Part 27: Let's end it

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I can't sleep afterall... I blink, staring up at the roof, i've done nothing but cause trouble and pain... Ever since mom took me in... I feel empty, like i'm incomplete and void of emotion... Hadn't it been for the pain in my chest i would have thought i was dead already... I sigh climbing out of bed, it's around two in the morning... Perfect time for an evening walk...

I can hear soft snores from mom's room as i head down the stares, and i can't help but smile... So she cried herself to sleep afterall... I close the door behind me, sucking in the fresh air. The streets would have been completely dark hadn't it been for the one or two working landposts and the moon... I'd forgotten how beautiful this place could be at night... I always used to venture out when stuff became too much to handle... Like now...

I shake my head and start the long walk along the road, i don't really have a particular destination in mind, i just like to walk... I stick my hands into my pockets to warm them, it's cold out tonight... Wish i'd brought a scarf or a sweater... But perhaps i deserve being cold for a while, after all i've done... I sigh, a puff of steam floating towards the sky before dissappearing into the night air... SOme people are still awake, i can see it through their bedroom lights... Or even light in the livingroom for some... Just as i reach the plaza i can hear the sound of a door opening "Kendal?" my heart sinks down into my gut, and i grit my teeth "What do you want?" my voice is sharper than i intended...

Jeremy holds his hands up above his head, as if signalling that he's surrendering "Woah, don't get your panties in a twist!" he rolls his eyes and skips down the stairs. I give him a once-over... He's dressed a little bit nicer than usual, but he's rolled up his sleeves to you could see his muscles still... Trying to impress? "What were you doing at jenny's?" i raise a brow at him and he replies by shrugging "Meh... Thought i could get her to bed me... But as expected- that didn't happen... We had loads of fun just talking and playing board-games though so it wasn't all wasted..." he shrugs and i crinkle my nose "i see..."

"What brings you out at this hour? Don't tell me you're here to accept my offer are you?" he actually sounds excited. "What!? No!" i hiss at him, crossing my arms over my chest. "Ah too bad... I won't give up on you though! Ah- you cold?" he casually strolls over to me, hands in his pockets "Well, if you are it's no wonder! Those are your PJ's no?" he blinks, eyes wide with surprise. I shake my head "I'm not cold..." i deny, but Jeremy places a hand on my arm before immediately pulling back "No, not cold... You're fucking freezing!" he hisses back, pulling his jacket off of his shoulders. I back away "No way... Stay away from me!" i halfway hunch over in a protective stance. Jeremy rolls his eyes and forces the jacket over my shoulders "Here... Before you turn into an icicle..." he sighs, stepping back. I narrow my eyes "What are you playing at?" my voice is laced with suspicion, but Jeremy shrugs "Can't i be nice once in a while?"

"Yeah, you can but you never are..." i hiss, and Jeremy shrugs "I guess that is true..." Jeremy sighs, grabbing at the sleeves of his jacket and using them to pull me closer to him "We miss you Kendal... Can't you stay?" he snakes his arms around my waist, but he's not trapping me, it's more of a hug than anything. I shiver. but not because of the cold... "Stop..." i growl, but i can feel my strength leaving me... He always had that effect on me...

I clench my eyes shut, biting my lower lip as Jeremy's hand rakes through my hair. "Why?" he questions, his other hand rubbing small circles on my back, but i can gradually feel his hand going downwards. He's trying to seduce me again, i know at least that much... I also know that i don't have the strength to resist...

There's one major difference between this and the usual though... It feels wrong this time... Like every touch is poisonous. Jeremy's hands stop at my hips and my breath catches in my throat. Goddamn... Then i feel this stinging pain on the dip between my neck and shoulder. I hiss, but if it's pain or... yeah- i don't know... Jeremy makes one mistake here though... He tought he won... I use this confidence of his to push him off of me, and my hand immediately slap over the spot where he bit me "Good night asshole!" i scream throwing his jacket off before i run in the opposite direction. Fuck... I cover my mouth- this is a problem... Why was i aroused by that!? Well, i guess most people would be... But that doesn't make me feel any better about it... I feel... Disgusting...

"Kendal! Wait up!" i hear Jeremy's voice behind me, he sounds a little agitated. "What kind of man leaves another man hanging like that!?" he huffs when he finally catches up with me, i glare at him "What kind of man forces another man into having sex with them!?" i retort, crossing my arms over my chest, and i don't care if i wake the entire fucking neighbourhood i need to get this out... Jeremy opens his mouth wide and then closes it like some retarded fish. But then his eyes narrow "Excuse you, you seem to be enjoying it when we do it!" he growls, closing the distance bewteen us to grab my collar.

I slap his hand away "I remember screaming at you to stop every time!" Jeremy opens his mouth to say something, but i slap my hand over his mouth "NO THE LINES ARE NOT BLURRED!" i scream, loud enough for a neighbourhood dog to start howling and somebody peeking out from their windows. Jeremy moves my hand away "Kendal, you need to calm down..." he shushes me, his hands making frantic motions and looking around wildly, he noticed the townspeople too... 

I shake my head "I am sick of your shit... It needs to stop... I can't go through with this anymore!" i pull at my hair. Jeremy shakes his head "Come on Kendal! You don't mean that! You've always went along with it!" he reaches out to touch me, but i step back "Well, duh... Like i had a choice, you'd tie me down if i refused..." i hiss, more and more people are gathering by the windows, and some are even staring at us with annoyance. "It's that Silas guy isn't it? You've changed since you left for that damned school..." he mutters, and a flare of anger sparks up in my chest "Do you really think i would have remained your pet forever!? You know this fling won't last forever!" i growl, pointing accusedly at him. He goes silent for a moment, breathing heavily through his nose.

And i realize something- a normal person wouldn't act like this... Like i'm some thing and that my opinions don't matter. He wants control... Control over what he sees as his... "Come on Kendal... Snap out of it already! I know you feel something for me, please just stop acting like a child!" he pleads, i shake my head and turn to leave, but Jeremy grabs my wrists "Kendal..." he warns, glaring harshly at me. But then in my one strike of luck, a flashlight burns my retinas and somebody calls "What's going on here?" the voice called out to us. I sigh in relief "Yeah, sorry officer... But i can't seem to get this guy to leave me alone..."

I can imagine the look of utter betrayal Jeremy's sending me at this moment but frankly i don't give a shit... I want this to end... Now

A/N: Heeey everybody! Been a while heheeh~~ so, sorry about that... This chapter is a little longer than usual i think... Glad to see you guys aren't too fond of Jeremy... He should be a problem of the past soon... I think... Just realized this chapter is Silas free... Hahah poor bastard
Anyway hope  you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Stay classy guys~~

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