My Fairy Queen Anne

By dodgerslovelythings

23.6K 927 1.9K

(Was previously a 50 chapter WIP, rewrites and edits are now in progress and being reposted!) "Sorry to make... More

it's golden, like daylight
you can hear it in the silence (you are in love)
this love left a permanent mark
dust off your highest hopes
people throw rocks at things that shine
darling, you look perfect
magic, madness, heaven, sin
falling in love in the cruelest way
sweet like justice (karma is a queen)
help me hold on to you
like the stars that shine in the sky...
what am i supposed to do if there's no you?
something keeps me holding on to nothing
i can't breathe without you (but i have to)
sail the world to find you
you made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
the only thing i wanna do is make it up to you
honey, i am no one's exception
i wanna teach you how forever feels
a simple complication (miscommunications lead to fallouts)
it feels like an open wound (all i want is you)
you're holding me like water in your hands
what if i'm alright right here?
when you're close i feel like coming undone
wherever i go, you bring me home
i see sparks fly whenever you smile
i like the way you're everything i ever wanted
seeing the shape of your name still spells out pain
don't want no other shade of blue but you
i love you, and that's all i really know

darling, you're the one i want

979 43 108
By dodgerslovelythings

Dearest Gilbert,

Oh, how your last letter made me blush! I could barely contain myself reading it, though Diana and Ruby were in my presence. They immediately guessed that it was from you, and I was brought back to that time where I explained to Marilla that there was nothing romantical about your letter from Trinidad at all. Oh, how the tables have turned!

Your lasciviousness is something that I do not mind, to be completely honest. Marilla was showing me some of her old things and I came across some letters from an old lover of hers and you will not believe what I found! Our parents were courting when they were our age, dearest! It seems as if the universe had to separate them so that we might be together. It's so perfect, and I've found that your father was just as, if not more, risquè than you in regards to his love letters. I've found that Marilla used to be a spritely and intrepid woman when she was young. Isn't it tragical? A maiden's lively spirit ruined by the perils of a most untimely death and a scandalous romance.

Anyways, wouldn't it be a fright if my children or your children found these? Or Marilla? They'd jump out of their own skins!  I do hope to give them something to titter about after we're long gone...

Gilbert, life here in Charlottetown is a thrill. All my loveliest relations (except you) are close to me now. It has such freedom (except for Mrs. Blackmore's rules, she was christened 'Mang' by Jane and Ruby). Being a college girl fills my heart with such joy and the campus has such scope for the imagination, but I cannot help but feel that something is missing without you. Every time I go to English class, my heart can't help but wring in its cavity (is that what it is called?) when I'm not met with your infuriating yet adorable smirk every time either one of us answers a question. I miss that smirk more than life nowadays, imagining your dark lips upturning, hazel eyes that look almost like emeralds in the sun light filling with playful teasing, light glinting off your enrapturing shiny dark curls. I could just die thinking about it, Gil! How ever shall I live till Thanksgiving in October without you? Even then, you'll be able to stay for only a day and that makes my heart ache!

Darling Gilbert, do you really find me so splendid as to be your fairy queen? Never would I have imagined in my most fantastical dreams that you, Gilbert Blythe, the love of every girl in Avonlea, would be calling the plain and homely orphan next door 'your' anything, yet alone a mystical fairy queen. Princess Cordelia is a mere palace handmaiden compared to Faerie Queen Anne, the wise and imaginative ruler of the Canadian fairyland with her partner and life mate, King Gilbert, by her side always. It's a rather nice fantasy, if you don't mind me saying.

I am also pleased to inform you that I think that one of my professors, Mrs. Aimee, is most definitely a kindred spirit. She's moved me up to her advanced creative writing class that is usually for her second year students, and I'm having a splendid time! She's given me names of magazines that I might be interested in submitting stories for and thanks to you, I have the most perfect idea! Queen Annabella, the venturesome queen of the moors, has been a sage and solitary ruler for years, never succumbing to the temptations of love. But all of a sudden, King Gilberto from the neighboring kingdom wanders into her life, stealing his way into her heart. Together, they must battle the evil and unjust tyrant king. That's all I've written so far. It's based off of personal experience, can you tell?

I do give you permission to tell Mrs. Lynde or scream it off the roof top, whatever pleases you, but I do beg of you to be gentle. I am just bracing myself for the unbecoming gossip that will inevitably buzz around the town. Why did the eligible young man break things off with the rich and charming debutante for the skinny orphan, they'd ask? Did she seduce him, perhaps? Maybe her heathen ways have corrupted him also! Despite your insistence, I too ask myself these questions.

By the way, Diana sends her love and says that she is not sorry for the scene she caused on the train because according to her, I've been "glowing radiantly" ever since our little scene outside the boarding house. Moody only blushed and mumbled a bashful 'Yes' to your question (Ruby loves him senseless)and Charlie sends his regards. Truthfully, forgive my arrogance, but I'm a little surprised that you are still on good terms with Charlie after his advances just two weeks ago! I refused, of course. My heart belongs to you and you only. My kiss shan't touch the lips of anyone but you now and forevermore.

All the same, I'm infinitely glad to see you making friends. I must meet this Alexander soon if he's as good as a kindred spirit! You never did talk to many boys your own age in school, and I believe some good immaturity has long been in the cards for you. You and I are the same in the fact that we were forced to grow up before many of our peers, but I got the luxury of having my teenage years. Unfortunately, you, my sad and worldly love, did not. I hope you frolic to your heart's content now and have a good college experience. Just come back to me at the end of it. 

I must admit that I have a Gilbert sized hole in my heart, my dearest. You were such a momentous part of my life and I didn't realize it until you left for the big city, leaving us small town folk behind. I ask one thing of you, Gilbert. When you are a world renowned doctor(very global and bookish, as you would say) please, remember me somewhere in the back of your mind, for you shall forever have a very special place in my heart. I know I'm not much of a proper lady, but I adore you like no other. I don't want sunbursts or marble halls, my dearest, I just want you. I would trade every last puffed sleeve in the world.

I know it isn't a proper conversation for a letter or this soon, but have you ever thought of the future? I've been pondering over it, but don't be alarmed. Both of us have lives that need to be attended to before we even think of what lies before us. Now, I will treasure the memory of your handsome face and charming smile until I get to see you again in October. By the time you get this, it will be 2 weeks until I will get to see you!

 It is not so long, but long enough for my heart to be breaking right now. I cannot count how many times I've gotten the urge to drop everything and get on the nearest train to Toronto, to finally be with you and kiss you. Surely, it would be the only thing to distract me from these long nights. I keep trying to remind myself that I'll be alright with you, and I will (don't worry about me!) but it seems as if I've waited my whole life to find someone like you and fate has so cruelly torn us apart.

Also, I'm positively enraged at myself for not talking to Winifred when you were courting her! I went to make amends with her before she left for Paris and she is definitely a kindred spirit. I've always admired educated women, and Winnie is the epitome of everything I would like to be one day. We had a rather interesting conversation over tea about books, college, and the perils of romance. We sat at the very table that you sat at. It's foolish, but I couldn't help but run my fingers over the chair that you sat at, wishing that it was your hand that I was holding instead.

Anyways, I hope you are doing alright, my fairy king. Please update me on the going ons at your school!

Yours forever and always,


Gilbert smiled at the letter and concealed it in the special engraved box that he had designated for his kindhearted Anne's letters, wanting to read it later so as to not disrespect his company.

"Who's that from?" the woman beside him asked. Christine, his new friend, was sitting back in her chair with her textbook propped up against the wall, not a hair of her complicated updo out of place nor a fold of her rippling violet dress wrinkled.

"Anne. She's my... sweetheart from Avonlea," he replied. Christine seemed to mellow, frowning slightly. Of course a man like him would have some sweet little childhood romance. But she'd show him an adult relationship in time.

"Oh," she said innocently. "For someone as handsome as you, she must be astoundingly beautiful... or rich." 

She touched his hand sweetly, though Gilbert didn't notice, ever oblivious to the girl's advances, having eyes for only one woman.

"She is," he replied, ignoring her flirtatious compliment. "Not very rich, but beautiful. The most beautiful." 

"What does she look like?" she queried, suppressing the scorn and venom in her tone for this girl. The one time she thought she'd found someone with respect, intelligence, and decent breeding! 

"It's hard to describe her without excluding some part of her beauty," he chuckled, shaking his head. "Here, I've had a portrait made of her." He took a small picture out of his front shirt pocket and she could've wept right then and there, not that he'd bother about her much with the way he spoke about her. It was clear to Christine that this wouldn't be a battle of beauty or feminine wiles; Anne had already lost, yet Gilbert was still head-over-heels in love with her. Rather, she'd have to win him over using pure chemistry. 

"She's... something alright," she commented, doing a dreadful job of hiding her supercilious condescension, though Gilbert was too love struck by this Anne to see it. "What... interesting hair."

He chuckled, running a finger over the smooth finish of the picture. "My Carrots," he sighed, a wistful and ruminant expression clear on his face. "I miss her terribly, you know."

It was evident he was thinking about her now, so Christine got up from the cushiony armchair abruptly, resolving to come back tomorrow. She'd win him over some day. "I should go. I'll see you tomorrow, Gilbert?" She smiled sickly sweet at him, flashing her pearly white teeth.

"See you..." he trailed off, only thinking wistfully about his sweetheart, having not the slightest sense that something was a little bit amiss with his new friend.


My darling Anne,

It was so nice hearing from you. Every time I read your letters, I can almost hear your clear and sweet voice, the object of all my attention in a crowded room. I do hope you consider this letter romantical, or I'd have to make it romantical and I don't think any of our successors would be very pleased reading what I have to say.

Anne, I don't mean to push anything on you, but I couldn't help but notice how you made a distinction of our children when referring to our parents' letters. You also seemed to have a preconceived notion that I will part ways with you and forget you. Since you are so mistaken, let me clarify, my fairy queen. You have my unwavering devotion and there is no possible way I could ever forget you. If you would ever consider a future with the likes of me, (who is completely undeserving of your affection) my bared open heart is yours to keep forever. It's only been a month, I know, but I had to make sure that you know that I would never consider anybody else except you, my Anne with an E.

All this to say, my Anne, that I'm in. I'm all in.

My father and your mother. Who would've known? I guess the universe just had to unite the Blythes and Cuthberts once more, hopefully this time for good. If you'd like, I can certainly be more salacious in my letters, but I'll refrain for now. I want to save making you blush for when I'm finally with you so I can enjoy being with you in all your rosy cheeked, red haired glory.

This is the first I'm hearing of any developments with Charlie Sloane? Please remind me to give him a punch, I mean, talking to the next time I see him. How could anyone make advances on my darling girl so shamelessly? No matter, you said no so I shouldn't be concerned, should I?

I've made good friends here. And rest assured, there's plenty of teenage fun happening around here in between studies. Just the other day, I had to haul Alex out of a pub after he'd hopped on a table and started waxing poetic about the necessity of women's suffrage to today's political climate. I think you'll like him, Anne. He and I are particularly close and he will probably come down to PEI with me for the holidays since all of his family is in England. Another friend of mine is a lady named Christine. She's actually a medical major, defied every societal expectation to do it, and very bright. She's a year older than you and very pleasant company to have an intellectual discussion with over a cup of tea. We study together often.

I can certainly tell that this story is based on us and I'm flattered that you think me important enough to write one of your transcendent stories about. I would like nothing more than to read it after you're through with it, if that's alright with you. 

I'll keep this letter short, as I am currently about to pack for next weekend's festivities. I cannot wait to see you.

Suffice to say, I am smitten with you, Anne Shirley Cuthbert. You make my heart beat at a million times a minute in my pericardial cavity (that's where the heart is located).

With unwavering devotion,

Gilbert Blythe


"Alexander, you're not going any place this Thanksgiving, are you?" Gilbert inquired one day. They were both in front of the mirror, towels wrapped around their waists, after bathing first thing in the morning, Alex shaving as Gilbert fixed his hair. 

"Of course not. I'm British, you wanker," he scoffed, shooting Gilbert a cheeky grin. 

"I know that," Gilbert grumbled. "I just meant...would you be interested in coming home with me?"

"Oy, at least take a man out to dinner first!" Alex gasped, affronted as he clutched a hand to his bare chest. 

"You're almost as bad as Sebastian," Gilbert sighed, shoving Alex over lightly. "I just thought you wouldn't want to be alone on campus for the long weekend." 

Alex paused his teasing, and for a moment, Gilbert almost thought he saw a bit of tenderness in the ever-sardonic man's eyes. 

"I would like that, thank you." 

Gilbert nodded, and they went back to silence for another minute. Gilbert pondered how to test the waters.

"Alexander?" he probed again. 

"Yes, dear?" he deadpanned as he rifled through his bag for his pomade. 

"What would you say if I told you my older brother Sebastian is a black man?"

Alex stilled in his motions, glancing at Gilbert seriously. 

"I would say that your mother certainly had some fun in college."

"Brother by bond, not blood," Gilbert clarified. 

"Well then...he must be a brave man. I don't know many who would actually choose to contend with the likes of you," Alex replied with a small smile before continuing his search.

"That's it? No other...comments?"

"No, why? Should I have other comments?"

"No, no, just..."

"Just what?"

"Thank you," he said genuinely, looking up to meet his friend's eyes. "In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for how... easygoing you've made my life the past two months."

"Well, what are friends for?"

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