Part 1: i'll make you mine

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A/N:Wohoo! Another badly written story with an equally bad cover that i spent literally three minutes on, woot! Anyway, this is an oldie that's been lying around for a year and i though; meh, why the fuck not? Rated t for language xD



I stomp through the hallways, my anger rising with every step, every thump. My shoes slapping towards the floor and echoing through the empty halls. How could they!? How could they even think of sending me here, what had i ever done to them!? We live in a world of Vampires and Werewolves here! Humans, like me... Are simply a food source to them... Nothing more, nothing less... The lessons of three years ago flooded my angry thoughts, packing around them like a wool blanket, surpressing them. Vampires and werewolves, came to earth five hundred years ago. If you ask one of them, they'd call it the liberation day... My ass... The day their existence became known to the world, was when some archeologists discovered a buried temple. You better bet your ass it is cheesy... But in that temple, was a portal, to another dimension or some bullshit like that... That's when they invaded... Or so my mother told me when i was a kid... For four hundred years, humans were sold as slaves and food for vampires and Werewolves, until an agreement was made, that Vampire's, Humans and werewolves were to get along, of course, nobody gave a shit about that agreement. But this Academy was still built, to teach the hellspawns to control themselves. And my foster parents have sent me to this academy... Sent is the wrong word, sold is more correct... Yes, that's right. I'm not even a slave. I'm simply food, a snack... You can just tell my parents love me...

Even so they provide basic education, so i guess i will have something to do before someone sucks me dry... Reminding myself of my reasoning of being here, made my brows furrow and my mood darken again. I stepped into the noisy classroom, that immediately silenced when they spotted me... I must have made quite the impression on them... Blue eyes, white hair, which is unusual even with our invaders... And a scowl. Oh, if only looks could kill. Whispers erupted as i stomped forward and slumped down into an empty seat. I could feel the stares of half the class on my back, i turned to glare at them, only to realize that they were looking at me with disgust. Humans were still worthless in their eyes afterall... Well... I'm worthless in their eyes, and i could do nothing to change that. As soon as the teacher steps in, she looks over the classroom, her eyes land on me, and with a smile on her otherwise stern face she gestures me over to her. I rise, and do as told. As soon as i'm about to introduce myself, the door slams open. All eyes turn to the open door, and a guy steps in, mood fouler than mine. He sent a glare at me, and i feel like a scared rabbit under his gaze. But i shrug it off and i glare back, at first the boy seems surprised, but then he smirks and sits down right behind were i sat earlier. "Now, if you'd introduce yourself that would be great..." the teacher smiled reassuringly, her wrinkes make her seem like one of those kind grandmothers. But even with wrinkles, she was very beautiful. "Kendall Rivers... I'm in your care from now on it seems... And if you have a problem with me" I directed my glare to the people from before, including the boy "I'd appreciate it if you would take it up with me..." there must have been a certain tone to my voice for the boy from earlier whistled.

I strode over to my desk, head held high, before slumping down into my chair. Since it was the first day, we didn't really learn anything, it was mainly introductions... I mean, what was there to learn anyway, in a school made up of beasts out of legends anyway? I could only hope that i would survive through the first day...

Before i knew it class was over, and my mood was even worse than it had been this morning, believe it or not. The guy that was late, on the first day at that; had been poking my back with a pencil the entirety of class, trying to get my attention. And he had flat out ignored it when the teacher told him off for doing so. Even after class he wouldn't stop bothering me "Hey, you... Kendal! Hey, i'm talking to you!" his voice turned harsh as i continued to ignore him. At last he was tired of my bullshit and pressed me up against the wall "Listen here prick, i admire your courage but isn't it common curtesy to at least give some sort of fucking response when somebody talks to you?" he growls, his amber eyes flaring.

I snort "Yeah? It's common curtesy with humans... And nothing about you seem very human to me..." i spit right back, feeling defiant. It might be rude, but it was the truth... Silver eyes, coal black hair and sharp canine-teeth... Definately not human...

He hisses through his nose, "that kind of attitude is only going to get you killed..." He forced calmness into his voice, and then the bastard dares to smirk at me "you really do have a proper set of balls, i'll give you that... I'll make you my bitch, do you feel grateful?" He snickers, my frown turns into a glare "you can try, but i'll kick your ass before that ever happens..." I spit as i push him off of me. He pats me on the head abd says "i'm looking forward to breaking you... Kendal..." Before striding confidently down the hallway. "FUCK YOU!" I call after him and stomp off into the opposite direction. Who the fuck does he think he is!? 'I'm going to make you my bitch'? In your dreams asshole... I think bitterly as i head for my dorm room, thank the lord for not having french or german, long live spanish for giving me some free-time... Even though i don't spend it on anything other than sulking... I want to go home, sheesh... Why did my parents have to send me here!? I don't feel like getting my blood sucked out, or getting eaten... Perhaps one of those mutts will even try to rape me, those fuckers didn't have any selfcontrol... It wouldn't have surprised me if they did...

That reminds me, that guy... The arrogant asshole hadn't even bothered to give me his name... Perhaps i should just name him 'sir-asshole'? It was fitting in a way... I laugh quietly to myself...

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