Gaze into the Future [ My Her...

EvoJaden द्वारा

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[ This book will Follow the story but things will become altered as time goes won't truly effect the story un... अधिक

Forms [ Limited Time ]
Kagura Jaden
Chapter 1 part 1: The Beginning
Chapter 1 Part 2: Kamen Rider.........
Chapter 1 Finale: IWAE! THE KING!
Chapter 2: Past and Future
Chapter 3: Building the stage
Chapter 4: November 2017
Chapter 5: Reliving the past
Chapter 5 part 2: Build Finale! Be The One!
Chapter 6: The Unbeattable game
Chapter 7: Promises
Chapter 8: The man behind it all
Chapter 9: Two plans

Chapter 10: Don't let fear hold you down

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EvoJaden द्वारा

" Will he be alright? " Kagura asked Geiz frantically as the time traveler simply glanced at Kagura from across the room " He'll be fine, he just won't be able to walk " he replied which Tsukuyomi found the way he spoke insensitive " Vernage can heal him though, right? She healed me back then and Nathan, he can walk again " Kagura grabbed Geiz's arms which the taller male had no reaction nor physical reaction. Soon however a red mist ejected from Kagura's body onto his couch revealing Evolto in his Blood Stalk armor " Kid, I'm afraid Vernage can do anything in the current moment. " He said as he sat there on the couch. He been silent for such a long while and the fact he chose now to come out made even Geiz question if he truly cared about the others " Nathan wasn't just struck by some stray attack...I know exactly what his attacker's what my brother utilized when toying with different races of lot would call it a toxin, however it's a magic that attacks the nervous system starting with the lower spine down " Evolto tried explaining " How do we stop it? " Tsukuyomi asked as she stood up from her seat and planted her hands on the table across from Evolto who simply starred at her " If I had my full power I could've gotten rid of it alongside the toxin in Kagura's body. As of now there is no stopping it, only delaying it. You want something to get rid of it and that's impossible at this point unless I can gain my powers back. However if you can destroy the person who inflicted the damage then the magic will cease to spread but still exist in the body leaving whatever damage it caused to remain. " Evolto stretched himself out on the couch. " Then....he's stuck like that forever..."Kagura looked down before Geiz shot a sharp question towards Evolto " If you know so much then how come you haven't been doing a single thing to stop any of this?! "Geiz was about to grab his collar only for Evolto to slap his hand away " I would've only gotten in the way and died, ultimately letting Kagura die. Without my fully strength I can't fight any of the creatures you combat, unless we can somehow find Pandora's box from Mars, we're not getting any where " Evolto sighed in which Kagura looked to the side " space huh...." he shook his head while Tsukuyomi fell back into her seat. " If theres nothing we can do now, then we might as well deal with this Another Rider before he gets more powerful..."Tsukuyomi said just as Saiko entered the Takeyama's home, he was already told of her and met her not to long after he and Geiz has their mini pep. Although she didn't know Nathan nor of his current situation " But before we do anything, its best we retrieve Itsuka Kendo, she was the only female libra attending the U.A. We'll have to protect her since Nathan's out of commission for now" Geiz informed the other two just as Saiko asked " Nathan? " she raised a brow as Kagura replied " He's a good friend of ours, a Kamen Rider like us too " He said whole Geiz walked to the door " I see, I'd like to share what I've found regarding the situation " Saiko told the group which Tsukuyomi eyed Geiz " you forget you can just call me on the faizphone, I'll be quick, and I'll try avoid combat if I can. " Geiz told Tsukuyomi before walking out the door, closing it behind him. He took a watch off a slot on his right arm and tossed it towards the street creating a motorcycle which he used to drive to the hospital keeping Nathan.

Kagura sat beside Evolto who simply patted his head " What have you found out? " He asked Saiko as she sat in a chair beside the sofa. " So far I've looked into the disappearance of all these females, most date back to the 2011, then onwards to today. Itsuka Kendo, I overheard you lot talking about her; she was one the of female high schoolers under the horoscope- Libra. Although she's out of three female libras still in Japan. " Saiko spoke which Tsukuyomi nodded " Geiz is on his way to retrieve Itsuka as we speak. " Tsukuyomi informed her allowing Saiko to continue " That leaves the two others, both attend the Amanogawa High School. I heard the school exceeds very well with it's studies in the field of astronomy-" " Astronomy? You mean space right? " Kagura asked in which Saiko nodded which this slightly peaked Evolto's interest " Seems a teacher there is very experienced in the field as well, says he's part time worker with.....NASA?! " Saiko jumped and Tsukuyomi fell out her chair l HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?! " She replied which Kagura looked between them " Whats NASA? " he asked innocently which Evolto,Tsukuyomi, and Saiko starred at him before all of them fell out their seats. The next few minutes Saiko explained to Kagura about NASA and their intentions/goals. After understanding the simple terms he just nodded, somewhat understanding the gist. " I see...." Kagura nodded not fully understanding but getting the idea, Saiko continued " Fancy this; they have their own Kamen Rider fan club, and have one who can survive in the vacuum of space-" " HE CAN GET TO MARS! " Kagura placed his hands on the table and Evolto looked at him " you really want me to help your friend don't you..."he sighed " That, and if you can get your strength back, then you can help us fight! And prove to Geiz that your not as bad as he thinks " Kagura looked at him to which Evolto chuckled " I see, hm, I guess fighting for a good case could be interesting " he murmured before Tsukuyomi stood up " In any case, we should head to the school tomorrow, chances are their clubs are finished by now. " She said which the others nodded.

Geiz arrived at his destination, parking his bike before heading inside the hospital housing Nathan. Somehow he slipped past the staff, gaining the knowledge of the room where the Quiz master was kept in. Entering the room, he quietly closed he door before turning to see Nathan in the bed, unresponsive, essentially lifeless, in a state of shock almost. By his bed side was Kendo and Tomoko Shiretoko aka Ragdoll. " So it was worse than the tablet described.." Geiz spoke gaining both females attention which Tomoko smiled " Your a friend of his! " she said happily which Kendo blinked " " she questioned " Ragdoll...what exactly is your get up? " Geiz asked, even if he was from a future where quirks were scarce, he did do his research of them ever since the crisis with Another Build. " It's a little complicated but just know I can see and monitor people from anywhere " Tomoko smiled and Geiz simply furrowed his eyebrows before hearing Sakuta beside him speak " It means she already knew who you were and knew you were coming " He had his arms crossed as he looked at Geiz. " Sakuta don't dog him " Tomoko giggled as Geiz simply asked " Were you the one's Jirou said brought him in? " He cut you the chase " Yeah..."Kendo nodded, remembering that she did bump into a class 1-A student who knew Nathan when bringing him to the hospital, it was Jirou it's just Kendo didn't know her name til Geiz mentioned it, she knew the girl texted someone but she didn't think Geiz would've been that person; which she was right but unknowingly to her Jirou texted Kagura but in Kendo's eyes she could've texted anyone. " Alright makes the job easier " Geiz unfolded his arms which Ragdoll nodded as she knew why Geiz was here as well as the situation due to her quirk, amongst her daily scouting of people she stumbled upon Geiz and learned of kidnappings of female libras in high schools it was how she found Kendo when Another Fourze attacked. " I trust you'll protect her? " Ragdoll asked which Geiz only assumed she knew more due to her quirk which he just nodded " Thats the plan, no offense but you heroes couldn't deal with what's out there currently, your not equipped to.." Upon saying that Kendo looked in between them confused " Kendo, this man while be protecting you from that monster, trust me he has experience with those types " Ragdoll told and assured Kendo. " Can I trust him though? " Kendo whispered to Ragdoll before Sakuta answered " Probably not but if Ragdoll says he's that boy's friend, then you got no choice. " Sakuta sighed and Kendo just stood up as Geiz turned around " Let's get a move on it before that thing shows up unwanted " Geiz told Kendo as he left the room which she quickly followed after him " Don't you think I should at least tell my parents here I am? " she called after him " Don't worry, a friend of mine has that part under control, let's just say she has the power to alter some memories and knock them out for a bit " Geiz said causally " YOU BETTER NOT HAVE OF HURT THEM! " Kendo gritted her teeth " They're fine! Calm down" he rolled his eyes

Kagura was sitting on a shirt brink wall, swinging his feet. Geiz leaned against it while Tsukuyomi waited patiently. " So, your from class 1-B? I didn't know there were two classes for the Hero course " Kagura looked down at Kendo who stood by his legs, she gave him a friendly smile as she believed he was younger than her and more friendly than Geiz. " Yep. " she nodded. " What's it like? " Kagura asked curiously " kinda like Class 1-A but much harder since we live in their shadow, but I bargain out teacher is little more harsher, ever heard of Vlad King? " she asked which Kagura thought for a bit before nodding quickly " Yeah! I fought beside him when a monster attacked the U.A., you probably didn't hear about it since it happened after classes were let out and since the school promised to keep quiet about it " Kagura soon covered his mouth before Kendo waved her hand " Don't worry I won't tell anyone about it, I'm sure it's been handled. Anyways, he's our home room teacher, he's really motivational but sometimes overbearing. " Geiz eyed the two he was slightly glad Kagura was finally getting out his social bubble. " Really? I thought he'd be scary! His quirk is powerful and he's really really strong! " Kagura spoke in such a childish way that Kendo couldn't help but find it adorable. " No no, he isn't scary at all. " She replied. Tsukuyomi looked at the two and said " You two seem awfully chatty " She commented " Hey! I just wanna know more about the U.A. I wanna make sure that Onee-Chan is attending a school that isn't too crazy! " Kagura flailed his arms about to which Kendo raised her brow " Your sister attends the U.A.?" She asked before Kagura clarified " we'll we're not blood related I just call her that, she's in class 1-A, Kyoka Jirou. " he replied to which Kendo blinked " Her? I briefly met her yesterday after taking your other friend to the hospital " she said " we didn't really talk much since she was in a hurry. " Kendo rubbed her arm " probably some music gig, we used to attend shows together, she always is busy with music. " Kagura replied " I should've asked about it. " he muttered as he remembered she blew his phone up during school and he lied telling her he was alright yesterday and that Tsuyu had family business he was helping her with. He yet to tell Jirou about what truly happened as to not distract her and even had Tsuyu promise not say anything. Kendo were to say something else on the matter but soon the group heard the voice of Jirou herself " Bro! " she smiled waving as Kagura jumped off the wall and smiled. Jirou stood in front of him as he said " thanks for taking the day off from school, I'm sorry I asked you on short notice " he rubbed the back of his head " Isn't much of a problem, besides we're time traveling we can always go back and fix it right? " Jirou grinned " Umu! " Kagura nodded. " Oh hey, your the chick from yesterday " Jirou eyed Kendo who gave a slight wave " Yeah, fancy meeting you here " Kendo replied. " Shes from class 1-B! I don't know what her quirk is yet but her class is run by Vlad King! Freaking Vlad! It's amaz-" " Whoa! Whoa! Down buster! " Jirou blinked as she patted Kagura's as he was getting a little too excited, this made Kendo laugh just slightly " I'll introduce myself, Kendo Itsuka " she said which Jirou replied " Jirou Kyoka " the two introduced themselves before Jirou asked " So, Another Rider? " she asked and Kagura nodded " We think at least, I figured it had to be. It has a pattern or at least a target, like Another Build and Another Ex-Aid. " Kagura said in which Jirou narrowed her eyes and began thinking " If I remember correctly, Another Build secretly attacked people with specialities in a certain field. " Jirou looked at Geiz who nodded " We we're too slow to catch onto it, probably why he was so strong " he said. " And Another Ex-Aid was targeting younger males with similar organs to his son. " Tsukuyomi chimed in as Jirou nodded " This Another Rider is targeting female high schoolers under the horoscope: Libra " Kagura finished " Unfortunate for me " Kendo moped a little which Jirou eyed her understanding what she meant " hey, don't worry, these guys are experts with this Another Rider gig, trust me your in safe hands " Jirou have a thumbs up as Kagura gave a peace sign beside her " Oh! Kyoka, I just remembered, this is for you " Jirou looked at Tsukuyomi who held a fairphone X out towards her " Since you've been helping out, I wanted you to have it in case you came across Another Rider alone " she said which Jirou took the phone/weapon inspecting it before putting it in her pocket " Thanks " she didn't need to ask how to use it as she noticed the number inputs in the top screen with labels for its different modes before putting the phone in her pocket. " Where is this girl..."Geiz muttered as the group was truly waiting on Saiko to show up. " Ahem! Try being more patient bad blood! " Saiko hissed from beside Geiz making him jump back a bit from the suddenly startle " Oh? The big bad wolf afraid of little red riding hood? Classic " Saiko laughed smugly before presenting a bad " umu? What's that? " Kagura asked in which Saiko proudly announced " Our disguises! I developed a plan thanks my unchallenged quirk. If we want to gain answers we'll need to go undercover as students of Amanogawa! We'll group in pairs and ask around the school if anyone knows a female libra. There are two so it shouldn't be too hard to narrow down but it may take the entire day " She fixed her monocle. " Oh! That's a great plan! " Kagura clapped his hands which Kendo and Jirou eyed one another " Is it me? " " or does she seem TOO confident about her quirk? " Kendo finished Jirou's sentence before Saiko laughed aloud at Kagura's delightful praise to her and her quirk. " Yeah...she's definitely too confident " Tsukuyomi gave a disgusted face. " Kagura? Hm no, you deserve a nickname! Hmm-" " Just call him king or prince that's what he's aiming for" Geiz scoffed while trying not to gag at Saiko's smugness. " Fine, Prince will do for now. " Saiko sighed softly " Well enough wasting time! We must quickly operate! " Saiko opened the bag and each person took a uniform of Amanogawa High.

Over the next two hours the group had split up in teams of two: Geiz and Saiko, Tsukuyomi and Jirou, Kendo and Kagura; their objective was simply as Saiko planned out, ask around the school grounds if anyone knew any female libras. Geiz and Saiko weren't very ' progressive ' as Geiz's brooding face was rather intimidating to the males and females around campus. Tsukuyomi and Jirou made little progress as most males tried hitting on them. Kendo and Kagura made somewhat progress as being given certain locations to check around the campus but even still no luck.

" Seems like no one knows anything " Kagura sighed as he slouched against a wall before sitting on the floor in a hall. Jirou held a of box pocky towards him watching him take one " It is the beginning of the school year, not surprised. " Jirou replied as she offered the box to the others. Geiz lifted his hand while his arms were folded signaling he didn't want one, Kendo and Saiko both took one as well as Tsukuyom. " In any event, we should keep searching " Kendo pointed out but Saiko sighed " but that may take awhile to find anything. " Geiz then came up with an idea " Why not hack the school's computer? " he suggested before Kagura eyed him " I have a better proposition..." he said gaining everyone's stare "...Onee-Chan remember when I fell asleep in the eighth a flight of stairs? " Kagura asked Jirou who slowly exhaled " Don't tell me your going to do what I think your about to.."she placed a hand over her face which Kagura immediately jumped up " bingo! " he lunged for Geiz who instinctively dodged, and surprisingly he was by a staircase which Kagura fell down the entire flight groaning as he reached the bottom "....Christ Kagura!" Jirou rushed down the stairs with Kendo. " Is he alright? " Kendo asked Jirou who watched Kagura rub his back. " Right now...hell no, but it's part of his plan- Geiz get the nurse.." Jirou eyed Geiz whom simply sighed with a hint of groan, leaving to get the school's nurse with Tsukuyomi.

Bursting into the nurses office both of them acted as if truly concerned (which they were really trying to hold back their faces of disappointment that Kagura did something so ridiculous) Tsukuyomi panted as she exclaimed " Our friend fell down the stairs! He needs help! " she said which the nurse quickly made no haste heading towards the schools stairwell which luckily for Geiz and Tsukuyomi was far from the office. Geiz quickly went to the computer behind the desk in the room  while Tsukuyomi kept watch " I have to give it to Zi-O, that was some stunt " he murmured as he typed away at the computer, pulling up the student files and scrolling through several list before finding what they were looking for, except it wasn't what he was expecting. " Tsukuyomi, there's only one libra left in the schools data " he said which Tsukuyomi glanced at him and came around the desk to look at the monitor to see the name ' Yamabuki Karin '. She looked at Geiz who only nodded in return before the two left the room.

" Be more careful next time " the nurse told Kagura who only nodded while rubbing his back " I will " He smiled a little while Jirou pinched the bridge of her nose. " He's such a handful..." she muttered but Kendo simply put a hand in her shoulder " Don't worry too much, besides he created a distraction...even if it wasn't the best way " she said and Jirou just gave a small quiet pout " why can't he be normal for a day " she murmured. Saiko noticed Geiz and Tsukuyomi walking over just as the nurse left. " Any luck? " she asked to which Geiz nodded " Yeah, there's only one libra left; Yamabuki Karin..." he spoke in which the group starred at him slightly fearful that they were too late and just to add to the fear they soon heard a faint scream coming from outside. Rushing to the windows they saw a girl, an Amanogawa student, falling from a building. Kagura's eyes widened before his quirk acted on its own, showing him a past through someone else's eyes;

" Yamabuki...Karin " a deep masculine voice spoke as he approached a Amanogawa student upon a rooftop. She turned his way only to feel his strong grip grasp her neck and pressed her against the edge of the roof, she struggled a little to break free upon looking over the edge " Farewell..." he dropped her off the side of the roof.....

Kagura held his head slightly as he stumbled back, Jirou and Kendo both catching him before he fell " Kagura, what did you see? " Jirou asked as she was accustomed to his quirk randomly working. " That was Yamabuki who just fell off the roof.."he exhaled which Geiz eyed him with a shocked expression before quickly running down the hall. " Geiz wait up! " Tsukuyomi called as she gave chase after him. " Mush you lot! There's no time to spare! " Saiko ordered the remaining three that got left behind as she followed Tsukuyomi and Geiz. " We can't catch a break " Kendo muttered as she helped up Kagura before the three made their way to the scene.

Upon reaching the area of where Karin's body should've been, the group found something else waiting for them instead. Another Fourze was holding Karin by the shoulders. " Hey! Get away from the girl! " Geiz shouted gaining Karin and Another Fourze's attention. Another Fourze let go of Karin and began to approach them " Zi-O! " " I know.." Kagura and Geiz held their Ziku Drivers. Kendo was about to take a battle stance before Tsukuyomi put a hand in front of her delivered a message  along the lines of ' they'll handle it '. Geiz and Kagura placed on their drivers before acting their watches:




They placed their watches into the drivers creating their clocks behind them. ' Are they just like Sakuta? ' Kendo thought herself. Another a Fourze was taken by surprised watching this. " Henshin! "


Kamen Rider~

Kamen Ri~der



Kagura and Geiz rushed forward, Another Fourze quickly getting to the defensive but was slightly slower than he anticipated, suddenly being punched by Kagura twice before Geiz moved forward and kicked him back into a wall. " Don't....interfere! " Another Fourze head butted Kagura making him stumble back " Zi-O get it together! " Geiz shouted at him as he caught Another Fourze's fist and gut punched him, bringing him to a knee " Sorry sorry! " Kagura replied before punt kicking Another Fourze onto his back.

Kendo watched the battle asked Jirou " Is Takeyama accustomed to fighting? " she asked and Jirou shook her head " No, but entirely, he's more of a head first type person, intellect who's also a slight pacifist. " Jirou replied as the continued spectating the battle.

Geiz blocked several punches from Another Fourze before elbowing him in the chest. " Take this! " Kagura went for a jumping punch. Another Fourze went for a kick with his right leg:

(Chainsaw On)

A chainsaw blade appeared on the front of his right leg, knocking Kagura into a wall. Kagura hit the wall and fell, knocking off his Build watch from his right arm. Geiz noticed this and picked it up. " Enough messing around...." he activated the watch quickly:


Inserting it into his belt he kicked Another Fourze back. " Hey! That one was mine!....ugh! Whatever ..." Kagura muttered before standing up and watching Geiz. Geiz spun his driver back into place.


Best match!


Geiz thrusted his drill forward just as Another Fourze went for another chainsaw kick, parrying the monsters attack allowing Geiz to spin kick him in the head, knocking him back down. " Your finished..." he pressed his two watches before spinning his driver:




Two dashed lines held Another Fourze in place as Geiz jumped into the air right above where the lines began, he kicked his right foot forward and rode the lines which curved down towards Another Fourze. A red and blue energy coated his foot as he drove it int Another Fourze's chest knocking him into a wall. Another Fourze struggled to walk forward but soon Karin grabbed him by the arms trying to get him to stop moving, he tried to move her aside but couldn't as if something were holding him back. Geiz was confused of what was going on but noticed the number ' 2011 ' on the arm of Another Fourze. The monster soon tossed Karin aside before summing the missile launcher onto his foot and shooting muddled down at the ground in front of him masking his escape.

As the smoke settlers both Geiz and Kagura noticed the monster was gone and soon Karin remained in front of them " Yamabuki Karin! " Kagura went to greet her but she immediately looked at him and backed away before running down an alley " W-Wait! " he was about to run after her and Geiz to follow but both of them were cut off by two younger boys, both Amanogawa high school students. " Real Kamen Riders! " the chubby male smiled as the the shorter scrawny, nerd looking one nodded " There the real deal. " the two males had begun to forcibly perform a secret handshake with Geiz and Kagura who didn't seem to know how to react

" Um...who are you? " Kagura tilted his head to the side softly which the chubby male replied " Daita Kondou " he grinned

" And I'm Chikao Nezu " The nerdier male answered while adjusting his glasses, looking up at Kagura and Geiz.

Kagura and Geiz canceled their transformations and starred at them " You said, ' real Kamen Riders ' what exactly were you implying? " Geiz narrowed his eyes at the two which they only proudly smiled, Daita speaking " Well you see, around here Kamen Riders are urban legends, and now that we've finally met two! We gotta bring you to our club! " He said and Chikao nodded " Yeah, follow us! " they turned to lead the way which Geiz rolled his eyes over something this trivial but Tsukuyomi spoke " Maybe you two can find something related to the Another Rider with them...the girls and I will try and talk to Karin if we find her " she said motioning Jirou and Kendo to follow " Good Luck bro " Jirou waved as the three girls made their way in the direction Karin went. Geiz grumbled before pressing the Build watch against Kagura's chest allowing the boy to take it back as he watched Geiz wall ahead. He smiled to himself before following after quickly. Although soon time froze and Kagura found Woz lurking behind him " Waga Maou, apologies for the intrusion, but I have discovered the false riders basis. " Woz spoke " oh? Who who?! " Kagura asked quickly " Kamen Rider Fourze " he replied which Kagura blinked softly before nodding " Alright makes the job easier, I just have to figure out what timeline Kamen Rider Fourze is from, I'm sure Geiz and Tsukuyomi know " he smiled up to Woz " I'm positive they do I shall leave you be n-" " Wait, Woz actually I needed you to confirm a theory of mine " Kagura quickly proposed which Woz delightfully nodded allowing his future King to speak " This Another Rider, does it have a connection to the disappearing female libras? " he asked Woz watching the mysterious man open his book and stare at it " Yes, Another Fourze is the cause of these disappearances. " replied Woz. " Which means the Time Jackers are behind it after all..."Kagura looked to the side " That I'm not too sure of that, my information at this time is...clouded " Woz narrowed his eyes " however I can offer one hint....' Ryūsei ' {Shooting Star} "Woz closed his book as time resumed with him vanishing. "Ryū...sei?..." Kagura looked to the side before noticing Geiz and the other two males up ahead and quickly running after them.

" Welcome to our club! " Daita and Chikao spoke in unison with their arms raised. The club room was relatively small, and it showed that there wasn't any other members attending besides Daita and Chikao, both Geiz and Kagura though the same thing ' this is sad..' upon noticing the banner ' Kamen Rider club ' strung across the back wall by bulletin with several pictures. " What exactly do you here? " Geiz asked still a little impatient. " Obvious question; we investigate the urban legends about the Kamen Riders! " Chikao answered all the while Kagura couldn't help but take a closer glance at the bulletin board seeing many more people involved in this so called club, but he soon noticed a picture of Ryusei Sakuta. Geiz looked over to where Kagura was starring and said " I've seen him before...he was with the pro hero Ragdoll..." Geiz spoke freely before Daita noticed the picture peaking both their interest " Thats Ryusei, he was one of the original members about seven years ago " he said which Kagura blinked ' Ryusei ' he thought himself believing Sakuta may be a clue to this Another Rider while Geiz took in a different clue, he remembered seeing the number ' 2011 ' but now realized that seven years ago, it was 2011!

Soon the door to the club opened and an older professor entered the room, soon seeing Geiz and Kagura " Oh new members eh? That's nice I was a little worried Daita and Chikao would be here alone " He chuckled bride Chikao quickly informed him of the news " Mr.Osugi! These guys are Kamen Riders! " He smiled " Yeah yeah! The real deal! " Daita added before Mr.Osugi inspected the two boys closer " Kamen Riders eh? " Osugi rubbed his chin before starring at Geiz's arm seeing the Drive and Geiz watches " OH! OH!!! " he began freaking out pointing at Geiz's watches which Geiz began to blink several times and Kagura looked between the two. Osugi quickly turned around, digging into his pockets until he found a key and opened an old keepsake box atop a file cabinet. He picked up an object before grinning back to Geiz and Kagura and presenting what was easily identified as the Fourze watch

Kagura gladly took it and smiled happily while Geiz narrowed " Where'd get that? " He asked with hostility but Osugi waved his hand and explained " about two years ago, one of my co-workers, a younger teacher now, had gave me that watch, saying ' someone awesome is going to show up someday, and when they do, give them that! ' " he preformed a somewhat' cool ' gesture a younger male would do by taking his fist and pounded his chest as he spoke the quotation. " or something along those lines " he shrugged before continuing " Unfortunately he wasn't here to give that to you himself, he went off to find the missing girls about two years ago and never came back.." he looked off into the infinite space of nothingness.  " Z......Kagura, let's get moving..." Geiz told Kagura who nodded " Yeah " the two began to leave the room, however Kagura did wave back at the three as he left.

The two males ran outside to summon their Time Majins, however just before they could, they were knocked back an explosion caused by a beam that struck not too far ahead of them. Slowly getting back to their feet they saw Gentoku walking from the side, before stopping in front of them. " Zi-O.....your an irritation to track down...." He spoke before Kagura's eyes widened and he froze up, the memories in which Evolto and Vernage thought they erased soon flooding back into his head, the pictures, the images, the scene of when Gentoku murdered Sento and Banjou in front of him. He could remember the sense of blood splattering across his face with the gushing wounds bolstered by both men. " What's wrong.....scared? " Gentoku slowly smirked before holding up his left hand, it wasn't natural, but metal with a purplish gas seeping through its. " Kagura! " Geiz looked at Kagura who was muttering, panicking while scouting away from Gentoku " What did you do to him?! " Geiz glared at the man in front of him " Simply gave him a taste of what I am to do to him....with a fear toxin...." Gently replied before holding a black watch " Your not laying a finger on him..."



Geiz placed his watch into his driver and slanted it. Gentoku smirked slightly more, with a crazed look as he pressed his black watch causing it to glow purple " Jokestu..." he spoke " Henshin! "



Geiz lunged for Gentoku whom transformed into his monster form, and easily dodged his punch before kicking Geiz in the back. Geiz stumbled forward just a bit before attempting to go for an elbow but that also was easily counter which prompted Gentoku to push his elbow dodge smash his head into Geiz shattering his helmet easily, causing Geiz to fall off balance but Gentoku's grabbed him by his collar " I was thinking of being generous and sparring you've irritated me....and irritations aren't need one this world..." he raised his right arm as blade formed " The Time Jackers will give me what I want....I just need you and Zi-Ob out the picture..." he soon went to thrust them blade into Geiz's throat but his arm was grabbed by someone new, to him at least " really know how to piss an old man off..." the voice of Evolto was heard and looking to the side Gentoku was shocked seeing his new form

" Yo " Evolto chuckled before kicking Gentoku away, quickly grabbing Geiz setting him down with ease. " it doesn't make a difference of your here or not...I'll crush all three of you! " he shouted " Count again thick skull! " Gentoku slowly looked behind him to see someone, another male with Sakuta and Ragdoll beside him.

" Attempting to hurt a child?! That's low even for a villain! " the man shouted as he pointed at Gentoku. Gentoku turned fully and starred at him " and who do you think you are to make me obey the rules? " Gentoku growled before Evolto laughed slightly hearing the answer " Names Gentaro Kisaragi- the Kamen Rider who breaks limits, and the rules! " The male,Gentaro smirked as Sakuta rolled his eyes but Ragdoll clapped. Geiz panted softly before noticing the Fourze watch on the ground and quickly grabbing it. " Your just a man who's in over his head..."Gentoku replied " We already sapped away your rider powers and your memories in 2011! " Gentoku laughed with a hint of nervousness in his voice. " Nah, you only took part of my powers! My memories never left! They exist in all my friends and in me! You can't take that! " Gentaro replied before Geiz looked at Kagura still frightened before starring at Gentaro and throwing the Fourze watch towards him. Gentaro caught watch before looking back towards Geiz who didn't return the stare but said "....that's part of your powers that your missing....the kid can't use it to fight so might as well make use of it..." Geiz held his arm before Evolto clapped his hand " Finally putting friends first " Evolto said happily before watching Gentoku charge towards Gentaro trying to stop him but Evolto quickly vanished and reappeared in front of Gentoku kicking him back " I don't think so ..."

Gentaro looked at the watch in his hands before gaining a flash of a memory and smiling " I see " he looked back at Geiz " Thanks bro! I'll return it soon! " he pressed the watches button and a driver appeared around his waist while the watch vanished. Tomoko, or Ragdoll watched this in excitement. Sakuta rolled his eyes placed his driver on " Are you two doing it finally?! " She asked happily and Gentaro nodded " For old times sake, we gotta " Gentaro replied " Don't be obnoxious...your a bad influence on Shiretoko.."Sakuta sighed " Hey don't blame me for your girl loving my personality " Gentaro replied before flipping the four switches on his driver while Sakuta pulled a switch on his driver;


3! 2! 1!

" Henshin! " " Henshin!...."

Gentaro transformed into Kamen Rider Fourze while Sakuta transformed into Kamen Rider Meteor. Gentaro hunched over and Tomoko began bouncing before they both raised they hands and shouted " SPACE KITTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! " and quite literally their voices could be heard to the edges of the cosmos. Gentoku looked to the side as if his ear was beating " Here they Gen? Space is cool " Evolto snickered before dodging a punch from Gentoku and kneeing him in the chest before kicking him away. Gentaro patted his fist before running in past Evolto. Sakuta looked at Tomoko " Shire, keep that kid safe " " You can count on me Sakuta " She nodded went beside Kagura.

Gentaro jumped up and double kicked Gentoku into a wall before Sakuta tackled him through the wall just as he became a blue ball of fire and exploded sending Gentoku even further back " Hell yeah! " Gentaro cheered for Sakuta. " Stop that..." Sakuta replied as Gentoku ran up beside him. " Now your just hand! " Gentoku's body glew purple as he suddenly vanished " My turn kiddos! " Evolto let a red aura cover his body as he too vanished. Both combatants moving at incredible speeds as they collided with several strikes. " Your a bit slower Gen! " Evolto said as he punched Gentiku across the face " Shut up! " Gentoku missed a kick before receiving a kick to the back that launched him into the air before back down to the ground. Evolto day atop a barrel a sighed " Even with all that strength you still don't even know how to use " Gentoku slowly stood up before aiming his hand towards Gentaro and Sakuta " Unfortunate...and I was going to let you leave...." Evolto began cranking the lever in his belt:



Evolto appeared in front of Gentoku and uppercutted him through the ceiling of the building " Fairwell....old friend.." Evolto teleported begins Gentoku while they were midair before performing a kick with his foot covered ima red energy, this caused more than just a massive explosion. Landing back in the ground, Evolto held a watch that housed Gentoku's monstrous form. " I suppose I should get rid of this " he muttered " Dude that was epic! " Gentaro grinned as he approached Evolto but soon time halted and out walked Swartz " from behind Evolto " Hm? Kid? You good? " Evolto asked calmly seeing Gentaro frozen within time but got no response " Tell me...what the great Evolto is up to....keeping Zi-O alive..." Swartz spoke gaining Evolto's attention " Hm? Nothing really to it, just a promise to an old friend " he replied " a friend? You mean Vernage? Your not obligated to keep a promise that's dead you know- " " Think about touching the kid, and you'll be dead within five seconds " Evolto threatened almost instantly " Struck a nerve, I'll cut to the chase then. The watch, I want it back. That simple and I'll leave. " Swartz said before Evolto simply tossed the watch to him " Take it, don't care what you do with it, it'll all be the same outcome anyways. But just for future advice, if your going to give someone power at least make sure they have a brain..." Evolto pointed at his skull before Swart raised a brow before walking away with the watch, allowing time to resume. Gentaro stumbled forward a little " Eh? What happened? " he looked around before Evolto chuckled a little.

" How are you feeling? " Tomoko asked Kagura as she sat beside him in the Kamen Rider club room. He didn't respond as his hands were shaking just bit but Tomoko held his hands knowing from the imagery he explained that he never experienced a first hand murder especially one of such brutality. Geiz held a ice pack up to his head " Wait, Wait Kisaragi your a Kamen Rider too?! " Chikao asked in which Gentaro looked at Sakuta who nodded " well believe it or not technically speaking yeah I am but it's a bit complicated, it's like someone tried to change history so i didn't become one. " he replied as he tried his best explaining.

" Do want some water? " Tomoko asked Kagura who only nodded which Sakuta overhead and brought a bottle of water from the mini fridge in the corner and handed it to Kagura. Both watched the boy shakily drink the water. For them both it was quite natural to see someone act like this, Tomoko especially since she specializes in mountain rescue with her team so seeing shaken up victims wasn't unusual.

Some water had spilled out from his mouth which signified just how terrified he was of the memory. Evolto only starred at the boy from the back of the club room, knowing he wouldn't be much help if the toxin inside of Kagura's body continued to amplify this fear. Tomoko took a rag she kept in her bag and wiped Kagura's mouth clean. He looked lifeless, an endless void of nightmares, it seemed like nothing could snap him back into reality until Gentaro pressed his knuckle against the boy's head " Your scared, i get that ya know? " he smiled " I remember when I was scared too, scared that I wouldn't be able to save people, or save my friends. Afraid that without my powers, I couldn't make a change.......but I learned something thanks to Sakuta. Even though there's something you may not be able to do, there are always other things you can. For me, I couldn't fight the monsters that attacked this school back then, but Sakuta came along and he could, I decided that i could support him; so while fought, I helped get civilians to safety. Soon made so many friends to help the cause, and even joined a pro hero team " Gentaro spoke which Kagura blinked as he looked at Gentaro, his words struck deeper, deeper than anyone's voice had before. At first glance Gentaro didn't look like the type to let fear in, but it was true he was only human. Tomoko dug in her bag before pulling out a small bell, placing it in Kagura's hands " This May not help much but, when I was scared on my first rescue mission, someone very important to me gave me this bell. She said ' Everyone time you fell fear trying to take you over, ring that bell, and it will away go away '. " Tomoko gave her cheerful smile in which Kagura began to sniffle a bit. Tomoko saw his tears in his eyes swell up in which she knew why, she watched the boy for awhile, she knew whom his mother was and from conversations overheard she also knew what he lacked in his life, the full experience of a family. She carefully brought him into a hug and stroked his back as he began to cry quietly. Geiz watched this in awe, looking out the window to avoid watching the scene fully ' maybe....maybe I was too harsh on him...' he thought to himself before thinking about Nathan as well '.....Maybe if I wasn't so selfish....these two....wouldn't have had to go through such pain...' he shut his eyes tightly. Gentaro patted Kagura's head softly and once the teen calmed down, he placed the Fourze watch in your hands " I may not be able to fight with you now, but I will always be by your side, through thick and thin. Use my powers, and grasp the stars. Your gonna go far kid, I can just see it " Gentaro smiled which Kagura hugged him and Tomoko which both hugged him in return.

After an hour passed; Gentaro, Sakuta, and Tomoko stood outside the school. Tomoko had a sleeping Kagura on her back while Geiz stood beside her " Ragdoll, be sure to take care of him, I'll come up with a good enough excuse for his mom. " Sakuta told Tomoko who only nodded " You can count on me! Ryu-Ryu-kun " she smiled softly before feeling Sakuta kiss her forehead making her blink a little " that's j-just for insurance...I don't want you getting hurt..." he told her which she only smiled happily " Don't worry! You forget I'm a pro hero, it's my job even if I do get hurt " she replied. Gentaro chuckled watching the two before Geiz asked " How come you still retained your memories? " he asked and Gentaro only replied with " Like i said earlier, my memories, and my power, resides in my friends " he extended his fist out " and now you and Takeyama are my friends now- care that mantle with pride " he told Geiz who just nodded softly before fist bumping him. Soon Tomoko and Geiz began walking off into the distance.

" Hey Sakuta...when will you give up your abilities? " Gentaro asked Sakuta who only patted his shoulder " Not yet...there's still something left I have to do for Shire..." he said referring to Tomoko.

Walking down the sidewalk, Tomoko hummed a melody she usually did while cooking with her teammates. " Mm.." Kagura made a quiet groan before rubbing his eyes, Geiz noticed and spoke " Finally awake? " he asked in which Kagura replied " I feel asleep? " he asked in which Tomoko replied " Ye~p, you were out for a solid fifty minutes " she said in which he blinked softly. " Where are we headed? " he asked " I'm taking you to visit the rest of my team! I may not know much about this Another Fourze, but we've been finding clues about him rooming around in the forest " Tomoko replied in which Geiz added " It'd be best to gather more information before making any brash moves. The date we need to head back to is 2011, but the problem is we don't know what we're truly up against, or if Gentoku is truly gone..." Geiz added " What are you implying Geiz? " Kagura blinked " We're going to have to develop a take down Another Four-" he was soon cut off by the culprit they were looking for "...What did you do with Karin? " Another Fourze stood ahead of the group clenching his fist. " What are you talking about? Your the one who tried to-" Geiz was cut off again by Another Fourze who shouted " I'll kill you for touching her! " Kagura jumped off Tomoko's back as Geiz looked at him " Fourze, off the bat " he told him which Kagura as they placed their drivers on before activating their watches:





They inserted the watches inside their drivers and were about to transform, but Another Fourze quickly fires missiles towards them. " How disgraceful! " Woz has blocked the missiles with his mystic scarf that shrunk from a protective dome back to its normal size.  Woz glared towards Another Fourze as he said " No one is allotted to disturb the awakening my King's new power! " he glanced back towards Kagura " continue Waga Maou " Woz smiled softly before Kagura and Geiz continued with their transformation, Geiz becoming his Geiz Drive armor, Kagura unveiling a new armor:






Woz closed his book and cleared his throat: " IWAE! Behold the heir to the power of all Riders. The lord of time, traveling beyond time and space to reign over past and future... Kamen Rider Zi-O Fourze Armor is his name! "

Kagura looked at Tomoko who did a gesture " You gotta do what Gen-San does! " she whispered before Kagura simply nodded and hunched over before standing up and raising his arms into the air " SPACE KITA!! " he mimicked that of Gentaro's gesture. Soon Kagura soon pointed his fist forward "'Hey Geiz, rebound me " He said in which Geiz nodded before speeding towards Another Fourze, clotheslining him, whipping him off his feet and Geiz bicycle kicked him towards Kagura " DUAL ROCKET PUNCH! " the rockets on Kagura's arms shot off and blasted Another Fourze far into the air:



Kagura looked back at Tomoko " I'll take em around the moon and back " he said with a thumbs up before spinning his driver around, soon transforming into a rocket himself

He blasted off towards space, literally striking Another Fourze several times while he drifted in space. Kagura then liked his feet up with in the direction of Another Fourze before delivering a corkscrew kick with his lower half covered in magenta energy.


" Uchū Roketto Kirimomi Kikku " Kagura shouted as he drove Another Fourze all the way back down to Earth, breaking through the roof of an empty storage unit, Another Fourze exploding upon hitting the ground. Kagura reverted back to the standard Fourze armor just as Geiz reached the seen with Tomoko " We got him back " Geiz sighed in relief seeing Kagura running in place all giddy " DID YOU SEE THAT GEIZ! I WENT TO SPACE-" " I saw, and I genuinely want to know what the hell is up with that finisher " Geiz replied " i-it was my space rocket tailspin kick..." Kagura mumbled " It we weird...don't do it again.." Geiz said as Tomoko giggled " Hey it was a cool move, and effective " she said Kagura snickered " see Ragdoll agrees! " he said before hearing the sound of something being absorbed and upon turning around the ground saw where Another Fourze exploded, the explosion was being absorbed into a new body and well the fire cleared the group saw a new monster


Kagura was taken off guard by this as Geiz didn't even expect Another Rider two have two forms. "....Die.." this monster soon morph back into Another Fourze and firing missiles all over he storage facility bringing down the entire structure and burying the three deep in rumble.......

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