One {Mark Sloan}

By Alteate

498K 13.9K 992

"Every time your heart is broken, a doorway cracks open to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities... More

The Push
My Only Family
Staying Alive
Prom Queen
Planting a Seed
Death Wish
The Feeling Of Suffocation
The Chief of Surgery
The Past
Daphnie Miller
The right decision
The Man
Reyansh Deo
Time After Time
Intern Exam
The Date
Hangout Spot
Drunk Mark
Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty
Meet the Fosters
Miss Grumpy
A Change is Gonna Come
Happy Birthday
Big Boys
Downfall Of Arrogance
To Die Or Not To Die
Hurricane Amelia
Sane Advice
The Art Of Lookin'
Bridal Fights
Pushy And Rude
Daddy Issues
Without You
Turning A New Page
The Birthday Party
New Rules
Like Me Better
Begin Again
Everything Has Changed
Mark and Ren
Mama Shepherd
Still on My Brain
Happy Ending
Come Together
Slipping into Darkness
Stand By Me
The People That We Love
Let Us Move On
Should I Or Should I Not?
Hell Of A Life
This Wedding Day
An Authors Note
Agree To Disagree
Author's Note
Future Nostalgia
Cold As Ice
Gone Too Soon
Wrong Call

What I Am

10.7K 257 13
By Alteate

"Karev. Dr Grey, I am clipping a basilar tip aneurism. Any interest."

"No, Grey's with me today," Renee commented when Derek asked the interns.

"Dr Bailey can I get..."

Renee who sitting by the computer doing some research looked up to see Derek and Addison pausing and looking at each other.

"Oh my god," Renee looked up to see Addison's gaze fixed at someone, following her gaze, she saw Mark shaking hands with Webber, a smile on his face.


"Oh my God... " Meredith said.

"Is that..." George said.


"More like McCheater,"

When suddenly the oxygen cylinder in one of the rooms had blown up startling everybody and Meredith threw up. However, Renee's eyes were fixed on Mark who walked out of the Cheif's cabin with the Cheif following him.

"Make sure he has an airway. Sir, can you hear me?" Mark said as he checked Mr Sullivan. Renee was standing outside the room, her eyes focused on her ex-boyfriend.

 "No, he's out. Hit his head. Small hematoma in the occipital region,"

"Get him to the burn unit until he's stabilized and get a CT. GO! 

"Right away Dr!! Come on." Dr Bailey said as she and George walked outside the room.

"You know watching someone is considered creepy," Mark commented as he met his eyes with Renee.

"What are you doing here? Why are you wearing the hospital's coat?"

"You are now seeing the Head of Plastics," 

"What did you do with the practice?"

"Sold it," Mark said as he walked out of Mr Sullivan's room and into the on-call room.

"Sold it? You can't do that!" She said as she followed him into the room

"Technically, I can," She took one last look at him before turning back and leaving the room to go find the Cheif. Mark following her.

"What kind of idiot lights a cigarette in a hospital," Richard said.

"Apparently people do idiotic things all the time." Derek and Mark exchange a glare and Chief walks away, going up the stairs and Derek follows him 

"Chief. Chief!" Renee called after the Chief as she followed him.

"He is a liar. And a cheat,"

"I cannot believe this, you know what he did, to us,"

"The man is one of the finest plastic surgeons in the country. His department will generate twice the revenue neurosurgery or oncology does. 

"Money, is that why he's here?"

"I left New York because of him."

"I left the country because of him,"

"He was your best friend. For years. Renee, he was your boyfriend and your best friend,"

"Right up until the point where he had sex with my wife."

"We all make mistakes."

"You cannot be serious, Cheif,"

Mark was studying on Mr Sullivan's case when he saw Renee standing by the elevator in her casual clothes, he had returned to Seattle for her but he couldn't tell her that. When she had caught him and Addison together, he didn't know what to do with himself, the look on her face had kept him awake at nights. When he had first slept with Addison, it was a mistake but after that, it converted into guilt and fear. His one mistake had pushed away everyone from his life, his best friend-his brother and the person he had loved for the past few years. He had lapsed with the peds nurse and the receptionist, he hadn't realized his feeling of Renee yet but once he did, he swore he wouldn't do anything to hurt her. The staying with Addison was something he had to do, he tried justifying himself what he had done but he couldn't so he stayed with Addison, trying to make himself fall for her, but he couldn't, he just couldn't.  

He watched as Derek came from behind her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, bumping his head against her, something he knew they did when trying to cheer each other up. She looked on as she laughed and pushed Derek away. 

Renee and Derek walked towards Joe's Pub, they both had long tiring shifts and needed to unwind themselves. Walking straight towards the bar, they took their seat.

"Joe, could I get a beer?" Renee asked the owner.

"I'll have a single malt double scotch," Derek asked.

"We should take a trip,"


"Yeah, you know two days off, somewhere away," 

"Is this seat taken?" Renee and Derek looked up to see Mark standing there and had asked about the empty chair beside her.

"No," She said as she turned back to Derek.

"So, how does Victoria sound?" 

"Ren, we have to talk," Mark said to her.

"We could go to Beacon Hill Park and the Craigdarroch Castle," She said ignoring him as Derek nodded.

"You hate visiting castles," Mark commented.

"Issac loves visiting castles, he says they contain so much of the history related to the place,"

"Whose Issac?"

"Issac is her boyfriend," Derek answered.

"Derek!!" Renee snapped at him.

"Yeah, right, sorry,"

"You have a boyfriend?!"

"Yes, Mark, I have a boyfriend? What did you think I would do? Mope around waiting for you to come back?" Renee snapped at him.

"No, but-"

"But what?"

"We should talk," Mark said as he brought his hand to his face.

"We are not talking, we are done!" Renee said as she threw a couple of dollars on the counter and left the bar.

"Ren! What are you doing here Mark?" Derek called after her before turning to Mark.

"I came back for her and for-"

"And? Addison?"

"No, it's not going to work, we knew we were supposed to sink right from the start,"

"Mark, stay away from her. She was broken when she saw you and Addison together. It took me days to get her out of the apartment, she was so upset, she didn't even cry, Mark. When I came to Seattle, I tried contacting her but she went off the radar, Issac had called me to inform she went to England,"

"Is he a good guy?" Mark asked softly.

"Better than you'll ever be,"

"Dr Sloan?"

"You my intern?" Mark looked up to see an intern walking in the room.

"Yeah. I'm your intern,"

"My face..."

"No need to talk, Mr Sullivan. Now, it's going to be painful for a while." Mark said

"My face..." 

"He wants to know that you can fix his face. He needs to know that you can fix his face." Mrs Sullivan said.

"I'm going to remove the burned tissue and bandage your face with a dressing of live cells." 

"And that'll do it? His face will be back like it was. Cause his face...such a nice face...He's a salesman,"

"I'm going to do absolutely everything I can Mrs Sullivan. We'll need a neuro consult before we operate." 

"Anything else? I mean I can do debridement or..." 

"Actually, there is one more thing...bone dry cappuccino. Make it a double."

Standing by the desk, Renee was completing her paperwork when she saw Mark walking towards the desk, he was about to say something to her when they were interrupted by Dr Bailey.

"Dr Sloan. I was just checking on the Sullivans, and... how is he doing? 

"And you are?"

"Dr Bailey...we met this morning. I was the resident on Mr Sullivan's bypass. 

"Well, I don't need a resident on this case."

"Excuse me, I wasn't asking to be your resident. I was asking how my patient was doing."

"He's not your patient any more." He said before looking at Renee who was watching the conversation between the two doctors. Sighing he walked away.

"Is he always this arrogant?" Dr Bailey asked.

"Yup, that's Mark Sloan for you,"

"Didn't think he would be your type," Bailey commented.

"You don't know him well enough to comment about him. Now that you are not on Mr Sullivan's case I need you to be my resident,"

"Mr Sullivan...I want to recommend a night of observation in the ICU before Dr Sloan proceeds with your surgery."

"Is that really necessary Dr Shepherd? The longer we wait, the higher the risk of infection." 

"I think it's important that we attend to potential life-threatening injuries before moving on to cosmetics, Dr Sloan. 

"He's not here for a facelift Derek. He's a burn victim."

"Why did you ask for a consult if you've already established a course of action. 

"Because I thought you were good enough at your job to put aside the personal and do what's best for the patient."

"My job? You're telling me how to do my job?"

"Please, I'm sure it's complicated. And I know Shawnie's sorry for lighting that smoke. He was trying to keep his word to Dr Bailey. He told her he wasn't going to smoke when he got home. And he was just trying to keep his word. He knows he did wrong. But he's...he's a salesman, that's who he is. So could you just fix his face? Could you do that for us, please?"

"If what happened between me and Addison is so unforgivable, then how do you justify what happened with you and Meredith?" Mark said as they stepped out of the room.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You want me to be the bad guy, fine. But I'm not the only bad guy here Derek. You and me...we're the same."

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