Eye for an Eye

By AutumnLeighxo

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{Sequel to The Deal} Hope is back with vengeance. Every single person who had the audacity to threaten her a... More

Chapter 1: Unexpected Return.
Chapter 2: He's The Spy.
Chapter 3. Lip Biting.
Chapter 4: We Are Not Killing Him... Yet.
Chapter 5: The Phone Call.
Chapter 6: Mafia.
Chapter 7: I'm Going To Miss You So Much Baby Girl.
Chapter 8: Breakups & Rebound Sex.
Chapter 9: Cut A Bitch.
Chapter 10: I Won't Hesitate To Break Your Fingers.
Chapter 11: Satisfying My Needs.
Chapter 12: My Locket.
Chapter 13: The Mafia Ball.
Chapter 14: The shooting.
Chapter 15: Happy Memory.
Chapter 16: The proposal.
Chapter 17: My sister.
Chapter 18: No, I'm much worse.
Chapter 19: The Truth.
Chapter 20: Jace Porter.
Chapter 21: Time to say goodbye.
Chapter 22: Moving On.
Chapter 23: Siblings
Chapter 24: I'm Fucked In The Head
Chapter 25: Surrounded By Idiots
Chapter 26: Oops
Chapter 27: I Don't Deserve You
Chapter 29: They've got her.
Chapter 30: I see you.
Chapter 31: Let The Darkness In.
Chapter 32: Surprises
Chapter 33: I Know How You Think
Chapter 34: Feelings
Chapter 35: Never Have I Ever
Chapter 36: Morning Shenanigans
Chapter 36: Remembering
Chapter 37: Broken
He's The Damon To Your Elena
Chapter 39: All Revealed
Chapter 40: The Huntress
Chapter 41: I'm Afraid Of Falling
Chapter 42: Mrs King
Chapter 43: War
Chapter 44: Breaking Promises
Chapter 45: Green Eyes
Chapter 45: Loss
Chapter 46: Heartache
Chapter 47: Never Ending

Chapter 28: My Idiots In Shining Armour

151 9 3
By AutumnLeighxo




Maybe I should have listened to Xavier.

I spun around to see West with a group of men, and to my distaste, Rose and my mother were stood next to him.

"Must be luck" He smiled.

"Bad luck" I shot back.

The men behind him had their guns pointed at me but West out his hand up signaling to put them back down

"She's not a threat" He spoke loudly.

I looked over at my mum who was glaring at me, she's not changed much. Hair thick brown hair was now shoulder length, her skin pale which stood out more from all the black she is wearing.

Sometimes I wonder what my dad ever saw in her. She was a good mum to Miles but not to me.

I was her mistake.

"I see you're not dead yet," My mother said as she quickly shot West a look, her eyes narrowing before returning her attention back to me.

West gulped, fear flashed through his eyes but soon vanished.

What was that about?

"Sorry to disappoint" I gave them a tight smile.

"Well this was nice, I hope we don't do this again" I pointed towards them then to me.

"But I really must get going, I have stuff to do like plot your death"

When I turned to leave a gunshot went off, my mum had set one off in the air as a warning.

Rose stalked forward becoming impatient, she's still slutty as ever. A tight black boob tube that looked more like a bra and some really short denim shorts.

How is that even comfy?

I whipped my head to the side just dodging her right hook and I brought mine up connecting with her nose, a loud crack was heard followed by her screaming.

"You bitch"

"No babe that's you, I think you forget who you are dealing with"

Now the men, including my mother had their guns pointed at me ready to shoot so I gripped Rose's hair and pulled her in front of me, my arm wrapped around her neck, my hand still holding onto her fake extensions tilting her head back.

Her breathing quickened and her body started to tremble. The smell of blood hit my nose making me scrunch it.

"Put your guns down or I will snap her neck"

The streets were quiet, too quiet for my liking. I could hear voices in my head, one telling me to let go of her and not to shed any more blood. The other urging me on, to see Rose die by my hands.

"You don't have the guts" My mum stepped forward, her finger now hovering over the trigger.

My arm tightened around Roses's neck, now her arms were wrapped around mine trying to relieve the pressure. To try and suck in some oxygen.

"Don't test me, now put your fucking guns down and walk away. You want me dead? Fine, but only in battle. You'll have your shot then, but one against how many of you? Not really fair is it. I'd hurry up if I were you, I don't think Rose will last much longer and if I'm being honest, I don't give a damn if she dies" I sneered.

Please drop your guns, please drop your guns.

"Kill her"

Well, that's not how I wanted it to go. I would love to kill this idiot but if I do then there's nothing stopping them from shooting me till I look like that Spongebob square pants.

A loud screeching noise rounded the corner, a sleek black car sped down the road, the lights flashing ever so brightly making me squint and distracting them lot.

It was Miles.

Come to save the day with Oliver.

My idiots in shining armor.

The car halted behind me, the back door swinging open. I quickly looked over and shot West a wink then snapped Roses's neck. Her body dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes and I bolted towards the car.

As I heard the gunshots and jumped straight into the car and slid to the other side, banging my elbow in the process.

I still hope that looked cool.

Why on earth do they call it a funny bone, it hurts like a bitch.

We took off quickly, Miles driving like a madman. His hands were clenched around the wheel, almost turning white and Oliver peered at me and smirked.

"Well don't you look... Messy"

I tried wiping the mess off my face as I scowled at him, he scanned my body without caring about getting caught and licked his lips.

"What" I snapped.

"I'd still fuck you... again"

My brother managed to reach over and punch him in the shoulder "Stop being a horny fucker" Oliver just shrugged it off.

As they started to bicker with each other I peered out of the back window to see cars speeding towards us, and that's when I noticed West.

Don't these fuckers ever give up?

"Where the hell did they come from?" Miles started shouted, pressing in the gas peddle.

I'd like to know that too.

"Oliver do you have a gun?"

"Of course gorgeous"

He threw his spare gun which I caught easily, I checked to see a full set of ammo and smiled.

"Cover me, and Miles please don't crash"

"Have some faith in my sister, just don't miss"

"I don't plan on it"

I scooted to the side of the car and opened the window till it was down fully. There was one car which had West in and some others whilst the other had my mum who was also driving. More cars were trailing behind them.

I swear there weren't that many people before. This was supposed to be a chilled fun night, but here I am having a car chase and I'll probably end up injuring myself in the process.

Time to take these fuckers down.

Taking the safety of the gun I latched onto the roof of the car with my free hand and dangled half of my body out of the car and took aim.

Some of the cars started to swerve, people on the streets screaming and dashing out of the way.

My finger pressed on the trigger repeatedly, the bullets hitting the windshields but not a single crack or smash of glass.

They are bulletproof.


West's car sped up, his eyes were glued on me and I huffed. I heard Oliver asking what's happening, and as I took a glance he had his phone against his ear.

Miles took a sharp turn and I slipped, the gun flew into the car, luckily not going off and I held onto the side trying my hardest to keep my feet from touching the ground.

"Hope" My brother yelled frantically.

As I pushed myself up I told Oliver to hand me the gun which he did immediately and with all the strength I had I shot at each tire on every car causing them to abruptly stop or crash into each other. The only one left was West and I saw the determination on his face, his car jolted forward becoming incredibly close to me.

My hands were starting to slip but I knew what I needed to do I just really hope my plan works or it might not end well for me. This is probably the only way I can get some answers from the boy who broke me. There's a small part of me that nags at me every day, that West is fully behind this.

The other part just wants me to kill him, Plain and simple.

I slid the gun into my back pocket and looked over at Oliver "I need you to find a tracker and find me" I rushed out.

"What the fuck are you on about"

"I don't have time, my necklace has a tracker in it. You and the others need to find me but you need to find a tracker, call Ryan if you have to but do it soon or things might not end well for me but I need to do this"

Miles was screaming at me telling me not to do anything stupid or hell personally kill me himself.

So dramatic.

I took a deep breath, my fingers slowly started to slip and before I could comprehend what was happening I was hit by West's car and everything went black.


My eyes slowly fluttered open and instantly closed from the bright light right above me.

Fuck me.

My whole body was sore, every time I tried to move slightly a groan escaped my lips from the migraine that was building up. I felt like I had just been hit by a big ass car

Oh wait, I was.

There was something cold wrapped around my wrist and ankles, and I could feel something wet trickle down the side of my head and dripping onto my chest.

"You're awake" His voice rang through the room and I winced.

"Can you fucking not, I've got a killer headache" My head hung forward, trying to shield the light from my eyes so I could open them.

"No shit, you were just hit by a car. Not your best moment baby"

Yeah, your fucking car. 

I snapped my head up, now totally regretting it. It felt like someone was trying to bash my skull in.

"Don't call me that" He just chuckled lowly and pushed himself off the wall.

Now he was stood in front of me, his fingers gripped my chin to make me look at him, his blue eyes turning a deep steel colour.

"Tell me where my daughter is"

"Ugh, seriously this again? I told you I don't know where she is and even if I did I wouldn't tell you so just give it up"

"I'm asking nicely Hope, please just tell me before it's out of my control" He pleaded.

What was he on about? Out of his control? Isn't he meant to be in charge?

"West are you not in charge?" I tilted my head, his eyes scrunched up and his fist clenched together.

"Look I don't have much time and I can't fully explain myself. I really hope you have a fucking plan because when she comes in it's not going to be pretty and I have no power to stop your mum. No, I'm not in charge, I haven't ever been in charge, everything I did I have done for a reason. There's someone bigger than me who has been pulling the strings all along, well two people, I don't know the other but I can't tell you who he is or he will kill you and Mila. You have no reason to believe or trust me but I care for our daughter. There's a war coming and you marrying Xavier is probably the best thing you can do because you will need all the people you can get to win... "
The metal door slammed open and my mum stepped in with a sinister smile on her face as she looked towards me then at West.

"Get out" She spoke.

My head was mashed, all along I thought West was in charge trying to kill me and to take my daughter. Why should I believe him? But I know West, and the look on his face says it all before he regretfully turns away and stalks out of the room slamming the door in the process.

"I'm going to have fun with you, but first I need you to surrender your gang"

So this is what she wants? My gang and the power that comes with it. The only way you can take over is either by killing the current leader, marrying into it or if you are next in line like Mila is or you can just pass it down as my uncle did. Now I know this isn't West's meaning Mila will take over me.

That's probably why they want her.

She wants us dead to take over, but West said the one pulling the strings, it's a man and someone else, which means it isn't her cause he would know.

"There's no fucking way I'm surrendering you'll have to kill me" I snapped, trying to pull my wrists but it was no use.

I could feel the skin starting to bleed, my hands becoming limp from the blood loss.

"We can either do this the hard way or... oh wait there is no other way. Between you and me I've been told not to hurt you or that daughter of yours until a certain somebody messes up that is but I honestly don't a fuck. He isn't here to stop me, and last time I failed"

A sharp pain jolted through my body and an agonizing scream left my lips, a knife was sticking out of my leg before being ripped out again.

I gritted my teeth together as I looked at her, she twirled the blade between her fingers, the blood dripping down onto the floor.

"You're pathetic" I spat at her.

Her face turned hard, I noticed her left eye started to twitch, something that would happen when she'd become pissed.

Her hand wrapped around my neck, the blade was now pressing against my stomach slightly entering making me wince but I kept a straight face. She was at the exact same spot the first time I was stabbed.

I won't back down.

"You was always a pathetic excuse of a daughter, I guess Mila won't know what a mother's love is like. Shes probably best without you in her life"

"Go ahead and kill me, it won't make you the leader, and Mila will take my place but because she isn't of age I put Xavier in charge, combining both Mafia and The Head hunters. They will be unstoppable and I hope they kill every last one of you fuckers. My daughter will always be loved and she knows that. Everything I do is for her"

Loud gunshots were set off, people shouting and now the door was rattling from someone banging against it.

It sounded like Jace and Caleb.

Before I could shout them the knife slipped into my body, a gasp left me as I looked down to see it plunged into me and my mother held a smirk but was soon overtook by fear. The banging on the door became louder.

She took off running towards a window and slid out of it, I could hear a buzz in my ears and everything started to become one big blur.

The door swung open revealing many of my men including Jace and Caleb, there faces draining of colour as they looked at me and the knife.

Jace ran over to me, his hands trying to keep my head held up.

"Do not close your eyes Hope, hey look at me okay. You'll be fine, I just need you to keep your eyes open"

"So bossy" I murmured.

"Xavier is dealing with West, he's so pissed right now. Even with you for doing something so stupid"

His face was so close to mine and I could feel myself becoming weaker by the second so without giving it a thought I pressed my lips against his, the taste of blood was now evident in my mouth.

His lips were soft but he didn't kiss back from the shock. There was no tingle, no feeling. I felt absolutely nothing.

"Jace I..."

Then nothing. 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, what do you think will happen next?

Please vote and comment.

Ciao! X

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