Howling with the Prince (Book...

By atedoreenz

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Howling with the Prince, Love Cole is Book 3of The Vampire Waltz Collection The Queen of Roses has returned... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 15

101 8 0
By atedoreenz

To my readers idk but updating my book is... Idk it'll say chapter 14 then when rechecked, there's an untitled chapter skipped out. Please don't be confused and read what chapter were in. Truly sorry.

Calden looked at his wife sitting on the bed staring outside the window. It's been like this for the past 25 years since they left their old pack. Her eyes were dull and she sat there without a word for the past years.

Kate Anderson was his beautiful loving mate and soon to be a mother bearing his child yet she died along their only son a boy. Who he never named.

He felt in love with her at first side,  they were both from the Moonstone pack he never knew  that Katie Walters would be his mate!  He was in love, young and crazy. He promised her the world yet she never asked for more but only him with a loving family to raise in a pack.

This wasn't the case for Calden for he wasn't contented, growing up it was always about Charles. The first born of only seventeen minutes and him?  He came out late. He always excel in class but Charles was great at soccer. Charles had an easy way with girls while he stutters. Charles was the good boy and he was a baby.

He was never enough in his father's eyes or their pack. They always looked up to Charles. How he used to look up to his brother and how he hated him every minute in his life as he learn to know more.

He met his wife earlier than Charles did,  boy was he jealous. But now his wife was dead.

It pained him a lot,  his wife died in the process of giving birth to their first child,  what help could he get when he was banished from his pack. The other pack doctors didn't took and aided her wife in need.

She died. How he grieved and wandered helpless as a rogue. His son who never got to lived and grew up, he never named the child due to his aching heart. He couldn't accept his son's death with his wife.

When he came to Atticus' house,  the vampire wasn't there. He sheltered Kate when there when they had no other place to go. He had experience dealing with bleeding wounds and how to treat them but having birth?  He hadn't.

He vowed revenge and prove his father was wrong,  he was supposed to be alpha!  Not Charles! He ransack some things from Atticus before he flew with his deceased wife and son. He knew Atticus had spells that was performed from the King of the Night.

There he found a journal, it dated back then when the King's human bride died. It said in the book that the deceased can be rose back from the death using the heads of the innocent as a sacrifice to a demon god.

There he performed the ritual after slandering a pack. He cut off their heads and in-line them in a circle. With his wife at the center and his son. Yet the spell died,  she only woke up in a shocked expression and couldn't speak. She was like a zombie,  silent and dead.

A doll... He thought then his child?  The child didn't survived the preservation and rot away. The spell wasn't enough to bring back the soul of his mate.

Over the course of years he made himself a new pack from scratch,  there he built an empire of rouges. Just like him who were wronged but strong. Thousands seek revenge as well and he gave them a chance to join his pack as they destroyed every pack that went against them.

He felt victorious and just. He was the King of Werewolves!  Yet it wasn't enough. He wanted his old pack and named himself but he came to meet upon a witch.

She was a beauty,  fairly white with red hair and devilish hungry eyes for power. They made a truce, she would help him earn his wife's soul but he needed more power and the was from the King of the Night.

The legendary vampire who marked his name by killing his father all because of his human beloved. He admired the man,  he really do but what a pity he wanted that crown. He wanted it for his wife, to be full again and be alive. Not a soulless doll with no emotions but his Kate.

His only Kate,  he marvelled at her features. She was a brunette with lovely Hazel eyes, plump rosy lips and cheek with an amazing figure. Tonight he had his servants dressed her in a lovely purple dress.

Tonight was supposedly their wedding anniversary.

He kissed her lips and touched her waist, played with her hair but she only sat and looked at the window. There was no emotion from her, she was just a doll. Tears spilled from his eyes.

"Kate... My love.. I need you, please come to me... " his heart ached something he kept to himself throughout the years. He loved her all throughout..

Nothing came from her, he cried and mourned. She may be alive, breathing, eating and sleeping but her soul was lost. She was a lifeless doll.

It was devastating.

His mate was dead.

He held her as he cried.

A touch brushed at his shoulders. It was Adeena with her crazy outfit of fashion she wore everytime she'll meet him.

"What do you want? " he asked in a grunt. He didn't wished to be seen like this vulnerable.

"I am going out for a few days,  I'm bored. " she grinned.

"Fine go! " wanting her to leave.

"We can have some fun before I go... It's not that fun with her? " she looked at his wife in disgust.

'Who wants to have sex with a dead person!? Ughhh... ' she thought.

Calden wasn't an ugly guy in fact he was mouth watering,  he was bulky,  tan and his white hair wasn't that bad it made him sexier to her. He was a good looking fella or a toy in her terms.

She watched Calden thought for awhile before tearing her clothes away and fucked her on his wife's bed with no second thoughts.

When he was done,  he pushed her out of the door. She didn't mind, it was what she wanted. Walking down with her ripped dress she found another guard to mingle before she leaves and toys with the King of Werewolves.

'Love is foolish, it only makes us weak' she humbly thought as she bites her lip in glee.

Smiling as her plan went on, Calden will never know even if he is King of the Night. His dead wife would never came back for her soul was long gone. Damian never had his back, as well. This was nature, once your dead. Your fucking screwed.

Calden wore his clothes back and looked at his silent wife who was now sleeping in their bed. It was getting disappointing each day and he grew more frustrated. He needed her badly.

He sees Adeena as a messenger and an Angel from the moon goddess blessed to him,  a witch gifted with the ability to see the future much like a seer who has communications all over the land. She helped him largen up his empire under ten years he was known not only to the werewolves but also to other strong kingdoms. He knew she despised her husband after marrying a weak mortal turned into a vampire and named her Queen. Adeena wanted that crown and was taken away by an ugly duckling she calls the Queen. He knew how it felt to have something taken away.

When he first met the Queen he thought of a beautiful woman but she was only a child!  Though she looked older, it was unbelievable to him. Adeena was more beautiful than this.. Girl yet what enchanted the beast of beasts to her?  Killing her son was not a problem,  she was even too weak to protect herself from Adeena. The witch knew that Sansa had knew her plan and so she foul played that he was attacking her coven.

In the end he injured the child which made Adeena cold and furious with him. He didn't knew the Witch craved for a child. Still the witch didn't left him and continued with their plan of getting rid of the King of Vampires.

He sighed in annoyance,  one of his plans to destroy his brother's kingdom failed. He lost a lot of time for that weak stupid boy. Another was he lost a great deal of power from that drugged demon he locked up.  He knew that boy was careless.

And the Queen took away his demon!  He smiled wickedly and chuckled. She was pregnant again, how bout another killing spree something they wouldn't guess that was coming. He'll be quiet for months until they'll loosen up their defenses.

If he gets to kill the Queen that King goes along with her.

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