Militant (Sequel to Warrior)

By wintergirl08

83K 3.5K 1.1K

I guess you can say that I am unlucky. At least that is what I call myself. The one guy I ever liked has me f... More

Militant (Sequel to Warrior)
Life Full of Books
Wake Up Call
Welcome to Neverland
To Be a Lost Boy
Home Office
Lost Girl
Terrible Spy am I
A Change in Attitude
My Mother's History
Prove It
Hit and Miss
Just Like Chuck
My Mistake
Dream of 3 Cases
Light Them Up
Surprises Everywhere
Bring Her In
Unlucky Lost Boys
A Chat with Alex
She's Back
Warning Call
Nursery Rhyme
Untold Plans
Sick Girl on the Run
Pay Back
Long Time No See
Causing Trouble: Alex Style
A Distraction
Too Far
Truly Trapped
Skull Island
Knives Are a Girls Best Friend
A Power of Colors
Alex's Camp
Thinking Tree of Hell
Good Always Wins
A Strange Kid
The Demon is Out
Find the Demon
Wrong Story
Light 'em Up
The Queen of Neverland


1.4K 69 21
By wintergirl08


 **Alex POV**

"Echo's Cave? Again? Isn't there any other place Pan can think of in order to hide Lottie?" Hook remarked. I had just finished explaining what I learned from Felix to the rest of the eager group. We were standing in a circle in the clearing we made for camp.

"That is true Hook. I was wondering the same thing." Emma replied looking up at him. Hook seemed pleased. I coughed to break the thought.

"Yes there are in fact over a hundred other places Pan could have hid my daughter but alas he chose Echo's Cave to screw with all of you guys." I replied sitting on one of the stump chairs. Snow walked in at that moment with water from her poach and handed it to me.

"Thanks" I murmured to her and she smiled down at me.

"You seem young for your age. How old are you?" Snow asked. I looked up at her slightly shocked but thankfully before I could answer Charming coughed shutting the idea up.

"Why do you think Pan is trying to screw with us just by using the cave as a hiding place for your daughter?" Emma asked sitting down next to me. I shrugged.

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked. Everyone shook their head. I sighed and put my hand to my head for a moment and mumbled to myself about how lucky I was to get involved with the stupid family. Thankfully no one heard.

"Well by guessing and my guesses are normally right so really it’s the truth, Pan believes that you all relay on my daughter to get to your son Hugo...." "His name is Henry!" Regina cut in.

"Right." I continued. "Anyway Henley.." "Henry." Regina cut in again. I stared daggers at that woman.

"Right. Thank you Miss. Know-it-All on your input." I replied rather annoyed. Regina gave me a look and I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway your son, whatever his name is, knew my daughter since they were both together at one point right?" I asked. Jack nodded.

"Yeah she was a lost girl." Jack commented. I looked at him for a moment slightly shocked.

"Lost girl? My daughter was a lost girl?" I exclaimed. Jack looked at me surprised.

"Well yeah, what did you think she did here? Hang out with these guys the whole time and then surprisingly see Pan once and happen to piss him off?" Jack asked. I was quiet for a moment which pretty much answered the question for me. Yes I did think my daughter was with the group the whole time and with her talent of annoying people which she hopefully gained from me, I would have thought it would have been super easy to piss off Pan. Pretty much anyone can do it. He is such a control freak after all.

Hook coughed, waking me from my mind thoughts.

"So what about your daughter and Pan?" Hook asked, trying to continue the story. I nodded understanding what he meant.

"Well then if my daughter was a lost girl then that would explain things a whole lot better. If Lottie saw your son Hugo.." "Henry!" " Right, Hector, anyway, then Pan would believe that Lottie is your guide to the camp and then could easily rescue him."

"What about all the plans about the lost boys? We never used her for that because we were not sure if she knew them or not. Plus she seemed slightly unstable.." Snow replied. I looked at her surprised.

"You guys have had two lost kids in your camp, on your side and not once did you try to invade the camp with their help while you could? I’m sorry but by the looks of things I would consider you all to be the unstable ones." I bit back. Regina stood up, obviously having enough of this conversation.

"I am going to go find Rumpelstiltskin. Maybe he can actually do something right for once." Regina stated in annoyance. Everyone stood up outraged except me. I just smiled and waved.

"Go. I am sure he will know what to do." I replied cutting everyone off. Regina glared at me and ran off in the woods. Then Emma turned to me, mad.

"What was that about? She could have helped us! She has magic!" Emma exclaimed. I stood up and made her quite.

"You're wrong. The Last thing we need to use right now is magic. Especially from a woman who acts like a teenage drama queen. Magic, unless used in front of Pan, is useless on this island." I replied simply.

"Why?" Jill asked confused.

"Because, this island is all magic. If you use magic on it, it will bounce right off and make an invisible mark to us, but a very bright mark for Pan to see, revealing where we all are."  Everyone looked slightly horrified at that fact.

"You mean Pan can find out where we are without actually seeing us no matter what?" Snow asked. I nodded.

"Pan has the magic to control this whole island, which means he can, in a way feel where people are on the island. It's like a map in his head that has little dots that show where we are no matter what." Hook stated out of nowhere. I looked at him surprised but then nodded, makes sense that a pirate would know this place as well.

"Wait, if that is true, then Alex, he would already know you are here!" Jack replied looking at me worried.

I chuckled and shook my head. "No kid, he can't see me thanks to my lovely fishy friends." I replied, pulling out my old necklace from around my neck.

"Does that.."  "Yes it makes me invisible on his little map. I am safe. Unless he sees me, he has no way knowing I am here. We have the upper hand because of that." I replied smiling now.

"Ok then but what about..." I stopped Emma mid-sentence as I felt a shift in the winds.

Speak of the Devil…

Quickly without thinking I put my hood up and hid my hair in my jacket.

Jack all of a sudden clutched the side of his shirt and looked at us all shocked and mouthed the words: Pan is Here

**Pans POV** (omg i have not written in his point of view for forever.)

I landed in the tree branch right over head the group. Everyone was in a circle talking together in hushed voices. Finally they stopped and someone spoke.

"The Plan is simple. Felix believes that the lost girl is at Mermaid Lagoon. That means we have to go the outer route, outside the forest." A familiar voice spoke out. I looked at the figure and noticed that their hood was up, hiding their face. The figures back was toward me. Maybe I can see the face from the opposite side of the forest.

I quickly disappeared into nothing and then reappeared again on another branch in another tree right across from where I was before, now a new angle at the group. But once I did it, the figure moved their back to me, hiding their face. I looked at the figures back more than a little annoyed.

Who was the figure? I then looked at the rest of the people in the group and counted the faces. Only Regina was missing. I looked at the hooded figure and thought; when did Regina start wearing hoodies?"

"So what about Felix? Do we just leave him there to die?" Jack asked. The hooded figure shrugged.

"I see no problem with it." Again that voice. It sounded so familiar and yet when I heard it, it did not remind me of Regina, even if what the figure said something that was indeed something Regina would say.

Snow and Charming were exchanging puzzled looks. I looked at Charming for a moment and sighed, annoyed.

He got the stupid cure for the Dreamshade. But then Jack caught my eye and my smile reappeared on my face. Looks like I lose one dying person and gain another. How exciting.

"Come on follow me. If you believe that's where Lottie is, then I guess we have no choice but to go check it out. After all, we are going to need her if we are to ever get Henry back. She knows Pan's plan." Emma announced, taking the lead as usual. Everyone nodded and followed her out of the clearing, the hooded figure still keeping their back to me.

When they left the clearing I jumped down from my tree and landed easily on the dirt rocky ground. My mind was flooded with many questions. Most of them about the hooded figure. After a moment of thinking I decided to agree that the figure was not Regina. Meaning that she was somewhere else on the island and someone new stood in her place. Judging by the soft voice of the figure, I knew it was a woman and yet it seemed like I knew the voice so well that it made me shiver slightly.

That was when it hit me. I looked around the camp and at first I noticed nothing but then I started thinking. Wasn't the group camped here for over a day now? Normally when the group breaks camp they leave all sorts of tracks and clues about what they did here, but as I looked around I realized that apart from seeing the group there and knowing that they were there for a period of time, I would have never known they were here.

Who would be able to clean up their tracks so well that they could become invisible? I felt something in my brain tug a memory, as if I knew just the person; however my mind was over working as I tried to track the group while thinking. Finally I gave up and started to think of who would know the figure other than the group.

Obviously I could not get to the group without being cornered by the lot. But there must be at least one person.

Then it clicked.


I ran out of the clearing and found the cave I heard about. It had to be the only place where they would have hidden Felix. The feeling of a human presence in the cave confirmed my thoughts. I took one last look around the clearing and then walked inside the cave.

Hello there!

Okay since I have had nonstop homework this week, I have had no time to update the stupid chapter on here. But here it is. But that does not mean I am not updating again this weekend. Because I am. This is last weeks update. Tomorrow you will see this weekends update.

Until then :)

Lots of Love


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