Part 22: Getting comfortable

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Thank god i got to wash my hair before... The stuff... Dried out and got all crusty, i hate it when that happens. I sigh, taking a shower always helps... My lower half still hurts like a bitch... Little bit from the strain, and a little bit because seeing as the guys are the ones supposed to feel good from it, they completely disregarded my own little problem... Which always leads to quite a bit of frustration. I take a deep breath before exiting the shower, when i look in the mirror i only feel disgust... God that's a lot of hickies... I look like a dalmatian...

I exit the bathroom and head for my room, Silas has apparently occupied my bed... Which i find strange, seeing as he looked at me with disgust a few minutes ago- or at least before i told him everything... He sucks in a breath when he sees me, frowning "You look like a fucking dalmatian..." he pouts, turning away from me. What's he pouting about? i roll my eyes, heading for my closet "Well no shit sherlock..." i mumble under my breath. I pull a long sleeved sweater out of my very messy closet, shit i haven't even bothered to stack my clothes have i? Or, they are stacked... But in a messy mountain formation.

After some digging, i also find a pair of clean sweatpants and some socks, not a matching pair but who the hell cares i'm tired, hurt and humiliated... I flop down onto the bed next to Silas, my back turned towards him "So uh... How are you feeling?" he akwardly forces out, i surpress the need to chuckle "Like shit..." i reply honestly, this makes him turn towards me "In what way?" he asks, perhaps he wants to help or something? Sounds like him allright... I sigh "My ass hurts, my hips hurts, my back hurts, my chest hurts but that isn't new and now my face hurts.... That and i feel humiliated... I want to crawl into the ground and die... That detailed enough for you?" i half snap at him, turning his way. "Mentally too?" he raises a brow. What is up with this guy and personal questions!?

"Well duh, i was fucked by eight or nine guys against my will, i got aroused while they did it, which i know is a natural response but it's still humiliating as fuck... And i confined in you, and even cried and slobbered on you... How did you think i would feel?" i roll my eyes at him. Silas sighs "Sorry... And i honestly didn't mind you confiding in me... In fact, i felt a little honored considering you snap at everything..." he shrugs, and i know that it's his way of trying to make me feel better... I shake my head "Don't worry... I'm always like this afterwards..." i sigh, snuggling into my pillow. Silas raises both of his brows "And how many times have you done this?" treading carefully i see... I shrug "Twice a week since i was... Fourteen- Scratch that, thirteen..." i nod to myself, i even remember the exact date... Silas hisses, like my statement physically wounds him. "That small?" he questions, as if to be sure. 

I nod "Yeah, i mean we all knew what sex was... And we were educated on puberty and whatnot, so they knew what they were doing... " i yawn, closing my eyes. It's been a while since i've just had a comfortable conversation with Silas like this... Feels kind of nice, or it did, until he decides to move closer to me... That's when my heart starts beating faster... I can even smell him from here... Shit... But it's a little funny, because even with my eyes closed i can tell that he's angry... Intuition i guess, that and what he says next "Kendal... I'm going to kill them tomorrow, that okay with you?" he hisses through grit teeth. My eyes snap open "No... You can't..." i slap his shoulder gently. Silas pouts "Why not!? Just a few?" the scary part is that i can't tell if he's serious or not...

"No, this town isn't big... We need all the manpower we have, and those guys are a huge part of that manpower... We can't afford to lose a single one..." i'm a little surprised to find my voice to be so full of... Regret... Silas releases an "oh" of understanding "So thats why you haven't gone to the police about this?" he mumbles, and i nod. "Most of the reason... I also don't want the girls to find out, which is also a part of it..." i mumble, starting to feel a little uncomfortable. "Let's change the subject?" i plead, Silas nods hesitantly "I'll protect you... Don't worry..." he pats my head. I sigh in content, that's Silas for you i guess... A thought hits me then, and uncomfortable one... "And... When we go back to school? What happens then?" i question, rubbing at my eyes tiredly. Silas looks a bit shocked, and doesn't reply for a while. But right as i'm about to doze off he says "I haven't thought that far yet... But i won't leave you to suffer alone again, i promise..." he smiles, brushing my bangs out of my eyes. My cheeks redden a bit, and my heart skips a bit. If he hears that i'm seriously gonna die...

I turn my back to him "Whatever..." i try to sound like i don't care, but a bit of contenment seeps into my voice. Silas chuckles, ruffling my hair. My blush deepens, and i burrow my head into my pillow. I can feel Silas' stare burning into my back for a while, or at least i think so... And this suspicion is confirmed when he says "Flip onto your stomach for me would you?" he actually asks nicely... Wow... I raise a brow but do as i'm told, until Silas straddles my back that is. "What the fuck!?" i cry out, Silas waves me off "Sit still!" he orders, and for some reason i comply. And what happens next, well... Let's just say that i don't regret doing as he told me to...

"Ahhoh my god were did learn that!?" slips out of me as he presses down on my sore back "My mom... She often has shoulder pains, so i guess this is just experience..." Let's just say the man gives massages like some sort of god... And after about fifteen minutes of this, the aching in my back has dulled... Jesus i didn't know this kind of bliss existed... Even though i may or may not have made some questionable sounds during the entire experience... But who the fuck cares!?

Silas crouches over me and returns to his spot on my bed. He's grinning like a fool, and i have no idea why... I shake my head, i don't think i'll ever understand this guy... "It's getting really late... We should get some sleep..." i yawn. Silas nods in agreement, the goofy grin still plastered on his face. "Night..." he turns away and yawns. "Night" i call back, a small smile creeping onto my face.

A/N: Another chappie for you guys! Hope my updating so often doesn't annoy you! I just have a lot of fun writing this! But i do feel like Kendal has become a little too tame, ya feel? Well, i guess it's cuz he and Silas are growing closer... I'm trying to come up with Ship names actually...



Meh, who cares XP

Anyway, despite my chapters being a it short, i do hope you enjoyed this chapter ;)

Stay classy guys!

I'm nobody's b!tchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora