Nalu One-Shots

By Waifu_Nalu

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A new story every chapter for you too enjoy :) More

Can't Sleep
Happy New Years
Practically Married
Dragon Flu
Kiss the girl
"Hey babe lets go on a job"
My Shower's Broken
Dear Natsu
All Hope is Gone
Believed in her
Lucy's got a love bite
Dream Travel
Not Capable of Love
Birthday Love
Drunk Natsu
Protect you
Talent Show
You Are Beautiful
Did you just grope my ass?
The Tattoo
Why He Should Never Leave Again
Future Natsu

What a bit of faith can do

704 17 13
By Waifu_Nalu

"You got this Lucy" the blonde heard her partner call. He had so much faith in her and she couldn't let him down. She had to win this battle. She had always been the weaker one of the team but now was her chance to prove that she had improved.

Natsu did not doubt her strength for a second, even when the names were drawn and the guild all placed their bets against the blonde he still believed in her. Regardless of what they said he knew she was capable of beating the other wizard in the ring.

"Aye Lucy, don't be upset when I defeat you cause I'm not going to go easy on you" Gray gave the blonde a smirk readying himself for battle.

"You'll regret doubting me Gray" She smirked right back at him and the battle begun.

You may be wondering how on earth they got there. Well it all started when the fantasia parade was due to happen. Everyone had been working hard on their floats, especially Lucy. Her and Natsu got a float to share this year curtesy to Mira. She was excited to make cute matching costumes and show off their magic.

Natsu wasn't as thrilled about the costumes but the idea of being with Lucy the whole night brightened his mood.

However this year the Master had something special planned. Something that he believed the crowds would love to see, battles. He announced to the guild that they would be having duels with fellow members of the guild.

Natsu and Gray gave each other a knowing look as they both wanted to settle their score once and for all. Gajeel wanted his chance at Erza who seemed happy to take him on. Everyone started partnering up and Lucy decided to not participate, she didn't like fighting her friends, it felt wrong.

"You don't get to pick your partners" The Master announced interrupting everyone. There were some annoyed grunts and a few rolls of the eye. However Natsu was just as pumped to fight anyone in the guild. He knew he would thrash them.

Makarov began pulling names out of a hat and announcing the duels.

"Erza and Juvia"

Lucy knew that would be a fan favourite. Two strong beauties fighting each-other, who wouldn't want to watch. Juvia seemed nervous but deep down she had been wanting to battle the red head since the S class trials. Of course Erza was happy to fight just about anyone.

"Lisanna and Elfman"

A battle of the siblings. Lisanna was determined to defeat her big brother as everyone could see through the smirk on her face. Although Elfman would never admit it, he was terrified. His little sister had been getting stronger almost matching his power so he knew it would be a hard fight.

"Wendy and Gajeel"

This one took the guild by storm. Wendy looked at the iron dragon slayer and gave him a sweet smile. Secretly she would train her hardest, she knew she wasn't as strong as him but that didn't mean she didn't have a few tricks up her sleeve. Gajeel on the other hand let out an annoyed grunt. He wanted to fight really badly but he could never hit Wendy, deep down he was just a big softy.

"Natsu and Mirajane"

"I'm all fired up Mira" Natsu was not disappointed with his opponent. An S class wizard, he couldn't be more excited. He was ready to battle it out with Mira and he refused to lose. Mirajane just gave him a small smile, she was ready to have a little fun.

"Freed and Laxus"

Poor Freed, fighting the man he was secretly in love with. Laxus pat the boys head in excitement, just like the others in the guild Laxus loved a good duel.

"Levy and Bixlow"

Just a look from Bixlow and Levy was ready to back out. She had never been the biggest fighter but there was hope considering the big brain she had hidden in her petite head.

"Evergreen and Cana"

Now that was an evenly matched duel. Cana was a powerhouse but so was Evergreen. Lucy couldn't decide who she thought would win.

"And lastly, Gray and Lucy"

Lucy felt her heart drop. Gray? She was meant to fight Gray? She made eye contact with the ice wizard who gave her a smirk so cocky she could've hit him. She wasn't strong enough to beat him, at least she didn't think she was.

"Walk in the park" Gray laughed earning a few chuckles throughout the guild. Lucy wasn't exactly offended that they thought Gray would win but she still felt a tinge of disappointment as nearly everyone doubted her including Levy.

"Oh please, Lucy is going to kick your ass" Natsu wrapped an arm around the blonde challenging the raven haired boy. There was no way he would stand around while they laughed at his partner. The pinkette was pretty dense but he could tell Lucy was not confident. She was not confident enough to go up against Gray and win even if she did have the power. But he knew with a little encouragement she could thrash his arch nemesis.

"Oh please just cause she's your girlfriend"

Lucy went red, she hated when people referred to her as that. Natsu and her were just friends even if she longed for a little more.

"We're just fri-" Before she could get her words out Natsu covered her mouth.

"You know I was mad that it isn't me kicking your ass, but who better to do it than Lucy" He glared at the boy ignoring the comment about his relationship with Lucy.

"Don't get me wrong Lucy is strong" Gray began earning a grunt of disapproval from Juvia.

"But I'm stronger" He finished eyeing the partnership from across the guild.

"We'll see about that" Natsu ended the argument. The guild began to get rowdy again as everyone planned for the duels. They had a week of training before the festival so Natsu grabbed Lucy and ran out the guild.

Once they left the guild began placing bets on who would win each round.

Erza was predicted to win against Juvia, the water wizard only scored one vote which was from Gray. She didn't mind however, as long as Gray was believing in her.

Elfman and Lisanna were almost a 50/50 outcome but Elfman won by just a few votes.

Gajeel received every vote in his favour against Wendy. The small bluenette pouted before reminding herself that she could do it. All she needed was a little training.

Natsu won by one vote against Mirajane. Mira didn't seem to phased about it though, however she wouldn't mind doing a little training to improve her skill. Spotting the young bluenette she offered for them to train together. Of course Wendy was enthusiastic to be training with an S class wizard, that meant she maybe had a chance against Gajeel.

Laxus, just like Gajeel got all the votes in his match against Freed. No one doubted Freed's strength they just believed he didn't have the guys to hit his blonde master.

Levy got 3 votes only against Bixlow. Gajeel, Jet and Droy. Everyone else was positive that Bixlow would win. So Levy took it upon herself to ask her favourite dragon slayer for some help. With an almost unnoticeable blush he agreed and they went off to do some intense Gajeel styled training.

Evergreen and Cana were at an exact 50/50. No one knew who would win and the girls would not stop staring each other down. They both had egos the size of a planet and refused to lose.

Lastly Gray won majority of the votes against Lucy. Natsu and Happy weren't there to vote for their blonde partner but Mira and Wendy were. They had faith that with a little training she would be fit to beat Gray. It also worked in her favour that Gray didn't think he needed to train, it seemed he was a little too big headed.

Meanwhile Natsu, Lucy and Happy had reached the blondes apartment. All that was left to do now was train. Well actually there were other things that Lucy had to do first.

"Alright Luce, it's training time" Natsu cheered

"Aye Sir"

"Actually guys I have to finish these costumes first" The blonde explained pulling out the three costume she was working on. They were all red with golden patterns and embroidery. Happy's little red and gold pants had to be the cutest.

The dragon slayer and his cat analysed the blondes apartment realising the mess. She had fabric boxes everywhere, a first aid kit and lots of bandaid wrappers. Not to mention the boxes of masks Mira asked her to make for the festival. She was overworked and sowing was not her strong suit, evident by the bandaids that wrapped her fingers.

"But Lucy we gotta train or I won't beat Mira" The pinkette whined.

"Tomorrow, I promise we can start tomorrow, I just really want to finish these costumes"

Lucy pulled out her sowing kit and carefully continued finishing off the dress she was going to wear. She wanted her float to be special, she wanted for Natsu, Happy and her to all look amazing.

Natsu sat on the couch watching the blonde, not really sure what to do with himself. If he tried to help he would most likely make a mess of things and he didn't want to upset or disappoint her. The flying cat joined him knowing that he too could not help her.

"Why don't Happy and I make you dinner" Natsu suggested wanting to pay the blonde back for her efforts.

"You will burn my whole apartment down, don't be silly" She spoke not breaking her focus on the costume.

"What if we gave you a massage" The pinkette thought of a new way of payment. The blonde felt a little gush off heat hit her cheeks at the thought of an intimate massage. However she brushed it off quickly knowing that her energy had to stay on the costumes.

"Natsu why are you suggesting all this" She huffed confused by his strange, sudden need to serve her.

"Well I feel bad, you're putting all this effort into the float" He sighed.

"Well don't feel bad, I'm doing this because I want to" She smiled up at the boy which caused him to grin back. He loved seeing his partner smile, it always made him feel good inside. In a way that he could not explain.

"Say Natsu, do you really think I can win against Gray" She returned her focus back to the needle in her hand. Lucy liked to believe she had gotten stronger but Gray was on a whole other level. She was anxious about the battle, she didn't want to embarrass herself.

"Well duh, you're a beast Lucy" He begun.

"Aye Sir"

"If you put your mind to anything, I know you can do it" He finished earning an approving nod from the exceed.

"Thanks guys" She smiled even brighter than before feeling a new surge of confidence rush through her. If Natsu believed in her then maybe she could beat Gray. If there was anyone she didn't want to disappoint it was her partner.

The next morning Lucy was woken up with a loud bang. Her partners took it upon themselves to begin the training bright and early by moving her bed in the middle of the woods.

"Ok Lucy, first challenge. Get back to your apartment from here" Natsu ordered as the blonde rubbed her eyes in confusion.

"Better grab your keys because there are tons of forest monsters Lucy" Happy giggled.

A week of those two and their insane training techniques was not going to be fun for the blonde. However she was determined to get stronger and she would. She jumped out of the bed and quickly transformed into her Capricorn star dress. She couldn't fight monsters in her pyjamas.

"Lets do this" She declared to no one in particular. No matter what the boys put her through, she would not complain.

After 6 days of vigorous and indescribable training both Lucy and Natsu felt that they could defeat their opponents. They both decided that the last day before the festival they would relax, go and enjoy a nice hot spring. And that's exactly what they did.

The blonde cautiously looked around before dropping her towel. She let her foot touch the scorching water and felt all the muscle pains and tensions she was suffering from evaporate out of her body. There was something about the springs that caused her to enter a state of euphoria. Once she was finally in and soaking she heard footsteps approaching.

Looking for the source she found her pinkette friend approaching wearing nothing but a towel. She couldn't help but blush at the sight, there was no denying that Natsu was attractive. His tanned skin, toned chest and beautiful smile, how was meant to feel being partners with someone so dam hot.

She looked away as he dropped his towel and joined her in the water. Unlike the blonde Natsu was not aware of why being naked was such a big deal. He didn't really care who saw him, he had nothing to be ashamed of.

"Tomorrows the big day Luce" He leaned his head back gazing at the night sky. Even in the relaxing environment he couldn't help but feel excited for tomorrows duels. A chance to fight the she-devil herself, who wouldn't be jumping in joy.

"I'm super nervous" Unlike her partner Lucy was all types of tense when thinking about Gray. She knew she stood a chance at least, but beating him was a whole other story.

"Like I've said before, you're strong and have nothing to worry about" Natsu placed his hands on the blondes shoulders not really caring for the proximity of them. Lucy on the other hand felt all types of weird being so close to him without her clothes on. However she chose to focus instead on the sweet encouraging words that left his mouth.

"Thank you Natsu, really you're the only one to believe in me" Lucy was an emotional girl so it was no surprise she started tearing up thinking about all the things the boy had done for her. 

"Don't cry Luce" Quickly Natsu pulled the girl into a hug holding onto her as tight as he could. He hated seeing her cry even it was for him. He wanted to see her happy and he knew she would be tomorrow after she defeated Gray. He had complete faith in her.

The blonde hugged the back not really caring anymore about the intimacy. Natsu was her hero, her best friend and more. He always had her back and like he said they would be together forever no matter what.

The next morning Lucy awoke first. Removing the dragon slayers hold on her waist she hoped out of bed. It was the day of the festival and she was prepared. Most mornings it took her a little while to wake up fully but not that day. She felt energy coursing through her veins, she had trained and she was stronger. Having a quick shower she changed into a simple black sundress, the first half of the day she would spend helping out with the floats and handing out masks to the guild and towns people.

Natsu awoke not long after, he headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He practically lived at Lucy's so all his things including his toothbrush were there. Unlike the blonde he didn't put much effort into his appearance so once he was ready she had finally finished.

The blonde carefully packed their costumes into a bag and chucked it on her back. Natsu grabbed the box of masks and together they headed down to the guild. Upon arriving the guild was bursting with more spirit than ever. The two couldn't help but smile at the liveliness. 

"Well hello Lucy, you ready for our battle" Gray was the first to greet the two. He had spent the week training Juvia but not himself. He didn't think it would take much to defeat the blonde but boy was he wrong. The water mage he trained clung to him with an outfit in her arm.

"Gray my love please try on our matching costumes" She pleaded with the boy. 

"I'm not wearing that, costumes are for couples" He tried to escape her grasp. Of course when he finally did she just continued to chase him around the guild.

"Does that make us a couple?" Natsu turned to the blonde referring to their own matching costumes.

"Well we are partners are we not" Lucy shrugged her shoulders. She knew that on any other normal day she would have gotten embarrassed and gone crazy red but not that day. She was fully focused on the festival. 

"Lucy just in time" Mira called the blonde. Natsu watched as she made her way to the bar ready to help Mira with preparation for the day. He smiled brightly watching her. He felt like the luckiest man on earth to of met Lucy.

After a while it was time to get the battles started. First up was Erza and Juvia. The two women fought hard with Gray cheering vigorously for the water mage.

Natsu and Lucy watched on not sure who to cheer for. Natsu wanted Erza to win because for him he was the only one allowed to take down the red head. He refused to let anyone else do it for him. Contrasting this Lucy deep down cheered for Juvia, she knew how much Juvia improved and how strong she was. The bluenette deserved this win. 

Unlikely for the water mage Erza managed to defeat her. The crowd went wild with applauds for  both the wizards and they both shared a hug to end things off. Although the requip mage won it would be a lie to say she wasn't challenged. She had definitely seen a massive improvement in Juvia and she was proud of her dear friend. 

Following the two Lisanna and Elfman battled next. This match was evenly matched and the two refused to loose. However all it took was one moment of losing focus for Lisanna to win. Natsu and Lucy cheered wildly for their friend. The fire mage was proud of Lisanna, he remembered when she was just a weak little girl but now she was a strong wizard, strong enough to defeat Elfman. 

The next match was the most shocking of the day. Gajeel vs Wendy, it was obvious the iron dragon slayer wasn't giving it his all but still Wendy's strength was hard to miss. Those around could feel the magic radiating off her, it seemed a week wth Mirajane could really strengthen a person. Nevertheless Gajeel ended up throwing the fight which was not a surprise and although Wendy could tell she was still proud of her improvement. 

Next up was Natsu. As he headed up to the battle stage Lucy grabbed his arm.

"You've got this Natsu" She smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek. She could've sworn she saw a slight blush on his face as he nodded back. 

Watching him fight the she devil was insane. Natsu rarely lost a fight but usually his victories could be credited to his emotions. He was at his strongest when he was fighting against someone he saw as his enemy. Now Mira was his friend and as much as he wanted to win he couldn't do it. That didn't mean he lost however. Each match had a 30 minute limit, if no one was knocked out or surrendered by that time then it was deemed a draw. And for the only time that day there was a draw. 

Both wizards left the stage puffed out, Natsu knew Mira was strong but he definitely underestimated her. Mira on the other hand did not underestimate Natsu and that week of training helped her cause that draw. 

Freed and Laxus was an extremely one sided fight when Freed surrendered after one hit. The crowd was disappointed, everyone wanted to see the great lighting wizard in action. However Freed refused to fight his idol. 

Levy and Bixlow was pretty equally matched. Bixlow had the strength and Levy had the brains. However in the end with one hard blow Bixlow managed to defeat the short girl. 

Second last was Cana and Evergreen. Everyone thought it would be another draw when it hit 28 minutes into fight. Cana looked into the audience and Lucy gave her a reassuring nod. Lucy had full faith in Cana and knew deep down she could do it. She was one of the strongest wizards in Fairytail regardless of how much she was overlooked. Winning the fight with just a minute to go Cana celebrated by drinking her life away.

When the announcer called Lucy and Gray's names she felt herself shake. Was it nerves or adrenaline? She wasn't sure.

Natsu stopped her shaking whispering in her ear.

"I believe in you, always have always will" 

And that was all she needed. She was ready to win the fight. Heading to the battle stage she felt confident. Regardless of how many people assumed Gray would win, she still believed in herself. She could win, Natsu himself had said so. And she would win. 

"You got this Lucy" the blonde heard her partner call. He had so much faith in her and she couldn't let him down. She had to win this battle. She had always been the weaker one of the team but now was her chance to prove that she had improved.

Natsu did not doubt her strength for a second, even when the names were drawn and the guild all placed their bets against the blonde he still believed in her. Regardless of what they said he knew she was capable of beating the other wizard in the ring.

"Aye Lucy, don't be upset when I defeat you cause I'm not going to go easy on you" Gray gave the blonde a smirk readying himself for battle.

"You'll regret doubting me Gray" She smirked right back at him and the battle begun.

Lucy began by transforming into her Leo star dress.

"Nice outfit" Gray smirked.

"At least I wear clothes" She joked referring to the boys naked chest.

And the combat begun. She swung a regulus punch at the boy and missed, and when he tried to counter act with an icy hit of his own she dodged. 

"Open gate of the Lion, Leo" She called upon her most trusty spirit. When Loke appeared he met eyes with Gray. 

"Long time no see" He hit the boy with his magic. 

"You to mate" Gray counteracted by hitting Loke with an ice hammer. The three of them went at it for a while hitting, missing, dodging until Loke's time was up.

"Ice make, bullets" A hundred or so ice bullets were heading Lucy's way. Thinking on her feet she changed into her Sagittarius star dress. With the grace and speed of the great titania, the blonde used her bow and arrow to destroy the bullets that would've hit her. 

"Go Lucy" The blonde heard Erza call. The red head watching realised she was wrong to quickly assume Gray would win. 

"You've improved that's for sure" Gray panted.

"As have you" She huffed.

They were 15 minutes into the fight. They had another 15 minutes to do. 

"Ice Cage" Gray trapped the girl into an ice like cage. What he didn't account for however was the hot weather. The sun beamed and the ice cage began to melt, quite quickly. 

However the girl was still trapped inside with a few puddles of water forming. If water was there she could change into her Aquarius form. Doing so she earned more cheers from the crowd, mainly from perverted men gawking at the revealing outfit.

Calling upon Sagittarius she thought of a new attack she could use. 

Mixing the water she could create with his arrows she was able to hit Gray with water attacks. It reminded him of a certain bluenette's magic.

"Nice try" He managed to dodge all but one of the arrows.

"Iced floor" He froze the floor causing Lucy to fall straight on her but. That was going to leave a bruise.

"Ice thorns" The iced thorns were coming right for her. She had to think fast. It was moments like those that usually cost her the match. Not being able to dodge in time. She needed a way to break the thorns but how. 

"Cancer" She called and out of thin air her favourite hair dresser appeared cutting through the thorns.

"Hey baby" He greeted. Gray's jaw dropped, he was certain he had gotten her. By this point his ice cage had fully melted and the blonde was free. It wasn't like Lucy to last so long in a battle.

"Taurus star dress" She changed once again. Charging towards a shocked Gray she wrapped her whip around his body and kicked him right in the chest. 

Following this she called upon scorpio. 

"Ice shield" Gray had managed to dodge the sandstorm she sent his way. Neither of them refused to lose. 

Keeping Scorpio with her Lucy called upon a second spirit. However she did so secretly. No one knew what she had done till a pink haired maid sprouted out of the ground punching Gray. His shield broke and Scorpio could hit him. 

Lucy was sure he was done. And just to make sure she gave him a good old Lucy kick. Gray's knocked out body was something Lucy never thought she would smile at. However she found herself jumping in joy regardless of the wounds she sported.

"Thats my girl" Natsu cheered and following him the crowd went crazy. Everyone was shocked, who would've thought that little old Lucy had it in her to defeat Gray, well Natsu sure did. All she needed was someone to have a little faith.

Levy and Lisanna headed to the stage throwing themselves at Lucy with congratulations. Juvia gave Lucy a quick nod before attending to her dear Gray. It seemed the usually powerful duo had both lost their matches today.

"Lucy that was incredible" The blonde met eyes with Erza. To earn such a compliment from the strongest female wizard in the guild. It was an honour. 

"We were fools to doubt you" She continued shoving the blondes head into her armour. She would feel that in the morning.

Once the requip mage released the blonde she ran off the stage trying to find her partner. Sure enough he was there with the proudest look on his face. She ran up to him and he opened his arms in welcome. Once their bodies collided she chucked lightly. Her arms wrapped securely around his neck and he embraced her eagerly. 

"Your amazing" He complimented pulling away slightly to face the girl.

"I couldn't have done it without you" She smiled at him before doing something unexpected. She smashed her lips onto his, she wasn't sure what was going through her, most likely the rush of victory. She felt on top of the world so why not kiss the boy she was desperately in love with.

As shocked as he was at the start of course he kissed back passionately. If the crowd wasn't going crazy before they sure were now. And a certain take over mage passed out at the sight of her favourite couple.

Pulling away the two smiled. Lucy had finally found the confidence to do that, and it was all thanks to the boy himself. He believed in her when everyone else refused to. She would be forever in his debt, he had done so much for her. But little did she know what she had done to him, just her presence erased every bad feeling for the boy. She was his happiness, she was everything to him and more.

Later that evening the two held hands on their float. Dressed in beautiful red and gold costumes, the couple and their blue companion looked breathtaking. Sprouting their magic in the air everyone shouted and cheered. 

The fire and the light twisted together to create a beautiful display in the night sky. 

Looking at the float ahead of them Lucy made eye contact with a bandaged Gray. He gave her a smile before sending an icy flow of magic towards her. It twisted around her body with all its beauty. She smiled at the sight of the ice. It was Gray's way of saying he was sorry for doubting her. She gave him a grin before he turned around to continue making magic with Juvia.

"Today was amazing" Lucy blurted out sprouting more golden bursts into the sky.

"You can say that again" The pinkette next to her replied looking into said sky at all the magic displays.

The rest of the night consisted of heavenly displays of magic, intricate and stunning costumes and friendship. Or for two certain wizards, love.

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