Part 2: thank god, humans!

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A/N: So chapter two everybody! Sorry if it's not as good as the first, but hope you enjoy anyway! But holy shit, two updates in a day? Okay, yeah i was sick... But please don't stay a silent readers, i love me some feedback!

Lunch was no better, people kept giving me looks as i passed by them in the cafeteria... But none approached me or even talked to me, if anything they seemed frightened... Had i made that much of an impact on them? No, that couldn't be it... All of these peopl- things... Could take me down at any given time... I'm just a puny human with a bad attitude... Perhaps sir-asshole was the cause? Had he gone around telling people that i was his? If he had i would murder him in his sleep.

The canteen lady handed me a chicken sandwich, bemused look on her face, well screw you too lady... I huff as i keep on walking, thank god for the unoccupied table a little ways off... There wasn't that many students in this school huh? Kind of made me wonder how many humans there were here... Probably not that many, and most of those few would probably end up dying anyway...

Just like i'll be dead soon... All alone in a school full of monsters... That and my horrible attitude would probably get me killed before christmas... But it wasn't like i could help it, i've always been this way, and i'll probably never change... I sigh and take a piece of the chicken- more like tofu-sandwich and i have to keep myslf from gagging, the lettuce wasn't even fresh! I thought these people were supposed to make foods, not deathtraps! I place the sandwich back onto the plate and push it away from me, eating isn't all that tempting anymore.

I shake my head, even mom's crappy food beat this shit... Now that i think about it, i kind of miss her cooking... But i was still pissed at her for sending me here... Call me ungrateful, i don't care...

The sound of a chair being pulled out snaps me out of my thoughts, a scrawny kid sits down on a unoccupied seat and offers me a small smile. His hair is brown and messy, while his eyes had this weird vibrant green color. "The food is really bad i know, but you get used to it after a little while..." He says, taking a bite out of his own sandwich. I just stare at him, who the fuck is this guy? And why is he so open? As if reading my mind he says "oh, and i'm human... Sorry to just babble like that, but it's been a long time since i saw another human and i got excited..." He says apologetically, scratching the back of his head. I can't help but smile, somthere was other humans here too! But... This guy really didn't look too hot... Huge bag rested under his eyes, his hair was ruffled and messy and he was so thin it looked like he hadn't eaten in weeks... Probably the work of those monsters...

"Glad to see i'm not all alone here..." I sigh, letting my gaze travel across the room. The boy smiles sweetly at me "yeah, i agree... Oh, my name is Charlie by the way... Nive to meet you!" He reaches out a hand for me to take, and with a grin of my own i do, but gently because dude... It looks like his arm could break off at any given moment... "Kendal, nice to meet you too..."

After a moment of comfortable silence, the boy sighs and leans back into his chair "well, not all of these guys are bad though... But you have to keep an eye open, unless you've been claimed already..." He says flatly, taking another bite out of the tofu abomination.

I raise a brow at him "Claimed? What the fuck does that mean?" I frown. Charlie's eyes widens "oh, so you don't know... Well, it's a little complicated so i'll shorten it..." He closes his eyes, as if choosing his words before saying "it's kind of like finding a 'mate'... A vampire or a werewolf, claims you as their own... Meaning, nobody else can touch you... Of course, not everone accepts it blindly, and fights may occur... But you'll basically be safe from attacks, so you better get somebody you trust to do it... It doesn't have to be sexual or for feeding, it can be friendly too..." He finishes, scratching his chin.

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