The Girl They Never Noticed

By The_Outkast

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✨COMPLETED✨ I took a few steps before I stopped to face him again. "Jay?" I said, barely above a whisper. "Hm... More

AMAZON + New Book
Publishing / Editing
Hola Everybody!!!
Cast ❤️
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Pierce Mansion🏠
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
E-Awards, The Literacy Awards and The Bloom Awards Nominations
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
The Boy That Time Forgot - Jace's Backstory
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
AN: Nominate
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
GIF Mania
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40(accidentally deleted)
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67 (Last Chapter)

Chapter 63

572 27 25
By The_Outkast


"Jaycee what's going on?" I said as soon as the gunshot echoes faded a little.

"Is everyone ok?" I vaguely heard Giovanni ask from above us.

My head was spinning and my ears rang at an unbearable pitch. I put my hands in front of my eyes to make sure it wasn't just slimy dirt.

It wasn't.

It was red and warm. It didn't come from me, and as Jaycee got up to steady himself, I saw that it wasn't from him either.

That left.... Jace.

I looked around and saw that he was lying on the ground, face down. The dim lit passageway made it a little harder to see but I saw it nonetheless; there was a pool of blood under him.

He's shot because of me. He lunged in front of me so I wouldn't get shot.

"Jace! Jace get up!" I pleaded, roughly shaking him. I'm not losing him too.

"Giovanni, we need a little help here!" Yelled Jaycee, as he regained his balance back.

"Come on Ross. We're not doing this right now." Said Jaycee as he flipped him over.

He was unconscious, and from what I could tell, was barely breathing. Blood was gushing out his body like an open dam.

"Alex we're going to need a paramedic down here!" Yelled Giovanni as he jumped into the passageway.

"Actually the name is Alec...." he started before he received a death glare from Giovanni.

"Yup. Never mind. On it!" He said as he disappeared over there.

Jaycee brought his ear to Jace's chest to see if he was  breathing at all.

"Brenda stop yelling in my ear I'm trying to see if he's alive!" Lashed out Jaycee.

Ashton came jumping in, the look of dread on his face.

"What the hell happened?" He asked as he crouched next to him.

"We don't have time. We need to get him out of here." Replied Jaycee, the look of worry evident on his face.

"One. Two. Three." He muttered as he performed CPR on his seemingly lifeless body.

"Come on Ross! You can't always be a pain in my ass! Get up! Brenda stop yelling!" He yelled as he got up in frustration while Ashton took over.

I was just standing there, so shocked that I couldn't even move. Not a single tear fell but my heart hurt with a different kind of pain. Jace is my friend. I know he tormented me for years but he made up for it by being an amazing friend. He took CJ in when his family shunned him, he was there whenever I needed him, and on top of all of that, he loves my best friend.

Oh my God Brenda! I can't imagine how she must be feeling!

I walked past Ashton as he tried his best to revive Jace. I snatched Jaycee's intercom from him and put it in my ear.

"Brenda?" I asked. "Hey it's Alexis."

"Oh my God Lexi! He's been shot! They shot him! Please don't let him die please!" She wept, the sound of her voice alone was like a gunshot to my heart.

"It's ok Brenda." I let out in a squeak.

Keep it together Alexis.

"We called the paramedics over and they should be on their way. It's ok. It's ok."

I don't know who I was trying to calm more; her or me. I didn't hear anything back so I assumed they turned off their intercom. I looked over as Ashton's yellow hoodie was soaked in red; blood seeped through every thread.

He wasn't waking up.

Then I saw Ashton give up, whispering "I'm sorry" over and over again.

No. They're not going to leave him. I'm not going to leave him.

I got down on my knees and started compressions on his chest just like I was taught that summer at the hospital.

One. Two. Three. One. Two. Three.

"Alexis honey. He's not waking up...." started Jaycee.

"No!" I lashed back tears running down my face, "I'm not leaving him! He never gave up on me, so I'm not about to do that! Come on Jace! Come on now!" I finished, as I focused my attention on him.

Somehow I wasn't tired anymore and I got this great surge of strength from absolutely nowhere.

Everything around me turned into a blur as I focused on bringing him back to life. Every voice around me became a distant hum as I only listened to his heartbeat.

I waited and waited and waited, but all I got in return was the sound of my own labored breathing.

'One more time' I thought. One. Two. Three.

"Lexi..." started Ashton.

"No! No!" Was all I managed to let out.

My hands were giving out and i felt like I was about to pass out. So I did one more thing I remembered from the hospital seminar.

I made my hand into a fist and started slamming it on his chest.

One. Two. Three.


One. Two. Three.


Just as I was about to give up, he started coughing and sputtering blood everywhere.

"Oh my goodness! You're back! You're back!" Was all I could manage to think about. All this time I was busy with the CPR I didn't even notice that Ashton had this hoodie off and pressed against his wound.

"What...what happened?" He asked shakily; out of breath.

"You dove in front of me and got shot instead. Jace you saved my life." I replied as I hugged him so tight.

"I guess that makes us even huh?" He mocked before grimacing in pain.

"We've always been even Jayjay."

"Sorry to ruin what appears to be an extremely sentimental moment, but we need to leave right now if we ever want to make it out alive." Said James.

"Let's go." Replied Jaycee. "Brenda. Dont worry. He's fine."

Giovanni jumped into the passageway and offered to help get him out of the sinkhole above us.

Jaycee and I were the last to leave. I looked around for the last time. The nasty smell, the reek of bleach, the smell of blood will forever haunt me. As soon as I set foot outside, the breath of fresh air hit so different.

"Welcome to the world Alexis." Said Giovanni, smiling at me but frowning at Jaycee, who obviously only frowned back.

The hole we came out of lead to a huge abandoned baseball court. The opening was huge but was hidden in a square of trees surrounding it from every side.

"Ok so where do we go from here?" Asked Ashton.

He got his reply alright, but not from anyone we were expecting.

"Why are you guys in such a hurry?" Asked Blake, as he emerged from the darkness of the bushes; gun in hand. His face was bloodied and there were cuts in his shirt. How the hell did he not die yet? What is he? A cat with nine souls?

Everyone took our their gun so fast it felt like a scene from a movie.

"Stay behind me." Whispered Jaycee, but I'm done hiding behind people.

I pushed him aside and stood facing Blake; of course from a distance.

"What more do you want? Do you want our fortune? You're not gonna take it Blake! And you will get caught, mark my words."

"For your information, this dumb little pack of musketeers won't help you. See I was the one who paid them to have you kidnapped in the first place." He smirked, thinking that's news to me.

"Yeah I'm fully aware of that fact." I said.

"Well, what you don't know is that I was a step ahead of you and since I knew they would turn against us, we had another plan in order." He said, as he whistled for something. A group of men with guns emerged from the trees and surrounded him. They definitely outnumbered the boys and it was evident that this was going to end in a bloodbath. I didn't know any of these men but two more emerged from the shadows and my heart almost stopped.

Jesse and Luis. They're still here!

"You!" Started Blake, pointing at Jesse, "kill her!" He commanded, and I heard everyone's guns click. They were getting ready for battle.

"Stop!" I yelled, turning to face them. "He won't hurt me. I know him." I said as I turned to face Jesse.

"You know someone who's in Blake's side? And you think he won't hesitate to kill you?" Asked Giovanni. "Then you're clearly a little nuts."

I didn't reply and I don't blame because he doesn't know Jesse. He's so sweet and kind and caring and loving and I know that he would never hurt me.

Jesse stepped forward, with so much pain in his eyes. His face pleaded with me to understand. His brother was shocked, as he looked between him and me. He knows that his brother is the kindest soul and that he could never hurt a fly, which is why we were both shocked when Jesse raised his gun at me.

"I'm sorry kid. I'm so so sorry for everything I ever put you through." He said.

"Don't apologize Jesse. I know about your sister and I'm really sorry for her death."

"It wasn't your fault Lexi. But it was my fault you were dragged into this screwed up version of family feud. You wouldn't be here battling for your life and your brother's life if it weren't for me!" He replied.

"You're not to blame! These scumbags made you do it!" Said a voice from behind me.

I looked to my left and I was surprised and shocked to see CJ standing by my side. He looks fine! I mean obviously tired and exhausted but other than that, he looks great! Maybe that thing he took really does work!

He came over and hugged me so tightly I almost cried again, but this was no time to show weakness.

"I'm sorry CJ! You didn't deserve anything they did to you. I'm sorry for being a part of it!" Replied Jesse.

"If you don't shoot them I will!" Said Blake, his face redder than I've ever seen him. Then he continued, "how the hell are you still alive?" He spoke to CJ this time.

"Your problem is, you think you're smart but you're really not." I could tell that he was just pretending to be okay because he had difficulty breathing and he was using me to support himself better.

Jesse took a step forward and I could see tears were pooling in his eyes.

"You don't have to do this Jesse. You're going to go to jail and Blake won't even help you out. He's going to make sure that his name is never mentioned in the trial. Don't do this." Reasoned CJ. I could see that he also cared about Jesse a great deal.

"Exactly! Blake will stop at nothing to destroy anyone's life. So think about your future. Think about Luis and your sister." I added.

"Jesse! I'm paying you and your brother so much money you will get the chance to start a new life away from here. I promised you, and you know I don't break my promises." Said Blake, clearly feigning compassion.

"Why don't you tell him Blakey boy?" taunted CJ.

A look of discomfort flashed on Blake's face for a brief second before disappearing. When he didn't reply, CJ continued.

"No problem I'll do it for you. Jesse, Luis I know that you had a nine year old sister who you loved with all your heart. I know because you told me so much about her. How she was a star and her smile alone lit up rooms. But..." he trailed off, gathering strength.

"But what?" Replied the brothers in unison.

"But what you don't know is who killed her. You see her death wasn't an accident or a random drive-by shooting. Blake was the one who killed her because he wanted both of you to join in on his little plan. He knew that grief would get you to do anything and it clearly worked because here we are."

I wasn't even shocked at this point because this was Blake we were talking about. I wasn't shocked, but Jesse and Luis were. Without any hesitation, Jesse turned around to fire at him but Blake had already disarmed his brother and was pointing the gun at him as he held his hands up in surrender.

"You killed her? You destroyed my life? Why? And for what? So you could have money? What kind of a monster are you?" He yelled out, tears streaming his face.

"The type that will shoot you if you don't do what he says!" Replies Blake.

"I'm done taking orders from you!" Said Jesse, as he pointed his gun at Blake.

"Hermano no! Don't do it! I can't lose you too! Our sister wouldn't want you to do that! This scum doesn't deserve anything good in this life but if you kill him you're going to jail and I can't lose you Jesse!"

"I'm sorry." Was the last thing he said before he aimed the gun at Blake. As soon as he lifted the gun, Blake fired three times and it wasn't even a split second before Jesse came crashing down.

"No!" Said Luis, as he got up and ran to his brother.

I ran to him too and held his shaking hand.

"Jesse please! Please don't die on me please! I don't have anyone left in this world but you! Please!" Pleaded Luis.

Jesse tried squeezing my hand with all the strength he got.

"I'm ve...very sorry little miss. I'm sorry." He whispered as he went very, very still.

"It's ok Jesse. You're ok. It's ok." I comforted him, breathing a little heavily while his brother just cried his eyes out.

"Jesse! Jesse no please! Please!" He hugged his brother, his blood staining his tshirt and Jesse's lifeless eyes looked to the sky, a single tear escaped.

He died.

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