How You Get The Girl

By fearlessisbeautiful

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One quiet girl. One popular boy. What could possibly happen if their paths cross? More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Character Listing
Chapter Five
Authors Note 2
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Authors Note 3
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Author's Note

Chapter Six

5.7K 175 9
By fearlessisbeautiful

So apparently my look isn't what Brian needs to make Julia jealous. I thought after shopping with Laura and him would make me super fabulous. But apparently that's not how it works. And that is what leaves me here in Laura's bedroom, at her vanity with large fluorescent light bulbs that are practically frying my eyeballs. I'm surrounded with makeup and hair products that I couldn't even begin to count. As a soccer player most of us hate makeup. We tend to dab on mascara and lip gloss rarely. So I wasn't accustomed to this array of items.

"Your going to look amazing when I'm finished with u." Laura said bursting with excitement.

I groaned and sat in the spinning chair that Laura beckoned me too. "What are you going to do to me" I asked curiously. I mean even though she was my best friend I didn't trust her with the makeover. She was a dancer and have you ever seen dancers makeup? I swear it's caked on for the lights and they put on things that I can't even begin to pronounce. It's quite disgusting if you ask me... But I never said that.

"It will be light I promise" she responded practically reading my thoughts. She first applied some concealer and then proceeded with eyeliner, eye shadow and millions of other steps. Once she finished she ushered me over to her bed where a flat iron was being heated up on her nightstand.

"Don't you dare peek until we are done" she commanded like a drill Sargent. I sat quiet lost in my thoughts of what it would be like if Brian was my actual boyfriend.

"Ok your done with the makeup and hair part" she said awakening me from my daydream.

I looked up and walked over to the vanity and stood in awe. This girl staring back at me wasn't Emerson Burns the soccer obsessed, geeky girl. This was Emerson Burns the confident soccer player. I honestly looked kick ass.

"Do you like it? I could um change it if you want" Laura asked taking me out of my state of amazement.

"No, no it absolutely perfect" I responded. I hurried over to my bag of clothes that I had brought over and slipped into a black strapless top, white skinny jeans, aqua pumps and a matching aqua necklace. I turned and Laura gave me a look of approval and I smiled at her. She looked amazing as always.

We grabbed our phones and walked out to the car where Laura's sister was waiting. I slide in the back and Laura followed. The car ride proceeded with small talk and finally we arrived in front of Brian's gorgeous house. To call it a house would be an understatement. A mansion would most likely be the closest word to describe this monstrous place. It had Greek styled columns on the porch and a gazebo in the back yard was peeking out behind the house.

I channeled all my worries about tonight in a deep breath and opened the door.

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