Forbes (Legacies)

By fandoms_forever32

72.5K 1.7K 219

Hailey Forbes was a lonely, coffee addict human, also the younger sister to Caroline Forbes. When a human boy... More

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2.2K 72 6
By fandoms_forever32

Hailey drank her third cup of coffee as she sat listening to Alaric speak to his students. She sat beside her ex boyfriend. She was still hurt he kissed Penelope, but she still loved MG, she just wasn't sure if she loved him or if she was in love with him still. She didn't know where MG and her stood since she broke up with him. She wasn't sure what she wanted and still needed time for herself.

"Given recent events, some students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect your future." Alaric said, looking around at his students "And I agree. If you are expected to abide by this schools policies, it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made. So, I am forming an honor council. One vampire, one witch and one werewolf, each elected by their peers. Along with our school counselor Emma, whose vote will represent the younger students. Now, I have to go off campus. In the meantime, I expect you to make good decisions and to vote wisely. That's all. You're dismissed."

Lizzie turned in her seat, grinning at Hailey. "That spot is so mine."

She shook her head, chuckling. "I'm sure you will."

      »»----- ★ - ★ -----««

"Hey." MG grinned at the blonde he loved.

Hailey and Lizzie turned to the boy.

"Hey." Hailey said.

"I'll see you later, Hails. I'm getting ready for the election." Lizzie gave MG a look. "Nerd."

MG ignored her. "Can we talk?"

"Of course. What's up, MG?" Hailey asked.

"How is everything?" MG shifted nervously.

"I still need some time, MG." She told him. "Look, Lizzie needs help putting up posters. I hope you get on the council. I'll see you later."

"Okay." He frowned, watching her walk away.

      »»----- ★ - ★ -----««

Josie and Hailey were walking down the stairs when they saw people writing on Lizzie's posters.

"What the hell?" Hailey exclaimed, scaring them off.

They changed I'm with her to I'm with herpes.

Hailey yanked it down. Josie and Hailey hurrying to get the others taken down.

     »»----- ★ - ★ -----««

It was election time. Hailey sat with her nieces.

Penelope blew a card in the slot. She smirked at Josie.

"All right. Voting is now closed." Emma said. "Let's get started."

The first card flew up and Emma grabbed it.

"The werewolf representative will be... Rafael." Emma said.

The werewolves all cheered for their new alpha.

"So much for not wanting anything to do with the pack." Josie muttered.

"I've always wanted to be part of a power couple." Lizzie grinned.

"All right, settle down. Thank you. Next up..." Emma grabbed the next card. "The vampire representative will be... Kaleb."

Hailey frowned, feeling bad for MG. He was so excited. And now Kaleb hurt him by winning.

"All right, guys. Settle down! Thank you." Emma said.

"Showtime." Lizzie turned to Josie and Hailey. "How do I look?"

"Beautiful." Hailey said. "You'll crush it, Liz."

Josie smiled at her.

"And the witch representative will be... Josie."

Lizzie's smile fell in shock that her sister won. Josie looked at Penelope, and she gave her finger guns with a smirk.

"Thank you all for voting." Emma said. "And congratulations to our newly elected representatives."

       »»----- ★ - ★ -----««

Hailey let her nieces be alone since she knew Lizzie was hurt and mad at Josie.

She sighed, feeling the fresh air outside. She was hoping nothing was to go wrong again.

She was still hurt of the gargoyle, mostly healed from the twins using magic but not all the way.

She hasn't felt right since then. Her head snapped up when she heard fighting.

She saw Jed beating up Landon. It made her mad.

"Hey!" Hailey ran down, shoving the wolf off of him. "Back of, jacka**."

He growled at her. "Back off, human."

"You'll have to go through me. And just so you know, I am Caroline's sister, hurt me and she'll kick you out." Hailey snarled.

He glared, climbing to his feet and running off.

Hailey turned to Landon. "You okay?"

"Thank you." He groaned.

"Us humans have got to stick together." Hailey smiled.

      »»----- ★ - ★ -----««

Hailey went into Hope's room when she left to see Landon. "Hey, feeling better?"

"Yeah, thanks again, Hailey." He slowly sat up.

"I got you some coffee." She held out one of the coffee cups.

"I don't really drink coffee." Landon told her.

She gasped, horrify. "I should've let Jed beat you."

He laughed. "I guess I'll take it." He took a sip. "Wow. That's really good."

"Sugar and creamer with whip cream on top. Plain coffee is gross." Hailey sat by him.

He nodded. "I love it."

She giggled. "I hope you get to stay, Landon."

He grinned at her. "Me too."

This was the start of something unbreakable. A bond formed between these two humans.


I'm sorry this was a short and crappy chapter.

What do you think of Hailey and Landon?

Thanks for reading.


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