Part 3: So his name is?

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I flopped onto the couch, i didn't even have the energy to go back to my room again, so i settled for the couch in the boy's dormitory living-room... The place was quite spacious, and why wouldn't it be? I sigh, something cold to drink would be very much welcome... But, i was feeling a bit lazy... It was hella embarrassing, really... Hopefully i'll get used to it soon enough... Running around til i drop i mean...

I sigh and roll over on the couch only to come face to face to the one person i don't want to see... "Oh great... So you're stalking me now?" i sigh, narrowing my eyes at him. He raises a brow at me, and gives me this incredulous look "Stalk you? You do realize that this room is for everyone right? Or are you that conceited, your majesty?" he finishes off with a curt bow. Oh, trying to offend me now are we? Well, i guess i'll just have to play along for now... "And you said you were going to make me your bitch? Seems more like you're mine..." i say flatly, but i can't help the smirk that forces it's way onto my face.

The guy freezes and then proceeds to glare at me "Well played you little shit..." he growls. He closes the distance bewteen us and leans over me, his warm amber eyes are staring straight into mine "But just you wait, your shit personality will be gone soon, i can assure you that..." he purrs, cocking his head. I narrow my eyes at him "In your dreams asshole..." i hiss back at him. A smirk toys at his lips, which he tries to hide by scowling... God damnit, if he hadn't been such and asshole(that and a vampire) he would have been really fucking hot... Then he does something unexpected; He pinches my nose with two fingers and my eyes widen, i'm about to throw some profanities at him, but he covers my mouth with his other hand, deprieving me of air "By the way... I'm getting tired of your petty nicknames... It's Silas..." he huffs.

I glare at him, but my lungs are already screaming for air... God damn him... He however, refuses to let go "Understood?" he growls, and i roll my eyes, but then again, i might pass out if i keep this up, and god knows what he'd do to me then... "Well? What's your answer Kendal? By the way, your face is a bit blue..." he adds, amusement glinting in his eyes. I roll my eyes once again, but i still nod, he finally releases me and i gasp for air "Thanks for nothing asshole..." i cough, wiping my mouth with my sleeve. "I already told you to call me Silas..." he says flatly, crossing his arms... Silas huh? Why am i not surprised? An asshole name for an asshole, how fitting... "Fine then, silas..." i spit, even is name feels like poison on my tongue... Ewww, now i wish i remained clueless...

Silas just smirks at me "Seems this puppy can learn new tricks... Want a treat for that?" he teases, the little shitstain... I stick out my tongue at him, i know it's childish but hey, whoever said i wasn't? He rolls his eyes, but then a smirk tugs at his lips... Is that his only fucking expression? "I'll take that as a yes then..." he muses, closing the distance between us again. I glare at him "Come near me and i'll kill you..." i threaten, but all he does is laugh... I know it's cowardly, but a nutshot is very tempting at the moment...

i quickly sit up, but who the fuck am i kidding? I wouldn't get away from him even if i tried... He stops right in front of me, and seems to analyze my face, the shit eating smirk on his face never leaves, and to be honest, it's really pissing me off... His eyes widens in realization, like he's gotten the best idea ever... That's when he ruffles my hair, my eyes widen yet again. The shock of it all is so big that i can't even move, Silas chuckles evilly "Aww, the puppy likes that huh?" he mocks, and i can feel my cheeks flush bright red. He let's his hand glide from the top of my head and down to my chin, he pushes my head up and before i can process anything else; he goes ahead and fucking kisses me... All at once, my brain seems to become putty, i'm unable to move or anything... What. the fuck!?

As if somebody flipped a switch, my body finally decides to listen again, and i proceed to punch the little bastard straight in the face. He reels back in shock, holding his nose tenderly. My anger is bubbling like a glass of cola... Fuck this guy... "Aww did that hurt? Didn't you know that puppies bite?" i mock him, trying to coat my voice to be as sugary as i can muster. It sounds wrong, even in my head, and i can definately attest that some fucked up shit is happening up there... Trust me...

I'm nobody's b!tchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora