... That makes sense... Well, in that case i'm not going to bother you... Sienna, we should head out already!" she giggles and drags her girlfriend away. Sienna sends me one last pitiful glance before disappearing into the crowd.

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