Harry Potter gets smart and t...

Od NeverCatchMeAlive

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Harry's name comes out of the goblet and he's had enough, he's sick of pretending to be stupid, he's sick of... Více

Chapter 1: The Goblet
Facing Hermione
Plots begin to be revealed
The House Elves
Secrets Revealed
A Plan
Letters and Revelations
Chapter 10 Lily
Chapter 11 Rita Skeeter
Chapter 12 Letters and Dragons
Outtake 1
Chapter 14 Books and Etiquette
The land, its magic & its people
Chapter 16: Results and Revelations
Results and Revelations
Gringotts Rituals
Things fall apart a bit (again)
Firenze and the Forest
Chapter 21 Hermione
Part 22 Charlie & his Dragons
Chapter 23 Dragon Proofing
Chap 24 Moody & Hagrid
Chapter 25 before the task
Chapter 26 Playing with Dragons
Chapter 27 Here be Dragons
Chapter 28 Charlie
Chapter 29 Un-housed
Chapter 30 Return to whence one came
Chapter 31 The Aftermath
Chapter 32 Sev & Professor Snape
Chapter 33 Severus's Epiphany
Chapter 34 The Darke
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 Houston, we have a problem
Chapter 37 A Bit of Luck & Some More Bad News
Chapter 38 His Mum's Trunk
Chapter 39 Last Few Things Before Break
Chapter 40 Escaping Hogwarts
Chapter 41 The Purging Ritual
Chapter 42 Recovery Discoveries
Chapter 43 Accepting the Heirdom
Chapter 44 Christmas Shenanigans
Chapter 45 Yule Gifts
Chapter 46 Bill & Charlie
Chapter 47 Mirrors
Chapter 48 Visiting Hermione
Chapter 49 Hermione in Nocturne
Chapter 50 Bill, Charlie & Snape
Chapter 52 The Lily-Pad
Chapter 53 Lily & Sev
Chapter 54 - The Last Words
Chapter 55 Life Goes On...
Chapter 56: Another Talk with Charlie
Chapter 57 New Year
Chapter 58 Godric's Hollow
Chapter 59 The Teachers Holiday
Chapter 60 The Bigger Picture
Chapter 61: A Reckoning
Chapter 62: Peeves and Hekate
Chapter 63: Hagrid
Chapter 64: Now What?!
Chapter 65: Break Through
Chapter 66: Bill sets Snape straight
Chapter 67: Help will always be given, at Hogwarts, for those who ask.
Chapter 68 Detention Revelations
Chapter 69: A Matter of Trust
Chapter 70: Karkaroff
Chapter 71 Crouch on the Map
Chapter 72: Quibbler & Curse-breaking
Chapter 73 Hogsmeade
Chapter 74 - Sirius's Reckoning
Chapter 75 The Aftermath
Chapter 76: Before the Second Task
Chapter 77 The Second Task
Chapter 78 A Teacher Interlude
Chapter 79 Skeeter Strikes Again
Chapter 80: Witch Weekly
Chapter 81: Blade on Blade
Chapter 82: Slytherins being Slytherins
Taking Malfoy Down a Peg or Two. Aka the Git deserved it.
Chapter 84 What Happened with Minerva
Chapter 85: Harry and Snape pt 1; Biting the Bullet
Chapter 86 Harry & Snape pt 2
Chapter 87 Snape & Harry pt 3 of 3
Outtake Lily & Sev's Vow
Chapter 89 Just Another Night at Hogwarts
Chapter 90: Another Snape Interlude
Chapter 91 Just Another Day at Hogwarts
Chapter 92 A Malfoy Interlude
Chapter 93 - Remedial Potions

Chapter 51 Hermione in Gringotts

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Od NeverCatchMeAlive

Harry woke up the next morning, feeling remarkably awake and relaxed for having slept and let his guard down next to another person. He sat up and stretched, yawning.

"Morning," Hermione said chirpily. She was sitting on the other end of the bed, reading one of his politics books.

"I have to catch up a bit if we're to work together, on the new OWLs" she said far to brightly for that hour.

He smiled sleepily and got up, "let's go for a run; I'll show you around." He said, opening the window.

She grinned and put on some shoes.

Harry led her across the roof and down onto the streets. After her original hesitance at the how different the Alley was, Hermione, started to get used to it and seemed to enjoy it just as much as Harry. She started looking around and watching Nocturne wake up for the night with the same wide-eyed fascination Harry had.

Harry lead her through all the main alley ways breaking off from Nocturne Proper, showing her around. By the time they had retuned to the Hung Drawn 'n' Quarters Hermione was grinning.

"I'll take you on a run across the rooftops, tomorrow," Harry said to Hermione, as they headed upstairs, "it's brilliant as the sun's setting, and loads of fun. But I thought it might be a bit much for your first day."


After showers and breakfast, they met up with Bill in Harry's room.

"Sorry for waking you up, last night" Harry said in the way of greeting, "I got overwhelmed and panicked, I'm really sorry," He said, feeling a little ashamed.

Bill pulled him onto a hug and said, "Hey, don't worry about it kiddo. I'm glad you called."

Harry tightened his arms at the endearment and soaked up the offered warmth.

"You were right when you said it was urgent, Hermione." Bill continued as he turned to her.

Hermione who had been rather quiet until then grinned and shot Harry a 'see I told you so,' look and said, "so what's the plan? I was thinking that other than studying up on defence and duelling like Harry's been doing, we should also look into the Death Eaters themselves. That and the last war, what Riddle did and his history. If we can figure out what makes him tick, we can predict him, if we can't stop him coming back."

"That's a good call," Bill said, "but first and foremost, you guys need to focus on Harry surviving this year." He said, "Voldemort is not your job. No matter what anyone else tries to tell you. You have a choice. He's not your job, you're students. I won't do you the disservice, Harry, of saying you're a kid, but you're young is what we've been saying. You should not have to do any of this shit. We'll research it, you can research it, but your priority is getting through the year, staying safe and learning as much as you can. Okay?"

Harry felt something in his chest ease, and he nodded, "thanks," he said hoarsely hugging Bill again tightly. Bill's heart thudded comfortingly in his ear and Hermione beamed at how comfortable her friend was around her and Bill now. It was such an improvement from the start of the year.

"Now, Occlumency," Bill said to bring them back to the lesson, "You'll take it in turns practising offensively with me. I'll need to test Hermione but first, how far along are you, Harry?"

Harry sighed, letting go of Bill, "up to sorting stuff. Once you did the guided meditation, I found the place and could make it something. Or more accurately, it showed me what was already there, I think."

"That's great," Bill said, looking pleased. And Harry felt an odd sense of pride coil inside him. He was not used to being praised.

"How about you, Hermione, where are you up to?"

"I think I've found the place, I think, but I'm not sure." She said hesitantly.

"It seems to be an empty library with lots of boxes of books everywhere! It's been very shoddily organised!" She looked decidedly irritated.

Harry laughed and hugged his friend, making her smile again as she hugged him back. She liked this new free-er Harry.

"Okay, we can work on that." Bill said, "It sounds like your mind is naturally relatively organised; you just need to shape and fine-tune it."

Bill turned to Harry, "I'd like you to keep practising sorting memories at the moment while I test Hermione. Then we'll work on some defences and more exercises for that. The ones I gave you before will be easier and more effective now you can feel your magic."

"Okay," he said reluctantly.

"Harry?" Hermione asked, putting a hand on her friend's shoulder. It was a testament to how far he'd come that he didn't flinch this time.

"I don't like sorting them," he said with a shrug as if it was nothing. As if it didn't make him feel as small and alone as it did.

When they looked at him curiously, he continued with a sigh, "It's hard and tiring, and I don't want to see all of them again. Some I'd forgotten. Not obliviated just forgot. I don't always want to remember them. It was bad enough experiencing them the first time it happened; I don't want to do it again!"

"I know it can be hard," Bill said openly, "really I do."

"But it's important," Harry predicted, "know your self and your mind so you can defend it."

"Yeah, 'fraid so," Bill agreed.

"Also the first step to becoming an Animagi," Hermione said cheerily. "I started reading that book your mum nicked last night," she added by way of explanation, "I couldn't sleep."

Harry laughed.

"Well, it nearly is," she amended, "Know thy self to find thy animal." She quoted directly, "that and a mandrake leaf. For a whole month!"

Harry snorted.

"We're here for you, Harry," Bill said. "Me and Charlie."

"And me. And the twins too," Hermione said, "and Neville and Luna," she went, "and your Slytherins in their weird Slytherin-y way."

He snorted, "they're not my Slytherins."

"Either way," Bill said, cutting off the argument before it could properly begin, "we're here for you. If you need anything, talk to us. Me or Charlie at any time."

"And me," Hermione said, hugging Harry, "if you can put up with my crying about my family drama, I do the same for you."

He nodded, feeling a bit better and sank into his mind, feeling braver than before.

"So, what are you working on at the moment? Bill asked turning to Hermione after putting a silencing spell around Harry, so not to disturb him.

"Working on the mind place." She said, "I've been practising the exercises you gave Harry. He's been teaching me what you taught him, but we're not so good with the Legilimency/Occlumency thing yet."

"Right, I'll test you first then, and we'll go from there," Bill said, pulling out his wand.

She nodded gamely, despite looking a bit hesitant.

"I'll be gentle, I promise and I will keep your secrets." He said earnestly.

She nodded and said, "Harry trust's you. That's enough for me. Give me a minute to clear my head then you're good to go," she said, closing her eyes for a moment.

When she opened them again, he started.

Hermione couldn't feel other magic, only her own. So she wasn't able to have the warning of sensing him coming as Harry did. It took her a few goes before she could feel Bill's legilimency at all, other than seeing memories play before her eyes. But once she did, she got good at pushing him out, rather swiftly. Her mind, Bill explained, didn't have the damage Harry's had.

They practice for a bit, and Bill took her through some more exercises to help her organise her mind, and start building defences. She was good at clearing her mind and compartmentalising. Sorting and shelving all the 'books' in her mind, (her memories) while at times unpleasant, would not be that difficult for the highly organised Hermione. It was just building defences and maintaining them that she found daunting.

"Will you consider continuing to practise with Harry?" Bill asked, "he's learning Legilimency too. He could help you practice when your back at school.

She nodded, "that's what we've been doing."

He set her practising and then roused Harry, who was looking pale and drawn but okay. Bill held his arms out, in an offer, and Harry dove straight into them before they got started practising.

After occlumency, they revised detection spells, wards and some hexes and counter curses. Bill quizzed them in politics, culture and etiquette. He was pleased by Harry's progress and how much Hermione seemed to have picked up by helping Harry.

"We revise things together on our morning runs," Hermione explained.

"We want to take all the OWLs," Harry hesitantly admitted as if he expected to be told he was an idiot.

"Wow," Bill said, "when you say all, do you mean the Hogwarts 12 or..?"

"All of them," Hermione said, "the ministry ones too."

"Wow, that's an amazing thing to aim for. You'll have a lot of work to do, but you've made amazing progress, Harry, if anyone can manage it, I'm sure it's you two."

Bill was rewarded for his faith with two beaming smiles, "I have to ask though" he said, "do you have a time-turner? I had one for my classes; I took the Hogwarts 12 and a couple of others, but not all of them. I wouldn't have managed as many NEWTs without one."

They looked at each other for a moment, then, "the school didn't give us one. They don't know about any of this." Harry said.

"I had one in third-year but didn't manage it well," Hermione said

"Yeah there's a trick to it," Bill said, "but if your doing it without it will be a lot harder. And it will take alot longer. Don't be surprised if you don't get all the OWLs you want done before the end of fifth-year."

"Mum has one," Harry said slowly, "had one. I don't know how she got it, she wasn't using it at school for her owls, but we're using hers," he said pulling it out of his shirt to show Bill.

"ahh," Bill said, peering at it, "nice, may i?" He asked holding a hand out.

When Harry nodded, Bill took it from him carefully and cast some spells on it. He explained each of them as he did it so. He was good at teaching, Harry thought, wondering if it was from having so many siblings to help out. Maybe he'd helped his siblings with their letters and homework when they were growing up. Harry felt a stab of painful longing, at the thought of having had someone like Bill growing up, or having anyone at all.

"Well, it's all in good working order. Ours, when I my did OWLS, at first did 5 hours tops. And that was once we took off the ministry restriction and monitoring charm. Normally when they give out time turners, they only allow you to have a certain amount of hours. We broke ours to access more hours. The Ministry only gives you access to enough for the extra classes, not for the extra studying rest they require." Bill explained

"We got 12 hours out of it eventually. This one's older though, so it will go back a full day. The older models did that before Croakers law's restricted time travel to 5 hours. It looks like your mum has already removed that restriction charm. You have leeway with it, but don't get it to do more than one day. It won't like it, and the consequences can be very nasty," he said gravely.

They both nodded.

"We've read about Croaker and his law," said Harry. "His first one stated that the furthest someone could go back in time without the possibility of serious harm to the traveller or time itself is 24 hours."

"He then updated it to five hours," Hermione said, "as a precaution, as it's easier to mess this up with more hours."

"And the Ministry doesn't want people playing with time. We read about Eloise Mintumble too," Harry finished, "We understand the consequences; we won't mess around with it."

"Just had to check you were aware of the dangers." Bill said, "you're old enough to make your own choices so I won't tell you what not to do, but I wanted to check you were informed.

Harry appreciated that.

"Now here's how I managed with it," Bill went on.

"I had an official one. And 'broke' the hour monitoring charm 'accidentally.' I shifted it, so it didn't report back or alert the Ministry to the hours I'd used," he grinned. "Better to render the monitoring charm useless than to have removed, which would have alerted the Ministry."

"Charlie and I both used it. He wasn't considered academic enough. He was more outdoorsy than me and doesn't test well. So they wouldn't let him have one to do extra ministry OWL classes. So we both used mine.

We went back at the end of the school day and re-did it to have more time to do the extra classes. But the trick was to have somewhere else to study in, only when your back in time. It then removes the risk of time issues, like running into yourselves and being seen. Also, you want extra food and extra sleep time. You're essentially pulling a lot of all-nighters by adding extra hours to your day. So make sure you give yourself extra time to rest. We did an extra half day on weekends for a break and to sleep. That and Charlie spent lots of time dragging me through the forest.

"That's what we planned," Hermione said, "that's why I struggled so badly last time. I was just adding extra hours for classes but not for eating, sleeping, doing the extra homework or studying."

Harry pulled out his planner from his bag to show him the schedule they already had.

"Nice," Bill said appraisingly.

"We're working with the Slytherin's who also are doing extras classes. We haven't told them about the time turner, though." Harry said, "we haven't finished adapting our schedule yet, we only brainstormed it last night."

"Well, if you need help or advice, let me or Charlie know. We've been there before," Bill said.

"Fred and George are doing a few extras too," Harry said.

"Alchemy, Runes and Arithmancy unofficially," Hermione said.

"yeah, like Charlie, they're not too keen on the exams and academia. But don't let it fool you. Their wickedly smart and know their stuff so you can ask them too if you need help." Bill said, with a proud smile.

"Yeah, they're part of our study group," said Harry "they lent us some good books for alchemy. The library doesn't have any."

"Really? They used to have loads," Bill said surprised.

"I think they removed than for the Philosophers Stone in our first year and never put them back," Harry said disapprovingly.

Hermione made a face.


Bill took them to one of his favourite street vendor's for lunch. He introduced them to a few of his favourite goblin dishes. And Harry now understood what Rodgrip has said about goblin food being different.

For a start, there was a lot of meat. Some of which was green or other odd colours. A lot of it was raw or very rare, though some other dishes had root vegetables as well. Many of the smells and flavours were very intense in goblin cuisine.

Bill had to steer them away from certain things that would make humans sick. But overall, once Harry got over how incredibly spicy goblin food was, it was delicious. As long as he didn't think too hard about what meat it was. They ended up sitting down to eat in the town square at the end of Nocturne Proper.

They followed Bill to Gringotts after lunch but parted in the foyer. Bill disappeared through one of the side doors marked in goblin runes that Harry couldn't read yet. Harry expected that it probably said employers entrance or something similar. Harry and Hermione lined up to see one of the tellers.

"Wait for them to speak first," Harry reminded Hermione as they got closer to the teller.

"I'd almost forgot," she said, "make eye contact, but don't speak until they do first."

"Yes," harry said," and haggle, if the opportunity arises," he added.

"Really?" She asked, surprised. It had not been in the book.

"Yes," Harry said, "it's a matter of honour, of getting the best deal and not being weak," he explained, "be ruthless about it, they'll be much happier if you do."

Hermione nodded as they approached the front of the line. The teller looked at them but said nothing expecting them to start talking immediately like most wizards did.

Hermione and Harry said nothing, though Harry felt a sharp smile sneak onto his face. The Goblin realised what they were doing and grinned viciously before clamping his mouth shut firmly; testing them. Hermione bit her lip to stop herself saying anything but met his gaze determinedly.

Eventually, the Goblin nodded and said, "well-met Witch, Wizard."

"Well met Master Teller," Hermione said as Harry offered a proper goblin bow of greeting, that he'd learnt from Bill.

"What can Gringotts do for you today?" The Goblin asked.

"I need a check done, for magic on me," Hermione started, "I'd also like to open a vault."

The Goblin let out a word in Goblin tounge and a young-looking goblin came running.

"Escort the witch to Gripshard's office," the teller ordered.

The young Goblin made that same solute Harry had seen Bill make before leading them out of the main hall.

They did not go to the same place as Rodgrip's office, Harry noted, but ended up in a similar-looking corridor at a similar-looking office door. The Goblin knocked, and when bid to enter opened the door and departed.

Hermione looked at Harry startled, but Harry nodded, and entered the room, offering a bow. They said nothing, meeting Gripshard's eye. Hermione taking her cue from Harry, who'd had more experience with goblins, mimicked his bow.

"Well met humans, take your hood off please Miss Granger," Gripshard ordered.

"Well met Master Gripshard," they chorused, as Hermione put the hood down. She looked slightly startled that he knew her name but said nothing.

"What can Gringotts do for you today, Mr Peverell? Miss Granger?" the Goblin said. Harry smiled at the use of his proper name, and gestured to Hermione, and wondered how the Goblin knew.

Hermione spoke up, "I wish to open a vault, but most importantly, I have magic on me that is controlling me. I would like that removed the way Gringotts has done for my friend."

The Goblin rummaged in his desk for a moment then passed over a quill and parchment. Remembering Harry telling her about this, Hermione wrote her full name on a piece parchment.

"Hermione Jean Granger

Born: 19th September 1983

Age: 15 years, three months, nine days

Currently under spells

Currently under potions

Vows applicable

Health: fair

Paternal inheritance:


Maternal Inheritance:


Magical guardian:

Minerva McGonagall - 1st September 1995

Muggle guardian:

Dr Jean Smith-Granger & Dr John Granger 1984."

Ripshard handed her a knife and Hermione pricked her finger and dabbed the blood onto the goblins thumb, and forefinger like Harry had explained. The Goblin seemed pleased that she hadn't questioned the process. He then touched a bloody finger to Hermione's forehead, chanted something in Goblin tongue before making an odd pinching motion with his long fingers.

Harry watched the process curiously. He wondered if Hermione could feel it. She had an odd expression on her face, surprised and mildly disturbed but not in pain he didn't think.

Ripshard slowly withdrew his pinched fingers, the wispy see-through thing following. He touched another quill to the substance. Hermione watched interestedly as the quill absorbed the wispy substance and then started writing on another piece of parchment.

The Goblin then repeated the process with yet another quill, then waved a hand, making all the parchments duplicate. He looked ever one, before handing the other to Hermione.

"Spell test of Hermione Jean Granger

Trait Amplification charms:

3rd November 1995 (aged 11)

Traits amplified:

Belief in own superior intelligence

Need for approval

Respect for authority

Renewed 1st September 1997 (aged 13)

Caster: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Status: Mostly Degraded

Compulsion Charms:

3rd November 1995 (aged 11)

Minor Compulsion to solve mysteries

Minor Compulsion to be nosy

Renewed 1st September 1997 (aged 13)

Caster: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Status: Partially Degraded

3rd November 1995 (aged 11)

Compulsion to Obey

Renewed 1st September 1997 (aged 13)

Caster: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Status: Broken





"Potion test of Hermione Jean Granger

Complex manipulation potions of compulsion class:

Loyalty potion

Keyed to Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Antidotes recommended."

"Contracts, Vows and Debts tied to one Hermione Jean Granger

Owed Life debt:

Hadrien Evans Peverell - Fulfilled

Received Life Debt:

Sirius Orion Black"

Hermione didn't say anything for a while, just stared at the parchments in front of her. Then she thrust them at Harry.

"I need a second copy, please," she said sharply, "for Master Rodgrip."

Harry looked at her and made a 'you okay?' face.

Hermione shrugged as Ripshard said, "Master Rodgrip, will receive one" He tapped the document which multiplied then vanished.

As she was about to ask another question, there was a knock on the door.

Ripshard barked something out in Goblin, and a witch entered the room, not even looking twice at Harry and Hermione, to Harry's relief. Whatever told the goblins who they were, despite Harry having changed his appearance, it did not seem to do the same thing for the witch.

"Cursebreaker Marsh," Ripshard said in greeting, after a slight pause, "this witch requires your services." He said, handing over the results.

The women read it for a moment before turning to Hermione and gesturing her to stand up.

"It won't hurt, but it may feel odd," she said in a heavy Irish accent before casting a long, complicated chant-like spell while circling Hermione.

Harry could feel the women's magic surrounding Hermione, pulling at her own, coaxing... then nothing.

Cursebreaker Marsh then turned and departed as another goblin knocked on the door.

This Goblin handed a potion to Ripshard and left without even a word.

"Here," Ripshard said, handing the potion to Hermione.

"The antidote?" She asked.

The Goblin gave a short sharp jerk of the head in response. She drowned it, then shivered, before handing the phial back.

"Your urine will be purple for a few days as the nullified potion works its way out of your system," Ripshard warned.

Hermione frowned momentarily, then nodded.

"How do you feel?" Asked Harry worriedly.

"The same, a bit nauseous but it's leaving now," Hermione said.

Ripshard nodded sharply, handed the quill over again, and Hermione diligently wrote her name as the test was repeated.

"Clear," the Goblin soon proclaimed.

Hermione beamed.

"Now to discuss your new vault," Ripshard said with a vicious grin.


Also I've bent croakers law of time travel, from 5 hours, as it was inconvenient.

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