Dust (Black Widow X Reader)

By RyuKarizau

98K 1.9K 282

"One of the few things I learned in my life was that death always comes. Senescence, illness or... murder, de... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Captain America: Winter Soldier
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Captain America: Civil War
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Avengers: Infinity War.
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Avengers: Endgame
Chatpter XVIII
Ending 1
Ending 2

Chapter XXI

1.6K 36 2
By RyuKarizau

The next five days passed really fast. I studied, watched TV, hanged around with Scott and Cassie or with some of my classmates. I even finished my project in nano-tech. I also trained with Daemon so I can now stand his flames up a certain point. Now, I'm at Tony's house in his garage improving my motorcycle. I was installing the new turbo kit I got when  I heard the doorbell. I opened the garage door and saw Scott witha huge grin in his face, holding a bag.

"Hey there Scott. How are you?" I asked as he stepped in and I half closed the garage door behind him.

"Wow, that's an awesome motorcycle." He said.

"Thanks"I said, and turned my attention to my motorycle.

"Aren't you going to to ask me what I have in my bag?" He said smiling,

"No." I said and he frowned.

"Wait here" He said and headed to the living room that was connected with the garage.


"Be nice. Scott's  my friend." I said and then saw him emerging wearing something like a suit.

"Ta-da!" He said smiling. I just looked at him confused. He then pushed a button and disappeared.

"What the-!" I said as I looked around. I felt someone hitting my foot. I looked down and saw an ant-sιzed Scott. He noticed that I saw him and started waving at me. He then started running away from me and soon turned back to his normal size. He then looked at me smiling. 

"Ta-daaa!!" He said again witha huge grin on his face.

"Wow. I heard about Hank Pim's work but I've never seen it before." I said as I started examining Scott. "Pretty impressive." Scott smiled again. Then he went back to the living room and changed. After that, he came back and started explaining how he met Hank Pim and how he ended up  working for him. 

"I'm a superhero!" He said as he finished. I looked at him surprised. Then I smirked. "You never know, maybe I will get a word about you in the Avengers." I added and turned to my motorcycle again. I glanced at Scott and saw him talking happily to himself. I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Got to go. I have dinner with Maggie and Jim." He said as he left checked his phone.

"Want me to drop you there? I have a class I need to attend to." I said as I screwed the last part.

"Sure why not." He said. 

"Let me just get my books." I said as I went to the living room and started packing my books, notebooks, two foldiers with my assignments and a pencil case. When I returned, I saw Scott looking at a box. He took out a framed photo and looked at it.

"Are these your parents?" He asked as he showed me the photo. I didn't answer. I had mentioned my parents once, when I was drunk. 

"I'll take that as a yes. What happened to them?" He asked. I just took a deep breath.

"Killed." I said and got on my motorcycle. He placed the photo back and got on behind me. 

"I'm sorry about them. You should go an visit them sometime. What was the last time you did?" He asked

"I don't know, 2005 or something." I answered.

"Do you know who did it?." He asked

"No. But when I find out, I'll make them pay. That's a promise I gave when I lost them." I said and he got on. After that, I drove off and we didn't speak for the rest for the drive.





Two hours later, I was in the amphitheater presenting my project in Nano-tech. I was wearing my glasses, so as to read the text I had written instead of learning it by heart. I was answering some questions when I got a text from Tony which popped up at the mini screen and of course took me by surprise.

-I need to talk to you. Now. So get your a$$ back in the house.

I ignored him and continued the presentation. After about 45 minutes I finished. I was closing my backpack when a young woman approached me.

"You are (Y/N) (L/N), aren't you?" She said. "I am Abigail and this is Miranda." The girl behind her shyly waved at me.

"Can I help you with anything?" I asked curiously.

"You see, Miranda has a problem with her project. And she was wondering if you could help her with it." She said and elbowed the girl behind her.

"I'm afraid I can't now. I am in a hurry, but I can send you some links that way help you." I said as I placed my backpack on my shoulder. I turned around and left.

I walked out and towards my motorcycle. When I got a text from Clint.

~We need to talk. Make sure you are not followed and don't tell anyone about this. Especially Tony and Nat. I'll contact you in again to set a meeting place.

I just started at the screen in my glasses surprised with that message. I rode on my motorcycle and soon reached my house. I left the motorcycle in front of the door and got in. Everything was dark and the shutters were closed. I took out a gun from my backpack and carefully stepped inside. Then, a dim light turned on but it was only enough to see Tony sitting in an armchair drinking scotch. I placed the gun back in and turned to open the lights, but he motioned me not to do so.  Then he pointed at the couch so I sat down..

"Want some? That's pretty good." He asked but I refused. So he poured another glass for him and drank some.

"You know, what part of get your a$$ back at the house now didn't you aunderstand?" He said as he got up and rubbed his forehead.

"I had a presentation and-" I said but Tony cut me off.


"I couldn't just leave! I had a presentation Tony. Had it not being my day to present my assigment, I would have left the minute I got the message. And it won't hurt to wait a bit. I came as fast as I could." I said irritated.

"You just cost me an hour" He said 

"Oh I'm sure you can spare an hour." I said huffily. 

"You have no idea what happened, do you?" He asked surprised and then he took a big breath. "The Unated Nations' conference was interrupted by a terrorist. It was identified as the Winter Soldier. I assume you know him?" 

"Yeah. I'm familiar with him. He tried to kill me once or twice." I said.

"The King of Wakanda is dead. Fortunatelly we didn't lose anyone else. Natasha is also fine." He said and I looked at him both surprised and worried. "She is the one responsible for public speaking. So, back at the point. We cought the Winter Soldier, but he escaped and guess who helped him, oh right it was Steve." He said sarcastically.

"Steve?" I asked surprised. 

"And he has his friend with him, Sam. My guess is that he will try to protect him. If he does this, he is going rogue." he said. "Everyone who signed, has to stop him. So it includes Me, Rhodey, Natasha, King of Wakanda, Vision. Should I assume you too?"

I didn't answer instantly. I took a couple of minutes to think about it.

"Look rookie, I have 36 hours to bring them in, now 35. Otherwise others will have to take up and the military will be included. We both know that they won't survive. So I'm going to need an answer now." He said impatiently.

"Fine. Do we have evidence that he did it? I mean, he did lay low and no one could find him so-" I said but Tony cut me off by showing a video with him leaving the scene. His face could clearly be seen. 

"The Avengers are going to be devided with this." I said

"We already are. But we are the only ones that can stop them." He said and drank some of his scotch.

"Fine." I said. "I'll come with you."

"I have to go. They were last seen in Berlin. We are leaving in three hours. Be ready."

"You'll be going back to New York?" I asked as I headed to the bedroom to pack my uniform.

"Yes why?" He said as he followed me.

"I'll come with you." I said as I quickly placed the last gun inside the backpack. "Let's go." I said as I rode on my motorcycle.

 After some time, we reached New York City's airport. The mimute we reached, my motorcycle was the first thing that was unloaded. I rode on and drived until I reached Brooklyn. I parked my motorcycle outside of a quite fancy house. I got off and headed to the door. I took a set of keys from my pocket and unlocked the door. I carefully stepped inside. The air was stale but the entire house was very well preserved.

"I'm home!" I shouted but I got no answer. "Right, I forgot, you are dead." I said and saw a shoe rack. It was covered in dust, however,some of my parents' and my shoes were still there. 

~Mini FLashback~

"Mum! Me and dad are back!" I yelled as I run into the kitchen and hugged her. She hugged me back and kissed my forehead. 

"What have I told you about shoes? Now go get them off" She said with a soft voice while smiling.

"Alright!" I said and run back at the hall.

~End of Mini Flashback~

I took my shoes and walked inside. Everything was exactly like I remembered. I first walked to the living room.  

~Mini Flashback~

"So which board game did you bring to play?" My dad asked me.

"Trivial Pursuit! But the disney one!" I said and smiled.

"What! Come on that's not fair! I haven't seen the movies! You will win! That's cheating!" He said and I laughed

"I know!" I said smiling.

"Come here little cheater" He said as he grabbed me, lifted me up and started tickling me.

~End of Mini Flashback~

I turned around and headed to the kitchen. 

~Mini Flashback~

I run down the stairs to the kitchen for breakfast when I heard my father shouting on the phone. So I hid behind the wall and listen to his conversation.

"You have to take him with you! I have been watched for about two weeks now. They are onto me. I have to keep (Y/N) safe...." My father said with a sad and huffy tone.

"I know you do. But they are targeting the founders. First, it was Howard and Maria. The next ones are me and Stephanie. You are the only one that can keep him safe for a while. Also... I found a letter dad. Next one is you." He added.

"I know! You think I don't! But you can buy him time. And that's something me and Stephanie can't do." He said.

"Father please...... I don't want my boy to die...... He still has a life ahead of him." He said. "Thank you..." He said and hunged the phone.

"Dad..." I said worried surprising him. "I don't want to leave." I said crying.

"You aren't going to leave! You'll just go on early vacation with grandpa!" He said and hugged me. In fact, he is on his way. Come on, don't cry.  Adam, Daniel and Sam will be there."

"Are you going to come there too?" I asked as my father wiped my tears.

"Yes, on July 11th." He said, hugged me even tighter and kissed my forehead.

~End of Mini Flashback~

I walked outside of the kitchen and headed on the second floor, to my parents room. Meanwhile, in the hall there were various pictures of me with my parents. Ι opened the door to their room. The bed was made but it was dusty. I saw a photo of them on my mums bedside cabinet. They were dancing in the rain. I got out cosing the door behind me. I skipped my room and headed to my father's office. Everything was intact. I saw the famous wooden showcase with every bottle of liquor you could imagine.

~Mini Flashback~

"Dad, dad look what I made!" I said as I barged into his office holding a small wooden boat. I saw him crying but he wipped his tears instantly when I got in. He drank some of his whiskey and looked at me smiling.

"You finished it? By yourself? That's amazing!" He said as he lifted me up and hugged me.

"What's that you are drinking? It smells weird" I said and laughed.

"That is the best whiskey in the market. It was a gift in mine and your mother's wedding in 1972. And it was aged for almost fifty years. I have two bottles of it. One, that I'm drinking from now, and the other that I preserved in the showcase. The last one will only be open it when you make me proud." He said.

"So now? Aren't you proud about me building this boat?" I asked curiously.

"When you are older, you will understand. Now let's go make your suitcase. Your grandpa is going to arrive any minute now!" He said and we exited the room. 

~End of Mini Flashback~

I approached his office and saw an empty glass of whiskey next a bottle of whiskey. Next to it, there was an old camrea with a little note that said  "Play Me". I picked it up and opened it.  I saw my father in the video.

"Hey (Y/N). It's been a long time. I'm sure you've grown up by now. You must be a man! If you are seeing this, it means I'm dead, both me and your mother." He said and took a big breath. "I'm sorry for not being there for you, for not watching you becoming an adult. I tried to spend as much time as I could with you, for my job was dangerous, and I could be killed any time. I wanted to keep you safe.  The only way to do that, was to send you away before the 11th of July, but I guess, I need to explain everything. I worked for The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, or S.H.I.E.L.D. in short. S.H.I.E.L.D. is an extra-governmental military counter-terrorism and intelligence agency, tasked with maintaining both national and global security. The creators were my parents, Howard Stark, Peggy Carter and Chester Phillips.  Since my father was a founder, I found myself working for S.H.I.E.L.D but soon, I was recruited by HYDRA. At first, the vision about a safer and peacefull world was ideal to me, but soon I found out what they were doing. The killed innocents, men,women, children, everyone they wanted. So one day, I confronted my father about that and he told the other founders. Then Howard Stark came up with the idea of the double agent. I would give information to HYDRA from Howard himself and steal some at the same time. About a month ago though, I was careless, so they found a letter about my betrayal. And two days later, I found a letter, ordering my assassination. My guess is that their are going to use one of the 6 main Winter Soldiers. And they are going to kill Stephanie too." He said and took another deep breath. "I am sorry (Y/N) for being such a bad father. I'm recording this, to let you know that I love you, both me and Stephanie. Never forget that. I hope to reach (Y/C) today and hug you one last time for today is July 11th." Then, he grabbed the camera and brought it close to his face. "I want you to know before I go that I was, am and always will be proud about you. I love you." 

Then, the camera turned off.

 I stayed and looked at the camera in my hands until I heard my phone ringing.I picked it up and saw that it was Clint.

"Hey." He said. "Where are you?"

"Brooklyn" I said.

"I need a favor. I-" He said but I cut him off.

"You want me to help Cap am I right?" I said 

"Yeah. So will you?" he asked. 

"No but I have a friend who might want to help. Ever heard of Ant-Man? I'll text you the address. Tell him you are with the Avengers, that I sent you and that there is a chance of going to jail again. He'll probably say yes. Oh and as I said, definatelly don't forget to say that you are with the Avengers and that Captain America need his help." I said and closed the phone leaving Clint speechless. Then I send him Luis Address to find Scott.

I got out of the office and headed ou.t But before I left the house, I returned to my parents' bedroom. I stood in front of the photo of them. I picked it up and started at it.

"I swear... I will find the one who killed you and I'll make him wish he was never born. I'll destroy him" I said, kissed the photo, placed it back and got out of the house. I locked the door and got on my motorcycle. I took a last glance at the house before driving away.

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