Chapter IX

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Your POV
After the incident with Adam, I used one of the two lives I had exchanged with Daemon to bring back Natasha. Fortunately, she doesn't remember neither that she died nor what had happened. And I didn't want her to, so I lied when she asked me about my burns.

We are now at the hotel room both resting. I mean, I am, she went somewhere in town. I was thinking about my past here, again. So I decided to get up and go to my grandpa's house again. So I decided to take the car, my new car since I had decided to keep it.

After sometime, I reached the house. However, another man was standing there. I approached him and he turned around and saw me.

He was tall with dirty yellow hair and a scar above his left eye. I instantly recognized him. It was Damien. He must have recognized me too because he seemed surprised when he saw me.

"Is that you (Y/N)?" He said with a surprised look in his face.

"Long time no see Damien." I said smiling. Then we both walked to each other and hugged.

"How have you been?" I asked.

"It was tough but I believe you already know it. And I guess the same? Probably worse?" He said and laughed.

"Yup" I said smiling. "So do you come here often?"

"Well, yeah. It reminds me of what I did when I feel great about myself." He said smiling but then looked down.

"You don't have to. Remember, I chose to do this. It was my fault not yours." I said and we hugged again.

"Still, I suggested it even though Adam tried to warn us... Speaking of which, he was found dead last evening in our old hideout." He said. "My brother works in the police department. He was the one who told me. He said that he was probably assulted. Poor Adam.... He didn't deserve this ...."

"Yeah. The Adam I knew was a good guy. I'll choose to remember him as the childhood friend I had." I said. Damien was obviously oblivious to what was Adam doing. So I didn't want to ruin his image.

"But let's forget about sorrow. That's in the past know. We both know we will never forget him." I said trying to change the subject. "I remember you wanted to be an archeologist. Did you do it?"

"Oh yeah! I am a specialist in Roman, Greek, Egyptian and Chinese history. I also visited these places for experience. It was amazing. What about you? What do you do for living?" He asked happily.

"I umm... Let's just say I'm something like a bodyguard." I said not wanting to reveal the fact that I was a paid assassin who could probably murder people for hobby if  wanted to, for obvious reasons of course.

"So you are not exactly a bodyguard?" He asked with a weird look on his face.

"It's umm complicated." I said.  "By the way, you never left (Y/C) did you?"

"Apart from those trips I told you, no." He said. "Why?"

"You father was a lawyer was he not?"

"Yeah, he still is. Do you need him for anything?"

"Yeah, I want to know whether or not my grandpa left a will or something. So that I know from who I can buy and rebuilt the house." I said.

"Sure, I'll tell him to look it up for you." He said. "By the he with you right now?"

"Daemon? Yeah." I said.

"So that's why the bandages..." He added and looked down.

"Don't be like that. I'm getting along with Daemon just fine." I said obviously lying


"You are lucky Damien is here." I whispered and thankfully Daniel didn't seem to have heard me. The only response I got was a laugh from Daemon..

"So are you free? Wanna go grab a coffee or something?" Damien asked.

"Sure why not. It will be a good idea to catch up. Come on I'll drive." I said and we both walked towards it. 
We both got inside. But before starting the engine, my phone buzzed. I opened it and saw that I had a message. It was from Natasha.


Got ourselves a new
job. Our flight to Miami
is in 5 hours. Be at the                                                                                                                                            airport an hour earlier.

But that's way too soon.
Can't you do anything about
it? I found a friend of mine
and we want to catch up!

Don't care, much.
Besides, I wasn't the
One who booked the
tickets. So hurry up
Mr. Gilson.


I stared at the screen angrily. And obviously Damien saw me.

"What's the matter?" I asked worried.

"Problem at work. Nothing serious. But we will have to cut our coffee short. I have to be at the airport in five hours." I said as I drove of.

"It's fine don't worry. Job comes first." He said and smiled.

"Sometimes yeah. Do you mind if I drop by the hotel I'm staying to pick up my stuff first?" I asked.

"No problem." He said and smiled.

After picking my stuff, and Natasha's too, we headed at a nearby cafe. We talked and laughed a lot while remembering our past and everything. We also exchanged our numbers to be in touch. When the time came, I drove to the airport. I left my car to Damien along with money to ship it to Miami. Then we said our goodbyes and he left.

"So that was your friend." I heard someone saying. It was Natasha. "He is cute."

"Don't forget Mrs. Gilson, you are my fiance." I said smiling. She smiled too.

Then we both got into the airplane. We obviously fought like five-year-old kids for the window seat but eventually I let her have it. We talked and laughed and I was really happy not because I would go on a mission, but because I would go with her, with whatever this means.


"Shut up." I said and looked at the sleeping now Natasha. It was now night, and the moonlight that shined through the small window landed on her face coming into contract with her scarlet hair, shining her face. I realised I was spacing out and shook my head only to find myself looking back at her again.


"You are wrong. We are friends." I whispered.

I was ready to start my new life. And I was glad that I had finally had a partner and a friend. It may sound a bit childish, but I couldn't wait for our next mission. However little did I know that I would lose again what I had found now.

(A/N: Okay guys this was the last chapter that I have written based on my imagination. The rest are gonna follow the movies, starting with Captain America: Winter Soldier. I hope you enjoyed it.)

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