Chapter XXV

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~Unkown Date 2018

I arrived in New York a three months ago for Tony's and Pepper's wedding and decided to stay. According to Tony, I was supposed to spend the day with spiderboy and help him train. But instead of that, we decided to put it off for next week since he had a trip he didn't want to miss. So I decided to head to the Avengers' base. But before that, I stopped at McDonald's and bought a double cheeseburger.  After a couple of minutes, I arrived at the base. I got in and saw Rhodey speaking with some state guys. I used my access to the system and turned them off.

"You are welcome" I said and shallowed my bite as I sat down on a chair.

"You know that will get me a court-martial right?" He said but I ignored him

"I'm here to see Tony. You know where he is?" I asked.

"Well clearly not here. Why? Isn't he picking up his phone?" He asked.

"He likes putting people on hold just to see the light flickering. Probably did the same with me." I said and finished my cheeseburger. Just then I heard my phone ringing. 

"Hello?" I asked as I picked it up without looking at the name of the contact

"(Y/N)! It's me Pepper." She said 

"Hey Pepper. What's-" I said but she interrupted me.

"Tell me you are with Tony." She said.

"Wish I could. But I am looking for him as well." I said and I heard her sobbing "Tell me what happened. I'll put you on speaker." I said and did so.

"There was this wizard that appeared out of nowhere. He was with Bruce Banner. He took Tony with him. He said something about he fate of the universe. A few minutes ago Tony called me and he was on an airship. Then, the signal was lost. On an airship! TONY IS ON A FREAKING AIRSHIP!" Pepper said panicking.

"This must have something to do with the explosions that were reported in Bleecker Street." Rhodey said. 

"Don't worry. I'll find him. I'll use every satellite and I'll find him." I said as I headed to a computer and started searching for his signal.

"Please find him. I don't know what I'm going to do if he isn't here..." she said now crying as I put her on my glasses.

"Shit...." I whispered but she heard me. 

"What?" She asked worried

"Track's....lost. I scanned every satellite three times. His signal goes up to a certain point and then stops." I said. "Does he have his suit with him?"

"Yeah." She said crying.

"Then he will be fine. The suit contains oxygen and water. That will be enough. He will find a way to get back." I said as I moved my hand to the right, like threwing Rhodey a video that a satellite had recorded. "Pepper, I have to go. I'll try to search for him again. Call Happy and stay with him." I said.

"Okay. Thank you" She said crying and hanged up.

"Om my god." Rhodey said as the video finished. "What are we going to do now?"

I sat on a chair trying to think.


"What are you talking about?" I said

"I asked what we are going to do" Rhodey said.

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