Part 10: My body hates me

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I'm kind of dragged back into conciousness for some reason, which is fucking terrefying considering i can't really move or anything... Isn't this what they called Sleep paralyzation or something? Pah, i can't really be bothered to care at the moment... I just want to be able to move again... Why can't i move!? I need to drink something, my throat feels like sandpaper and my tongue is all swollen... Fuck, why does shit like this keep happening to me!? Why can't the universe just leave me the fuck alone?

As if that wasn't enough, my head is pounding like crazy... As if miniature soldiers are firing at my brain with mini RPGs... That or a drunken truck driver repeatedly running over my head at tortoise speed... You get what i mean... I somehow manage to swallow... What the fuck is happening to me?

Suddenly i feel my entire body convulse once, a sudden rush of fear washes over me... What's going on!? It feels a bit like i'm underwater... It's cold and dark... Am i in a coma or is this just some every day bullshit? The room around me is silent, maybe it's night time?

I ignore the fear that makes my chest constrict. Maybe i should just try and sleep again, if i do that, things will get less scary... Yeah, that's probably it... I try to relax, which isn't easy when you can't move your body... But after a little while, i can feel myself sinking deeper into the water-like place i'm in... And with that, i lose conciousness yet again.

When i come to after that, i can thankfully move... But my eyelids are heavy and moving hurts... Besides, it feels like something is in me... I force my eyes open and twist my head to the side. Oh... A blood packet huh...  I guess i did lose a lot of blood... Is that why i was so tired?

I can barely even turn my my head back to where it was when i opened my eyes... The room i'm in... Which i'm guessing is the infirmary- is emtpy save for myself... Alone huh... Not that i'm not used to being alone, i mean... Did you really think i'd have heaps of friends with my personality? No... I do not...

That reminds me... How long was i out? I try to look around the room, but as i stated earlier, moving hurts, and there really aren't any calendars or anything in here... I can see a glass of water on the nightstand next to me... I force my body to move, despite the obvious discomfort it gives me. And i glug it all down in one go, immediately feeling slightly refreshed... I place the glass back on the nightstand and use my hands to prop up a pillow behind my back, so sitting will be more comfortable.

I don't know how long i sit there, but by the time the infirmary door opens, i'm half asleep, dazingly staring out into the air with hald lidded eyes. The person who entered freezes, before rushing over to me. It's Tessa... But something is off.... Oh yeah... Through my half closed sleepy eyes, i can't help but to notice her hair, which is no longer pink, but the same electric blue as the stripe that was in her hair until recently. The funniest part about it had to be her stripes though, as if standing in line, the purpe is now where the blue used to be, the green replaced the purple and the pink replaced the green. Her surprise is evident on her face "Jesus! Kendal, are you awake!?" she softly grabs my shoulder, biting her lower lip. I nod slowly "Hey..." i greet, more like croak actually...

"Oh thank god!" She breathes out in relief, pulling me into a hug. The movement causes my body to almost pulse with pain... kind of like a headache but in my entire body actually... Tessa pulls away, giving me a once-over "You okay? Does it hurt anywhere?" she questions, grabbing my face with both hands. Once again i nod "I'm fine... But my everything hurts..." i groan, rubbing at my eyes to remove the "sleepyness". Tessa offers me a look full of pity "So sorry to hear that, but at least you're awake... I was beginning to get suuper worried!" she groans, but smiles softly.

I raise a brow "How long was i out for anyway?" i question, raising a brow. Tessa's answer is immediate "At least a week and a half, jesus Christ... Not only did you suffer from anemia, but also dehydration, exhaustion and a few bruises here and there... Shock too i think..." she counts all of my symptoms on her fingers. "Holy shit how am i alive?" i muse out loud and Tessa shrugs "You know what they say; Idiots never die..." she teases. Just to humour her i nod my head and shrug "True, true..."

Tessa ruffles my hair "Good to have you back... Everyone was super worried... Especially Leo... Or, he wasn't particularily worried about you... He was more worried about you and Silas' relationship... It affected his 'love guru skills' too..." she sighs, shaking her head. I roll my eyes "Of course... Serves him right though..." i huff.

Tessa laughs "Yeah i know... But i think Silas is the one who has it worst... He's been really down you know? He's been feeling really guilty..." she sighs, propping her head up with her hand. I huff, frowning "Oh really? Well he should... My condition is all his fault anyway... I growl, trying but failing miserably to cross my arms. God fucking damn it i hate this... I even feel guilty about what i just said, even though none of it's my fault! Tessa frowns "I'm sure he did his best to protect you Kendal, please don't be like that... Anyway, i'm glad that you're awake... The nurse will come and check on you soon, so be still okay? I have to go..." She hugs me and stands up. "Sienna waiting for you?" i wiggle my brows, and judging by her blush, i'm right... "Yeah... I promised we'd hang out..." she smiles.

Right before she exits, she points to the other side of my bed "By the way, Road left you a shitton of gifts...Have fun!" She then skips out of the nurse's office. I chuckle after her and turn towards where Tessa pointed earlier and hoky shit... A shitton of gifts is no understatement... There are like, a miniature mountain of flowers, get well teddies and chocolate... No way i'll be able to finish all of this... If i melted it, i'd have a few litres that's for damn sure... I lean back towards my pillow, kind of just waiting for the nurse to arrive...

Her smile seems to light up the entire room when she sees me, perhaps she was worried? She rushes over and grabs my chin, forcefully opening my eye. What the fuck? She studies my eyes, my face, then she makes me take of my shirt, nothing out of the ordinary... Except for you know... Hurting everywhere... She gently pats the top of my head before pushing me down into the matress, propping my head up with a pillow. She says something about getting me something to eat, but to be honest... i don't really feel like eating anything...

A/N: Short chapter i know, forgive me XP And yes, Tessa only changes her haircolor into these four colors, since they're her favourite, and yes... She does change the color depending on which stripe is the closest to her face... Neat huh? Her hair is probably super damaged XP

Anyway, i want to keep Kendal in the infirmary for a little while longer, so that's why i'm writing at least one or two chapters with him in there... Who knows, the plot might even thicken? *not so subtle hint*

Anyway, hope this was enjoyable :D So-chan ouut~~

I'm nobody's b!tchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora