New Girl- A Konoha High Schoo...

By anazing__gracie

90.7K 2.7K 1.5K

Tenten is the new girl at the most prestigious boarding school in Japan. She expects to absolutely hate it, b... More

Chapter 1- Arrival
Chapter 2- The New Girl
Chapter 3- Meet the Girls!
Chapter 4- Meet the Guys!
Chapter 5- Control Yourself, Hyuga
Chapter 6- Really?
Chapter 7- First Class Down!
Chapter 9- Strike!
Chapter 10- Strike! Part 2
Chapter 11- Soccer Time!
Chapter 12- Um, Sasuke?
Chapter 13- Sasuke's Dream
Chapter 14- Neji's a Girl Now
Chapter 15- Friday Plans
Chapter 16- The Most Dangerous Game
Chapter 17- Spy Time
Chapter 18- The Date
Chapter 19- Run
Chapter 20- Shopping!
Chapter 21- Karaoke!
Chapter 22- Road to Suna
Chapter 23- Game Time
Chapter 24- Shikamaru the Matchmaker
Chapter 25- The Dance
Chapter 26- Reflection
Chapter 27- Winter Wonderland
Chapter 28- Christmas Eve
Chapter 29- Tenten's Story
Chapter 30- Merry Christmas

Chapter 8- The Day Continues

3K 86 95
By anazing__gracie

Tenten's POV

So for the most part, my first class at Konoha High was a success! Granted, I didn't do anything....

Sakura showed me to my next two classes. The second period we shared together was Calculus, which honestly? It beats me as to how I ended up in that class. Math was always my easiest subject (just one straight forward answer, with no convoluted solutions or context, perfect). But this was way harder than a normal math class.

I walked out of Calculus with Sakura, Shikamaru, and Neji, who were all in the class.

"So... you're telling me that you completely understood what Asuma-sensei was saying, and you weren't confused?" I asked them. "Are you like, wizards or something?"

This earned me a chuckle from Sakura and Neji, and I don't think Shikamaru was paying attention.

"Well, it can be hard at first." Sakura said. "If you need help, I'm happy to tutor you."

I sighed. "Thanks, but I'll get it eventually." I was NOT ready to give up my pride that easily by asking for help.

"Okay Tenten, biology is down that way, but I have to turn here." Sakura said as she waved goodbye.

I waved back, and I noticed that I was still walking with Neji as I changed direction.

"Are you in biology too?" I asked him.

"Hn." He responded.

"Why is he always so cold and stony?"

"Because I don't feel like talking." He answered

"Shoot, did I just say that out loud?"

"Yes. You did."

Shoot. I did it again. Yeesh. That was awkward. I'm seriously gonna have to watch what comes out of my mouth. He could have been a little nicer though, jeez.

We didn't talk for the rest of the walk to biology. I spent the whole time trying to recover from my awkwardness.

In the biology room, I took a seat next to Neji, since I didn't recognize anybody else in the class yet. We both just sat there not talking to each other, and I gotta say I can't take a silence for too long. Luckily, Naruto and Sasuke walked in, and Naruto always raises the decibels in any room by at least 50.

"Heyyyy! What's up guys! Been a while!" He waved to me and Neji and then he and Sasuke occupied the seats in front of us.

I mean, it's been like, an hour, but okay.

When Jiraiya-sensei walked in, he made me do the classic intro to the class like usual, but luckily I was getting better at it now that I had already done it a few times today.

As I listened to Jiraiya lecture, I noticed that Sakura was right about the pervy thing, he seemed to only call out the girls, and his descriptions were kind of gross... I shuddered at the thought of this crusty old dude spying.

"Are you okay?" Neji asked me as another thought ran through my head. It seems I had made a vocal rejection accidentally.

"Oh... ya." I kind of chuckled. "I'm fine."

"Oh. Good."

Did he... actually care about how I felt? Huh.

After class was over, me and the guys made our way down to lunch to meet up with everyone else.

"Ugh. Finally!" Naruto said, holding his stomach. "I'm so hungry I could eat a cow! Actually, that sounds really good right now...."

When we finally acquired the goods (a.k.a. our lunch), I sat next to Hinata, who had met up with us on the way.

"So, how has your first day been s-so far?" She asked.

"Alright. Math seems like it's gonna be rough this year, and I'm not sure that I like my bio teacher too much..."

"What? You don't like Jiraiya-sensei?" Naruto exclaimed, appalled. The girls just shuddered.


"Ya, noooo."

"I don't think so...."

"No. Definitely not."

"Hmph." Naruto looked back down to his ramen, seemingly defeated.

Sakura tried to start up a conversation with Sasuke, but he didn't seem to be receiving it well.

"So, how has your day been so far, Sasuke?"


"So..... good?"


I grimaced. Jeez, I guess we have two stony ones in the group.

Shikamaru seemed to be half asleep, Neji was still stiff, and Naruto seemed to be the only one engaged in conversation. He was talking enthusiastically about ramen to a very red-in-the-face Hinata.

I decided to try and crack open one of the ice boxes.

"So Neji. Tell me about yourself."

"Like, what."

"Oh I don't know..." I said while twirling my fork in the air. "What do you do like, for fun?"

"I read sometimes."

"Oh well that's not super fun..."

And with that, the bell rang, and I was off to history with Hinata, Sakura, Ino, and Naruto.

-one hour later-

"Finally!" I exclaimed as I walked out of the classroom. "A completely normal class with no weird or creepy teachers and no impossible lessons. I can get on board with that!"

Hinata smiled. "Ya, Kurenai-sensei is a really good teacher, and she's very nice too."

Sakura let out a scary laugh. "Haha. You just wait... We have P.E. with Gai-sensei next..."

I gulped at her somewhat ominous warning.


"ALRIGHT CLASS!" Yelled a tall man with bushy eyebrows and a green spandex suit. "DO TEN WARM UP LAPS AROUND THE GYM, AND LET THE FLAMING POWER OF YOUTH PROPELLLL YOU!" We were now all in our white and green P.E. uniforms, in a circle around the coach.

"YES. GAI-SENSEI!" Exclaimed a literal carbon-copy of the coach. He saluted Gai-sensei and immediately began. Several people snickered.

"Who's that?" I asked Sakura as we both started our laps.

"Oh, that's Lee. He tried to go out with me freshman year..." She shuddered at this. "But he's nice though, just kind of, enthusiastic."

The ten laps went by a lot quicker than I expected, and soon we were circling Gai again.

"ALRIGHT CLASS!" He yelled.

"We're right here sensei!" Said one of the kids in the back.


It got no quieter.


I got slightly pumped at this statement. I love dodge ball. It is one of my many talents. On top of that, I was hyped to kick some guys' asses. Particularly one stony white-eyed boy.

It didn't seem like the girls' side had an extremely high willingness to participate. However, Ino, Sakura, and I (Hinata didn't take P.E. with us), made a pact with each other.

"Okay guys, whoever gets Naruto, Sasuke, or Neji wins 10 bucks from the other two." Ino offered. (Shikamaru was also not in our P.E. class).

Sakura and I immediately agreed. Each of us had sneaky grins on our faces, determined to win.


And with that, the game began.

I immediately picked up a ball, and the stony white-eyed boy did the same. I didn't dare take my eyes off of him.

I am going to hit you so hard.....

I felt a thud on my face.


"Hey! Face shots don't count!" I yelled back to Neji as I rubbed the red mark on my cheek. He simply shrugged.

Ok you jerk, I'm gonna hit you where it hurts now.

I wound up, and aimed the ball, and then I felt the wind knock out of me.


I didn't even see it coming. I thought as I keeled over and clutched my stomach. I walked over to the bleachers with the other losers.

Damn that mother******* piece of **** I could just ******* up in your *********************** (The list goes on).

He just smirked.

I proceeded to spectate as my friends played. Ino got out shortly after me, and Sakura won the bet when she got Naruto out.

"Hey, Naruto! Hinata naked!"

"Huh, what???? Owwwwwww."

That's about the point when Sakura hit him in the side, but the loud proclamation of pain actually came because Neji punched him in the stomach for turning at the idea of his cousin naked.

"HEY! NO FRIENDLY FIRE!" Guy-sensei yelled. Everyone else just laughed at the scene.

Ino and I applauded Sakura's win as she curtsied, although we were a little disappointed about our loss of $10 each.

Sakura soon joined us on the bleachers though, muttering to herself and clenching her fists. "That cold hearted son of a..." (She got out to Sasuke, who eventually won the whole game for the guys team).

Ino rubbed Sakura's back in condolence. "It's okay Sakura, maybe one day you'll get to hit him in the ass instead of the other way around..."

Ino earned a slap for that comment.

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