Forever and A Day

By QueenyBQueen

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Well what more can happen? Gotta read and Find out Book 1. A Kidnapper's Love Book 2. Meant To Bee Book 3. F... More

Back Like We Left Something
Beauty and Major
Breaking Bad
Somethings never Change
La Familia
Man Talk
If I Came Back?
Fed Up
Laying the cards Out
Family Time
If It's Not One Thing
Unspoken Truth
Messy Mess
Get it together
Let's Figure This Out

Show Up and Show Out

93 13 0
By QueenyBQueen

Hey Y'all it's been awhile and I know it y'all mad at me for taking so long but I've been busy working on some new stuff that I know for sure y'all will love it! So come enjoy this chapter and I promise you gonna want another one!! 

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Beauty POV

My hands were shaking, tears were pouring down my face as I stood in the middle of my house trying to figure out where the hell I had gone wrong in my life and my marriage to be in this place right now. My husband not loving me anymore, my kids not respecting me as the hard-working woman I know I am. My dad would be so disappointed with me right now if he were here.

"God please, help me!" I cried out falling to my knees. I was all out of energy fighting to keep my marriage together but I knew I couldn't do it alone, not without the support of the man I loved more than anything in this world.  "Lord I need your guidance and love, I need you to come into my home and help us Lord, please." 

The more I prayed the louder it seemed as though something, or someone banged on the door, standing with a look of confusing on my face I cleaned up and slowly made my way down the stairs and to the security room to see who the hell it was. 

"What the fuck?" all of the cameras were off for some reason. I headed over trying to check everything out and to make sure it wasn't just me losing my fucking marbles. We never turned the cameras off so I didn't understand why they wouldn't be working. "Maybe he's getting the system update or some." I said to myself shrugging my shoulders.

I pulled the door open seeing a woman standing there, she was about five nine with long curly hair, clear almond colored skin, red lipstick and her hair pulled into a neat top bun. She was  wearing a black track suit and black tennis shoes. I had never seen her before so I wasn't sure why she was here or who she was looking for, she didn't say anything or take her eyes off me.

"Can I help you, are you lost?" There was no way she should have been able to get past the gates which worried me a little.

"Uh-yeah I'm sorry is Justin here?" 

"Who are you?"

"My name is Leslie, you must be Beauty?" I was boiling on the inside, the nerve of this bitch showing up at my house unannounced, unknown and most of all not welcomed. "He has told me so much about you."

"Well he ain't told me shit about you so, who exactly are you to my husband again?" Instead of replying to my question she step towards me as if she was gonna kiss me or something. 

"I asked for your husband not you, either he's here or he isn't." I was not in the mood for this bitch at all. "How about you move yo ass out my face and off my fucking door step." I step back about to slam the door in the bitch face however she stuck her foot out preventing me from doing so.

"Excuse you, what the fuck is your problem?" 

"Bitch you're my problem, you think you're better than me because you got that nigga to marry you, need flash you're not bitch just like I had him in my bed before I can have in there again!" Leslie snapped. "That nigga will never be all for you it's not in his character darling." She assured me.

"First of all bitch I don't know what the fuck you're talking about but you can get that fuck off my doorstep with all that nonsense." I felt a hard smack to the side of my face causing me to stumble a little before catching my balance.

She made her way inside as if she was coming for me I quickly got myself together and charged back at her swinging with everything I had. She grabbed a handful of my hair trying to throw me to the floor but I wasn't going down. Wrapping my left hand around her neck throwing strong hits with my right hand as we continued to go back and forth knocking down every vase, plant, picture and furniture in the way. 

"Bitch you think you're gonna come in my house and try me, you got the wrong one baby." I assured ole girl as I continued swinging for me life flipping over the couch; lucky for me I landed on top. I can't lie and say she wasn't wearing my ass out because she was, the grip she had on my hair was so fucking tight I could feel the cramp in my neck forming while she clawed at my face. I grabbed the candle holder that had fallen over and started beating her in the head and chest watching blood gush out. 

I felt a hard stomp to the middle of my back catching me off guard however I was so consumed in the fight I didn't pay it much mind until I felt myself being drug from behind. "Get the fuck off her!" I started swinging and kicking anywhere I could land them. "Bitch you might wanna chill out before I pop yo stupid ass." I didn't know who she was but I could see the large ass handgun she was pointing in my face and I wasn't stupid enough to test the bitch.

"What the fuck you want?" I asked barely getting my words out. 

"Not that it'll matter but I'm Ryah, I'm here with her." I watched Ryah make her way to the other side of the couch try to  help Leslie to her feet. "Are you okay?"

"Does she look okay?" I mumbled, Leslie was bleeding so badly it was hard for her to stand to her feet. "Get on your feet we're gonna take a lil ride." Ryah ordered.

"And what if I don't want to, you gon' shoot me?" 

"You damn right I will, but for now I need you alive so let's go." Just as I was about to protest I noticed  a man coming through the door. I started thanking God thinking it was Justin, Jay or anybody that could help me out.  "Help me get Les to the car!" He looked at her then turned to me so I could get a good look at his face. 

To say I was shocked would've been way lower than an understatement. "Why the hell are you just standing there, don't worry about that bitch I got her!" She shouted to get his attention.

"Yeah aight." He walked over scooping Leslie into his arm. "Move it hoe or I will put a bullet in yo fucking head."

"Don't fucking touch me, I can walk." I could tell by the look on his face he wanted to explain but I didn't want to hear it.  Ryah pushed me out the door with the barrel of the gun begging for a reaction out of me so she could shoot me. "Pop the trunk."

"I'm not getting in no fucking trunk fuck is wrong with you?" I snapped.


"Ryah chill out man, she can ride in the back I'll make sure she don't escape." I rolled my eyes watching him secure Leslie into the back seat, She was so out of it I thought for sure she was dead the way I beat the hell out of her, Ryah took the keys looking me up and down as if she was waiting for me to try something. "You drive, I'll make sure neither of you escape, get in." I got in the  passenger's seat, Ryah behind me and Jae'Shun driving.

Amber POV     

"You think a nigga playing with you don't it?" Ron asked as we drove home, he kept looking at me then back to the road.

"Actually I don't give a fuck anymore, I'm sick of this same shit, you think I'm still that young stupid ass girl who's gonna keep forgiving your fuck ups, it's not enough that you keep cheating on me and making me look like a damn fool but then you wanna beat my ass for standing up for myself and not allowing you to walk all over me, that's crazy as hell." 

"I wouldn't have to beat yo ass if you stop trying to show your ass in front of people, you think I want my family knowing my business?"

"Then stop making outside business for them to know, I don't tell them shit that they don't already know. Who don't know you can't keep your dick in your pants, you got two fucking kids outside of me remember?" When he didn't reply I knew then he got my point.

I was over the whole thought of my supposed to be husband, how do you love someone you continue to hurt over and over? I'm not sure I can ever respect him the same after he's not only put his hands on me but to do in front of our family, his own mother I can't take it anymore. How am I supposed to love him without fearing him? How am I supposed to look at my kids knowing that  I allowed them to see me be hurt  and didn't do anything about it? How do I look at myself in the mirror everyday and not see the back eyes, the broken nose, the bruises and sore bones, and not be fed up and tired? How?          

"Where are you taking me?"

"Why, you don't trust me?" I shook my head no without hesitation.          

"Damn, well I guess you're gonna have to start." It was a tall brick building with dark windows and an iron door. NO way in the hell I was going in there he might as well kill my ass now because there was no way in the hell I was going in there.

When the car stopped I didn't move a muscle, I wouldn't dare, however he got out and jogged around to my side trying to pull the door open but failed when I hit the lock. "Smiley don't make me break this fucking window cause I will." He slowly pulled a gun from the back of his pants letting me know he wasn't playing games so I got out the car. 

"What the hell is this, I'm not fucking going in there so you can kill me, if you wanna kill me then do it right here because I'm not going." He looked at me up and down as if I was getting on his nerve or like I had drug him out a room full of people.  The fucking nerve.

"Look man I'm sorry for the way I acted, the way I drug you out that room was down right wrong and disrespectful and I don't know what to do to fix it but to come here. It's a lot of things I haven't told you about me and what I've been going through and I'm not blaming nothing and no one for my actions that's why I'm here." I stood there not knowing what to say or what to think.

"So what does you coming here have to do the ass whooping I just got?" I crossed my arms over my chest waiting to hear his answer.

"I was always coming here, I don't know what snapped in my head hearing you say you were getting a divorce just triggered something for me and I- um I snapped and I know it was wrong and out of line and from the bottom of my heart I apologize. I'm trying to change for you and the kids but it's gonna take some time and that's all I ask you give me is time."

"Time to do what, you expect me to put my life on hold because you need to get your shit together, that's not fair when all you've done is live your life and fuck bitches and make babies and shit, you wild." 

"You right all that was fucked up but you stayed and told me that you forgave me now you wanna pull this card?" My silence meant yeah. "You right, I'm not gon even fight you on it, just promise me you won't make a decision on the divorce until I come home." The only way I was gonna be able to leave was if I agreed and seeing as though I was brought here against my will I wasn't gonna say or do anything that would prevent me from leaving .

Just because I said I forgave him doesn't mean I didn't, however I was still hurting from years ago on top of all the new shit, there was no way I was staying. Him trying to get help now after all this time doesn't change the way I feel about him nor does it restore the love I once had for him.

"I mean I can't make any promises but I'll try." With a simple head nod he handed me the gun and kissed my forehead. "Sorry for ruining your life, that was never my intentions. I guess people do crazy things when they're in love, huh?" I shrugged. 

"I don't know Ron, all I know is that you've cause me enough heartache and pain to last a lifetime." I said truthfully. "Take care of my babies Amber."

"You worry about fixing you- the kids will be fine." I watched him walk away and disappear into the building. When I knew for sure I was safe to leave I hoped in the car and flushed out of there like my life dependent on it. "Fuck him, I'm never coming back."


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