Twisted I Am

By Crazy-house

11.4K 542 56

Winter is not normal like the other kids. Winter doesn't like to be touched. Winter finds pleasure in things... More



217 11 0
By Crazy-house


I angrily stuffed the trash into the black bag I was holding. I was once again doing trash clean up for that fight. Not only am I doing this, but I also have Dean lurking close by. He saw me early this morning and since then been sticking close to me. I was sure he was going to make his move soon. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him since it's hot as hell out here but if I must, I will.

Now my clean up duties did end already but I was given a bit more days of suspension once Drake threatened to sue the school if I returned so fast. They gave into him and of course punished me more. Dickheads.

Another thing that has me irritated beyond words was the fact that Kevin was ignoring me. He took a trip to the police station to "Cool my head" he said. Yeah right, he's been there for seven hours already. This was not my day and I was slowly losing it. I was stressing more than normal and the urge to kill was steady growing stronger. I was sure that if Dean attacks me I would no doubt kill him on spot right now.

The man watching over me started to walk to his truck for his lunch. I glared at his back until he was seated inside before rolling my eyes. He was always quiet, thank goodness, but I hate how he acts like I'm not here. He rarely even tells me to eat lunch, just goes and eat without me.

I threw down the tool I was using and the bag, then took off my gloves. After throwing them away I walked to the bench close by I had set my beg on. I was seconds from throwing it into the street but thought against it. I sat on the bench and pulled out my wrapped sandwich and still cold coke soda. I heard footsteps making their way closer and was sure it was Dean. He must have thought I was too distracted to notice him. I rolled my eyes at his stupid way of thinking.

I stood up before he got too close and took a bite out of my sandwich. The sound of footsteps stopped, and I just stood there. I knew it was dangerous to have my back to him but at the same time I was too hungry to care.

"Turn around monster." Dean hissed out sounding closer then I thought.

I thought it over before turning to face him as told. He held a hand length blade with a silver handle. I looked at it, feeling the need to have that blade as my own. I took another bite of my meal as I watched Dean's every move. His glare was hard, but I could see how nervous he was.

I tilted my head at Dean waiting for him to move first. It was clear that he is waiting for the same thing. It was still early in the day so most of the residents were still at work. It was nearly empty out here except for us. The atmosphere was growing thicker by the second. It was clear that Dean wasn't going to make the first move.

"You didn't bring a gun, smart." I said as if I was speaking to a child. He clenched his jaw but didn't reply. "I want that blade."

"Come take it." Was his reply, not hesitating for a moment. I smiled and put my sandwich down than dusting off my hands. That was the smartest thing he's said to me yet.

I started walking towards him while keeping an eye out for anyone watching. His body tensed up even further the closer I got. When I was close enough to touch, he swung his blade quickly. I ducked, went under his arm and punched his ribs. He recovered fast and tried to swipe at me from the left. I laughed at him edging his anger on. He missed again as I took a step back and out of his reach. He held his ribs that I hit as we stood still for a moment, looking over each other. He went to swing again with the same hand and I again ducked and punched his same already hurt ribs. Before I could notice it, his leg had lifted, and I was kneed in the gut. I gasped as I put some distance between us.

"Is that all?" Dean said as he held his ribs.

I was sure I was bruising them and he was putting on a tough guy front. I smiled at him after I caught my breath and stood up straight. He watched me with a glare as I dusted off my shirt. "I could say the same." I said with a shrug.

Lets see if all that training is paying off.

It was clear that Dean and I have a very different pain tolerance level. I made my way back at him in quick steps. He took a defense position, most likely taught by his father. His position was easy to see through, I went for his chest as he guarded his face. When close enough I lifted my foot and kicked his chest causing him to grunt and stumble back. I felt my left arm burst from pain and looked at it. I felt surprise hit me as I realized he was able to cut me with his knife in such a short moment. I looked back at Dean as he stood back up straight before moving towards me.

I moved my body to the right just when he was close enough. Before he had time to turn back around to face me I lifted my leg and kicked him on the side on his face. He fell to the ground with a thud and groan, causing a soft sound to come from the impact of his weight. I looked at his hand and saw he dropped the knife. I looked around for it not caring if he was getting back up for it or not. When I spotted it I happily picked it up and put it into my pocket after folding it. I walked to Dean as he sat up on the ground and rubbed his head.

He noticed me and his body tensed up. "Just end it."

I tilted my head at him before moving past him and back to my sandwich. "I only wanted the blade."

I went back to eating as I looked over my wound. I was sure I was going to be able to go home early for this. My eyes moved to Dean when he finally stood up off the ground.

He sent me a glare as he took a step closer. "Why don't you just kill me?"

I swallowed. "Well then I would be too bored without my bff." I spoke kindly to him. "I'm not going to give you what you want." Dean clenched his jaw not expecting that answer. I guess he thought I would kill him and send him to his little sister. If he wasn't man enough why should I do it? Did he think I wouldn't figure it out?

I packed up my things as Dean watched quietly. I waved at his still form as I made my way to the man getting out of his truck. I showed him my wound and he waved me away happily, he's on my list.

It was around midday when I decided to really go home. I dreaded entering the empty house knowing Kevin still wasn't inside. He won't leave work till around twelve and even than he's going straight to his own house. I was kind of happy he at least told me that.

I dropped down on my couch with a deep sigh as I felt the silence creep up on me after I entered. I used to love this silence and now I can't stand it. I looked at my arm and was glad Kevin wasn't coming over. I had no way of explaining this to him at all. I was satisfied when it stopped bleeding and ruining my skin. I have to wrap it before it gets infected.

I stood off the couch after putting Criminal Minds on the t.v. The walk to the bathroom was short lived and soon I was all patched up. This cut didn't hurt too much but it would scar my skin. I'll have to repay Dean for that. My phone vibrated in my back pocket as I was leaving the bathroom. I frowned when I pulled it out and saw who it was. I was tempted to just block his number.

"What Lion?" I said after answering.

I could almost see his smug smile. "Mr. Crude asked me to tell you to come get your new gear."

"This could have waited until tomorrow." I rubbed my head to sooth the headache that was forming.

"Don't blame me Winter." He hung up on me cutting the line off.

I rolled my eyes as I put my phone back in my pocket. I left the t.v on as I headed back out. The sun was starting to set, giving the sky an orange and pink tint, very relaxing. I started the walk to Lion's place while thinking about a car. I walk everywhere and can get caught by anyone at any time so a car would be good. But then again, most people target cars. Getting a car could either go really right for me or really bad.

I was pulled from my thoughts when my shoulder was grabbed. I stopped walking and looked over my shoulder to see who it was. A smirked creeped on my face when I saw it was Firefly. Her own face held a bold smile as she walked to stand in front of me.

"Taking a stroll?" She said looking over me and stopping at my wounded arm.

I let her look, finding no need to hide it. "You could say that. Boss got my new gear, I'm going to pick it up now."

Firefly nodded moving out of my way and looking around as I started walking again. "I remember my first gear; the skirt was very short, and top very tight." She looked at me gaining my full attention. "The blades were just right though."

I laughed at the spark in her eyes imagining the memories she must be having. Firefly smirked while turning forward again. I could tell she was itching to ask me about the neighborhood and why I was around. She wasn't going to know I lived around here or who I lived with. If it came down to it, trust her or not, I will kill her to protect Kevin.

"How long have you been...on the job?" I spoke distracting her.

She made a quick motion of her upper lip showing I cut her off before she spoke. "For around a year now. Got found by Boss after a wild night and got trained."

I could tell she was holding back information from me about that night and how she was found. I knew Firefly wasn't placed with me and Crude because she wasn't like us. Something was wrong with her I could tell. I didn't question her on her words and kept walking. Something was wrong with us all.

"Do you know Lion?" I didn't want her going if she had no idea about who I was going to meet.

She looked confused for a second before she gave an annoyed sigh. "The pervert that sells drugs and Boss has for backup?"

I nodded holding back my laugh. "That's him, I'm heading to him now for my gear."

Firefly nodded but she looked distracted. I started listening with her and could hear footsteps. We are being followed and she knew it. I was sure it wasn't Dean since he was still recovering from our fight. It was either someone after us, her, or me. It was a threat no matter what.

Glancing at Firefly I could see her getting excited. I couldn't deny the feeling of giddiness going through me either. I looked over our shoulders in time to see the figure hide behind an ally wall. I stopped walking, but Firefly kept going keeping the sound of us walking alive. The person fell for it as they came out their spot letting me see who it was.

"Kevin?" Surprise laced my voice causing Firefly to stop and look back. Kevin cursed lowly as he stood straight. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Why was he following me and was this the first time?

"You know him?" Firefly asked as she stepped beside me.

I nodded answering her but speaking to Kevin. "What the hell are you doing?"

Kevin kept his eyes locked with mine not ashamed at being caught at all. "I wanted to know what you were hiding. Who is she?"

I stepped in front of Firefly before she spoke. "None of your concern."

Firefly leaned her head on my back as she sighed sounding bored. "Who is he to you Angel?"

"Angel? Why is she calling you that?" Kevin was standing his ground.

I didn't want to tell her and I didn't want Kevin to get the wrong idea. "Everyone just shut up." I needed to think of a way to get Kevin to go home. "Firefly go, I'll handle this." I told her firmly.

She was quiet before I felt her shrug and move off me. "Fine, I'm late anyway."

I turned to make sure she was walking away until I turned back to a heated Kevin. "I'm not understanding how you could follow me like this."

Kevin moved closer frowning. "Really, you can't? Every time you leave then come back you're covered in bruises and marks."

"That doesn't give you the right to follow me." I was getting upset and I knew I needed to calm down. "How long have you been doing it?"

Kevin crossed his arm while shaking his head. "Just started tonight so calm down. Why are you always hiding stuff from me? What kind of relationship do you want? Who the hell was that girl?"

I clenched my jaw from yelling out of frustration. "You're always asking so many questions. Why can't you just trust me?"

Kevin looked at me like I had two head. "Trust you? That's crazy coming from you Winter. You still haven't answered a single question."

"Am I under arrest? Why the hell are you so uptight?" I took out my phone when I felt it vibrate.

It was snatched out my hand by Kevin quickly making me gasp. "Who the fuck is Lion?"

"Give it back Kevin." I said reaching for it.

Kevin ignored me and put my phone in his pocket before turning to me. "Are you cheating on me?"

Shaking my head in disbelief I start making my way back home not caring about Lion or the gear anymore. Kevin followed behind me not saying anything else. I could tell the things I've been doing have led to this and honestly, I knew it was my fault. But was our trust that weak but he really thought I was cheating? I guess it was since this was the outcome.

Not a word was said between us as we made it to my house. I took my shoes off before making my way up the steps. Kevin only followed me until I was fed up with his presence. Turning to him once we are in my room I held my hand out. "Give me my phone."

Kevin took it out and tossed it on my bed behind me instead. "Answer my question."

Rolling my eyes, I put my hands on my hips. "No I'm not cheating on you Kevin. You're so annoying right now."

Kevin scuffed as he walked around me. "Me? You can't even act your age and tell me the damn truth!"

I turned to him quickly. "Don't yell at me like you're crazy. Because I can show you crazy."

Kevin took a deep breath before shaking his head. "I can't deal with you right now."

"You think talking with you is easy? Question after question fly's out of your mouth without a breath in between. Just calm the hell down and be reasonable."

Kevin walked closer to me until he was able to lean by my ear a little. "Grow up then speak to me about reason." He left my side and not long after slammed the door on his way out.

Slumping against my bed I ran a hand through my hair as a sigh left me. I let it get this far all because of my way of life. It was understandable that Kevin was pissed and ragging. I just couldn't tell him the real reason for my bruises and staying out. He would dig deeper and deeper then he'd be going too far. I'd have no choice but to confess just so he can know what was coming because I doubt Boss would let me just go.

Biting my lip, I tilted my head as I thought more about what this might lead to. I had a feeling Kevin would go to his father about me about how he's feeling. If they're as close as they keep seeming then it's a guarantee that his father would tell him that I was the one that helped him when he was taken. If it came to that then I'd have no choice but to come clean about more than some things. Even if I did then I wouldn't be believed in the slightest by Kevin. The choices are limited, and I can't go but in one direction.

Taking my phone out I send a message to Lion telling him I'd see him tomorrow night. I put my phone on silent as I fell back onto my bed and groaned loudly.

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