Unwanted (BoyxBoy) ~Completed~

By xXPsychodicPandaXx

281K 9K 1.6K

(WARNING!: DEPRESSING CONTENT, POORLY WRITTEN: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK) "I deserve just as much pain as she... More

Unwanted Ch.1
Unwanted Ch.2
Unwanted Ch.3
Unwanted Ch.4
Unwanted Ch.5
Unwanted Ch.6
Unwanted Ch.7
Unwanted Ch.8
Unwanted Ch.9
Unwanted Ch.10
Unwanted Ch.12
Unwanted Ch.13
Unwanted Ch.14
Unwanted Ch.15
Unwanted Ch.16
Unwanted Ch.17
Unwanted Ch.18
Unwanted Ch.19
Unwanted Ch.20
Unwanted Ch.21
Unwanted Ch.22
Unwanted Ch.23
Unwanted Ch.24
Unwanted Ch.25
Unwanted Ch.26
Unwanted Ch.27
Unwanted Ch.28
Unwanted Ch.29
Last Note Ever!!! Promise
Unwanted Ch.30
Unwanted Ch.31

Unwanted Ch.11

8.3K 336 19
By xXPsychodicPandaXx

It's been a while since I last saw Andy. I've been really worried to tell you the truth because he hasn't even shown up to the program at the hospital. All that's been going through my mind is Andy Andy Andy and I need to find out if he's ok.

Sure I may be going a little over the top but the way that he showed up on Friday at my house really worried me and I just can't help but think that his mom did something to him.

I'm in gym class right now and have gotten tripped like ten times. Yeah we're playing soccer which has never been my strongest point especially when the kids your playing with hate you.

After the bell rings I finally get to leave and nothing could make me happier. Now begins the search for Andy. I'm not going to the hospital because it'll just be a waste of time and I'm not feeling any different since I started there. You can't make me feel better unless you get rid of the problem which by the looks of it won't be happening anytime soon. My parents came in the other day. Yeah instead of helping they made it worst because I get teased even more now than before. Just because you tell a person to stop bothering me and said person agrees doesn't mean that they were actually telling the truth.

Once I was finally off school grounds the first place that I thought of was the cafe. I mean that's where I found Andy the first time. I headed in that direction hoping luck was on my side and I would find Andy sitting at a table in his usual attire. With that thought on my mind I opened up the doors and took a look around the cafe. Nothing.

With no such luck I left and just started walking around the city hoping to find that boy. Do you think I'm worrying to much? I don't know but right now I just want to know that nothing is wrong with Andy.

As I turned a corner I heard a sound come from a dark trail next to a house. It looked like no one lived there so I just went through the creepy looking trail that was shadowed by the house so it made it look even creepier. I mean it had trash lying all over and there seemed to be some dead cats and squirrels. Yeah the place wreaked.

Getting closer to the back of the house the noise grew. It sounded like bags shuffling and moving around. I started to get scared when a low groan and scream was heard but I wanted to find out what was all that noise. It could either he a hobo looking around for cans or a murderer killing someone right this minute.

Taking a peek it turned out to be neither. No one was there so I stepped closer to take a better look. The entire back yard was filled with garbage bags and it made it look like a landfill. I heard another groan and that's when I saw one of the bags was moving. Slowing stepping closer I got down and tried to untie the bag.

When I finally got it open nothing could have surprised me more. Inside was Andy with his hands and feet tied up. His mouth was duct taped and his forehead was bleeding really bad. Helping him out I started to untie his hands and feet which trust me was really hard because he wouldn't stop shaking. His dark grey eyes held nothing but fear and pain and it was crushing me inside.

After I untied him I tried to help him up but he just ended up falling back down.

"Who did this to you?" I asked him fetching around for my cellphone so I could call an ambulance.

"Mmm-yy mmm-o-m. Is sh-she hh-here?" He said weakly stuttering and than looking around frantically like she was out to get him.

"No she isn't. How long have you been here?" I said looking at his beaten body. Bruises covered him and he looked like he hadn't eaten in forever considering how light he felt.

"I dd-don't kn-now? Lll-lost ttt-track of tt-time aff-fter thrrr-ree days." He said slowly closing his eyes. I shook him awake trying to keep him up. Sirens were heard and I got up.

"I'll be right back." I said and than rushed off to get the paramedics. I lead them to the back and they gasped at the sight of Andy. Quickly rushing him to the ambulance I followed in step and got inside with them.

"How long has he been like this?" One of the paramedics asked me while checking his pulse.

"About three days or more." I said worried hoping he would be fine. The paramedic said that his pulse was very weak and he was incredibly underweight which I could already tell. We made it to the hospital and they rushed Andy into and emergency room. I had to stay out and wait so I decided to call my parents and let them know where I was.

"Hello?" I heard my mom ask on the other side.

"Mom hey it's Luke. I'm over at the hospital but before you start worrying nothing happened to me. It's a friend of mine that got really hurt." I said to her.

"So your fine. Thank goodness you called because your father and I were about to go searching for you. He called me at work saying that you hadn't shown up at the house and I immediately drove home." She said her voice full of relief.

"I was wondering if you guys could let my friend stay over for a couple of weeks. His parents are out of town and he is really hurt right now and has nowhere to go." I asked her. Hopefully she would agree because I sure as hell wasn't going to send Andy back to his step mom.

"Of course hun. How can his parents just leave him alone like that? The nerve of some people. By the way what happened to your friend?" She asked.

"He uh he was in a car accident. Yeah so I have to go now and see if I can get any information on him. Bye mom." I said not waiting for a reply and just hung up. If she starts questioning nothing good will come out of it.

I went and took a sit in the waiting room for who knows how long until a doctor finally came out.

"Are you here for Andy Green?" He asked me.

"Yes, yes I am." I said getting off the chair and going up to him.

"Are you family? Because I am only allowed to release information to a family member." He said. Oh great not this family shit. It's what they always say.

"Yeah I'm his cousin." I lied smoothly hoping he would buy it.

"Alright sir, follow me." He said and turned around. Score, he bought my lie. Yes I am an incredibly horrible liar. He led me through a narrow hallway and went inside room 552. I follow him in and when I looked over at the bed it completely broke my heart.

Andy laid there with tubes everywhere and his head was bandaged up. The bruises were still quite visible and he looked paler than usual.

"He got lucky you found him. He was very close to dieing and his body was very beaten. He will recover but it will take some time. I'll hand you a list of the diet he needs to follow and you need to make sure he takes all his medicine. He was underweight at only ninety pounds so you need to follow everything that is in the diet for him to get healthy again." He told me. I slowly took in all that information making sure not to miss any details.

"Ok doctor. When will he be able to leave?" I asked.

"Probably two days. Three at the most. Will his parents be coming?" He asked me.

"No they're out of town. I'll make sure to notify them." I said with him nodding in agreement.

"Well I'll go get the prescriptions. He's drugged up right now so it'll be a while until he wakes up." He said and than left the room closing the door behind him.

I took a sit by his bed and I won't lie, I actually started crying. I don't know much about Andy but it hurts to see him looking so weak and fragile. How can his step mom hate him so much that she wants to kill him. What has he done to deserve this? Life truly is not fair for anyone.

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