Gaze into the Future [ My Her...

By EvoJaden

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[ This book will Follow the story but things will become altered as time goes won't truly effect the story un... More

Forms [ Limited Time ]
Kagura Jaden
Chapter 1 part 1: The Beginning
Chapter 1 Part 2: Kamen Rider.........
Chapter 1 Finale: IWAE! THE KING!
Chapter 2: Past and Future
Chapter 3: Building the stage
Chapter 4: November 2017
Chapter 5: Reliving the past
Chapter 5 part 2: Build Finale! Be The One!
Chapter 6: The Unbeattable game
Chapter 8: The man behind it all
Chapter 9: Two plans
Chapter 10: Don't let fear hold you down

Chapter 7: Promises

84 5 1
By EvoJaden

" I don't get it....." Kagura murmured, he sat on the couch within Nathan's home, moreover the living room " He's never like this....he usually accepts help of any kind..."he said to himself. " Looks worse than I thought..."Nathan said as he glanced at Kagura from the kitchen, Vernage beside him " I did some digging, apparently this ' Hojo Emu ' is the only documented blood relative of Kagura, that's alive at least. My guess is that due to Emu's school life and choice of career he couldn't manage to take care of Kagura and himself at once. But accordion to the documents I've looked into they were still pretty close. " She told Nathan who only nodded " Which makes this would deeper. Having a family member act that cold towards isn't something received lightly especially if trust was well built " Nathan crossed his arms. Before overhearing the trio in the living room; " All this means is that he isn't to be trusted with the matter...." Geiz was leaned against the wall which Kagura looked up at him from his seat on the couch " Look, he didn't even remember who were as in when we fighting him, and the way his armor vanished definitely meant his powers are gone. The alter had to occur the year became a rider, 2016. Since he isn't of any help, I'll deal with the issue myself..." Geiz began to walk to the door " You can't just go at it alone! " Kagura stood up but was suddenly shot a glare which startled even him " This isn't Zi-O's problem anymore..." Geiz walked out the front door closing it behind him. Kagura fell back onto the couch gripped the ends of his shorts, his eyes began to warm as tears slowly streamed out. " I-I....just want to...protect everyone...." he held his head and just began sobbing to the point that Tsukuyomi didn't know what to do or say.

Nathan sighed softly as Vernage couldn't comprehend why the child was crying " Why is he....sad, did Geiz say something that bad? " she asked which Nathan clarified " These past few days have been rough in Kagura....I learned from Jirou that he has a strong way of masking his emotions. She says he's very sensitive as well, my guess is that with Geiz constantly looking at him as that evil overlord instead of the person he is, he has no choice but to try appease Geiz....but he's just a kid he doesn't know how to handle stress..." Nathan did his best to attempt an explanation. Vernage simply starred sympathetically at the boy from the kitchen she and Nathan watched from " I guess it was a good idea for us to erase the memory of him witnessing such a brutal murder of Sento and Banjou in that timeline....he would have probably been traumatized to the point the he wouldn't be able to fight anymore...." then Nathan finished her sentence " And Geiz would've killed him..." Nathan watched as Tsukuyomi tried her best at comforting him, holding him close while rubbing his back while he cried.

Toga was across the street from Nathan's house, holding an umbrella as it rained. "....why does he have to suffer.....he just wanted a dream to come true..." she said aloud quietly before hearing the sound a camera shot being taken. " Suffering is about his was apart of mine, and it seems I didn't the best at watching the real world, now he's stuck with a mess I could have prevented when I was younger...." Toga looked beside her at the man with the camera and asked " won't....take him away for me right?....." she asked and simply replied " No. I won't. As cruel as I must be to cruel as I have to do things to's all to teach him to strive to live in the face of strive to achieve success in the face of those who oppose his ideals, to strive to become the king the world needs him to be..."He looked back down towards Toga who simply nodded " I know you want revenge for your school friend, I wasn't expecting him to get caught in the crossfire with the Time Jackers....but he'll be fuel for Zi-O. Although you can't go back in time with him, I'll let you in on a secret. ZI-O will go back in time and destroy the original Another Ex-Aid...but the second was born today in the present, he won't know this now but he'll figure it out, and when he does, you'll help him win the fight...." he turned and began walking away into that mysterious dimensional wall that seemed to appear whenever he was around.

" Jaden, sweetie? " Yu knocked on Kagura's room door, only for him said say " Go away....please....I'm not ok...." he said and she noticed his natural issue of being able to express what was wrong with him. " I know, but it's a mother's job to help their child..." she replied " even when they don't want..." Yu leaned her back against the wall beside his door. " I don't talk about it......" she could hear his twitchy voice, a result from crying that Yu knew well, he was probably still sniffling and even wiping his eyes. "....if you don't want talk about it....that's fine...but I won't let you shut yourself out from the world....when you just opened up to it..." Yu spoke softly, soon hearing the sound of a lock turning. She looked towards the door watching it slowly open up. Peering in she saw Kagura sitting in front of where his door would be if closed " Why.....Why are people difficult....why do they look at bad someone...and never the good..." he was tearing up which Yu scooted over your him and pulled him to her side holding him close to her, as a mother should to a child. " People can be....judgmental....and without reason to be. Once they view you as bad that's how they will perceive you. However there are few who only want to see the good in people, they'd fight for you just so other's will see the good in your heart. Jaden, I'm not sure what's been happening recently with this whole situation with your quirk, but you know I'm here for you " she replied as she wiped his remaining tears away. She kissed his forehead and told him softly " You know, everyone used to doubt that I could become a pro hero you's not something you want to hero but that's not the moral of this story, you know how it goes......even though Nemur and I fight.....a lot.....I will always respect her.....because she is one of the many people who told me ' You Can Do It '. Kagura Jaden Takeyama- no, Future King Takeyama, DONT you dare let anyone tell you ' You Can't Become King ' I don't care what they think of you, you can change that thinking, you aren't just smart, your sweet, thoughtful, cunning, and most importantly your my son " She pressed her forehead against his " Do you really think I can become king?..." he asked softly " Do I think? No,I know. Remember the stories of the Arthurian tale Bakura and I read to you when you were little? You need to craft your own tale, you have your Excalibur you just need to learn how to use it " she starred at his eyes before he smiled softly " umu! " Yu smiled softly in return and patted his head " Now let's get some sleep...knowing Bakura he's probably out cold in his" Yu blinked seeing Kagura fast asleep like a baby clinging to her. " These boys...I swear " She picked him up and carried him back into his room, laying him on his bed. After tucking him and planting a kiss on his forehead, she turned to make her way back to the door. However she soon stopped noticing a strange ' stand ' by on his dresser

It was obvious that this stand was meant to hold something but Yu didn't know what until she turned it around for a bit to see the Build watch being the only one there for now. " What is this..."she mumbled starring at the Build watch before Kagura. " I did know you were a collector too..." she chuckled before letting his belonging be as she left the room.

" So that's what happens....." Takeru sighed as he leaned against the railing on the balcony of a penthouse. The man with the camera was inside sitting in a comfy chair, scrolling through his film. " Unfortunately. He's yet to realize it, but when Zi-O takes a riders watch, he's taking away their powers and their memories, thus wiping them from the timeline completely " the man replied as Takeru looked at his Ghost watch in his hand "....I see. " Takeru replied " It's ultimately your choice to make, but just know you can influence how he thinks " The man told Takeru who just nodded. " Yeah...."

" Kagura.....I uh....I'm sorry for how Geiz hurt yesterday " Tsukuyomi tried saying to Kagura as they walked together.Kagura looked up at her " It's alright I just don't get him....I mean....I know I killed people but it's not me..." he said aloud " Not the you currently, and thats his issue....where as i am able to view you as you are now, he can't.He only is able to see what you become. " Tsukuyomi replied to which Kagura asked " Do you think I'll become evil....?" Tsukuyomi looked at him and honestly answered " I am not certain." Kagura only nodded " I see....-" " But I can only watch. I came back to stop you from getting your powers but....seeing how you use them I'm determined that I can guide you away from that evil path, I just want Geiz to be apart of it.." Tsukuyomi said before feeling Kagura hug her side. She blinked and looked at him before smiling softly " Stop being so clingy " she said as she stroked his head softly. " Hey Tsukuyomi, I have a request " he looked up at her as she just blinked

" Hatsume, you have a visitor " A nurse at the Seito University Hospital knocked on the door to a patients room which the female with pink her glanced from window to the door to see the nurse " Visitor?.." she asked her voice was low, she suffered a head trauma to Another Ex-Aid yesterday and was barely just recovering. The nurse stepped aside allowing Kagura to step inside the room " Hey, how are you feeling?  " he asked as he walked inside, the nurse closing the door behind him, giving them privacy. " Who...are you? " The girl starred at Kagura watching as he sat in a chair beside her bed. " Me? I'm one of the people who saved you, you were hurt pretty bad yesterday and weren't waking up. The other two aren't here to visit. My name is Kagura Takeyama " he smiled as the girl got in his face and starred into his eyes making him lean back in his chair a little " your eyes.....they're...glowing.. " she said as not even Kagura noticed this, usually when this happens his quirk would've activated but no he didn't see any future past at all. " I-I'm sorry " he said as he looked to the side covering his eyes " Why apologize? I never seen eyes so beautiful before, it's like gazing into a future pure and innocent " she smiled softly towards him as he opened his eyes which this time he indeed peered into the future when he glanced at her; he saw himself, behind him someone in some sort of space suit, the helmet cracked while the suit itself was punctured. He saw several kids in costumes, he easily identified Bakugo,Kirishima, Todoroki, Midoriya, Yaoyorozu, and Jirou, he assumed the rest were their classmates. He noticed that this ' future ' version of himself had smoke coming from his hand, stopping an attack most likely, and seeing how he stood in front of Yaoyorozu and Jirou he assumed that's where the attack were headed. He blinked, the vision now gone. He looked up at the girl in front of him. " That's my quirk, seeing into the future....and I think it wasn't coincidence that we met " he smiled which the girl only said " you believe it was destiny " Kagura nodded softly as he looked at his Zi-O watch in his hand " This...was supposed to make me into an evil Overlord in the future....I was told by two times travelers from the future about it....but in spite that one almost killed me, and the other tried talking me down, I couldn't bare to watch my sister and friends suffer. " he clenched the watch lightly before feeling the girl's hands grasp his over his watch. " You decided to use that power but in a good way, you want to forge your own destiny and change the future they're trying to prevent " she replied to which Kagura nodded once more " The monster that attacked you, was Another Rider. From my knowledge after these past few days, they didn't exist in the future or at all until I used this watch. I fought one Another Rider...I won but....I unknowingly had stripped heroes of their powers and memories to do so....inevitably wiping their history from time itself, this Another Rider now.....I don't think I can fight him....I might have to take my own cousins powers...and he might never exist " he closed his eyes " That's a possibility....I may not know much about being hero, since I'm in the support class. But I know this; in a heroes journey, sacrifices have to be made, and mostly with pain to follow to achieve victory....though sometimes those sacrifices are temporary, and using your own power can you unwrite them. " She told him watching as he looked up to her seeing her smile " I don't know about these Another Riders but it sounds to me like they're trouble for not just us but for the past and future too. Maybe just maybe, these heroes you mentioned are waiting for you to rise up to your destiny and save people from what that can't, you just have to prove your worth for them to trust you with their abilities. " she added and Kagura simply smiled before saying " I guess to become a king you need the acknowledgement of those before you..." he said to himself the girl heard and she commented " A king? You seem more like a prince right now, who's yet to face the king for his acknowledgement " she said to which Kagura blinked softly before asking. " What's your name? " he gave a determined looked " Hatsume Mei. " she replied seemingly worried before hearing Kagura breathe lightly " I hereby take an oath...the day I become worthy of the title King, I will come back and tell you! " he said even though this sounded cheesy as is and even random Mei only gave a smile exposing her teeth " And when that day comes, I'll be here with my babies to aid you in your kingdom! " she said which Kagura blinked " Babies? " he questioned before blushing heavily " Yeah my babies! I created them myself! There's one that helps with a persons climbing ability, a prosthetic arm and lemme tell ya it is stun-ning " Kagura soon understood what she meant as she continued talking about her machine beauties. " I should get going, I'll visit you again after I defeat this Another Rider" he promised " Don't keep a girl waiting no " Mei grinned watching Kagura stand up and head for the door " Oh and Takeyama " she called to him which he turned back and looked towards her " A journey isn't just a single player run. Don't be afraid to ask for help " she hinted towards a later matter which Kagura didn't understand now.


Emu or at least the past Emu, was currently transformed, beside him was Kamen Rider Brave. Both battling against a mob with humane bodies but hosting orange monster like heads; the bugsters. They didn't seem like much work and they easily defeated the entire group, before soon hearing from the sky;


They watched as Geiz's time majin flu from a portal and landed behind them. " What's that? " Emu asked as the machine landed, Brave only readied his sword as the hatch opened " Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, your in danger " Geiz said after walking down the ramp that lead inside the time majin. Emu pulled out the cartridge in his driver cancelling his transformation as did Brave which revealed to be Hiiro, the past Hiiro. " Danger? " Emu questioned.

Traveling back to the Seito hospital, Geiz had conversed with Hiiro and Emu; explaining the current situation to them about Another Ex-Aid and Emu losing his power in the future. " So what your saying is that your from the future, and in said future there is a monster possessing Hojo's Ex-Aid powers thus stripping him of his Kamen Rider abilities and his memories? " Hiiro wanted to clarify to which Geiz nodded and added " I came back to prevent that from happening and changing history. " He said. " I find that unbelievable. You must be delusional " Hiiro said as he walked down the hall away form them. " He's cold...." Geiz murmured before Emu eyed Geiz and replied " Judging by you, you don't seem much different. "

-Present Day-

Atop the Seito University Hospital, Emu looked into the distance. The helipad located on the roof was where he decided to clear his mind, but he couldn't, he just battled his own cousin and could've potentially harmed him and at the same time his patient's father was on a rampage as a monster, he quite certain didn't what to do, but one thing; talking Keiichiro's father down from this act of villainy. Soon a pink digital pulse changed his surroundings to a basic grassland, ahead of him was Another Ex-Aid, Keiichiro's father Ida. " have to stop this. Keiichiro needs you to be his side more than ever now. " Emu starred with a sympathetic look. Another Ex-Aid's monster form vanished and there stood Ida as he gave an angered expression towards Emu " What do you suppose I do? I can't simply sit there and watch my only son die! Not while I was given the ability to save him! " Ida starred at Emu " You can't fathom the amount of pain I had to endure watching him suffer....but soon....I'll be able to save him.." he clenched his fist " Actually, you won't and you'll fail. " Ida looked up as Emu looked behind himself to see Kagura standing not to far behind Emu " I thought to told you to stay out of this " Emu told Kagura " You know you and I share the same thinking, we can't resist helping. So I did some digging into your case and found things you've missed. All the victims had another trait in common other that the coma illness, they were all young males that had organs the same size as Keiichiro's. " Kagura stated first before continuing " I talked with Hiiro and he confirmed the diagnosis; idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. He said if detected a year earlier he would've been able to preform a self-made procedure to fix Keiichiro's heart, or a transplant. As Keiichiro is now, Hiiro can't even preform a heart transplant with how far the disease has spread. Emu you overlooked something crucial as well, the victims, they weren't just candidates that fit the description for the transplant, but the method they were attacked was unique which blinded you from finding the true suspect; Ida. Using his powers he manipulated the use of a new game that he knew no one could resist, and when they inputted certain inputs that's when he would spring out to capture them. " Kagura closed his case to which Emu blinked and asked " but what about the girl? " he questioned as he knew that there was a female currently hospitalized, the same one he saw unconscious after seeing Kagura and Geiz after their battle: Mei Hatsume. " About her, it's funny you asked that question- Mr.Ida found that she had the healthiest heart that fit the size needed for Keiichiro problem was she was from the U.A., just like another victim Eijiro Kirishima: he couldn't just flat out snag them, so he lured them a park by keeping their brains stimulated by a ever changing stage. Just sucks for him that I happened to jump in. " Kagura replied " But in the end, I know your just trying to save someone who should be defeated, because you know you can help" he looked at Emu referring to him " And I know someone with that same feeling. " He smiled " I was really do understand. " Emu smiled back " both don't get it! " Ida transformed into Another Ex-Aid before vanishing destroying the game world they were in and returning them back to the roof of the hospital. " Kagura....." Emu turned around and looked at his cousin " Hai...?" He looked at Emu who pulled a watch from his pocket " I'm not sure when it manifested, but I've been waiting to give you this for a while, but I didn't know if you were serious about this I waited.....and in the prove to me that you have something I lost a long time in your family and friends..."Emu held the watch towards Kagura with a smile.

" Emu....I can't.....I take that you'll.....everything you've experienced...." Kagura couldn't put his words together but soon Emu took Kagura's hand and put the watch in it as he held it with him. Kagura starred up at Emu whom said " Don't worry about me.....there was a guy who told me about this watch...a while ago before we met again, he told me that one day you'll be able to fix what you regret. Beside that....I'll always be with you, in here " he put his fist against Kagura's chest right above his heart. Soon Emu has began to digitalize before falling into pixels that were absorbed into the Ex-Aid watch. " Hojo......" Kagura closed his eyes softly. Tsukuyomi walked onto the roof from the stairwell and saw Kagura " Kagura, Geiz is in trouble! " she said and Kagura opened his eyes " Don't worry....I'll help him " Kagura replied as Time Majin appeared from a portal and hovered close to the roof. He quickly entered the Time Majin, preparing to take off before the machine was knocked off by a large dinosaur looking machine

" Where do you think your going Zi-O?! " Uhr shouted form inside his machine " I don't have time for this...." Kagura muttered as he grabbed the controls of Time Majin transforming it into it's battle form, as it's head was Zi-O's watch.

Kagura pushed his controls forward causing his machine to get up and punch Uhr's machine. " I won't let you interfere with our plans! " Uhr's machine's thrusted it's drill arms forward but Kagura's machine grabbed the arms and kicked the chest of the machine knocking it down giving him enough time to turn his Time Majin into it's vehicle form before traveling through time back to 2016.

Geiz blocked a strike from Another Ex-Aid who quickly thrusted his left foot twice into Geiz's just forcing him to slide back in his feet. " I destroyed you....and you came back....we destroyed you at the source and somehow came back. " He mumbled to himself as the monster began to summon a mob of bugsters to attack Geiz. " Keep your head straight Geiz! " Emu told Geiz as he kicked away some of the Busgters while dodging other attacks as he was already in his armor. Soon both males looked to the sky upon seeing Kagura's Time Majin fly overheard and land behind them. Kagura walked out from the Time Majin and Geiz confronted him while Emu continued to fight. " I told you this isn't Zi-O's problem anymo-" " I know Geiz....but I trust you and Tsukuyomi....your judgement will determine the fate of the future, and I'm ok with that " Kagura replied to watch Geiz was taken aback by his words not fully understanding what he meant. He watched Kagura walk forward just in time to catch Emu from falling. The armored male looked back to see his cousin and he stood up slowly " K-Kagura is that you ? look older..." He said which Kagura chuckled " Yeah it's me, but...from the future, I came back to rewrite a wrong and save you " he said to which Emu nodded softly. Kagura stood beside his cousin before starring at the Bugsters and Another Ex-Aid. " Together we'll win this fight and rewrite that wrong, this isn't a single player game-" " it's two player " Emu pounded his fist together:


Kagura looked back towards Geiz who only returned the glance before nodding. Kagura looked back ahead and turned his watch and activating it.


Inserting the watch he slanted his driver, a holographic clock appearing behind him as exhaled softly. " Henshin! " he spun his driver back into place and opened his eyes.




After his kanji became his visor and he put his arms up with his fist balled ready to fight " Let's get em, Hojo " " Yeah " both cousins charged into the battle head, dealing several attacks to the bugster goons. Kagura blocked a fist from one of them before kicking back and punching one behind him. Emu jumped over Kagura and used the heads of several busgters to jump towards Another Ex-Aid. Geiz blocked an attack from behind that was at Kagura's blind spot " Watch yourself, your slow " Geiz pointed out " I'll try to be faster " Kagura replied



Kagura began to cut down several more busgters with his sword, soon crouching onto a knee to duck Geiz's axe swing which destroyed the remaining bugsters. Looking up they both saw that Emu was single handily overwhelming Another Ex-Aid with a combination of two kicks into a elbow that knocked back the monster. " I the Another Riders weakness is the rider that they're based on..."Kagura muttered " That is correct Waga Maou " Woz spoke from beside Kagura causing both Geiz and Kagura to jump back just a but " How did you get here? " " WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THAT?! " Geiz eyed Kagura being so loud but Woz didn't answer either question " Waga Maou, if you are to defeat Another Riders you must indeed use the power of the rider they are impersonating, that is the only effective way of defeating them. " Woz said which Kagura nodded. Emu dodged a punch from his monster counter part before jumping back, he would've gone for another attack but he noticed his hands became distorted before his armor faded " Huh...." blinked before realizing what Geiz told him earlier abou him losing his powers. Kagura noticed this and took the Ex-Aid watch off his left arm, turning it to complete its face and activated it


He inserted it into his driver and slanted it before spinning it into place:


Another Ex-Aid noticed the sound and looked towards Kagura, a holographic tube appeared in front of the boy with Eh label ' Ex-Aid ' floating around the center while harboring a new armor that took Emu's signature pose inside the transparent casing while a new kanji flu forward


Kagura kicked the armor which shattered it into pieces, effectively knocking them into the air. He jumped into the air, connecting each piece of armor to a specific part of his body before inserting his fist into two large ' pillar ' like boxing gloves as this new kanji became his armor.

He landed beside Emu and stood up, he looked at his cousin who nodded in return, both looked at Another Ex-Aid and said in unison " No continue de clear shiteyaruze! " { I'll clear this with no continues}. Kagura ran forward, dodging left as Another Ex-Aid tried attacking, quickly countering the monster's move with a stomach jab which spawned a ' hit ' icon to appear. " Ooooo! I got one just like Hojo! " Kagura gasped before ducking under a kick from Another Ex-Aid and punching the monster's chest twice " One-two! And here's the upper! "
Kagura uppercutted Another Ex-Aid into the air. "Kagura! The finisher now! " Emu chanted "Ah! Gotcha " the pillar on Kagura's arms detached momentarily for him to press his watches:



Kagura took a stance as a prelude screen appeared in front of him, literally screaming out ' Critical Time Break ' " Eh? "

He shook his head " I get it! " he punched the prelude towards Another Ex-Aid which began to strike the monster down onto the ground before Kagura punched the ground with his pillar fist creating a shockwave that knocked the monster back into the air. He jumped up into the air and thrusted himself forward like a missile, arms forward with the green pads glowing with a greenish energy surrounde by a pinkish energy.


" AHYA! " Kagura began to send out a flurry of punches upon Another Ex-Aid's chest, continually punching the beast until his final attack knocked the monster into the ground and exploding. Kagura slid into his feet as his pillar fist vanished allowing him to catch the another rider watch and crush it. " And that's crisis adverted..." Kagura exhaled as he looked back to see the unharmed Ida unconscious. He pulled his watches out from his driver and sighed softly before turning to Emu. " You were amazing out there Kagura! " Emu fist bumped his cousin " I learned from mother and you " he smiled back before pulling a blank watch from his pocket " I know this is really sudden but I can't mess with certain things, I want you to keep this watch, we'll meet again one day, and when we do I want you to return it " Kagura smiled as Emu only nodded and accepted the blank watch " I'm not sure what it is but definitely, it'll be a reminder of you " Emu replied before both noticed Ida getting up " Where am I..." he mumbled " Mr. Ida! " Kagura said gaining the man's attention " w-who are you? " he asked " I'm just a stranger, but I want to introduce you to my cousin, he's the doctor who'll be taking care your son; Hojo Emu " He introduced Emu to Ida " O-Oh! Pleasure to meet you " Ida shook Enu's hand who only returned to the hand shake " Same here " Emu smiled both males unaware that Geiz and Kagura left with their Time Majins.

- Present Day -

Kagura was walking home, pushing his bike along. He came to a crossroads and halted as he waited for the signs to change. He soon saw a car drive by and inside was a happy Ida and Keiichiro, and seeing the two brought a smile to his face. He soon received a text on his phone and looking it, he saw the sender was from ' Emu '. " Hey, wanted to let you know that your friend Owada will be just fine and that he'll be able to return to class by tomorrow " The text read which Kagura put his phone away and spoke to himself "....even if it's not the real Emu in this timeline....he'll have to do until I gain the power to bring back the riders histories " he spoke to himself. He waited still for the signs to change not noticing Bakugo standing beside him, it wasn't until he heard the hot blooded blond speak the words " Thanks....." and looked over he saw the explosive boy. " Did your friend recover alright? " Kagura asked which Bakugo only nodded " That's good to hear, wouldn't want the class housing the best upcoming heroes to suffer an unfortunate fate. " Kagura said as the sign finally changed allowing him to cross safely. Bakugo blinked watching Kagura bicycle away ' the best ' those words rang throughout his hand. He wouldn't dare think Midoriya was in the term the best but himself, to hear form another kid who didn't even attend the school that he thought he and the others from class 1-A were ' the best ' upcoming heroes, it gave him motivation " Yeah, your dam right we're the best. " he said to himself with a grin.

Upon reaching his front porch, Kagura noticed Geiz and Tsukuyomi waiting at the front door. " Zi-O, I have something to ask you..."Geiz started to which Kagura nodded as Geiz asked " What did you mean back there?...when you said you trusted my judgement..." Kagura simply smiled and exhaled softly " I meant that even though I'm supposed to fall down a road to evil, I refuse that path and I want become a good king. However, if I stray from that path and I do end up slowly becoming evil, I trust you and Tsukuyomi will do what you have to, to stop me. And I'll be fine with that, as long as the future you both want is saved and the loved ones you lost return. " Kagura said to which Geiz looked at him before nodding " Zi-O....don't get ahead of yourself with these rider powers alright? " he told the boy as Kagura just smiled softly before saying " I made a promise to Emu, one day I'll be strong enough to correct the method of my obtaining their powers, so they won't forget who they are or disappear, but continue living with their abilities and without fear, and plan on seeing that dream and promise through. You showed me Geiz, that destiny is what you want it to be, not what it should be " Kagura smiled as Geiz walked by him saying ' whatever ' but when he passed Kagura he simply gave a slight smile behind him ' this kid.....may not be all that bad after all...' Geiz thought to himself.

" Kurogiri....did you obtain it? " Shigaraki asked while sitting by the bar counter of their hideout " It wasn't easy to get this, a parent and child were involved " Kurogiri replied as he walked behind the bar counter and placed the Another Ex-Aid watch in front of Shigaraki " doesn't long as we can collect these as Nomu grows....i wanna see how big of an army we can make before Nomu is fully grown " Shigaraki have a quiet laugh while starring at both the Another Build watch and Another Ex-Aid Watch.

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