When You're Broken On The Gro...

By Ace_Magpie

8.3K 881 2.1K

Twenty-six years old, successful, famous. No one knows they're a chosen family, no one knows the bonds they f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Something I Really Didn't Want To Do

Chapter 19

128 15 21
By Ace_Magpie

Thank you all so much for 880+ views!!! 

I didn't do any research for this so I'll edit it later when I actually have enough sleep to care.

Trigger Warnings: court case stuff, jury duty I guess.

Word Count: 1126

The family minus Thomas eat dinner together and stay the night, over half falling asleep during the third movie and forcing the ones not asleep to either carry them to bed or to gently wake them up enough to stumble to bed and then promptly fall asleep again. 

This presented some challenges as Virgil, Roman, Emile, and Remus had simultaneously cuddled up next to Dee and Patton along with their significant others. Dee and Patton because those two are the father figures of the group, strange though it seems. Logan finds it sweet, especially because he's more of the second mother figure of the group, the first being Thomas and the one not in the immediate group Thomas' mom. He's just happy he's not consistently being cuddled with, though he doesn't mind Patton's ones. Remy isn't as much of cuddles of the others but he has joined in before, that night just not being one of those nights.

The next morning found Patton making breakfast in the kitchen with Logan sitting at the table across from Dee. Dee and Patton chat as Logan watches his boyfriend fondly, sipping his coffee and adding his input in the conversation occasionally.

Soon Roman and Virgil join them, Roman carrying a sleepy Virgil bridal style before lovingly setting him down in a chair and pouring two cups of coffee out. 

Remus bounces in a couple minutes later, kissing Dee before taking his meds and then sits down next to his boyfriend.

Patton sets out breakfast on the table then calls down the hall, "Breakfast kiddos!"

Remy and Emile walk in five seconds later, Remy making a bee line for the coffee pot.

The family eat together and catch up more before getting dressed and leaving with goodbyes and promising to meet up at Roman's house next weekend.


"What do you mean, jury duty?" Patton exclaims at the letter in his hand. "I'm busy that day! Dee and Remus have their trial that day!"

"Patton, you have to show up," Logan reminds him. "Besides, it is only opening day of the trial. You won't miss much."

"I know, I just wanted to be able to show up to it..."

"I know you did Patton." Logan moves from his desk to the couch his boyfriend sits on, wrapping an arm around his shoulders in support. 


"Jury duty?!" Roman yells, shocked.

Virgil laughs from his spot on the counter. "Oof, you've been caught Princey, you have to appear."

"It's the same day of Remus and Dee's opening court day!"

"It's also the law Romano."

"I said to let that name die Blackbird."

"How the hell do you keep coming up with these nicknames?"

"Can't say my raven."


"..... Hearte, Patton. Jenkins, Isabel. King, Roman...." the person drones out a couple more names, but Patton and Roman gasp and look at each other excitedly. "Follow me please," the underpaid personnel orders, guiding the small group of people called through double doors and into a court room. "The judge and attorneys will question you and you will answer them truthfully." With that, they walk off.

"Jury duty?" Roman asks, rolling his eyes.

"Jury duty," Patton confirms. "Believe me, I'd rather be at our twins' court cases right now than be here."

Roman sighs in agreement. "Only reason I'm here is that Virgil made me promise to not break the law because he quote 'has enough to deal with from the two troublemakers and Thomas who wants to illegally adopt anything cute'."

"Sounds like something Thomas would do."

"All rise for the judge!" a voice rings out, causing the gathered group of about thirty to rise as a tough-looking woman in judge robes walks in. Once she takes her seat, two men walk in and take their places at their desks.

"All May be seated," the judge states. "Potential jury members, I am Judge Laura Bidson, she/her pronouns. The two attorneys here are Mister George Linel representing James Hollten and the police force and Mister Logan Braine," Patton and Roman gasp, "representing Devin Líar and Remus Duke. The basic case is Misters Líar and Duke are accused of first degree murder of one William Delaney. One important thing to note is Mr. Delaney was accused a year prior to his death of attempted first degree murder of one Thomas Sanders, a good friend of Misters Líar and Duke, but was acquitted of all charges. Gentlemen, begin."

The questioning goes on for a bit, until the judge calls out Patton. "Hearte, Patton."

Logan shoots up. "Patton?"

"Hey Lo!" Patton calls down from the benches. "Didn't know this was for Dee and Remus!"

"Ahem," the judge interferes. "Mr. Hearte, do you know this man?"

"Yeah, he's my boyfriend! My twin's one of the ones on trial actually, Roman's twin is the other one. Oh Lo, Roman's here too!" Roman waves slightly at the sighing lawyer.

"So, both you and Mr. Prince have connections with the ones on trial?"


She sighs. "Mr. Hearte and Mr. Prince you are excused."

"Cool, thanks ma'am," Roman says as he stands up to leave. 

"Bye Lo, good luck!" Patton chirps as he follows Roman out, waving goodbye at his boyfriend.

The two find their twins pacing outside the room, Remus playing with a fidget cube as he paces.

"Oh hey Pat, Ro," the fidgeting man says distractedly.

"Patton? I thought you couldn't make it, jury duty or something." Dee stops pacing and allows his twin to push him into a chair.

"I was, but apparently it was for your trial and that's a conflict of interest," Patton replies. Roman guides his brother out of the court house as the twins watch. "Is Remus okay?"

Dee sighs heavily. "Yes neither of us are. I don't mean none of us aren't- I mean- ugh!"

Patton nods sympathetically. "You mean neither of you are okay."


"So not-okay that you're back to compulsive lying."

Dee takes a deep breath. "You know I don't like it Patton, but no. I mean yes. Satan I thought I was over this!"

"It's okay Dee, just take deep breathes and remember it's going to be okay. You and Remus are innocent, you have nothing to fear!"

"But I know our alibis are basically useless and they'll try to use that against us!" Dee bursts out. "I just had to ask Remus out in a date to the woods to star gaze that night! Why not the day after? Or the day before? Why that stupid night!?"

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