One {Mark Sloan}

By Alteate

513K 14.2K 996

"Every time your heart is broken, a doorway cracks open to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities... More

The Push
My Only Family
Staying Alive
Prom Queen
What I Am
Planting a Seed
Death Wish
The Feeling Of Suffocation
The Chief of Surgery
The Past
Daphnie Miller
The right decision
The Man
Reyansh Deo
Time After Time
Intern Exam
The Date
Hangout Spot
Drunk Mark
Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty
Meet the Fosters
Miss Grumpy
A Change is Gonna Come
Happy Birthday
Big Boys
Downfall Of Arrogance
To Die Or Not To Die
Hurricane Amelia
Sane Advice
The Art Of Lookin'
Bridal Fights
Pushy And Rude
Daddy Issues
Without You
Turning A New Page
The Birthday Party
New Rules
Like Me Better
Begin Again
Everything Has Changed
Mark and Ren
Mama Shepherd
Still on My Brain
Happy Ending
Come Together
Slipping into Darkness
Stand By Me
The People That We Love
Let Us Move On
Should I Or Should I Not?
Hell Of A Life
This Wedding Day
An Authors Note
Agree To Disagree
Author's Note
Future Nostalgia
Cold As Ice
Gone Too Soon
Wrong Call


15.2K 319 90
By Alteate

Renee Foster sat in her cabin watching the thunder as she waited for her best friend, Derek Shepherd to finish his consult on one of their patients, a 45-year-old man with a tumour in his head which was sitting on his optic nerve and required very complicated surgery. Addison was at home, there had been a fight between Derek and Addison which was something which was happening quite frequently nowadays.

"Ready to go?"

"I have been ready for an hour, is the tumour benign or malignant?

"It's benign but I am afraid if we don't do it carefully, he might lose his vision,"

"I am sure you'll do everything you can, let's go home, I need to stop by your place first, I need to pick some books,"

"Sure, when did Mark leave?"

"He went two hours before, I think, we needed a few furniture for the living room,"

"How's that going, moving in?"

"Stressful, I didn't know he was so picky," She said as she sat in the car.

The car ride was comfortable, to say the least, perhaps it was the sign of calm before the storm. Derek parked the car in the driveway as both of them got out, their clothes were getting wet as the rain fell. Entering the house they found it quiet, perhaps because it was late and Addison had gone to bed.

"Come on, the books are upstairs," Derek said.

When they went upstairs, they found the light of Derek's and Addison's bedroom on indicating she was still awake.

"Hey, Addi-" Derek opened the door to the sight he wished he hadn't seen.

"Derek, do you have-" Renee fell silent as she watched her boyfriend and her best friend's wife, together in bed, naked.

"We can explain," Mark scattered out of the bed covering himself with a sheet. Renee stared at him, her eyes were filling with tears but she couldn't let them fall, she couldn't give him the satisfaction.

"Ren, let's go, REN!!" Derek took Renee's hand as they went down the stairs with Mark and Addison following them.

"Derek please," Addison said as she cried. She took Derek's face in the hands as she tried to apologize to him.

"Ren-" Mark tried to talk to his girlfriend who didn't even look at him.

"Stay away, Mark, stay away," Derek stood in front of Renee who broke down, her head resting between his shoulder blades. Mark couldn't see her but Derek could feel her sobs.

"Please, stay away," Derek said as he took Renee's hand and dragging her out of the house and towards the car with Mark's and Addison's apologises echoing in the background.

The alarm clock indicated 5:59 am, ready to blaze in the next minute, Renee Foster was still sleeping, her hands wrapped around the bare stomach of Issac Green, both of them tangled in each other's arms. The alarm went off at 6 am causing both of them to groan, Issac pushed himself up before shutting the alarm off and kissed Renee's head before whispering good morning.

"Uh, I don't want to wake up," She said as she buried herself more into the blanket.

"Come on, love, it's your first day," He said as he kissed her again before pulling her up.

"Your accent makes me weak," She said as she tied her hair up in a bun.

"I have heard that before, okay, how about I join you in the shower," He smiled.



The walk from The Archfield to Seattle Grace wasn't a long one. The couple walked hand in hand towards the hospital, it was their first day at the Hospital, Seattle Grace needed a new Head of Oncology. Issac was a surgeon in the British Army who was currently on a holiday. Issac and Renee had met each other during their PhD at Cambridge but they started dating after she returned to England after she found Mark and Addison together.  

"Excuse me, I had an appointment with Chief Webber," Renee said to the receptionist.

"Chief Webber is in a meeting right now, you can wait for him in his the waiting room, I'll call Patricia, she'll take you,"

"Thank you," Issac and Renee followed the Cheif's secretary to the waiting room.

"Chief will be here shortly,"

"It's good right?" Issac asked his girlfriend.

"It's better than good, you know how much I appreciate that you have come here all the way from London,"

"Stop mentioning it, I didn't do it just for you, I mean I did do it for you but I wanted to get out of there," Issac bent down to kiss her.

They were sitting there in the for a few minutes when the secretary came to take them to the Chief's office. However, when they entered there were two people already inside, arguing.

"That is not the point," Derek Shepherd said to Dr Webber.

"The point is the kid wants his face fixed-" Mark Sloan yelled back.

"No, the point is you want to get published,"

"Well, yeah and I am guessing your Chief of Surgery wants to too, the press loves the before and after shot, Richard,"

"Call me Dr Webber," Richard said as Mark looked down.

"Derek, out of friendship for you I would very much like to say no to this...jackass, but as Chief..."

"Please don't say it," Derek shook his head.

"Dr Sloan if you can get the parents to sign the consent forms..."

"Round 2 goes to the Jackass,"

"Uh, Chief, you have visitors," Patricia interrupted. Mark and Derek were yelling at each other to even acknowledge the presence of other people.

"Ah, Renee Foster and who is this young man?"

"Captain Issac Green," 

"What?!" Mark exclaimed.

"Ren, what are you doing here?" Mark asked her which she responded by ignoring him.

"Richard, how are you?"

"Derek, you knew about this?"

"I believe you two have a surgery to do," Richard said to Derek and Mark.

"I am so glad you agreed to join us at Seattle Grace,"

Richard seemed to be very interested in Issac, he asked the man many questions which bored the hell out of Renee who stepped outside the room tired of their conversation. She looked around trying to find the different rooms in the hospital when she caught the sight of Addison and Mark talking to each other. 

"We all made mistakes Addison, all four of us but somehow I lost my best friends and the woman I loved,"

"Please.....don't say that,"

"You love her?" Renee couldn't stop herself.

"I was talking about you,"

"Stop lying, Mark. You weren't faithful or loyal, I should have known, I knew about the peds nurse and the receptionist but I choose to ignore it, hoping you would change but no, I was wrong, I was so wrong. You are a manwhore," She turned around walking towards Richard's office.

"Ren, wait!!"

"Did you know she was coming today? Addison, answer me, did you?" 

"No, I didn't,"

"Did Derek knew that you stayed with me after they left?"

"Mark, why are you here?"

"I came to take you home,"


"I need to make us work, I need to, okay, I can't live with the fact that I lost my best friend and the woman I loved over nothing, that I gave up everything over nothing,"

"We don't love each other, Mark!! You are not over her and I need to make it work with Derek,"

"Ah, Dr Burke, I would like you to meet our newly appointed Head of Oncology Renee Foster and that is Captain Green, he is a surgeon in the British Army,"

"I know!! Dr Foster, Captain Green, pleasure. How about we have dinner tonight, my girlfriend would love to meet you?" Burke asked them.

"It will be a pleasure, Dr Burke," Issac said as he shook hand with Burke

 "Dr Foster, if you have a minute, I have a cancer patient, I would like to have a consult,"

"Sure, Dr Burke. I'll meet you for lunch, at Cafeteria?" She asked Issac who answered with a kiss on the cheek.

"Can I have the file, please?"

"He had a history of COPD and now we diagnosed stage 3B non-small cell lung cancer with possible invasion of the plura,"

"Hello, Mr Eaton, How are you feeling?"

"As bad as I can,"

"Well, today we have Dr Foster joining us, she is one of the best Oncologist we have in the country,"

"Mr Eaton, I have read your files and they say you had Chemo and radiotherapy done previously but they didn't turn out to be effective,"

"Didn't do anything," 

"Okay, Dr Burke and I will discuss your options and study your case a bit more,"

Burke and Foster were sitting by the computer, they were discussing Mr Eaton's case and surgery was going to be the only option in the case. After scheduling the surgery, Renee made her way over to the cafeteria where Derek was sitting with a girl, who she assumed was Meredith.

"So you are Derek's new girlfriend?" She asked her.

"You need to learn manners, Renee," Derek said as he shook his head.

"I am Meredith and I was his girlfriend until his wife came along, it's nice to meet you, Dr Foster," Meredith said as she got up without even glancing at Derek.

"I told you, you should have told the girl about Addison," 

"I didn't know Mark would be here today," Derek looked down.

"Why is he here? What did you do to the practice?"

"I don't know why he is here. As far as I know, he still runs the practice,"

"When did everything become this messy?" 

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