Draco Malfoy Imagines

By kinniebaki

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Draco Malfoy Imagines.. โš ๏ธSLOW UPDATESโš ๏ธ Imagines may or may not follow the Harry Potter story line. More

//I like you
//Draco Malfoy
//Owl post
//Dark Mark
//cant help falling in love
//Voices pt.2
//Need you
//19 years later
//just like you
//The lost heir
//The lost heir pt.2
//Defense against dark arts
//Potions with Horace Slughorn
//The sorting
//For your own good
//Night time adventures
//I wish
//I wish pt.2
Heyy! A/N
Another A/n im sorry
//Obliviate pt.2
//Late Nights
//Dance with me
//The Dark Lord's Daughter
//I wish pt.3

//For your own good pt.2

4.8K 115 34
By kinniebaki

*months later after death eaters enter hogwarts*

It's been months since Draco has talked or seen Y/n. The pain of seeing her cry and beg has burned a hole in his heart but in his head it had to be done. It was for her own good. He didn't want her to be apart of the terrible things He's done. He didn't want her to be put in danger because she loved him.

Draco slowly walked into the living room of Malfoy Manor. The great big chair in the middle of the room was being occupied by the dark lord. Draco's father, mother and Bellatrix surrounding him. A few other death eaters stood around also. Draco quietly walked past them attempting to sneak out unnoticed. He deemed unsuccessful. His fathers walking stick slammed hard against his shoulder, stopping him from walking any further.

"Draco..where are going" he asked him in a slow stern voice.
"Hogsmeade....To meet Crabbe and Goyle"
Draco did his best to lie to his father. His real reason to go to Hogsmeade was Y/n. The hope to catch a glimpse of her. He hasn't seen her since the day when the death eaters stormed Hogwarts. That was months ago. Y/n usually went to Hogsmeades every time there was a chance. The three broomsticks was her favorite place to go and have a drink of butterbeer. He was hoping she'd be here today and he was hoping his father would let him go.
"No" Lucius answered. His eyes looked to the dark lord sitting in the chair. His snake coiled up at his feet waiting for orders.
"Draco.." the dark lord spoke. "Do you not want to be here?"
Draco's father pushed him forward. Draco slowly walked in front of the dark lord. Out the corner of his eyes, he could send Bellatrix giggling.
He gulped but answered "yes...I do"
The snake besides Voldemort's feet entered a strike position. Draco's face went pale.
The darks lords attention went elsewhere

"Fetch the girl" he called to someone. Confusion filled Draco's head.
Bellatrix left the living room. Draco assumed she went to the basement.
It was 5 minutes before she was seen again.
She had blood falling from a gash in her neck.

"Filthy twat stabbed me" she yelled. Behind her emerged a frail girl. Her hair was dirty and messy. Her clothes where torn. It looked like she hasn't eaten a full meal in months. Draco couldn't see her face, it was hidden by her hair.
Bellatrix threw her to the floor and a soft yelp came from her.
Draco could see a several bruises and cuts on her legs and arms. He felt horrible for this poor girl.
He watched her attempt to pull herself up off the floor, but she just didn't have the strength.
Bellatrix rolled her eyes
"Get up" she grabbed the girl by the hair and pulled her up to her on her feet. She cleared the hair out of the girls face. And her identity was revealed.

Draco's heart dropped.
"Don't touch her" he yelled. Tried to run up to her but two death eaters restrained him.
Y/n was screaming at him but he couldn't look at the state she was in.
"Look at her Draco." The dark lord said in his ear.
He felt a snake like arm wrap around his body. Voldemort's hand grabbed Draco's face forcing him to look at y/n.
"Is this the girl you were trying to protect" The dark lords voice hissed. "The girl who your loyalties lie to and not me"
Draco watched Y/n squirm, trying to get away from Bellatrix's grip. She was so skinny, and bruised. Draco wondered how long she has been down there, inside his own basement. He could have helped her. He could have saved her. But he didn't know. He couldn't save her.

"My lord...please let him go" Draco heard his mother beg "his loyalties lie with us, his family. Not a stupid girl"
Draco felt the grip the death eaters grip loosen. Draco pulled himself away. He restrained himself from running to Y/n. He had to be smart.

"Bellatrix" The dark lord said. Bellatrix laughed and pulled out her wand. She let go of y/n's hair and she fell to the floor. Bellatrix pointed her wand at Y/n.
Draco begged.

"Crucio" Bellatrix snickered.
Y/n's screamed filled malfoy manor. Draco watched in horror at the pain being inflicted into the girl he loved most. He wanted to run up to her, he wanted to make it stop. But any movement from him could result in her death.
Bellatrix hit Y/n with the Cruciatus Curse again. Draco couldn't handle it. He cried and begged for it to stop.

"Draco where do your loyalties lie" Voldemort asked him holding up a hand telling Bellatrix to stop.
"With you!" Draco yelled "WITH YOU. please just make it stop, let her go"
"LIES" Voldemort yelled. He raised his wand and pointed it at Y/n. She was shaking. Draco could tell her body couldn't take any more.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort yelled. A flash of green light left the dark lords wand. Y/n closed her eyes.
A body hit the floor.

A scream from Draco's mother could be heard behind the dark lord. Draco's father could process what just happened.
Y/n opened her eyes. Draco's body laid in front of her.
She screamed. She gathered all the strength she could and ran to his body.
"No...no no no no" Y/n cried. The situation around her faded away. It was only her and Draco's body. Out of the pocket of her torn pants she pulled out the necklace. The necklace Draco gave her in 4th year. The one she threw on the floor. After she threw it, she spent hours looking for it. She needed it.
She brought the necklace up to her lips and kissed it. Through her sobs, she said "I love you Draco"
The malfoy's cries can be heard from behind the dark lord.
Y/n gently pulled Draco's head up onto her legs. She runs her hands through this blonde hair. Her tears gently splashing his pale, cold face. She closes his eyes with her free hand.
"Don't leave me" she whispers even though she knows he's already gone.
Y/n feels violent arms against her body. She can feel herself getting pulled away from Draco's body.
She screams and yelled as she watched his body get farther and farther from her.
She watches the dark lord in front of her.

As a flash of green light came towards her. She felt her cries stop. A small smile planted on her face.

Her body dropped to the floor

Y/n's eyes flashed open. She was blinded by bright lights. Her eyes adjusted to her surroundings quickly. She was staring at a beautiful blue sky.

She realized she was laying down. She felt the warm grass under her body. Her fingers moved gently on the grass.
She was no longer in pain. She felt no pain. Her bones were no longer screaming, her stomach was no longer empty.

She pushed herself off the ground. She looked down at her legs. There was no bruises, no dirt, no bones were showing. Her clothes weren't torn.

She looked up at her surroundings. She was standing in the middle of the the Quidditch field. She was curious to how she got there.

"Your here" A familiar voice rang behind her. A voice she knew all to well. She swung around.
Her eyes lit up with joy and she want into the open arms of Draco Malfoy.

"I'm here" She smiled at him.

Hello guys....! I apologize for any typos I am not reading this over before I publish it. I hope you enjoy it anyway.

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