I've Forgotten You (TFP AU)

By Arya_Skye

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Years ago... The old tired doctor watched the last of the members leave through the glowing bright groundbri... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter Twenty One

337 17 7
By Arya_Skye

Ratchet didn't look at him right away, lost in thought, thinking about his family and worrying. He sighed softly as he looked at him finally. "You're not going to leave and save people like that are you?" He asked. Bumblebee blinked in surprise then furrowed his brow. Confused by what he meant. He glanced at Jack then to the hallway before writing on the paper he brought. 

-I'm not sure what you mean... but it's our job to help these people.

Ratchet looked down at it and read it, frowning. "That isn't what I mean... I just..." he looked away. "How are we supposed to save people without our real forms? We are going to get ourselves killed. More than before." he muttered. Bumblebee shook his head with determination and looked at him. He then wrote again. He didn't want his friend to be filled with despair. 

-That's what we've been doing. All of us... helping everyone where we can and when we can. Even if we are stuck. 

The doctor sighed heavily as he read his writing. "Bumblebee, this isn't like it was before. Decepticons have weapons, they're bigger than us... we are humans. What can we do? We have no use. Human weaponry is nothing compared to our technology and you know that. It's better to stay underground where it is safe." He spoke seriously. The scout narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists. He stood up and shook his head as he fought back tears. He wrote again as he felt his anger grow. He gave it back to him and shook his head. 

-No. We can't give up. Optimus is out there and wouldn't want us to give up. He would fight until he couldn't anymore. I won't give up on them.

Ratchet took the paper and read it. He sighed forcefully and looked away, crumpling the paper as he knew he was right. His own anger rose in frustration. "Bumblebee..." he hesitated, but knew he could trust him as he stood. "I'm scared. I don't want to lose anyone else. I can't be the doctor I was before. I can't fix you if you get hurt like before! I'm human and I am still unfamiliar with a lot of human diseases and treatments! If you or Skye, or anyone else gets hurt in this form I can't fix you!" He shouted, his eyes filling with tears. "I need June, Bumblebee! She knows what to do but I don't and I don't trust a single doctor here!" He shouted, hurt and fear in his voice as he slumped back down into the chair, trembling. 

Bumblebee blinked in surprise and stared at him. He had no idea his friend felt this way. He slowly sat by him and silently gripped his arm. Unable to speak due to the lack of paper.  Ratchet trembled and rubbed his forehead quietly, frowning deeply to himself. His lip quivered and he took deep breaths to calm down. "Sorry..." he whispered and slowly handed the crumpled piece of paper back to him. The young man smiled sadly as he watched his friend. He carefully undid the paper and slowly wrote. He handed it back and looked at him with concern. 

-You don't... remember everything... do you?

Ratchet was still for a long moment before looking at the paper. He frowned deeper and shook his head. "I don't remember a lot." He whispered sadly, looking away. Bumblebee shook his head, not wanting him to feel bad about his situation, as he wrote.

-Don't feel bad... can you remember anything?

The older man looked down, thinking silently. After a long moment he shook his head. "I can't recall a lot of what happened when we were... when we were in our bot forms. I know who each of you are but... that is it."

Bumblebee nodded slowly and glanced at the strange scars again. He wondered what they were and wanted to ask. He felt bad that this happened to his friend. Ratchet noticed his stare and quietly ran his hand over his hair, pressing it onto the scars to hide them. He looked away silently, trembling at the thought of the scars. "Don't worry about them." He muttered.

The scout didn't respond and sighed forcefully. He felt bad about this whole situation. He wanted to help but didn't know how. Ratchet went silent and looked down at his shoes, impatiently waiting for Skye to return. He soon was up and pacing, keeping an eye on Jack's vitals as he did so. He was worried. Bumblebee blinked in surprise and looked at him. He watched him pace and glanced at the man in the bed. He wondered what was going on with the older man. He wanted to help his friend, but didn't know how.


When Riley got to the lab she saw Percy talking with some soldiers. They were going through the building as they looked for something. They didn't look happy either. Riley began taking slower steps, frowning deeply. She held her notes tighter as her eyebrows furrowed. "E-Excuse me... can I help you?" She asked as she walked to them. 

The captain looked at her and then at the crew. He narrowed his eyes and had one of his men go over to her before he went back to talking with Percy. "We are searching for a few things and need to ask you some questions." The soldier that was sent to her said gently. 

Riley frowned deeply. "Searching? This is a laboratory... n-not a crime scene." She spoke wearily, her anxiety levels rising. "W-what do you need to know? What do you need to ask?" 

"Take it easy ma'am." He said and had her sit down. "We believe there is a traitor among us and we don't want them to expose us to the enemy." He said seriously. 

The girls eyes widened and she slowly sat, gripping the arm of the chair. "A-A traitor?" She whispered in shock. She wondered if he was talking about the Decepticon that popped up when Ratchet was taken but couldn't be sure. "Then why would you check here? What can we do?" 

"Well... we just have a few questions. We have reason to believe that person works here." He said seriously and she glanced at Percy who was answering questions and seemed unfazed. 

She frowned a bit and then slowly looked back to the soldier. "What would lead you to believe that?" She asked slowly, calming down a little to keep her voice level. "W-What do you need to ask, I'm willing to answer." she said. The man smiled a little and sat in front of her. He wrote a few things down then looked up as Percy glanced over. The soldier stood and went to him then spoke with him for a while. 

Riley blinked, watching the soldier. She frowned deeply and studied Percy for a moment, slowly standing. She held her notes close, almost afraid to let anyone peek at it. She slowly walked over. "Percy? Do you know anything about this?" She asked him, being his assistant in the lab occasionally.

"Yes. I brought them here and gave them a call." He said with concern. "I had no idea... your father worked with them." He said and showed her the photograph. "I became concerned and now we are searching for anything that may help." He whispered. 

Her face paled immediately. "I... Percy, this..." she stuttered, taking the photograph quickly. "My father isn't associated with them like you think. Why? Why would you call them?" Her expression fell. "You work with him! You two are friends." She spoke desperately to have him see reason and to get on their side. 

"We are friends and that's why I have to do this. To protect you and your family." He said sadly and looked at the soldiers. "It is him... she's confirmed it... I was hoping it wasn't but it is." He said and they nodded.

"I have the address." One soldier said seriously.

"Bring him in." The captain said seriously and some men nodded as they left and made a few calls.

Riley's eyes widened. "What!? No! You're not going anywhere!" She spoke seriously, grabbing soldiers to stop them. "He isn't! You don't understand!" She cried, trembling as fear of what would happen to her family began entering her thoughts. She shook terribly, grabbing onto the soldier's arms. 

"Ma'am I suggest you stop." A soldier said seriously and pulled her away. They held on to her and talked about containing her. The others left to retrieve her father and bring him in for questioning. Riley began panicking and resisted, tears entering her eyes. She shouted for them to stop even as they disappeared out the door. 


Sari was coloring with her husband and child calmly when she blinked, hearing a knock on the door. "Did Riley get locked out?" She asked, looking to Rafael. The man frowned and shook his head. 

"I didn't lock the door." He said and got up off the edge of the bed. "Quinn stay here." He spoke seriously and left to go check the door. The father was confused as he went to the door and fixed his glasses. He opened it and furrowed his brow. "How can I help you?" He asked the soldiers as Quinn looked out of the room. 

"We need you to come with us. You've been suspected as a traitor and threat to everyone here." The man in front of the soldiers spoke seriously, grabbing his arm and taking out cuffs. 

Rafael blinked in surprise and stepped back involuntarily. "Under what evidence?" He asked as he watched them. "I haven't done anything to betray these people." He said seriously. Quinn whimpered quietly and looked at her mother. 

The man forced him close and cuffed him, bringing him out of the house. "We have information tying you to the enemy and we cannot afford to have you among the safety of the underground." He spoke seriously as they began leaving.

Sari struggled to get up, hearing their conversation. "Raf!" She cried, worried. She only got up for a second before falling to the floor, too weak to stand on her own, her legs so weak and wobbly from lack of use for four years. "Raf!" She shouted, desperate. "Quinn, help Mommy up please." 

The child whimpered quietly and helped her up then led her to the wall. She looked to the men as they took her father away. "Daddy!" She screamed wanting to go to him. Raf looked back to the house as he felt himself panicking.

"Quinn! Stay with Mommy and call Sam!" He shouted back.

Sari stumbled a bit as she was helped down the hall. Her eyes filled with pure worry as she looked out the door and leaned against the frame. "Were coming for you!" She hollered, feeling so incredibly weak. She began entering the house again and closed the door, collapsing on the couch. "Quinn... it's going to be alright, okay Honey? Go get the phone so we can get Daddy home."

The child whimpered fearfully and looked to the window as they led her father away. She nodded and got the phone then rushed back over as she sobbed. "Why are they taking daddy?" She asked.

Sari shook her head. "I don't know sweetheart." She said worriedly and began dialing in Bumblebees number. She knew he couldn't hear him speak but he just needed to know. She rubbed her daughters back gently as she held the phone to her ear as it rang. Quinn whimpered again and hugged her tightly as she tried not to freak out. She was afraid of losing her father. 


Ratchet crossed his arms, frowning deeply. "This is ridiculous, how long has it been?" He asked seriously, looking at Bumblebee with concern. The young man looked at him then at Jack. Trying to figure out the question. To which was he referring to? He gave him a questioning expression. 

The doctor rolled his eyes. "Since Skye left. How long has it been since she left?" He rephrased, frowning as he walked over the blonde. Bumblebee shrugged and looked at the clock then at him again. He wrote on the piece of paper then showed it to him again.

-Maybe a half hour?

Ratchet read the paper and groaned. "I need something to calm down. I'm going to grab tea, would you like anything?" He asked as he stopped his pacing. Bumblebee looked at him and smiled a little then nodded. He wrote something down again. 

-Hot chocolate please

The older man nodded and began leaving to the kitchen in the hospital. He soon returned with two warm cups, handing his friend his hot chocolate as he took a seat beside him. He took the label tag and gently moved the tea bag around in his drink, stirring it silently as his thoughts swirled with the liquid. The scout smiled a little and blew on the hot drink. He sighed forcefully and walked to the window as he drank the liquid. Staring at the city and people around the area below them.

Ratchet drank his drink quietly, closing his eyes as he went calm. He frowned as he looked at Bumblebee, hearing a buzzing noise. "What is that?" he asked. The scout furrowed his brow and looked at him. He glanced at his phone and picked it up. He stared for a moment then answered the device.

Sari pulled her daughter onto her lap and hugged her gently as she shushed the small girls fears, muttering soft words. She heard the ringing stop and heard no voicemail so she breathed in relief. "Bumblebee, Raf has been taken by soldiers. They suspect him for working with the enemy. I don't know much more than that but I know he isn't working with any enemy." she explained. Quinn whimpered fearfully and hugged her tightly. She buried her face in her as she sobbed silently. She wanted everything to be okay, and she wanted her daddy to come home.

The doctor looked at him curiously, sipping on his tea with confusion. Who could be calling him? "What's going on?" he asked. Bumblebee paled as she started talking and quickly put her on speaker so she could talk to both of them. He looked back outside as he worried then looked to Jack. What was he going to do? Raf was innocent.

The mother kept her arm around the child and frowned deeply. She rubbed her daughters back. "I know you can't talk to me back but please do what you can. Text me when you have something. Thank you, I'm sorry to have you go through the trouble." She spoke quietly then hung up, hugging her daughter and rocking her gently, focusing on calming her down. 

Ratchet went to stand and take the phone but the phone cut. He frowned deeply and began thinking. "Why would he be accused of such a thing? We haven't spoken of us outside of homes." he pointed out. Bumblebee shook his head quickly and looked at him then wrote on his paper that he had and gave it to him, while he ran out of room. 

-I don't know... I don't know... we need to go to the house and also call Riley. 

Ratchet began following him quickly, taking the paper from his hands. He grabbed the man's arm and had them both stop. "I want to go with you but I need to stay here and wait for Skye and take care of Jack." He said seriously, frowning. "I can't go with you." He spoke quietly as he gave him back the paper. Bumblebee stared at him for a long time then nodded slowly in understanding. He hugged the man tightly and Ratchet hugged him back then went to the room to watch over his stepson. The scout quickly took off as he texted Riley, asking if she was okay as he rushed to the house. 


The soldiers walked with the scientist down the street silently, two men holding onto his arm tightly as they led him somewhere. Raf stared blankly as he tried to figure out how to get out of this. "Where are you taking me?" He asked quietly. 

"That is none of your business." The man in front of them spoke firmly as he brought them to a black building. They entered and many soldiers were walking around working. He brought them toward the cells quietly, so as not to draw attention. "You will be questioned tomorrow. For now you stay in confinement."

Raf narrowed his eyes and resisted a little as he felt himself panicking. He didn't like small places nor did he like the dark. His time with the bots and cons affected him. "It is my business if my freedom is being taken from me. Wait... what kind of confinement?" He asked. 

The man pulled him to the cell and the scientist started to resist more as he felt his heartbeat quicken. The other man frowned then put him into the cell and began taking off the cuffs before leaving and shutting the door. "We can't say anymore." He spoke seriously and left with the other men. 

Raf looked at him then felt himself hyperventilating. He watched the man go and looked up at the ceiling then at the dark room. He sat in the corner and hugged his knees to his chest. He panted as he buried his face in his knees. He gripped his arms as he tried to calm himself. This was bad. He would never work with the enemy and he felt as if he was back in captivity with the cons. They had left him in a small dark room for a long time. He tried not to freak out as he shook with fear. 

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