Part 8: I may need a blood transfusion

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As the adrenaline slowly leaves my system i realize just how tired i am... My eyelids become droopy, but i'm too nervous to actually sleep. Fuck i'm pathetic... I glance at the ground, nothing seems out of the ordinary. Well, if you look away from the fact that it's a really long fucking way down. But i'm too tired to even care about that...

Now the question still remains; Why did Silas decide to save me? Because i'm his responsibility?  Because he wants to make me his obedient little puppy? Because no matter how inprobable it is, Silas actually cares? I don't need a beast to worry about me... But still, it still makes me wonder.

I shake my head, he doesn't care... I've done nothing more than act like a colossal douche towards him... It's probably because he doesn't want to get in trouble or something... I decide to go with that explanation until he himself can give me a proper one. I just have to wait for him, that's all...

I wait, and i wait... I don't know how many hours have passed, but before i've even realized it, it's begun to darken outside. And i'm getting really hungry... I do have my backpack, but nobody told me we'd be camping outside so i only brought like... An orange or something...

Though i guess eating something is better than eating nothing at all... It's getting cold out too... I shiver, where is he? He should be here by now... He should have been here, caught us something to eat and then he should have been taking me back to the school! I'm so tired i could cry... I pull one of my legs up so i can rest my chin on it. I'm already stiff and it hurts when i move. Well, i guess this is good for me, so there's nothing i can do about it...

Is Silas dead after all? Or is he just taking his sweet fucking time in getting here? Should i go back and search for him? I shouldn't... He clearly told me to wait for him... But have i ever listened to what silas tells me? Yeah, today i have... But, this is getting serious! I'm not scared anymore... But i'm very worried... N-not so much about Silas of course... More about how i'm going to get home... I nod to myself, feeling a little determination swelling up within me, hell yeah! I'll go back and look for him, he's probably just being a lazy ass again... Yeah, that's probably it...

I carefully make my way down again, but i've been still for so long that my body is all stiff, making my descent a little more painful than i'd like... But i sigh a bit in relief when i'm on the ground... At least i know i'll live if i fall now... Speaking of falling, i'm feeling a bit woozy... i wonder why? I shake my head, i need to focus here... I need to find Silas before it becomes dark out...

Even though my legs protest i start walking, i think i'm going in the right direction... But i don't recognize anything... Probably because i wasn't paying attention during that mad dash. I just hope i'm going the right way... The forest is getting creepier by the minute... It's almost entirely dark out... I stop and throw my backback off of my back. Did i remember to pack a flashlight? Oh hells yeah, i actually did! i fish it out of my backpack and i turn it on, phew much better!

I illuminate the area, but that doesn't make it any easier to recognise... But at least i have light now. My relief however, is fairly short lived. The leaves rustles again, i freeze. Is the wolf back? I take a step backwards, holding my flashlight close to my chest. The next thing that catches my ear is a low growling kind of groan. Sounds like an animal in pain... I take another cautious step backwards. The bush rustles again and i see something reach out of it... This time, i scream. I can't see exactly what it is that's sticking out from the bush, but something is dripping off of it, and a metallic smell intrudes my nose. That's the last drop, i turn on my heel and run back the way i just came from. Why can't this forest just leave me the fuck alone!?

I don't get very far, i can hear heavy footsteps and small grunts of pain behind me. My legs are screaming at me to stop running, which i'm forced to do as something grabs me from behind. I scream again, and i try to struggle. The intense smell of rot and blood forces it's way into my nose, and i kind of just give up right there... I kind of just... slump down, still... Kind of just waiting to die... "Will you calm your fucking tits already!?" A familliar voice calls from behind me. And for some strange reason, i feel relief wash over me. "Silas!" my relief to see, i mean hear him is evident in my voice. I turn around to take a look at him, and the air seems to catch in my throat and i grimace. He's all bloody and beaten. Bite marks cover his skin in the visible areas, and he's limping horribly. He has a blackeye too... "Silas! Y-you look like-!" i can't even finish the sentence, but apparently i don't need to, he does it for me "Like shit... i- I know..." he's breathing heavily. I'm not so sure i like the current state he's in...

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