Karma x Reader || Appearances

By booksandanime00

314K 14.1K 18.7K

"You were told multiple times you were good at acting. It was ironic, honestly. Of course you would be a good... More

|1| Home, Sweet Home
|2| The Day Everything Changed
|3| Own Free Will
|4| Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover
|5| The Start Of A Friendship
|6| Kyoto
|7| Mutual Feelings
|8| Sides Of The Moon
|9| Lights, Camera, Action
|10| Our Little Secret
|11| Shared Interests
|12| Not Everything Is What It Seems
|13| I Just Need... Air
|15| Hearing Symphonies
|16| Cold
|17| The Romeo To My Juliet
|18| Realization
|19| Okinawa
|20| Mind If I Join?
|21| Against All Expectations
|22| Busy Schedule
|23| Complete Strangers
|24| The Aftermath
|25| To Accept Or Not To Accept That Is The Question
|26| Jealousy
|27| The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
|28| What's The Princess Doing Without Her Knight?
|29| Raw Honesty
|30| Thinking Things Through
|31| Fears
|32| Complicated Decisions
|33| Truth Be Told
|34| Kunugigaoka Festival
|35| The End Of The Chase
|36| Private Tutor
|37| I Need You To Tell Me The Truth
|38| Honest Conversations
|39| Change
|40| Playing With Feelings
|41| The Day I Fell For You
|42| I Just Want A Family
|43| Never Enough
|44| Betrayal
|45| Broken Family
|46| A Place To Call Home
|47| Christmas Miracle
|48| The Rift
|49| Trust
|50| Who Are You?
|51| So This Is My Future...?
|52| The Truth Always Comes Out
|53| Stay?
|54| Valentine's Day
|55| Rise To The Challenge
|56| Blood
|57| Unexpected Allies
|58| History Repeats Itself
|59| Regrets
|60| You're Only Young Once
|61| Making Things Right
|62| Blood Is Thicker Than Water
|63| Blame
|64| An 800 Word Essay
|65| Photographs
|66| All That Lead Us Here
|67| The Final Confrontation
|68| One Last Goodbye
|69| After The Storm
|70| Graduation Brings Change
|71| Old And New Friendships
|72| Red And White
|73| The Place You Left Behind
|74| The Dinner
|75| Turning A New Page

|14| A Tale Of Two Parties

5.4K 263 527
By booksandanime00

(F/F) = Favourite flavour

(Your POV)

"Hey (Y/N)," Sugino said.

It was the next day after the pool incident and you were spending your recess sitting down on the grass and talking with him, Nagisa, Nakamura, Kayano and Karma. You had already given Karma his jacket, you had made sure to wash it beforehand and you had had to wash it yourself by hand since you knew your mother would most probably ask questions about it.

"We really enjoyed going to the ice rink," he said, "and we're planning on going this weekend, you coming?"

"Oh, that's such a shame," you pouted sadly looking down at the floor. "But this Saturday I was invited to a birthday party and I can't miss it."

"We were planning on meeting up on Friday after school," Nakamura said.

"I don't think my mother will let me go out two times this weekend... Finals are just around the corner and math is giving me a hard time," you admitted in defeat. You really wanted to go but you knew your mother would definitely not like that...

They exchanged looks between one another as you watched them in silence. You didn't want to disappoint them...

"I could help you in maths," Karma suddenly offered. "For a prize of course," he smiled devilishly as he began rubbing his hands until Nakamura elbowed him in the ribs. "Okay, for free," he sighed.

You bit your bottom lip as you thought about it. You knew Karma was a math prodigy so he would be able to help you out. At least he had offered to help you which meant that you weren't going to be a bother to him like you were to Asano... And you were sure you would perform better if you had a tutor to help you... But then you would have to tell your mother who you were meeting up with and even though you could introduce Karma to your mother and show her he was just as good as Asano, if Asano found out, he would most certainly tell your mother another thing and she would believe his truth over yours.

"I don't know..." You shook your head slowly, unsure about it. "Sunday is my birthday so my mother might want to do something," you shrugged your shoulders. You knew it was a lie. Your mother would most certainly won't do anything about it but you needed another excuse to get off the hook without exposing your mother's control over you.

"What?! Sunday is your birthday?!" Nakamura exclaimed rather exaggeratedly.

"Uh... yeah," you smiled awkwardly.

"You should have told us," Nagisa smiled.

"You sure do like to keep your secrets, huh?" Nakamura added.

"Hey, I did know. I remembered from last year. I was even going to congratulate you on that day," Sugino rubbed the back of his neck.

"And you decided to keep it a secret, huh?" Karma punched Sugino's arm jokingly.

You watched them interact with one another in silence. You really wanted to go out with your friends but your mother wouldn't let you...You couldn't believe you were depriving yourself of another 'adventure' because of your mother. The situation was similar to when Karma offered you to go to the movies with him, Koro-sensei and Nagisa... Wait. You remembered perfectly well how that turned out... You immediately regretted it.

"Okay, I'll go," you suddenly said, startling yourself with your sudden decision.

"Great," Kayano cheered. "It will be so much fun!"


Friday was finally here. You were excited to say the least. You had had a really good time with your friends last time and it had been a few days since you last ice skated so you were glad to have another excuse to be back on the ice. You had eventually told your mother that you were going out with Kaori so she had allowed you to go. This time, you had actually warned Kaori. As expected, he had asked for an explanation but you had told him you would explain everything to him at his party. That way you would have enough time to come up with an excuse.

You were carrying your bag with your skates as you walked quite quickly. You were anxious to get back on the ice. You opened the doors to the building and stepped inside, the chilly air instantly reaching your bare skin. You smiled contently. It was great coming back. You walked with the rest of the group to the ice rink when you suddenly stopped right in your tracks, shocked at what was in front of you.


The whole class was there. They were holding a banner reading: Happy 16th birthday (Y/N)!! Even Koro-sensei was there wearing his 'civilian' clothes and disguise.

"What? How?" You stammered, your brain processing what was happening. "How did you do this in such a short amount of time?" You finally managed to stay, impressed at what they had achieved.

"C'mon," Karma rolled his eyes. "You really bought Nakamura's terrible performance?" He chuckled.

"We've been preparing this for ages," Sugino smiled.

You were overwhelmed. You didn't know what to say. It was the first time someone had done such a thing for you. And the fact that the whole class was involved was just enough to make you break down into tears of joy.

"I... I don't know what to say," you sniffed, chuckling at your own reaction. You couldn't believe you were crying.

"Come on (Y/N)," Nakamura hugged you, "wipe those tears and get in the rink and show us some of your tricks!"

"Ri-right now?" You asked shyly.

"Yeah," Nakamura smiled.

"Come on (Y/N)," Sugino patted your back, "show us what you can do!"

They ended up dragging you to the ice rink as you were too embarrassed to perform in front of the whole class. However, as soon as you began skating, you forgot your fears and worries and allowed your body to take control.

"Wow," Sugino exclaimed once you returned back to your senses.

"Nurufufufu," Koro-sensei smiled, "You have a wonderful talent (Y/N)."

The rest of the evening was spent skating with your friends. You helped some of them and you played a game of catch. There were a few bumps and falls but no one got hurt. You observed your whole class having fun, the sight filling you with joy. It was everything you could have ever asked for.

"Liking your party?" Karma skated towards you.

"Of course!" You smiled. "Thank you so much for planning it, seriously. It's the best!"

"Duh," he smiled cheekily, "I was involved."

"Why doesn't it surprise me," you rolled your eyes, hiding your amusement at his behavior. "I see you've gotten better," you pointed down at his skates.

"Were you even doubting that?" He smirked cockily.

"So, since you're so good at it by now," you smirked. "You don't need me to hold your hand and help you," you teased. "You know, in case you fell," you added innocently as you began remembering the day you had gone with them, that time when he had been too prideful to admit he needed any help and you had had to force him to accept your help.

"Well, of course I don't need it," he placed his hands on the back of his neck. "But, since you're so insistent and you so want to help me, I guess I could allow you to," he said, throwing you off guard.

"Wha-?" You stammered.

"C'mon, don't be a chicken. Weren't you the one who proposed it~?" He arched an eyebrow. "Don't tell me you're too embarrassed to hold my hand?" 

"I'm not," you frowned in disbelief.

"Sure," he nodded his head, his tone of voice making it crystal clear that he didn't believe you.

"I'm not," you huffed as you proceeded to grab his hand and drag him across the ice to prove your point.

Just like the first time you had skated with him, you were skating backwards so that you could be face to face, your hands grabbing his as he allowed himself to be guided by you.

"See? I'm not embarrassed," you said.

"Heh, I already knew that," he laughed.

"Eh!? So why tease me about it!? What? Did you actually want me to hold your hand or something?" You teased

"Yeah," he said rather bluntly as you had to blink twice and slowly process his words.

What? Was he kidding? You decided not to give it much thought, Karma was always kidding and messing with you so he probably didn't mean it. Though why did you even care? It's not like you had feelings for him... right?

"So you're like a big baby?" You finally said and flashed him a teasing smile.

"Not as big as you, though," he countered. "And much more handsome of course." He teased.

"Babies aren't supposed to be handsome!" You shrieked, a vein popping in your head. "They're supposed to be cute." You puffed your cheeks.

"Oh, then I guess being a baby does fit you." He said.

"Huh? Are you saying I'm cute?" You found yourself blushing.

"Only when you puff your cheeks like that," he snickered. "Most of the time you're just ugly."

You sweatdropped.

"Thank the heavens it's my birthday because I can't imagine what your insults would've been like if it wasn't." You rolled your eyes.

"Well, technically it's not your birthday today," he smiled. "So it's not like you can get a free pass."


You continued teasing one another but, after bickering for a few minutes, the both of you fell silent. You stared at his mercury eyes, they were beautiful. They brought you a warmth you had never felt before. It was an unknown feeling that warmed your whole body. 

Before you could even have time to process what was happening, you found yourself getting lost in those eyes. You still couldn't believe how much your life had changed ever since you met him. It wasn't just the fact that you had a nearly impossible mission to kill your teacher, but because of the feeling of freedom you had been experiencing for quite some time now. Before you met him, you had only experienced it when you were very little or whenever you were in the ice rink but now, you seemed to be experiencing whenever you were in the end class' presence, especially Karma's. 

Whenever you were with him, those carefully built appearances your mother had imposed on you seemed to crumble. It was a breath of fresh air that warmed up your whole body. It was a warmth you never knew it even existed.

"Hey! Watch out-!" Karma's sudden yell brought you back to reality... But it was too late.

You crashed forcefully against the ice rink wall causing the both of you to fall down onto the ice. Opening your eyes slowly, you took in the scene before you. You were on the floor in quite an uncomfortable position. Karma was on top of you, his face just a few centimeters from yours. His hands, pressing against the ice floor, were at both sides of your head, stopping him from falling completely on top of you. Without even realizing it, your eyes traveled down to his lips. You were so close.

"Sorry," you whispered under your breath, blushing at the closeness, "I didn't see it."

"It was my fault," he replied, avoiding your gaze as he quickly stood up, "I should've seen it before."

"(Y/N)! Karma!" Nagisa shouted as he quickly skated towards you, dragging everyone's attention to the both of you. "Are you guys okay?"

You silently nodded your head as you slowly stood up, trying your best to calm your nerves. How embarrassing... You couldn't believe it! You had been so caught up looking at him that you had forgotten where you were.

'And what is this fuzzy feeling?' You asked yourself.

Unknown to the both of you, your teacher, Koro-sensei, was laughing quietly as he rapidly took notes.

"So, what got you so distracted?" Nakamura whispered in your ear once everyone returned back to their businesses.

You timidly raised your eyes and you were met with her eyes twinkling with mischief as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"I-I..." you bit your bottom lip. Now what?

"Time for the cake!" Sugino exclaimed, interrupting your conversation as he proceeded to drag you out of Nakamura's clutches, the rest of the class following behind.

You sat down on one of the picnic benches outside of the rink as Kanzaki and Kayano brought out a (F/F) cake. They sang you happy birthday, a smile never leaving your face. After everyone had their piece of cake, Koro-sensei drooling at the sight, you were given the class present.

You opened it carefully, the wrapping paper was beautiful and you didn't want to tear it. Once the wrapping paper was out of the way, you were able to appreciate the present. It was a camera and a photo album. You didn't know what to say. The emotions of the evening were enough to overwhelm you and leave you speechless.

"Tha-thank you so much!" You finally managed to say as you proceeded to hug Nakamura and Sugino who were the closest to you at the moment.

"We saw you taking pictures back at Kyoto," Sugino smiled. "And we thought it would be nice if you had a place to put them in."

"Yeah!" Nakamura agreed. "It was Karma's idea!" She grinned as said boy smirked smugly.

"What would you do without me?" He turned his attention towards the rest of the class, cockily brushing off his shoulders.

"Wow, so modest," Terasaka rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"That's no way to talk to your boss, you egghead," Karma smirked devilishly as they soon began bickering, the rest of the class sweat dropping.



"Uh... didn't you tell me it was going to be a movie night?" You tilted your head to the side in confusion.

"Yeah it was," Kaori rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "but you know how these parties always end up like," he smiled.

"I do?" You frowned your brow.

"I know I said I wasn't into parties," he shrugged his shoulders, "but my friends wanted to surprise me so I can't really refuse, you know? Plus, it's not even that bad," he flashed you one of his famous smiles.

You followed Kaori into his house rather awkwardly, not knowing what to do or where to go. It was the first time you had ever attended a party and the neon lights and smoke machine were beginning to overwhelm you. You recognised many of the faces from movies and TV series so you felt rather intimidated since you hadn't done anything special and you personally didn't know anyone except for Kaori.

"You can put your things in my room if you want. Anyways, I'll be in the living room with my friends if you need me."

"Uh... thanks..." You smiled awkwardly as you headed towards the stairs where his room was.

The music playing on the stereo blasted your ears so you were glad the upstairs was deserted so you could get away from all that mayhem. You placed your things on his bed and looked out the window. It was a beautiful night.

After about 5 minutes, you finally decided to go down. Closing the door, you walked down the stairs. You made your way to the living room where Kaori had told you he would be with his friends. The millions of teenagers dancing to the beat of the music made your task nearly impossible.

Your eyes glanced from face to face, searching for the only person you knew at the party. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. After a few minutes of searching and wandering around the living room, you finally found him surrounded by his friends.

"Oh, hi (Y/N)," he smiled as soon as he saw you.

"Hi," you greeted awkwardly.

"Guys, this is (Y/N)," Kaori introduced you. "(Y/N), this is Asahi, Reo and Itsuki," he pointed at each one of them.

You actually already knew their names since you had recognized them from the movie Kaori had debuted in. They each greeted you with big happy smiles, nudging each other in the ribs.

"So, how do you know Japan's favourite?" Itsuki asked, grabbing Kaori and ruffling his hair.

"It was her mom who introduced me to this busy world," Kaori intervened before you even had time to come up with a lie.

"Oh, so that means you've also met this guy before the fame corrupted him, huh?" Asahi smirked, punching Kaori's arm.

"Dude, really?" Kaori chuckled punching him back.

You watched the scene in silence. You were glad Kaori had found such good friends but you felt awkward around them. It wasn't because they seemed like bad people or because they made you uncomfortable but it was the situation that made you feel uneasy. It was the first time you were attending a party and you were quite lost to say the least. The music, the colours, the loud sounds were enough to overwhelm you.

"Yo! Himura!" Someone yelled, "come over here!"

"Looks like they need me over there," Kaori chuckled. "I'll be back, don't worry. They'll keep you company," he reassured, pointing at his friends. "Watch what you say guys," he turned his attention towards them and walked away.

"Yeah, like that's gonna happen," Reo shouted back as the rest of them chuckled in the background.

"So, (Y/N)," Asahi smirked, "are you and Kaori a thing or what?"

"Wha-what?" You stammered as you the heat quickly rushed up to your cheeks and ears.

"No need to answer," Itsuki chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows. "That's enough of a response."

"Yeah, he's been eerily quiet about you these past few days," Reo added. "That has to mean so-"

"We're not in a relationship," you interrupted rather awkwardly.

"Huh?" Asahi tilted his head in confusion.

"But he won't stop talking about you," Reo said as he drank from his cup.

"Well, we are good friends," you explained scratching your arm.

After clearing up the misunderstanding, you got to know Kaori's friends a little bit more. They were very nice and funny. They liked to tease each other a lot and seemed to be like the type of guys that would warm up to anyone.

"Wanna drink?" Itsuki offered you his cup.

"Uh, no thanks," you politely declined.

'When will Kaori be back?' You asked yourself.

It wasn't like you didn't like his friends but since he was the only one you knew personally, right now you saw him as your safe haven.

"Yo (Y/N)," Kaori suddenly called as if he had heard your mental question.

You turned around to face him and you were surprised at what you saw. He was stumbling a little bit, two cups in his hands, drinking from one and then the other, alternating between both cups.

"Kaori?" You asked rather surprised.

"Dude! You're wasted!" Reo chuckled.

Kaori finally reach the group, not before stumbling and tripping on his own feet.

"What happened?" You asked confused as you took the drinks from his hands and placed them on the coffee table beside you.

"They said, they said I wouldn't be able to, be able to beat them at beer pong," he stumbled over his words. "They were, they were wrong, you know?" he chuckled.

"By how drunk he is," you heard Itsuki chuckle, "I would say he actually lost."

Shaking your head, you left him with his friends and made your way to the kitchen to grab him some water to drink. You tried your best not to bump into anyone but it turned out to be a difficult task given the fact that it was filled with people dancing and drinking. Finally arriving at the kitchen, you filled a glass with water and headed over to where you had left Kaori with his friends. You managed to arrive to the living room safely without spilling any water. But, as soon as you stepped inside, the music suddenly stopped.

"Okay, guys, listen up!" You heard Kaori's voice reverberate across the whole room.

Your eyes travelled around the living room as you searched for him. You nearly dropped the glass of water at the sudden sight before you. Kaori was holding a microphone as he tried to stand on top of a table. His movements were wobbly but he eventually managed to stand up straight.

"So, as you already know... IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" He shouted as the whole crowd went wild. "But, it's currently... " he stopped mid-sentence and proceeded to take a look at his watch. He was silent for a few seconds as he tried to read what it said. He blinked a few times as if he was hoping it would clear his sight but to no avail.

"1:15 am!" Someone in the crowd yelled.

"Right!" Kaori smiled as he pointed with his index finger at the crowd. "So, anyways," he continued. "Today, it's (Y/N)'s day!" His eyes searched the crowd as he tried to find you. You, on the other hand, tried to go unnoticed, blushing uncontrollably.

"Oh, there she is!" His sudden yelled made you jump in your place.

Your eyes skipped over to where Kaori was standing and this time, Reo was also there with him. It looked like he had been the one to help Kaori find you since he was too drunk to do it by himself.

"So everyone, a round of applause for this amazing girl!" He yelled as everyone's attention turned towards you as they clapped, whistled and cheered for you.

Once the music was back on and everyone turned their attention back to dancing, you tried to blend into the shadows as much as possible. You eventually opted to go upstairs to Kaori's room where you knew no one would be there. Opening the door, you got inside. You sat on the bed and drank the glass of water you had filled for Kaori.

Taking your phone out, you skimmed past your contacts absentmindedly as you searched for your mother's. Once you found her, you sent her a quick text asking if she could come and pick you up. You were tired.

The sound of the doorknob turning suddenly caught your attention. The door opened revealing a drunk Kaori. His brown hair was messy and ruffled and his silver eyes seemed lost and unfocused.

"(Y/N)!" Hi grinned as soon as he saw you, "I've been looking for you."

"Uh... sorry for invading your room," you apologized. "But my mother is coming to pick me up... she'll be here in a few minutes," you said as you looked down at your watch.

"Come on," he whined, "come downstairs and have some fun," he smiled.

"Thanks but I'm alright here," you smiled awkwardly.

Kaori closed the door and stumbled over to where you were, his smile never leaving his face as he sat down on the bed beside you.

"(Y/N)," he became suddenly serious. "Do you, do you hate me?"

"Huh?" You said, his question taking you by surprise.

"Do you hate me?" He repeated, his eyes seemed to clear up as if the effects of the alcohol were dissipating.

"Uh... no," you answered.

"Then, then why did you hesitate?" He frowned his brow.

'Well he sure seems awake...' you thought.

"I didn't hesitate," you said.

"Yes you did," he argued back. "I'll change my question... did you hate me?"

You remained silent. Will he remember this tomorrow?

"I didn't hate you," you said as you searched for the exact words to say. "It's just that... it's just that you changed once you began getting acknowledged," you finally admitted.

"Oh..." his gaze fell down to the floor.

"But you've changed again," you smiled. "And... and you're back to who you used to be but with much more confidence."

"So... you don't, you don't hate me? And you liked that I, that I changed again?" He asked looking up at your eyes.

"Yes," you smiled.

He returned you a smile, a big, goofy smile. It wasn't the one he used to flash to the cameras. This one looked like a genuine one.

He suddenly began to slowly lean in catching you off guard but as soon as you were about to separate yourself from him, he suddenly stopped what he was doing.

"I'm... I'm so sorry (Y/N)," he abruptly stood up, blinking quickly and shaking his head as if he were trying to clear his mind. He nervously brushed his hair with his fingers and walked over to the door. As he was about to leave, he anxiously turned around. "(Y/N), I'm really, really sorry," he said one last time before stumbling over to the door and leaving.

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