The tale of Yuki Hatake

De Lilystone3

334K 9.7K 1.8K

Yuki is a normal ninja but she has a huge secret that she is hiding from everyone. she is just like Naruto bu... Mais

The tale of Yuki Hatake
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
authers note
Chapter 19
Authors note
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapert 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 10

8.8K 285 64
De Lilystone3

Sasuke’s pov.

          I see a boy and a girl walking to our team. I had never seen those two before. “You Sasuke Uchiha right?” the boy asks. I nod and he smiles at me. “I’m Zaku. This is Mai. We are both on Yuki’s team and were wondering if you have seen her today. She never showed up for training today.” Zaku says.  Sakura walks a little closer to me and Naruto dose the same on my other side. “We haven’t seen her in a few days.” I say. I didn’t like the way this boy was looking at us and I didn’t like the way he was asking about Yuki.  “Zaku don’t be so harsh. You’re just mad that she didn’t come. I’m sorry about him.” Mai says in a quiet voice. She reminded me a little of Hinata. Zaku gives us all a harsh look then shrugs like it was no big deal.

          Naruto takes a few steps forward and he looks mad. “You need to leave Yuki alone.” Naruto yells. Zaku steps to Naruto and looks like he is ready to start a fight. “She’s on my team now little kid and I think you three should stay away from her from now on. I was trying to be nice but that can’t even happen.” Zaku says before pushing Naruto back a few steps. “Zaku don’t start a fight.”Mai yells. Naruto punches this kid and his nose starts bleeding. Zaku grabs Naruto and throws him over his shoulder. I rush forward to attack Zaku to keep him from doing anything else to Naruto.  “Sakura go get Kakashi-sensei.” I yell. She runs off and I am left to help Naruto. Mai runs up to Zaku and starts to pull on his arm. “Let’s go Zaku it isn’t worth fighting about.”Mai says. Zaku back hands her and I punch him in the face. Naruto jumps on his back and they start to fall backwards.

          Zaku grabs at me to keep his balance but I step back so that he can’t get a hold of me. He falls on top of Naruto who let out a grunt of pain. We get Zaku pinned down and then Kakashi-sensei and Sakura are running to us. “Sasuke, Naruto let him up.” Kakashi-sensei yells. I let him up and Naruto gets up as well. Mai trys to help Zaku up but he punches her. Kakashi-sensei is there with his hands around Zaku’s wrist and pulling him away from Mai. “What is going on here?” Kakashi-sensei yells. He was mad and Zaku shakes in his hold. “Rose-sensei told us to go look for Yuki. She’s in our team and Zaku said the best way to find her would be talk to her old team. Zaku started the fight with them when he said he didn’t know.” Mai cries as she points at me. Kakashi-sensei sighs and let’s Zaku go. “I’ll tell you two what I told your sensei. Yuki is sick. Her guardian came to tell me thinking I was still her sensei. Now you two should go.” Kakashi-sensei says. They both nod and walk away and we turn to look at Kakashi-sensei. He rubs the back of his head and turns his back on us. “Where are you going? You can’t just leave us like this!” Naruto yells.

          “Naruto I’m not in the mood for this. I’m not feeling well and I have a few things at home to do. Hopeful I will feel better tomorrow to work with you.” Kakashi-sensei says. We nod and watch as he walks away. Naruto looks at me then Sakura. “Kakashi-sensei’s been acting odd lately. Shouldn’t we do something?” Sakura asks. I shake my head. I wasn’t going to bother Kakashi-sensei again today it just seemed like a bad idea. I did want to find Yuki and see if she was feeling better and maybe offer to help her out if she needed it.

          I leave Naruto and Sakura talking as I go off to get something to make Yuki feel better. Not food because I don’t know where she lives. Maybe a stuffed animal but if the other girls saw me getting it then they would all ask for one. I realized I really like Yuki and other girls were just annoying. Yuki treated me like a person and I wasn’t some kind of movie star. Something slaps me on the back and I turn to see Kakashi-sensei. “You’re ok right Sasuke? I wanted to check on you.” Kakashi-sensei says. “I’m fine.” I say as I take a few steps away from him. I rush home to embarrassed to do or think about anything else.

Yuki’s pov.

          When I wake up it was early in the morning. Kakashi was asleep on the floor next to my bed again. “Dad?” I ask in a sleepy voice. Kakashi gets up and walks over to me. “Your looking better.” He says as he places a hand on my head. “What time is it?” I ask. I wasn’t sure what day it was. “Tomorrow. You fainted when talking to the Hokage yesterday. Do you think you can go to training today?” he asks. I sit up and look at the ground. “I need to. I don’t want you to put off training with your team again. It’s not fair to them.” I say. He laughs. “Let’s go eat and I will tell you all about what you missed.” He says as he walks to the bedroom door. I get up and follow him. We eat some bread and he tells me how Naruto and Sasuke fought with Zaku because of the way he treated Mai and asked about me. He also told me about how Asuma told the Hokage about the way Rose-sensei treated me for being a little late. I make us lunch and he walks with me halfway to the training ground I was supposed to go to.

          “Have a good day Yuki. If you start to feel sick again come find me at training ground 7.” Kakashi says as he ruffles my hair. I smile and nod my head before running off to where I should be. Rose-sensei was there and so was Mai. “You’re looking better today. Once Zaku gets here I will make an announcement.” Rose-sensei says in a board voice. I stand by Mai and we wait for a half hour for Zaku to show up and he looked like he was just in a fight. “Zaku you’re late.”Rose-sensei snaps. He apologizes and Rose-sensei tells us about how we are going to be in the Chunin exams. I couldn’t wait to tell Kakashi about this. We also had our first mission but Rose-sensei wouldn’t tell us what it was until the day before the Chunin exam. That was odd but I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone about it yet.

          At lunch we can go eat with our families if we want so I run to training ground 7 to eat with Kakashi and his team. They were just stopping for lunch too. “Kakashi-sensei.” I yell and wave as I get closer. Sasuke smiles when he sees me but so does Naruto. I eat with them and tell them thank you for yesterday. Once I’m done eating I rush back to my team and Zaku stops me before I get there. He grabs me by my neck and looks mad. “You eat with your team from now on. Don’t make friends with losers like that team 7.” Zaku growls in my ear. Mai comes past and grabs Zaku’s arm. “Stop picking on her. I’m sorry Yuki he gets a little on edge sometimes.” Mai says as we walk.

          “I didn’t think thanking my friends and letting them know I was feeling better would cause problems with my new team.” I say. She smiles at me and then we start our training again. When we were done Zaku and Mai walk over to me. “I’m sorry.”Zaku says as he holds out his hand. “I’m fine.” I say. He nods his head and looks over at Mai. “We were thinking of getting dinner together and wanted to know if you would like to join us?” Mai asks. I nod and smile. I set up a time to meet with them then start to walk to training ground 7 to talk with Sakura and the others. Rose-sensei was following me and I knew that she was going to try to find out where I lived. “Yuki how was your training?” Kakashi asks me when I sit under a tree by him. His team wasn’t done yet. “Good. My team wants to eat dinner with me tonight. How is their training going?” I say. He smiles at me then looks at his team.

          “They are doing better. You have a bourse on your neck how did that happen?” Kakashi says. I put my hand up uncomfortable. “It’s nothing Kakashi-sensei. I was a little clumsy and did this to myself.” I say. Kakashi was squatted down by me and looking at my neck. “That’s a hand print on your neck. Yuki did your team do this to you?” Kakashi ask as he touches it. “Pay attention to your team. I’m fine really.” I say. Sasuke was looking at my neck now. Kakashi nods and stands up to walk around to check on his team. Sasuke was done and walks over to me now. “How are you feeling?” Sasuke asks. I smile at him. “I’m better. Thanks again for standing up for me yesterday.” I say. He smiles like I had just asked him out on a date.

          Sakura was done next and came over to talk with us. She was drooling over Sasuke and gushing over how great a ninja he was. Naruto was the last one done and came running over to me. “Yuki your better.” Naruto screams as he tackles me with a hug. “I’m fine Naruto now get off.” I say. He laughs and lets me go. Sakura was the next to pull me into a hug. I look at Sasuke and he looks like he is fighting some kind of battle inside himself. When Sakura lets me go he walks slowly over to me before hugging me. I can feel his lips press onto my neck and know that he was fighting with himself not to kiss me. He pulls away quickly and acts like it was nothing. Kakashi walks up behind me and pulls me back into him in a bear hug. “To bad you have dinner plans tonight. I was going to ask you to join in our celebration on entering the chunin exams.” Kakashi says. I smile a little. “To bad. Maybe we can go out tomorrow night.” I say. They laugh and head home but Kakashi stays with me at the training ground.

          “You sensei followed you and has been watching us since you got here.” Kakashi says. I nod my head. He starts in with the taijutsu training with me. I was getting better and he was happy with the progress I was making. “Guy still wants to help you and I think after dinner would be a good time for you to meet with him.” Kakashi says. I nod my head. “You’re right Kakashi-sensei. Thank you for setting that up for me.” I say. He smiles and rubs the back of his head. “I’ll walk with you to the restraint I was going to head that way myself. Guy will be at training ground 4 waiting for you. I’ll drop by to see how your doing.” He says as we start to walk. When we get to the restrain I’m supposed to meet my team I see them waiting for me. Kakashi pats my head and walks away. I head into the restrain with my team and we eat. I find out that Zaku has trust issues and thinks that most people were going to abandon him the first chance they get. I felt bad that he felt that way. I was getting to know my new team but I was looking forward to spending the time after eating with Kakashi and Guy.

Kakashi’s pov.

          Rose was following me now like I hoped she would. She had followed me into the ally and now I could question her without having too many problems.“Kakashi why does that girl keep going to you?” Rose asks. I look at her then around. “Yuki is attached to her old team. I also agreed to help her out if she needs it. She wanted me to teach her some taijutsu and genjutsu so I’m doing that.” I say. She laughs before getting closer to me. “Lord Hokage refused to tell me who her guardian was and where she lived. I was hoping to follow her home today but she knew I was following her and she went straight to you. It was like she was afraid to let me know who is looking after her. That girl is smart throw. I’m sure she will do just fine in the chunin exams.” Rose says as she puts her hand on my chest. I take a few steps away from her. She was going to put Yuki in the chunin exams only after having her for 3 days? That was mad and I wouldn’t sit by and see my daughter get killed. No I would talk my team into making an alliance with Yuki’s to keep an eye on her and she could look after them.

          “Is that so? Well good luck then.” I say. I wanted to get away from this woman and get something to eat so I could watch Yuki with Guy. Rose wasn’t going to back off but I wasn’t going to let her push me around. The side of her shirt slipped and I could see the scar on her arm. I remember her now. “Akiko Hanako?” I ask. Rose blushes and pulls away. “Now you remember me senpi?” she asks as the blush deepens. Akiko’s boyfriend had given her that scar when he found out that she had fallen in love with me. She was removed from my group of students for the same reason and I was glad to not have to deal with the one student who was failing. “Akiko I’m sure the Hokage has a good reason for keeping you in the dark about Yuki and her guardian. You should go home and get some rest.” I say. Akiko had gotten over her shock and was now getting closer to me. I take several steps back. “Rose dear what are you doing?” a man ask. Rose pulls away then runs to the man who had just walked into the ally we were in. “I was talking to another teacher. I’m having problems with a student and needed advice.” Rose says. They walk away and I rush to a restraint near Yuki’s so I could keep an eye on her.

          After I was done I head to the ground where Rose was to meet Guy. Guy and Lee were already there and I walk over to them. “Thanks for helping Yuki out.” I say to Guy. Guy laughs and he pats me on the back. “Kakashi I would help little Yuki out no matter what.” Guy says as he strikes a ridicules pose. I sigh and look around hoping that Yuki would get there soon. I hear laughing and look over to see Sasuke with Yuki and they were laughing about something. Sasuke leans in and whispers something into Yuki’s ear and she looks over at me then to Sasuke. She pulls him away out of my line of sight and I wonder what was going on with those two. I would have to give Sasuke a scary talk about hitting on girl when he doesn’t know her parents. Yuki comes back into my line of sight and Sasuke was walking with her until she started to walk over to me. He hesitated then went off probably to his house. “Sorry I’m late. I ran into Sasuke and he wouldn’t let me walk alone after what Zaku did yesterday.” Yuki says.

          I give her  a small smile and Guy rushes over to her. “What happened to your neck little one?” Guy asks as he reaches out to touch her neck. Yuki pulls away blushing. “Nothing.” She says and looks at me for help. “Guy your training her not interrogating her.” I say. Guy laughs and tells Yuki that she was going to fight Lee so he could gage her skills. I don’t pay too much attention to the fight but know that Yuki was better than Guy thought thanks to our training today. Guy has Yuki and Lee work together as he comes over to me. “You taught her well Kakashi. So what happened to her neck?” Guy asks. I look over at him than at Yuki. I shake my head because she never did tell me what happened to her. “I don’t know. She won’t tell me.” I say.

          Yuki was giving Lee a good fight. Not many people could keep up with Lee or Guy. It must be a Hatake thing. “My student is good. I’ve only had her for 5 days and she is almost as good as Lee.” I say in a joking tone. Guy laughs and steps in front of me. “Don’t say that. I could beat you any day of the week.” Guy says as he puffs up his chest. I shake my head and take a few steps to the side to see Lee hit Yuki a little too hard. She falls to the ground and doesn’t get up. Lee runs over to her. “Guy-sensei she isn’t getting back up.” Lee yells. Guy and I run over to a dazed Yuki. I pull her up into a setting position and lean her up against a tree. “I’m fine. Just had the wind knocked out of me.” Yuki says before I can asked her a question. I shake my head. Guy looks relived that she was ok and looks at Lee. “I told you to go easy on her.” Guy scolds. Lee hangs his head. “I was sensei but when she started to get more confident in the fight I thought I could get a little harder to fight.” Lee says. I put a hand on Yuki’s head and she looks up at me with big eyes. “Are you done for tonight?” I ask her. She sits silently for a while then looks at Lee and Guy. “Maybe a little more. I have to get better so that they can’t get a hold of me. I have to be better than them.” She says in a shaky voice.

          I nod and watch as she gets up to keep fighting with Lee. I wasn’t too sure about it but let her do as she pleased because she was so determined. Lee was getting tired and so was Yuki so Guy called it a night. I walk with Yuki and she wouldn’t look at me. “Your going to have to tell me how that happened sooner or later.” I say when she rubs her neck. Once we get into the house Yuki goes up to her room. She comes back down in pjs and they are cute. I smile as she sits on the cough next to me. “I thought you would be mad if you heard how I got hurt.” She says between yawns. “If I promise not to get mad will you tell me?” I ask as I run my hand throw her hair. “Zaku did it to me. He didn’t like that I went to eat lunch with you and your team. He thinks I’m planning on killing them so I can go back to you.” She says before falling asleep. I was surprised to hear this and shake my head. I pick Yuki up and put her into her bed before heading to bed myself.

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