
By mysunshineemoji

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Jade Thirlwall has spent the last few years looking up to Perrie Edwards. She is the one who inspired Jade to... More

1 - Jade Thirlwall
2 - Perrie Edwards
3 - Thank You Gestures
4 - Do You Have A Minute?
6 - A Wave and Its Ripples
7 - The Art of Improvisation
8 - A Change of Heart
9 - "I'm Fine"
10 - Caring
11 - Highs & Lows
12 - Bittersweet
13 - It's A Journey
14 - Everything I Wished For
15 - All That Glitters
16 - Mixing Love And Business
17 - You're Everywhere
18 - Fiasco
19 - Keep Me Going
20 - The Right Choice
21 - Boundaries
22 - On The Border Between Madness And Sanity

5 - New Experiences

2.7K 119 34
By mysunshineemoji

"I loved taking care of him. It was one of the highest points in my life where things were going really well, and he and I were united. It was a very profound time of my life." Lisa Marie Presley about her relationship with Michael Jackson.


"Excuse me," a young woman approaches Jade as Lily, Clem and her are on their way out of the venue where Perrie's show was just held.

"Huh?" Jade asks in visible confusion. It's dark outside and she's not wearing her glasses, which means she can see nothing but blurred figures. It has happened to her plenty of times in situations like this, where she simply didn't recognize someone she knows, and it always ends up being incredibly embarrassing for them both.

"Hi," the girl says with a smile, and as she comes closer, Jade realizes that despite her fears, she actually doesn't recognize her face at all. "I'm really sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if I could maybe get a picture with you?"

"With me?" Jade doubts the woman's words.

"Yeah, you're Jade, right? The producer who worked with Perrie?" The girl explains, and in that moment, Jade's mind is do overwhelmed that it goes blank. Sure, she had her fifteen minutes of fame after those oddly intimate pictures of Perrie and her came out, but not once did she imagine she would be recognized while being a part of a crowd.

"Oh, yeah, sure," Jade mumbles, unsure of what to say or how to act. She sloppily poses for a photo with the girl, who hands her phone over to Lily. When the pictures are taken, Jade is still clueless, and before she can think of what just happened, the girl speaks.

"Did you enjoy the show?" She asks, and Jade feels like she finally has her feet back on the ground. She's comfortable talking about Perrie, and it's much less stressful than the scene that just occurred.

"Yes, of course! It was incredible," Jade replies, and her eyes are shining with a beautiful, rare sparkle. "She's incredible," Jade continues, almost as a whisper, although loud enough for the girl to hear. It has always been this way; she can talk about Perrie for hours and hours without ever getting bored of it. She likes it the most when someone else is listening, but even on her own, picturing Perrie's charming smile is like magic.

"She really is," the girls agrees. "Thank you so much," she says with a small smile and walks away. As Lily and Jade exchange enchanted looks, reality feels like a dream. In such a short period of time, so much has changed in Jade's life, and it doesn't look like the fast rate of how things are moving is going to slow down anytime soon; she still can't get over the fact that just a few hours ago, she kissed Perrie.


"I missed you so, so much," Perrie tells Jade as she walks through the door of the studio, escorted by Alex, after being filmed on her way here. She kisses Jade's cheek, and Jade might be imagining it, but she thinks she can smell a faint hint of alcohol in Perrie's breath. Even though Jade should have expected this type of little gestures, like kisses on cheeks, by now, she is still surprised and slightly embarrassed by them.

"I missed you too," she mumbles under her redding cheeks, specially the spot Perrie's lips have just touched. Alex stays in the foyer as they go into the core of the studio, the recording area. Perrie takes her seat on the couch, and Jade takes hers at the producer's chair. As she begins playing the track they have started working on the last time, Perrie calls her name, and Jade comes to sit next to her. She doesn't know what feels weirder, being physically close to Perrie, or being far from her. Perrie pulls out her phone and begins giggling before Jade can figure out what's going on.

"I'm guessing you haven't seen that yet, have you?" Perrie tells Jade, then hands her phone over to her. Jade looks at the screen, and sees a gossip site open. The title reads, Perrie Edwards Has a Secret New Girlfriend! Jade looks at Perrie in confusion as she begins to take in what she had just read. "Apparently a fan recognized you at the show, and she was tipping this reporter off about how you were watching me with huge heart eyes the whole time I was onstage," Perrie says and laughs. Jade remains silent, because she still doesn't know what to say. This is huge, and even though Perrie might be used to this kind of headlines after so many years in the public eye, this is all completely new to Jade. As far as she is aware, Perrie and her have no official title as of now, and she can't imagine what impact this rumor is going to have on their current relationship. "Relax," Perrie captures Jade's attention as she realizes how nervous she looks. "It's just rubbish, like always. A lot of people earned money from this being published, it's literally their job to make up stuff about people they never met. Although, I do have to say, I kind of like the idea," she says in a different tone.

"Huh? What idea?" Jade asks. There is so much that's going on, so many thoughts in her head, and it's like right now she can't understand anything that's being said to her unless it's clear and direct.

"I just think that you being my girlfriend isn't that much of a stretch," Perrie answers and giggles again before she changes the subject. "Simon called me this morning, and he wants to make our song into a collab, something with some other artists, I don't really know. I think he's already in talks with that girl who won Best New Artist at the Grammys, I can't remember her name."

"Leigh-Anne Pinnock?" Jade reminds Perrie.

"Yeah, that girl," Perrie says indifferently. "I haven't really listened to any of her music, but you've worked with her before, didn't you? Is she good?"

"But you mentioned her on one of your speeches at the Grammys, you said she deserved to win Best New Artist," Jade answers the first part of Perrie's words. Of course Leigh-Anne is amazing, there is a reason why she is so successful, but Jade is more confused about the fact that Perrie doesn't really know who she is more than anything.

"Oh, I don't write any of these speeches and stuff like that. I have people who do that for me," Perrie explains what seems obvious to her. "I just learn them by heart and I've learned a bit of body language and stuff to make it seem casual when I say it onstage. No one really trusts me with big things, as you can tell," Perrie says in a playful tone, although Jade feels like there is somewhat of a sad truth behind her words. However, she decides to not look further into it and simply laughs.

"It must suck if you end up losing and you learned the whole thing by heart for nothing," Jade is the one who tries to make Perrie laugh this time, and Perrie does, because it's Jade, but then goes on to explain one more thing to her.

"That never happens, because we're always told who's the winner in every category like, twenty four hours before the actual ceremony," she says with a sweet smile as she glances at Jade. "You're like a baby in this industry, I feel like I just told you Santa isn't real." Jade shakes her head in response while she's wearing a bright smile and brings out pens, paper and a guitar for Perrie and her to use. They work on the bridge of Break Up Song, and when they have a rough first draft of it done, they're ready for Jade's favorite part, which is recording. However, Perrie says that she doesn't feel like doing it to today, and Jade has no intention of trying to convince her. If there's one thing she has learned from experience, it's to never try to make artists create when they don't want to do it. So she isn't coaxing anyone she works with to sing, let alone Perrie Edwards. "Do you want to grab something to eat instead?"

This question catches Jade off guard, since she definitely wasn't expecting it. She can't help but think, even only for a split moment, that her and Perrie going out to eat alone feels a little like a date. It doesn't seem to make sense, though, because a date is pre-planned and scheduled ahead of time, while this outing is spontaneous. This is one of the dating-world rules Jade is familiar with, and used to. Then, she wonders if the social norms of the ordinary world even apply to Perrie, because it feels like she is living in a parallel universe sometimes. Almost everything about her life is different than Jade's, which is why Jade hasn't quite figured her out yet.

"Yeah, sure," she finally remembers to answer the question she was asked. "Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know, somewhere close. Alex is just going to drive us, you can definitely count on him when it comes to food," Perrie replies and helps Jade to get up the couch. They both walk out to the foyer, where they meet Alex and then go outside. The same two photographers are still there, must have been waiting for them again, and Jade isn't half as scared as she was last time. Her hand just slides into Perrie's, and they get into the backseat of the car.

They arrive at the restaurant a few minutes later, and Perrie tells Alex he had made a good choice when they step inside. It is a posh, vegan restaurant that Jade has seen in photos before, since it's quite popular among celebrities. They settle at one of the tables, and as they look through the menu, Perrie tells Jade that she can order whatever she would like, because Perrie would be paying for everything. Once again, Jade can't help but wonder if it's a date, even though it doesn't meet the criteria in her mind.

They have a good time together, as they talk mainly about music and artists they idolized when they were younger. They both find themselves occasionally laughing at each other's words, and the conversation flows freely. It feels like they're in their own little bubble again, until Jade notices the crowd that's forming outside. She can see tens of paparazzi through the large windows of the restaurant, all of their cameras pointed right at Perrie and her. This time, these aren't only photographers hired by Perrie's team.

"I think we should go now," Perrie states as she finishes her food and looks at Jade with an understanding smile. She remembers how stressful and intimidating it is to be faced with so many cameras for the first time, especially when doing something you thought was ordinary and unnoticeable.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Jade replies. She is sad to be saying goodbye to Perrie, but is confident that they will see each other soon.

"I'm pretty sure Alex called a taxi for you, it's better for you if you don't come with us because they're going to follow the car and I don't want them to find out where you live," Perrie tells Jade. "If they follow you, too, the driver's going to know what to do, don't worry. And they probably won't do that at all, so that's okay," she continues to assure Jade and hands her credit card over to a waitress. As soon as the waitress returns, Perrie leaves a tip and they walk out of the restaurant. Perrie's hand is locked in Jade's as she escorts Jade to her taxi, which is parked right behind Perrie's car.

"I'll see you later," she says and kisses Jade's lips like there aren't tens of people watching and filming them.

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