Faded |G.D|

By dolantweebler

1.3K 47 19

A late-night run leads up to you being abducted. As you're trying to escape you run into a tall blond-haired... More

1 | Late Night Run |
2 | Humble Yourself |
3 | Almost Got Away |
4 | Faded |
5 | 6th Floor |
6 | Precious Little Fuck Buddy |
7 | Intoxicated |
8 | Are You A Missionar? |
9 | Gaurdian Like |
10 | Exsavior |
11 | Abusive By Accident |
12 | Little Miss News Star |
13 | I'm Staying! |
15 | Not A Want, A Need |
16 | Family Reunion? |
17 | Questions Of Sexuality |
18 | Saying Goodbye |
19 | Why Are You Being Like This? |
20 | Brotherly Secrets |

14 | Wanna Bet? |

55 3 0
By dolantweebler

As your thoughts roamed around your brain you walked down the hallway towards the elevator you see a girl. She was sprinting around the hallway. She looked scared. You sprint up to her. Once she notices you she begins to run away from you. As you chased her around the hallway you pass by all the prisoner rooms. Did she escape from there? No, she had on street clothes. You then think about how you turned up here in the first place.

"Stop! Let me help you!" you say still chasing her.

She says nothing. She continues to run. As your running, your slides flip off causing your feet to connect to the cold hard floor you gain speed. You catch up to her being right behind you. You jump towards her making you fall on her back. You stay on top of her as she continues to panic.

"Do not get up and try to run again. Let me help you." you say still on top of her. You slowly get off of her stilling holding her hands in case she tried to attack you. As you were fully off of her you let go as you both sat in front of each other. Her deep, scared breathes begin to calm. You look at her in her eyes.

"Who are you running from?" you say slowly.

She looks back at you with her lip quivering.

"A, a man..."

You nod your head telling her that you understood.

Y/n: What is your name?

She looks to the ground then back at you.

"Nikaya." she says lowly. You could tell she didn't want to tell you.

"It's going to be okay. I'm going to help you. You say placing your hand on her shoulder. She turns her head looking at it. You stand up grabbing her hands once again, helping her up.

Y/n: First we need to go tell boss. He can help.

"No!" she screams trying to run away again. You hold onto her risk stopping her from going anywhere.

Y/n: You have to come with me if you want help!

You pull her closer to you. She turns to you and lifts her risk up. The risk you held onto. You see as her teeth made it's way to bite your flesh. Before she could even place them onto your skin you ball your fist up and make contact with her face. She falls onto the ground, not moving. You gasp as you drop onto your knees. You shook her as you paniced to revive her. You place your head to her mouth. You heard low, shallow breathes. You grab her by her arms and begin to drag her to the elevators.

Sure, calling Gray would be easier but he already seemed upset. Him seeing her would only stress him out more. And let's not forget about the fact that Horny Joe keeps kidnapping girls and bringing them here. Another girl got away? He was definetly not meant for that. You wondered why Gray never handled him. Was he just going to let him continue doing that?

You finally got her into the elevator . As you click the button number 6, taking you to the 6th floor. You pick Nikaya up and wrap her arm around your neck making it easier to hold her up. As the elevator doors up revealing the 6th floor you see as a few people filled the hallway. You begin to walk. You looked down to see her bare feet dragging on the ground. As you continued to walk to your room you felt eyes on you. You made it to your room and punch in the unlocking code. As your door unlocks you quickly walk and close the door, locking it behind you. You bring the girl over to your bed and lay her down.

"What the fuck am I going to do?" you mumble to yourself.

You look at the time.

| 5:56 pm |

Y/n: Shit, the ball starts at 7.

You look at her. You knew she'd awake before you'd make it back. You couldn't have her going anywhere. You walk over to the big white chair you had sitting in the corner. You pick it up and move it to the middle of the room. You make your way over to her.

"Am I really about to tie a girl to a chair right now?" you say picking her up and dragging her over to the chair.

Y/n: I've reached an all time low.

You sigh as you sit her in the chair. You walk over to your drawers and grab some clothes. You begin tying her arms and legs to the chair next to her with t-shirt. You bag away and look at her.

Y/n: She was just scared... she didn't deserve that.

You walk over to your bathroom and grab one of your pink towels. You walk back into your room and walk up to her. You stuff the towel in her mouth in case she woke up and started yelling.. You groan as you walk over to your closet and begin to pick out your dress.

54 Minutes Later

You had finally finished glamed yourself up. As you looked into the mirror your only thought was, "I can't wait to see the look on Gray's face when he sees me."

Your Dress


(Your Pick)

You grab your clutch purse and make your way to the door. As you make your way out into the hallway you lock your door behind you. You see a bunch of people in the hallway making their way to a certain direction so you just follow. As you continue to walk you notice Niah's short brown highlighted hair.

"Niah!" you scream as you make your way through the crowd of people.

She turns to you.

Niah: You look amazing!

Y/n: You too! Your white dress looks perfect on you.

Niah's Dress

Niah: I saw you on the news again. Sorry your family is like that.

Y/n: It's cool. But the good news is, I'm staying here!

Niah: Really? Yes, I don't have to lose another friend!

You both smile at each other. Soon you see the group of people turn to big silver/gold doors. As people are talking to one another in front of the gates they slowly begin to open. Classical music begins to fill your ears as they open widder and widder. Soon the doors were wide open. As you all begin to fill the room you gaze at the design.

Niah: Cool right?

Y/n: Yeahh.

Niah: It gets old quick. They do this after every mission and it's the same thing every time.

"I wouldn't mind it," you say eyeing Gray. He wore a black suit with a bowtie. Next, to him, you guessed it. Tabitha. You watched as he held the glass up to his lips as she continued to talk. Niah then lightly shakes your shoulders.

"Stop making googly eyes. It's time for us to be seated for the speech," she says guiding you over to the tables. As you both took your seats you looked up at the stage. There stood Gray and Tabitha. She held the microphone up to her lips as she began to spoke.

Tabitha: We had another successful mission thanks to you all. Even if one of you weren't even supposed to be on the mission in the first place... Our scientist are now, as we speak solving the ingrediants and decoding the drug. We now know that the drug is highly dangerous so if you took any I advise you not to consume it and hand it over to us immediately.

You roll your eyes at the shade she threw at you. She then hands the microphone to Gray. He holds it up to his lips.

Gray: Tabitha did a great job at leading for the first time. Even though she didn't know someone wasn't suppost to be on the mission was on it and under her supervision.

She shys down as the smug look knocks off of her face.

Gray: I am proud of every single one of you because you did exactly what was asked. Tonight we celebrate the completion of a mission and the loss of a life. Exsavior was the person that as there for me when I had nothing. He was once my best friend and it saddens me that he went out the way he did. We have been in this business for a while now and it shocks me that he took the drug in the first place. Believe it or not, he didn't do many drugs. He was the nicest and purest guy I had ever met. We will miss him with everything in us...

He then hands the mic back to Tabitha and looks to the ground. You could see he genuinely felt hurt for Exsavior, he just didn't know how to express it. You could tell that for a long, long time he stopped feeling. As he looks back up he sees you make eye contact with him. You give him a comforting smile. He smiles back.

Tabitha: Let's celebrate!

People begin to clap as they excite from the stage. The classical music begins once again. You all sat at a huge round table that had organized seats. Niah sat to the left of you. You look at the empty seat to the right of you to see Grays name. Or should you say Grayson. This whole time you've been calling him by his nickname. He makes his way over to you and sets down in his chair.

"You did well up there Grayson." you mumble making him only able to hear you. He goes to say thank you then realizes you said his actual name. He turns to you confused. He then turns back to his name tag.

Gray: Ohh...

You giggle as you turn back to Niah. You see her eyeing another person. You look the direction to see her staring at a girl with shirt light purple hair. The girl had a black nose piercing and she wore back dress.

"She's cute." you tease. Niah snaps out of her gaze and looks your way.

Niah: She leveled to rank 6 four months ago. Every time I get the chance to talk to her I feeze up. She probably thinks I'm a weirdo.

Y/n: Is she into girls?

Niah: I don't really know... she's a loner. She doesn't hang around anyone.

"Is she a loner or nobody talks to her?" you question.

Niah: Now that I think about it, nobody really talks to her. Everyone here has there little cliche and I guess she never got sucked into one like you did.

You chuckle.

Y/n: You should talk to her.

"I've tried to. I told you I freeze up everytime." she says looking down.

Y/n: Have a few drinks and you'll loosen up. I'll even have one with you.

Niah: We are not about to have another mimosa incident.

Y/n: You were there?

"People talk." she says laughing at you.

You roll your eyes with a grin.

"Yess! The food is coming out. This is the only reason I attend these things." Niah says unraveling her silverwear.

You laugh as you turn to Grayson. You watched as he stood silent.

"Everything okay?" you say placing your hand on his thigh. He turns to you with a bit of shock.

Grayson: Just thinking...

"Once I get a drink you can tell me all about your thoughts," you say looking around.

"You cannot handle your drinks. You should get one at the most." he teases.

"Wanna bet?" you say getting all in his face.

Grayson: Okay. If you can't then you have to be officially a rank 1.

"Would I have to live down there?" you say with a shaky feeling.

Grayson: Yep.

You gulp.

Y/n: Okay. If I can I don't have to ever call you boss. And I get to sleep in your room for a week.

Grayson: One, I have never heard you call me boss, not once. Two, what's so special about my room?

Y/n: I like bedsheets. Also, I don't have a fan in mine.

"Seems like someone is making excuses to sleep with me," he says taking a sip of his water.

Y/n: I'll let you believe that if it helps you sleep at night.

"It does actually." he blurts out with that toothy smile.

You go to say something but soon the meals were placed in front of you.

You gaze at the lobster. You turn to Niah.

Y/n: Is there a special way to eat these things?

Niah: Never eat with your hands. I did once and people judged me for months. Here.

She begins to teach you how to cut it. As she does so you see a person with a drink tray walking by. You see Gray stop him and take three drinks. He sets two in front of you and one in front of him. You take one and pass it to Niah.

Grayson: That's cheating.

Y/n: Shh I'll get the next round. Niah needs it more.

"Drink up." he says holding his drink up. You pick your drink up and take a sip.

Grayson: It has to be gone before the next round.

Y/n: You're making up rules as we go!

Grayson: Fine. You pick a rule.

Y/n: You have to drink with me. And whoever loses there shit first loses.

He sits there in thought for a while.

Grayson: Fine. I'm going to win anyway.

After everyone ate all the meals that were prepared the dance floor started to be filled. And 2 drinks later you and Grayson were both sluring your words.

"Danccce with me?" he says bowing and holding his hand out.

"I may." you say taking his hand.

He comes up and brings you closer to him. You gasp as he does it with quickness. He sets your hand on his shoulder as he places his on your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you set your head on his shoulder. As you both swayed to the music you see Niah appear in front of your face.

"Bag it up 2 inches people. We don't want to have a porn scene starting," she says placing her hand between you two.

Y/n: Aren't you supposed to be talking to that girl.

Niah: Skylar isn't even on the dance floor.

Gray: You like Skylar?

Niah: Boss this is girl talk.

Gray: A shame that it is. I could have given you intel.

Niah: You're invited into girl talk, now tell me!

He chuckles.

Gray: She has been here 3 years and I have not one time seen her with another person. Not even a friend. She is all about work and never really speaks unless spoken to. If you want her you need to have a laid back type of vibe. It doesn't seem like shed likes hyper people much.

Niah sits there and takes everything in for a second.

"You're very abservant. Maybe a little too much... " she jokes while slowly walking away. As she walks over to Skylar you see the tray pass by.

Y/n: Do drinks make you sleepy? You look tired.

Gray: Manipulation at it's best.

He takes two drinks from the guy's tray and hands one to you.

Gray: You know, your eye twitches when you're drunk.

Y/n: If you' de stop staring at me so hard you wouldn't notice that.

Gray: You flatter yourself too much.

"Sure." you say taking another sip. As you both continue to drink the alchohal down you begin to feel dizzy.

"I um, I have to pee..." you say stumbling as you walk away.

"I'll come with you." he says stumbling behind you. You feel his hand lay on your lower back guiding you through the crowd of people. Your drunk self was feeling many things right now and lust was one of them.

Word Count: 2739

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