Call Me Eden [ON HOLD]

By xLucindaBlackx

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"This isn't where I want to be," she mutters under her silk breath. "I want to be free." 17 year old Eden has... More



185 10 0
By xLucindaBlackx

The minibus was filled with feelings of excitement and eagerness to arrive for The Collection and I was the odd one out. I sit in my seat looking out the window, absorbing the atmosphere outside. It was horrifying, the broken down buildings and forsaken objects on the ground. It was deserted, there were only a few people walking along the pavements and disappeared after that. Maybe they're all heading to watch The Collection, waiting for the next generation to bring a life which will continue to happen over and over again.
I saw a little girl, visiting a shop nearby; she looked about the same age as Martha.


I missed her, really missed her. Before I planned for my escapes, I used to spend most of my time with Martha. We used to talk to each other a lot. She once told me a secret, that she entrusted me to keep it a secret from everyone. She truly trusted me the most.

"Girls, quiet down! My ears are likely to explode any minute!" Miss Audrey exclaimed.

"Let them, Miss Audrey, that way you'll be at peace." Sophie said, giggling at the excitement. Miss Audrey got up from her seat and stood at the front of the minibus, as if she was going to say a speech.

"Now now, Sophie, be lady-like. I'm sure the noblemen wouldn't want a talkative wife to only worsen their headaches. Do you?"

"What about the duke!?" A girl named Delia exclaimed to Loa who was sat next to her. I put my finger in each ear to shield from the uncontrolled shouts and delight, Miss Audrey did the same. She looked at me and held on to the eye contact, until a moment after. I felt as though she was thinking about last night with the conversation I never thought I would have with her, at least not like that.

"Anyway, let me finish." Miss Audrey said. "I want everyone in this bus to be at their best behaviour, I'm sure that's what the duke would like to see. Also Ferlous don't get absorbed in the spotlight too much. Delia don't you dare go wondering off into the moonlight with a stranger." She said, narrowing her eyes when all Delia did was put on her innocent face.

Everyone turned to look at her. "Why, I don't know what you mean, ma'am"

"Hmm, well everyone else, take care. And remember the days you've spent in the school and those moments that you desire to remember." She paused, looking at me. "You're all special to me. So don't forget me." She held our gaze, once again and returned to her seat.

The hours were long and tiresome. It was almost dark, yet we have not even reached The Collection. Which made me think that maybe today wasn't The Collection, maybe today was just another day but more different. Maybe today was just going to be spent on traveling there rather than being collected.
The last thought came to me when the bus came to a halt. The girls looked around, at each other and out the window. The only thing we saw was the motor way that looked like it might never lead us to our destination. Miss Audrey stood and muttered something to the driver, the driver did the same.

Miss Audrey sighed deeply and turned to us, holding one of the handles above her head. "Girls, a problem occurred so we have to wait a bit until it is resolved." Delia looked suspicious.

"What is the problem?" Miss Audrey looked at her and sighted again, only it was shorter this time.

"The bus has run out of fuel. We're going to have to wait for an agency to bring us help and refuel it. Until then, everyone go outside." Miss Audrey went out before us. The girls gave suspicious glances to each other as I followed her out.

"Why are we coming out?" I said. Maybe a bit too excited for once since the journey has started.

"I know a luxurious place nearby and figured you're all hungry. Not that we haven't already packed food, but something fresh is nice. Don't you think?" I looked at her, amazed at how different she suddenly is compared to the past. If this was another staff allowing us outside into daylight, offering to feed us in an open restaurant she would definitely have fired them, and would have given us a huge everlasting lecture saying that we shouldn't have agreed, which is why the girls take so long to come outside not looking away from Miss Audrey as if expecting this was all a test.
The seconds passed by as we made our way to the restaurant and searched for seats enough so that we could all still be together. Miss Audrey stood next to the counter mumbling something to the employers, who glanced at our direction with wide eyes.

Miss Audrey returned a second later and sat in her seat. "Well, what is it that you have decided to eat?" The girls were confused.

"Don't they just bring the food for us to eat?" Loa said.

Miss Audrey shook her head. "No of course not dear, everyone has a different appetite so they prefer to choose the food they like to eat."

Ferlous frowned, wrinkling her nose. "Why do they have to make it difficult? The customers should appreciate that they are being fed." The girls nodded in agreement.
Everyone decided on one thing, as that was the way we were brought up. To eat in the same dinner table and eat the same food.

"This tastes amazing!" Sophie exclaimed. The employer that ordered our food stood near our table as if we were going to order other things, he had a grin plastered on his face and wouldn't stop looking at Sophie. He seemed . . . perverted? Instead the other employer stood by him examining the ground, with his hands on top of each other.

"Do you not like it, Eden?" Miss Audrey said, interrupting my thoughts. I looked down at the food. The menu mentioned this was called black pudding. The food was set nicely, but something caught me off guard.

"What is it?" Miss Audrey looked surprised as if she wasn't expecting me to say that.

"It's a sausage that contains pork, dried pigs blood and suet, why do you ask dear?" Dried pigs' blood? Is it just an exaggeration or was she simply blurting the truth? Miss Audrey didn't look as shocked as I am, is this something similar to what she has been feeding us back at the school? I felt my stomach churn, suddenly needing fresh air.
I stood up from my seat and excused myself. Miss Audrey seemed to get the silent message. I wanted to be alone, I needed to be alone. I pushed the door open and head outside. I gasped for the air around me, in desperate need of fresh oxygen that has not been near that vile food from inside the restaurant.

I kneeled down in front of a bench and cried my heart out. I missed Martha, yet I so desperately wanted my freedom. I wish Martha was with me to this moment, I would risk my life to run away with her and find our family- wait. Maybe I should do that. Once I'm free I can go and find Martha and we can both go and find our family, but what about the school security, the authorities and the stranger who will soon by my husband. It would be too dangerous; I might put Martha in a dangerous situation. She's only a child! Anger rushed through me, mixing with my tears that never seem to end. My sobs echo through the vacant street.

"Are you alright?" A voice called. I suddenly realised I wasn't alone deep in my thoughts. I looked up to find a young man who stared at me. I couldn't quite make him out as he stood in the darkness of the night. But one thing was for certain: He had the mark.

Every man who is responsible for collecting a wife is marked. He had the same mark we had studied about in school. It had the same 3 wavy lines next to each other making a perfect fit, and the bits of patterns that rode alongside it on one side of his neck. I was far from him, maybe 3 or 4 meters, it almost looked like a fancy ocean waves from here.

He caught my gaze and noticed what I was glaring at. "Is something troubling you?" He said as he took a few steps closer, closing the empty gap between us.

"Don't come any closer!" I shouted, yet not loud enough for Miss Audrey and the girls to hear so they won't be barging in on the situation and make it worse for me by not letting me out alone again.

"Am I frightening you?" He said as he took a step back. "I'm not going to harm you." He said, still in his calm yet deep voice. I felt stupid for not acting brave in front of a harmless stranger, yet how would I know if he's saying the truth? I don't even know him, meaning I will not trust him.

"Why are you here?" I said. He didn't bother to hide the confused expression. "You're supposed to be at The Collection, why are you here?" The confusion melted and he slowly sat on the bench next to me. I flinched but he didn't do anything further except look into the night at nothing in particular.

"I decided it wasn't for me." He looked down and this time it was me who was full of confusion. "It's not right, The Collection. No matter how the schooled girls find it exciting, it just isn't pure."

"Is that why you're marked?" I said, my voice full of anger, is he trying to fool me?

"Yes, but I did it for a reason." He saw that I didn't understand a word he said and sighed. "I guess you are only taught for the things you girls should do, right? Nothing to do with men?" I nodded. "Well, that explains it. Men who desire to attend The Collection are marked, however if they do not want to attend that is entirely upon them. But I was in neither of those options, I have a duty," he paused. "A duty I have to complete."

"Do you still have to go?" I told him, he looked at me and smiled. The light outside the restaurant flickered on, I saw his features. He had beautiful bright green eyes with a hint of yellow, and had light brown hair. He was the most beautiful person I've ever seen, maybe as beautiful as William. I let the last thought slide. I refuse to think about him now.

He nodded. "Then why are you not at the ceremony?" I said, challengingly.

"The girls usually take long to arrive. And besides, it's near." I looked away, deciding to lose myself in the calm silence that seemed to last long. "You're one of those girls, aren't you?" He said, breaking the silence. I nodded in response. "I thought so, all the other married woman are kept inside and you seem to look vulnerable at the moment." Did I really look vulnerable? "Men can take advantage of you, you should go back." That was the last thing I wanted. But I didn't want to go back in, I wanted to feel like I'm free. Like right now. A sudden thought came to me, I have the chance to escape now, so why don't I? I got up from my position. But this can be risky. If I run right now, Miss Audrey can call the authorities and find me. However if get collected, after the ceremony, my husband-to-be will be responsible and the authorities won't do anything about it.

I turned to the young man. "Are you really going?" I said eager for this to go as I hope.

"Yeah." He said.

"What do you hope to get out of this?" I said, feeling like I'm doing an interrogation.

"Out of what?" He said, confused.

"I mean, by doing the duty to do something based on The Collection." He looked away as if thinking. I sensed as though he was hesitant about telling me anything. And I don't blame him. So I stated my question in another way. "Are you uncomfortable with The Collection?" He looked at me this time and responded.

"Yeah, why are you asking?" I took in a silent deep breath to answer, bracing myself for the outcome.

"Let's make a deal." I paused to let him process this. "Since both of us aren't liking the idea of The Collection, let's join and make a plan to end it." The silence was loud. Neither of us talking anymore, just staring at each other. For a moment my heart flickered, thinking that I wrecked everything, that I shouldn't have told him anything. But then, he began to say something.

"You hate it that much?" He said as my eyebrows drew itself close together.

"If you really think that I like the idea of being sold off and collected like a piece of trash to the noblemen then there's something wrong with you." How could he even think that? The young man chuckled.

"No, no that's not what I meant." He said. For once I wanted to act casual and be dramatic. I rested my hands on my hips and tilted my head to look at him.

"Then what did you mean?"

"Someone as beautiful as you might even get the chance to be collected by the duke. Don't you want that?" He said, his turn to tilt his head at me, eyebrows lifting in question mode.

"I don't want be collected by him most of all!" Anger rushed through me, anyone but the duke; I don't even want to be in his presence.

I looked back at the man to find him nodding in understanding. "Are you up for the danger though? You're taking a huge risk, you know that?" He said, sounding concerned and serious at the same time. I couldn't get the words out, so I nodded. He reached out a hand and smiled. "Deal."

The rest of the time was spent on making the plan as quick as possible for us to stick to without Miss Audrey finding anything suspicious about me taking my time. Finally with the plan set aside, for me to follow during The Collection, I stood up.
"Wait, we've planned everything and we've joined forces, but . . ."

"But?" He said, waiting curiously.

"I don't even know your name." I said, for some stupid reason, I felt shy for once. It's not how I wanted to say it, but if I am going to work with him, telling him my secret I've held for years, I have to trust him and I need to know his name.

"Ethan Hartley." He said. "And I already know your name." He said with a smirk.

"You do?" How could he know my name? We've only just met.

"The Collection had the list given out to the lords, well, and the duke. Just so they know who to expect." I stood there, stupidly, trying to take in the words. Strangers, out there have access to my personal information. Where did this world come to? Instead all I did was nod once slowly and silently. "Well, see you soon, Eden." Ethan said with that amazing grin and left into the darkness.

I head back into the restaurant. As soon as Miss Audrey saw me she gave out a huge sigh, I'm guessing it was a sigh of relief. "There you are!" She said as quickly as she came to me, hugging me tightly. "You had us worried! Where were you?" She had one of her eyebrows raised. She was definitely suspicious.

"I went to get some fresh air." I said with my most innocent look. Miss Audrey looked like she was about to give me a lecture but decided to forget it when she closed her mouth a second after.

"Yeah, well the bus was ready five minutes ago, come on all the girls are complaining." I followed after her, out the front door and hesitated before going inside the minibus. As I was finding an empty seat, I saw as some girls were glaring at me and the others wore a worried expression, trying to convince me to tell them if anything was wrong. I didn't give in of course. I was too absorbed in the plan, still hesitating. Ethan said that The Collection was near to here, so it won't take long for me to act.

Miss Audrey stood up from her seat and faced us. "Now girls are you ready?" she said, clapping her hands together near her chest. The girls gave rapid nods with smiles that nearly ripped open and were sliding their hand down their hair to adjust it. As each girl stood up, Miss Audrey gave them a quick hug and smile before they left out. When it was my turn to go, she looked at me with a pained expressed and guarded eyes that won't let me through her emotions. She hugged me awkwardly and I went out a second after.

After the girls came out the bus, Miss Audrey was in front, directing us the way. Miss Audrey stopped on her tracks and I saw that she was talking to two men, with blazers and black trousers. The men then stole a glance at us and nodded in approval. We went through a huge modern building, the most beautiful I've ever seen. It almost looks like the ones from famous literature where the action happens at the end, similar to my situation.

I looked back at the street before going inside, there was absolutely no one to be seen, there was no pavements, no car signals, no nothing, except an empty concrete street. It was almost frightening, to believe that I will take action for my plans starting from here. I look back forward to notice that the girls were way ahead of me, I ran to catch up, almost slipping from the extra piece of fabric at the back of my gown.

The men explained that we were behind the stage were we will be on the spot afterwards. They also mentioned that we won't be able to see the noblemen and duke but they will see us. My heart mastered the beat of drums. What are they even saying? Is that possible? It is now. A voice said at the back of my head. My mind replayed the moment when I and Ethan talked about our plans.

I wasn't alone. I had Ethan; he will also be watching me. And he expects me to be successful. And I will.
One by one the girls had gone through the maroon jacquard curtains and into the huge stage, (that's what I believe is behind the curtains, at least) and each time I either heard a scream, laughter or an applause. I have no idea what's happening, I have no idea how they are planning to be collected. But I hope it make it easier for me, and safer for the girls.

I look at Loa, she is no more as excited as she was previously, she is now shaking with fear after hearing that frightened scream of Delia's voice on stage. No girl that has been on stage, reappeared back. I don't know how the staff are making this work, but I already don't like it.

After every girl had their turn, only me, Loa and Ferlous is left. Ferlous and Loa were holding each other's hands, trembling together. Ferlous was on the verge of crying, I knew she didn't want to ruin her makeup, so she gave it all she had to banish the frightened feeling. I was frightened myself, but had to give it all I had, just as Ferlous, but to act brave and strong and unaffected. Of course I had to be like that. Because that was the plan I and Ethan ended up with.

For me to be collected by the duke himself.

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