angels - a ninjago fanfiction...

By stormysky-

16.9K 624 1.9K

The Tornado of Creation failed. The Oni return to Ninjago with newfound hate for Wu, the reason why they were... More

zero Β· trailer
one Β· the defeat
two Β· heal
three Β· the omega
five Β· shattered
six Β· missing
seven Β· found, but at the wrong time
eight Β· hacked
nine Β· crushed ice
ten Β· breaking news and hearts
eleven Β· hurts like a knife
twelve Β· twins
thirteen Β· fighting spirit
fourteen Β· the weekend whip
fifteen Β· leaving
sixteen Β· jade
seventeen Β· petrified
eighteen Β· reset
nineteen Β· completely alone
twenty Β· don't make me do this
twenty-one Β· reunited
twenty-two Β· lost futures
twenty-three Β· big news, sis?
twenty-four Β· memories
epilogue Β· angels
author's note

four Β· forgetting

832 24 179
By stormysky-

lol noob - 2021 Skylar


The Bounty paused over Ignacia for a moment to refill on supplies. Since they were already there, Kai and Nya decided to stop by the Four Weapons Blacksmith to visit Ray and Maya, who had returned to their original forge after the Time Twins stuff.

Jay wanted to go as well; it only seemed fitting. He had to just finish fixing up the side of the main console and he'd be out of the Bounty for a while. The screen map thing was flickering off at random times, but it wasn't worth waiting for it to happen during a crucial time.

He wiped sweat from his brow, smearing grease onto his gi and face as he patched up the main switchboard. It wasn't completely done, but it would suffice for a week at most before it broke down again.

Something caught his eye. Jay looked around, expecting it to be a loose tarp or one of Wu's plants, but it was... orange.

Skylor couldn't have gotten on the ship, right?

No. This was a different color. Something more... sinister.

A laugh came from behind the blue ninja and Jay whipped around, his heart racing.

He had heard that laugh before. It was a laugh that haunted his nightmares about being torn from his friends as he was tortured by a djinn on an evil pirate ship.

"Nadakhan," he whispered.

The djinn came up to the Lightning Ninja. "Hello, Jay Gordon Walker."

"How- how are you here? I don't understand." Jay's voice was shaking. The others were all off of the ship. He was alone and cornered. He gripped his nunchucks but knew that he wouldn't be able to do much to the djinn.

"How are you here?" he repeated, shakily picking up his nunchucks. "You shouldn't be here."

"Of course I should! And I'm here to finish a task only I am fit to complete." The orange genie flew in dizzying circles around the ninja, laughing as Jay took desperate swings at him.

He reached to his comm to contact the others, but Nadakhan knocked his hand away with his sword, cutting Jay's forearm. "No reinforcements," he chided as if he were a teacher scolding a student. "This is between you and me."

Jay let out a shout and shot lightning at the djinn, only for him to dodge it. "How does it feel, Jay? I have been watching you. And now I can take you down. The Omega will be pleased, and I will reign free once again," he snarled and lunged at him. "To him, you are more valuable dead than alive."

He had forgotten how fast Nadakhan could be. Jay barely dodged his swing, twirling his own weapon around and clashing with four swords midair.

The thing was, Jay didn't want to go risk his life to get venom from a spider that might be dead. The last time he tried that, his girlfriend had died, and it was a wonder they all survived. He also needed backup-- with six people, the team had barely defeated Nadakhan, and they still needed to team up with the Sky Pirates, and Jay had to start a resistance to stop him... temporarily. Jay had no chance of defeating the djinn. All he could do was hope to stay alive.

His opponent seemed set on mortally wounding the ninja, though, making Jay's goal harder to reach. Nadakhan's swords had materialized from Wu knows where and they were razor-sharp, Jay found. Hot pain bloomed from the area as they cut through his gi and skin.

Jay parried a blow with his nunchucks and ducked as another came for his head, but a brown tuft of hair wasn't spared. It floated to the ground as the two sparred, greeting the blood and grease that was coating the boards. An impromptu haircut wasn't what he was worried about. He was mostly fearing for his life. He was so busy defending his body and could barely take care of that, and calling his friends wasn't really an option at the moment.

Nadakhan swung the blunt of his blade at Jay's chest, cutting through his thick armor and reaching his skin. The ninja gasped as he was knocked over the rail of the bridge and landed hard on his back. Bleeding everywhere, light-headed, and struggling to breathe without pain shooting from his ribcage, Jay had a second of time to scream for help over the Ninja's group channel.

"Your friends won't arrive in time. And even if they do, your girlfriend Dilara-"

"It's Nya," Jay whined through his teeth. The djinn lazily approached the wounded ninja, floating over the blood that was rapidly flowing from numerous cuts all over his body.

"It no longer matters. She's the only one who, besides you, remembers who I am and what I am capable of. And thanks to you two, the Omega discovered that I have the honor to be one of your greatest fears."

The Omega read his and Nya's minds. Jay cursed himself, woozy from the pain as his breaths became shallower. "I wish I didn't remember, like the others," he cried, frustrated and not thinking straight. "If I didn't then you wouldn't return because I didn't know you and-"

He froze. A maniacal grin spread across Nadakhan's face.

Jay's sapphire blue eyes, shiny with tears of pain, widened as he screamed: "WAIT NO!"

"Your wish," the djinn drawled, "is yours to keep."


"Who are you?" 

Jay felt pain throbbing all over his body, most notably on his chest and back, and his vision was blurred over. An orange- what was that, a beet? Potato?- whatever it was, floated in front of him triumphantly. "What are you doing here on my... on... on..."

He looked around and realized the thing he was on was flying. The word Bounty came to mind, but he couldn't think. "AAAH! Where am I?"

The ninja lifted a hand to his face, where he felt something trickling down his cheek. To his horror, he pulled his hand away and saw it coated with blood. A huge gash running from his temple to his jaw was bleeding profusely; it didn't seem deep, but boy, did it hurt. He couldn't recall where he got the wound from.

"I don't know how I'm here on- on... on the Bounty." Memories, broken like glass, floated in his mind. It was like a thousand-piece puzzle-- he knew they were supposed to fit together, but half of them were missing and the others don't line up.

"Do you not remember?" the orange floating man asked. He seemed to be worried for Jay, but at the same time, there was something wrong with him. Jay decided not to trust him. The man could be lying.

"I remember... I remember a green ghost dying. Me, Kai, Cole, Nya, Zane and-- oh," he muttered as his head spun. "And Lloyd. Lord. Lloyd?" The names mixed together. "I was with my friends. My family. A ghost gave up his life-" Pain shot through his skull- "for Wu to have the... Realm Crystal."

That was the last clear memory. The rest was a mad jumble of black warriors, bikers, a stone monster, dragons, a golden tornado, and a faint taste of elation.

"And- and the ghost was pulled into the water."



The orange... genie? Djinn. That sounded right. The djinn brandished his four swords in every hand. Jay couldn't help but wonder if people having four arms were normal. There was Lloyd Garmadon, then Kozu, then...

Lloyd Garmadon? Wasn't it Lord?

Jay's memories were leaving him. He couldn't think straight.


His lips were cracked and dry. He was thirsty and dehydrated.

The pain in his head built up. He whimpered and pressed on something that hurt on his chest- he felt something hot and wet there too. Where did he get all those cuts?

Suddenly, a sharp rip of pain exploded on Jay's back and he screamed and cried out in pain, dropping the strange weapon from his hands to touch the wound. The same thing happened again but instead across his torso. Then his legs. Then his arms. Everything but his face, but even that was being rubbed against rough wooden planks.

He could no longer feel anything except excruciating pain.

Make it stop.

Tears were mixing with his blood. He couldn't remember the names of his teammates. His memory was fading. He couldn't remember who he was, what his name was, how old he was.

Everything faded away with his memories. His eyes were squeezed shut, but he managed to pry them open at the sound of something other than metal on his flesh.



Something that brought back a vivid memory of skeletons and spinning.

Over the planks. 

Dodge the swords. 

Here comes the dummy!

The orange djinn let out a sickening laugh and vanished. His presence was replaced by a soothing yet agitated one. A beautiful girl's face hovered over his, her black hair a mess and her face wet. She shouted something, shook his hand. He couldn't hear her words, only the vibrations and the fear she radiated strongly. His vision tunneled and started to darken.

He recognized her but it was too late. He locked eyes with her and hoped she knew how much he loved her. How much he wanted to say but couldn't. How much the teasing nickname Jaya meant to him.

There was no time for words.

He couldn't hear anything, but she kept shouting one word over and over, and he suddenly realized what it was.


"JAY!" she screamed, and then suddenly he remembered his name. He remembered hers.


He suddenly couldn't see, and let out a final sigh as the darkness enveloped him for the last time.

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