Queen of the Pirates

By Buttercup-Rosie

220K 7.4K 4.8K

After Gol D. Roger's dying words drove all kinds of people to the sea to chase after dreams that only the Gra... More

The Journey Begins
The Pirate Hunter
The First Fight with the Navy
Enter the Thief
Zoro VS Cabaji
Luffy VS Buggy
Guardian of the Forest
The Infamous Liar
Protecting the Village
The Meowban Brothers
Finally, a Real Ship!
Johnny and Yosaku!
The Baratie and The Flirty Cook
Hawk-Eye Mihawk!?
Gin the Betrayer
Luffy VS Don Krieg
Heading for Nami
The Girl Who Cried Help
Arlong Attacks!
The Town of the Beginning and the End
High School AU Filler Chapter 1
High School AU Filler Chapter 2
High School AU Filler Chapter 3
High School AU Filler Chapter 4
The Grand Line
Laboon's Tale
Whisky Peak
The Princess of Alabasta
Onwards to a New Island
Arriving on Little Garden
Trapped in Wax
Straight Ahead!
A Sick Nami
The Snow Country: Drum Kingdom
The Straw Hat's Doctor: Chopper
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 1
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 2
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 3
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 4
Mr. Bon Clay
Ace Arrives
A Journey Through the Desert
Heading To Rainbase
Trapped by Crocodile
Mr. Prince to the Rescue
The First Defeat
The Clock Tower
The Rain Returns
The Sign of Friendship
An Archaeologist Joins the Crew
A Run in with Salvagers
A Promise not to Fight
Noland the Liar
The Emperor Cloud
Search for the South Bird
The Knock-Up Stream
Off-Screen Events: Akari is Born
Off-Screen Events: Shanks in Foosha Village
Off-Screen Events: Akari Learns to Fight
Off-Screen Events: Ace Heads out to Sea
The Sea of Clouds
Skypiea and Angel Beach
Criminals in Skypiea
The Punishment Begins
The Challenge of the Ball
Reaching The Sacrificial Alter
The Search Team is Separated
The Question Corner! Part 1
Alone in the Forest
Respecting History
Shandora: The City of Gold
Refusing Endless Varse
Rubber vs. Lightning
Jumping Ship
The Question Corner! Part 2!
To the Top of the Vine
The Golden Bell Tolls
The Secret of Skypiea
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 1
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 2
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 3
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 4
Back in the Blue Sea
Long Ring Long Island
The Davy Back Fight Begins
The Foxy Pirates Choose...?
Zoro & Sanji in the Groggy Ring
Afro Luffy Appears
A Supreme Admiral!?
Frozen Solid
The Sea Train
The City of Water
Dock #1
Franky Family Fight
Luffy VS Usopp
Heading to Galley-La HQ
The Traitors: CP9
The Aqua Laguna
Journey on Rocket Man
The Nightless Island
College AU Filler Chapter 1
College AU Filler Chapter 2
College AU Filler Chapter 3
College AU Filler Chapter 4
Luffy and Akari Fight Together
Robin's True Wish
The Search for Keys
Luffy vs Lucci
The Buster Call
A Final Farewell
Off-Screen Events: Life on Going Merry Part 1
Off-Screen Events: Life on Going Merry Part 2
The Question Corner! Part 3!
A Fist of Love
Uncovering The Truth
Waiting for a Ship
A Ship of Dreams
Set Sail on Thousand Sunny
Domestic AU Filler Chapter 1
Domestic AU Filler Chapter 2
Domestic AU Filler Chapter 3
Domestic AU Filler Chapter 4
A Talking Skeleton!?
A Floating Ghost Island
The Humming Swordsman
A Fifty-Year Promise
The Despicable Dr. Hogback
Straw Hats VS Oars
Nightmare Luffy!
Luffy vs. Moria
Kuma the Tyrant
Bink's Brew
Honoring the Lost
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 1
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 2
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 3
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 4
A Real-Life Mermaid!
The Flying Fish Riders
The Face Behind the Iron Mask
The Yarukiman Mangrove Archipelago
A World Nobles Sighting
Shakky's Rip-Off Bar
Sold to the Highest Bidder
Rescued by a Legend
The Truth Behind Roger
Battle with a Pacifista
The Straw Hats Torn Apart
Awaking in Blacksmith Village
An Average Day in Blacksmith Village
Departing Blacksmith Village
Zombie AU Filler Chapter 1
Zombie AU Filler Chapter 2
Zombie AU Filler Chapter 3
Zombie AU Filler Chapter 4
Saved by the Devil
A Chat with Blackbeard
The Underwater Prison
Escaping Impel Down
Bon Clay's Sacrifice
Recounting Time Apart
Luffy's Tale to Impel Down
The War Begins
Battling Through Marineford
The Strongest Man in the World
Roger's Bloodline
Rescuing Ace
The End of an Era
The Question Corner! Part 4
Canon Side Stories #1: Paulie
Canon Side Stories #2: Iceburg
Canon Side Stories #3: Smoker
Canon Side Stories #4: Koby
Aboard the Polar Tang
The Island of Women
A Spirit Broken
Flashback: Meeting Ace
Flashback: Enter Sabo
Flashback: Troublemakers
Flashback: The Treehouse
Flashback: A Great Fire
Flashback: The Promise
Short Break

Sanji VS The Invincible Pearl

3K 92 50
By Buttercup-Rosie

"Hawk-Eye!" Krieg's voice shocks us all as he lands on the same drifting wood as the swordsman. "You came here for my head, didn't you? The head of the King of the East Blue?"

"Yes, that was my reason for coming here. I've had enough fun for one day, though, so I think that I am going to take a nap."

I giggle, thinking of how Zoro takes a lot of naps.

"Hey, you can't just leave, fancy cape," Krieg's statement causes Hawk-Eye to stop in his tracks. "I don't give a shit if you have had your fun or not, since I've only been on the receiving end."

"Wow, I'd just let him go," I mumble.

"It is my turn to have a little fun, so die!" Krieg flings out his arms and stares firing from all his guns.

"What a slow learner," Hawk-Eye pulls his large sword out and creates a large wave.

I rush over to where all the cooks are, taking my place by Sanji as anyone not on the Baratie is shaken up. Also, Hawk-Eye is now nowhere to be seen. "Where did he go?" I look up at Sanji.

"Ah, darling, what are you still doing here?" Sanji looks down at me with a small sparkle in his eyes.

"The fight is where I am meant to be," I grin, looking back out at the disaster taking place.

"Usopp! Get out of here!" Luffy orders as he grabs the railing of the Baratie and pulls himself to safety. "Go find Nami, and we'll catch up later!"

"Sounds good, captain!" Usopp shouts back. "We'll find Nami, and you and Akari can get the cook to join! Once we get everyone together, it is onto the Grand Line!"

"Hell yeah!" I shout as I step closer to Luffy to place his straw hat on his head.

"Let's do it!" Luffy widely grins.

"Time to kick some ass," I pat my shurikens.

"Those damn locusts don't know when to stop," Sanji takes his cigarette out of his mouth for a few seconds.

"Hey, old man," Luffy says, looking back at the pirates that are coming our way. "If I get rid of those guys, can I stop being chore boy and get back on my adventure?"

"Hm, you've got yourself a deal," Zeff nods.

"Hey, Luffy?" I lean down to have my eyes level with his.

"Yes?" Luffy grins as he stares back at me.

"Don't do anything stupid out there, okay?"

"I'll try," he giggles, pressing his forehead to mine. "Make sure to take out some guys, okay?"

"For sure," I chuckle, leaning away and looking at the remaining pirates under Krieg. "Geez, they are going crazy over there," I shake my head. "Don't they realize that this isn't going to end well?"

"Their pride is already hurt, so they might as well keep going," Sanji shrugs.

"Man, they are crazy worked up," Luffy widely smiles as he looks back. "This is going to be a lot of fun!"

"You promise that you will let him go, Chef Zeff?" I look up at the one-legged man.

"Yeah," Luffy turns back to us. "You promise, right old man?"

Zeff scoffs, "I couldn't have asked for a better deal to come my way. You've already made a mess of my ship in three days, so I can only imagine what a whole year would bring."

I chuckle, "Well, he may be a good fighter, but chore boy just isn't for him."

Zeff looks at me, "You must be the girl he spends his breaks with. I'd keep my eye on him if I were you."

"I'm doing my best, sir," I nod.

"Open the fins," Sanji's voice snaps me to his conversation.

"The fins?" I tilt my head to the side.

"Won't that give the pirates more room to roam?" A cook asks.

"Exactly what I want, so go," Sanji commands, and then the cook rushes off. "Now, darling," he looks down at me. "The fins make the deck of the ship bigger, giving us more room to fight those who are coming to attack us. That way we won't wreck the restaurant and make the crap-geezer lose his mind."

"What did you say, brat?" Zeff glares at Sanji.

"I said that you would scream like a baby if anything happened to your precious restaurant," Sanji glares back.

"Get ready for the fight, Akari," Luffy chuckles as he rushes passed me.

"I'm ready," I smile, turning to watch as Luffy runs backwards into the restaurant as his hands grip the railing outside. "Kick some ass, Captain."

"Give us the ship!" The pirates scream as they begin making their way over to us.

"Here I go!" Luffy declares before lifting his feet up and flinging himself at the enemy. He leaves his arms out to clothes-line anyone who can't get out of the way. "Giant scythe!"

"Perfect, Luffy!" I lift my fists to the air and jump around in a happy dance.

"Great going, chore boy!" The cooks around me exclaim.

"You ungrateful bastard!" Luffy shouts at Krieg. "I am going to kick you to the moon!"

"Is that so?" Krieg taunts. "Then why bring the fight to me out on the open water? I know that Devil Fruit users like you can't swim. That you will sink to the bottom of the ocean like a stone."

"I can still stretch and get you!"

"Baratie Naval Warfare Weapon!" Patty's voice comes from somewhere nearby. "The Mackerel Head One!"

"Anyone who wants to keep on living better get swimming!" Another cook shouts out.

I turn to see that front of the Baratie, the fish's head, pop off and turn into a boat of its own. The mouth opens to show three gun barrels, and they are aimed at the damn pirates that just won't let this one thing go.

"The fins are spreading!" A cook shouts.

I spin around as all around the ship, parts of the deck that was once underwater make its way to the surface. "This is awesome," I skip over to Sanji. "Do you bring these up for more seating?"

Sanji grins, "We bring them up whenever we need them."

"What can a bunch of cooks do against us pirates anyways!?" Some of the pirates scream.

I giggle, stepping into a fighting stance with multiple shurikens in each hand. "Come at me, dick wads."

"Never underestimate cooks of the sea!" The cooks scream back.

The fish head boat heads straight for Krieg as the rest of us defend the main part of the Baratie. It feels good to be able to take out men that think they can just run at us and take us out. To see the shock in their eyes as I kick their ass with little effort.

"Why aren't we moving!?" Patty screams.

I look over to see Krieg has stopped the fish-head boat with his bare hand.

"I am Don Krieg, the ruler of the seas!" Krieg exclaims.

"No, that's gonna be me!" Luffy shouts.

"I am sick and tired of games like this! I don't have time for it!" He groans as he lifts the boat and flings it over his head at the Baratie.

"Come on!" I groan, using my magnet to get my shurikens back.

"Don't worry, darling," Sanji smirks at me. "I can handle this."

My eyebrows furrow together as I stare at the cook. "Have a secret skill that you have been keeping from me?" I bat my eyelashes, "Oh, Sanji, that's just mean."

He sends a wink my way, "Watch me save you."

In the next moment, Sanji jumps just high enough that when the boat is close enough, he sends a powerful kick to send it off course. His long legs looking slick in the air as he holds his position for a few seconds before falling back to the deck next to me.

"Holy shit, Sanji," I slowly smile as I step closer to him. "Your legs, that was kickass, literally."

"Thank you, darling," Sanji grins, nodding at my shurikens. "You're pretty kickass yourself."

"Thanks," I grin, looking around at our situation.

Everyone is staring at Sanji in awe at what he just did. The surprise at how he was able to easily kick the boat is evident in everyone's comments, but Luffy just shouts out how amazing it was.

"He's going to want you to join the crew even more know, you know that, right?" I chuckle, throwing a shuriken to stop and advancing pirate. "I'd love to have you join as well."

"Sanji!" Patty bellows as him and the other guy from the fish head boat come running up to us. "Were you trying to kill us? We are on your side!"

"Actually, a little bit," Sanji shrugs.

I chuckle as the two men continue to scream at the blond.

The cooks all around us are mostly down for the count, and Krieg's pirates are still coming for us. We are badly outnumbered, and I can feel the anxiety rising within me.

"Um, guys, can we focus on the issue at hand," I point over at the group of pirates who are evilly walking towards us.

"Don't worry darling," Sanji pushes me behind him.

I roll my eyes, looking around Sanji to witness Patty and his partner standing up for the Baratie crew and fighting those damned pirates. "I have to say, you guys can sure defend yourselves. So can I, in case you haven't noticed."

"I've noticed, but I also like to show off a bit, so don't feel like you have to fend everyone off," Sanji smirks, looking back at me.

Everything is going well for Patty and his partner, that is until some large man with shields in all the right places to protect him comes out of the water. He slams the shields on his hands into the poor unsuspecting cooks, knocking them out cold.

"Care to use those legs of yours, Sanji?" I tease.

Sanji doesn't say a word as he rushes at a pirate trying to take a knife from Patty who refuses to let go. His foot crashes into the man's chest, sending him flying back and slamming into more pirates behind him, who then slam into the shield on the front of the Invincible Pearl man.

My fists shoot up to the sky in celebration as I bounce around on my feet for a few seconds.

Sanji twirls the knife that he was able to take back, "Since you numbskulls don't know, a knife is connected to a chef's soul. And shitheads like you had better not touch it ever again." He hands the knife back to Patty.

"Suck on that, jackass!" I shout, glaring at all the pirates fighting us. "Who's next, huh? Who wants to try getting through us next?"

"All you are is lousy cooks!" The pirates scream.

"Duck Akari!" Sanji orders.

I fall to the ground without a seconds hesitation.

Sanji flips onto his hands, stretching his legs out so that when he spins he hits everyone in the face. It takes only a few seconds before he's back on his feet. "Lousy cooks is not something you want to call us."

I pop back up, a wide smile on my face.

"Ah, that was pretty clever, taking them all out with kicks," the Invincible Pearl chuckles. "Is that your fighting style?"

"If you haven't figured it out yet, a cook's life depends on his hands," Sanji says. "There's no way to use them in battle without the risk of them being damaged. I'll finish you with my feet as well."

"You're going to finish me? I'd like to see you try, pretty boy. Out of the sixty-one battles I have been in, I have won them all without taking a single scratch. You may do what you can to protect your hands, but I protect my entire body. Not a single drop of blood has been lost in all the fights I have been in. I am pearl, a wall of iron, invincible. Not only am I the shield man, but I am pretty damn awesome too."

I roll my eyes, "Don't even dare say that you are smooth, because then I might have to make you bleed myself."

"Hey, you shut up and stay out of this," he points at me.

"Whatever," I walk to get out of the way, looking over to see Krieg slam Luffy with a spikey iron ball, causing him to fly straight for the shield man. My head turns to see Sanji's leg up and blocked my one of the shield's on the man's arm.

Luffy slams into the back of the man's head, causing the man to slam forward against the shield he has raised.

I rush over to Luffy as he stands up. "That's one way to hit a man," I giggle.

Luffy pats his shorts, looking up at me with a grin. "I'm just glad that I didn't fall into the ocean. I was a bit scared that I might."

"What is this?" Invincible Pearl pulls his hand away from his nose that is clearly bleeding.

"That's blood!" The pirates around us scream. "This is bad!"

"Why are they so afraid of a little blood?" I furrow my eyebrows, tilt my head to one side, and cross my arms over my chest. "We all bleed. In fact, some of us bleed more than others."

"All these guys are over the top and annoying," Sanji sighs. "That guy should know that getting hurt, regardless of how many shields you have, is always possible in a fight."

"It isn't even that bad," Luffy shakes his head. "Akari got shot and didn't freak out like that."

"You've been shot?" Sanji's eye widens as he looks at me. "My darling, how could anyone shoot someone as pretty as you?"

I wave him off, "I was helping a wanted criminal escape. Things happen."

At this point, as of Krieg's pirates are going crazy trying to calm down the Invincible Pearl by explaining that he just has a nose bleed. That there is no reason to get worked up over something so small. A bloody nose is in no way a battle wound, and honestly, I cannot believe that I am agreeing with a bunch of idiots.

"My shield, my invincible shield, it failed." The Invincible Pearl has this look in his eye that can only be described as he has cracked and is about to go crazy. "You are dangerous!"

"Now he's acting weird," Sanji says. "What is all this?"

"Is it really the bloody nose?" Luffy asks, his finger going straight for his nose.

I grab Luffy's wrist to stop his hand, "His only conversation starter is the fact that no one has ever drawn blood from him when in a fight, so I guess he is about to be a big baby and go crazy because you made his nose bleed."

Krieg's crew is still screaming at the top of their lungs to get their crewmember to stop, but at this point I think he's too far gone. Especially with him clanging the shields in his hands together like they are some kind of musical instrument.

"Danger! Danger!" The Invincible Pearl is screaming. His motion of slamming his shields together seems to be producing fire.

"Hell no," I groan, releasing Luffy's wrist and running my fingers over my scalp. "Now he's really acting like a child."

"It's a defensive measure that he developed as a kid!" A pirate shouts out. "He grew up in the jungle surrounded by beasts that would try to hurt him. Whenever he senses danger, he'll make flames!"

"Are you serious!" I look at the two boys next to me.

"All that to keep some animals at bay?" Sanji scoffs.

"Stay away from me!" The Invincible Pearl screams. "Fire Pearls!"

In the next moment balls of flame come rushing at us. I'm able to dodge any that come my way before finally getting out of the way. I notice that Sanji was able to leap high enough to be out of the way, while Luffy tried to dodge but is now running around with his butt on fire. Now a ring of fire is burning the deck.

The pirates all around me are screaming in pain from being hit by the fire, but I really don't care about them. I am more concerned with the Baratie, and another barrage of pearls like that could start a fire that would be impossible to put out. An understanding that Krieg exclaims from his spot on the wreckage of his ship.

"I have had it with these idiots," I grumble, brushing ash off me as I stand near Sanji. "What are they doing, all sharing the same brain?"

Sanji's mouth turns up in a small grin, "They sure aren't thinking straight."

We look around at all the pirates jumping into the ocean to avoid burning to a crisp thanks to their crewmate. The deck is now on fire, and it is only a matter of time before this turns even worse.

"I'm gonna teach this guy a lesson," Sanji rushes at the Invincible Pearl without another word.

"Wait!" I call out.

"You are going to be burned alive, shithead!" Patty calls out from nearby.

I watch in awe as Sanji jumps over the fire in order to get to the shield man. Even after knowing that all his power is in his legs, I can't believe what he can do.

"This ship is not for you to burn!" Sanji screams. He then slams his leg into a raised arm shield before landing within the ring of fire.

"You are crazy, Sanji," I chuckle, shaking my head at the boy.

Pirates all around are exclaiming how insane the move he just pulled was. That not even a wild animal would rush through the flames. However, I think that Sanji is on a different level than a beast from the jungle.

He takes his cigarette out of his mouth, pointing at the man he's now trapped inside the ring with. "Dumbass, to be a cook, you can't be afraid of fire." He returns his cigarette to his mouth.

"Damn! You are smooth like polished silver!" The Invincible Pearl exclaims. "Take this Flaming Pearl Surprise!" He shoots his hands forward in an attempt to hit Sanji.

The blond is quicker than that ducking under the punches and kicking his foot right up into the man's face. Now that is going to leave a mark.

"Hell yes!" I raise my fists to the sky, dancing around for a few seconds.

It takes a few moments, but once the Invincible Pearl stops his whining, he explodes with a scream and flaming pearls heading straight to the entrance of the Baratie. Right at Zeff the head chef.

"He's gonna burn the whole ship," I mumble.

There is a stern look in Zeff's eye that shows he is not going to let any harm come to his precious restaurant without a fight. That he would rather serve a hot plate of garbage before standing on the side and letting his ship be reduced to nothing. Still, it is still shocking to see him move with lightning speed to extinguish the flames from all the pearls heading at him. "That was pathetic. Even with one leg I did that without any trouble."

"All it took was a single burst of wind from his leg and we were all saved!" The cooks exclaim.

"The legend 'Red Shoes' Zeff lives!" Pirates shout out.

"Nice move, old man!" Luffy shouts, coming to stand by me.

"How are your pants?" I look up at my captain.

"They have seen better days," he shrugs.

"You are such a dork," I giggle.

"You are always complicating matters, Pearl!" Krieg shouts. "I will not let you set fire to the ship, so I will just have to sink!" His spikey ball appears in the sky, heading for the two in the ring of fire.

"Sanji, get out of there!" I blurt out, feeling scared for the boy I barely know. I'm too focused on him to notice Luffy rushing through the flames to give his assistance.

"Gum-gum!" Luffy's voice snaps my attention to him.

"Luffy!" I scream as the cooks shout, "Chore boy!"

"Bazooka!" Luffy exclaims, slamming his palms into the spikey ball, sending it back to Krieg and taking out a mast.

"And now his pants are on fire," I sigh.

In the next few seconds, the mast falls straight on the Invincible Pearl's head as Sanji and Luffy bound out of the way. Finally, the annoying man is down for the count, and we can move on to more pressing matters.

I step up to Luffy and Sanji, ready to congratulate them, but I don't even get a word out.

"Hold it right there, Sanji," Gin's voice fills my ears, and the three of us turn around to see him putting a gun to Zeff's head as the old man is on the ground beneath his foot.

"Gin!" Luffy, Sanji, and I exclaim as one.

"He's proving to be more trouble than he was worth," I grumble.

"I couldn't care less that he was a living legend," Gin says of Zeff. "All he is now is a simple cook. I have no issue with painting the deck with his brains."

"That little shit broke chef's peg leg!" Patty exclaims.

My eyes focus in on the piece of wood in Gin's other hand. It makes more sense that is how he was able to take Zeff down.

"That traitor," Luffy flexes his arm, running his other hand over his bicep. "I am going to send him flying to another sea."

"Hold on," Sanji places a hand on Luffy's shoulder. "I want to hear what he has to offer."

"You want your chef to live, right, Sanji?" Gin says. "Then all I ask is for you to get off this ship!"

I huff, placing my hands on my hips.

"Get off the ship?" Sanji clenches his jaw as he glares at Gin. "I refuse."

"Sanji!" The cooks cry out. "Are you stupid!? Why are you trying to provoke him!?"

"Never crumble to the enemies demands," I grin.

"You look pathetic, old shit," Sanji says to Zeff. "That is a bad example that you are setting for us fighting cooks."

"Hmph," Zeff lifts his head enough to look at Sanji. "I am not in the mood to hear anything from you, eggplant head."

"Don't call me that, shit-geezer!" Sanji bursts with anger. "I'm not a kid anymore, so you can stop treating me like a child!"

My eyes widen as I look at Sanji. There's a deeper issue happening between him and the head chef. An issue that really should not be worked out in the middle of this fight, but things like this can't always be helped.

"Gin, your gun, point it at me."

"Are you out of your mind?" Luffy speaks up. "You could be killed!"

"Maybe," Sanji shrugs.

I narrow my eyes at Sanji, trying to decide what the hell he thinks he's going to accomplish.

"I never thought that I, the Invincible Pearl, would receive two bloody noses in one battle," the voice of the man I was hoping would be knocked out for the rest of the fight fills my ears. "Everyone around here is dangerous. Don't move, or else I'll be forced to blast your precious chef to the afterlife!"

I turn my head to see the annoying shield man winding back his arm for a powerful punch aimed right at Sanji.

"Totally Natural Pearl Surprise!" He screams, slamming his shield right into Sanji's face, causing the boy to fly across the deck and into the side of the Baratie.

"Sanji!" Luffy and I call out both getting into stances to fight.

"My perfect record ruined because of you."

"Do not touch him chore boy and his little girlfriend!" Sanji screams out.

"Why didn't you dodge!" Luffy retorts.

"If I moved, then that shithole underling would have killed the chef," Sanji says through pained breaths. Blood is running down the side of his face and out of his nose.

"Damn it," I grumble.

"I can't do as you ask, Gin! This is not fair because of that."

"What?" Gin looks at Sanji. "It is simple. All you have to do is leave the ship, and all of you will be spared. Go now, everybody."

"No," Sanji moves to a sitting position. "This ship is that old man's pride and joy!"

"His treasure," I breath out.

"I took everything from him. His strength, dreams, so I will never, never, let another thing be taken away from him!"

"This is not the time to be talking out of your ass, eggplant head," Zeff speaks up.

"Shut the hell up! I already told you that you can stop treating me like a kid!" He turns to fully face Zeff.

"Sanji, watch out!" Patty screams.

I spin to catch the Invincible Pearl stepping up behind Sanji; his arms spread wide as he is about to smash Sanji with his hands.

"Pearl cymbals!" The enemy shouts as his hands come together to smash Sanji's head and neck.

"No!" I scream, feeling paralyzed as all my options that I can think of have been forbidden.

Blood spurts out of Sanji's mouth before he collapses face down on the deck. The tiniest twitches giving me hope that he is still alive.

The Invincible Pearl then flings himself into the air, "Pearl Diver!"

"Gin, you son of a bitch," I growl.

"That was a cheap shot and you know it!" Luffy says.

"We are fighting for keeps, kid!" Gin screams back. "This is all on your heads because you wouldn't give us the ship willingly! All you had to do was listen and obey, and you couldn't do that!"

"Sanji! Get out of the way!" The cooks shout at the boy who is waiting for another hit.

"Tarnished Silver Surprise!" The Invincible Pearl shouts as his head lands straight on Sanji's back with all the force he can muster.

The scream that leaves Sanji's mouth has my heart breaking for him. Without him, I don't know how we are going to keep fighting. There's only so much that Luffy and I can do by ourselves.

"What did you take from chef, Sanji!?" The cooks cry out. "What happened!?"

Sanji's eyes clench close as his whole face is wrought with pain. Blood has poured out of his mouth and run down his face as he lays motionless on the deck. The thoughts running through his head unknown to all but him.

"Oh, Sanji, please be okay," I clasp my hands together, placing them under my chin.

It seems like an eternity of cooks and pirates shouting before movement from Sanji forces everyone to quiet down and watch him.

"You ate your own leg, left me all the food," Sanji punches the deck as he pushes himself onto his hands and knees. "You saved my life because of a dream."

"Sanji!" Luffy calls out.

"Oh, Sanji," I smile.

"How did he survive my attack?" The Invincible Pearl glowers.

Sanji slowly pushes himself to stand up; the blood running out of his mouth and the cuts all over his face making him look more badass. "I will not let anyone have this restaurant! And I will sure as hell not let you kill the old man! That fool sacrificed his dreams for a worthless boy." He smirks, wiping his chin with his thumb. "I will defend him with my life, and pay back my debt to the shit-geezer!"

"He may be a pervert, but he has a good heart," I sigh.

"I do not need any favors from you, Sanji!" Zeff exclaims. "It would be pathetic if I had an eggplant baby like you helping keep me safe!"

"Favors?" Sanji coughs, spitting some blood onto the deck. "It is all my fault that you ate your own leg to save a brat like me. If you had not done that, you never would have lost to these idiots." He's slightly swaying as I am sure staying on his feet is taking all his energy.

"All this time, he's been paying back that man who saved him, because without him he would not be here today," I look at Luffy to see if he has any thoughts, but his face is blank as he watches the scene.

The Invincible Pearl bursts into maniacal laughter. "Do you want more surprises, boy? Do you really think that you can win against me? We live in a world where winner takes all, and loser gets nothing. Whatever the prize may be, the winner will crush the competition! Don Krieg, am I wrong?"

"No, that is true," Don Krieg responds.

"You are clearly the leader of ruthlessness, so we are going to pound you into the ground, and there is not a single thing you can do about it. Which leads me to ask, why are you standing? It is just a waste of strength at this point."

"I am standing, so that for one more moment," Sanji's lips curl up into a pained smirks. "This ship can stay a restaurant."

I tenderly smile, letting my head nod a few times.

The Invincible Pearl evilly laughs again, spreading his arms out like he is about to dive into the water. "You are slick, kid, but it is closing time for this dive. From this point on, this is a pirate ship. Double Check Pearl Surprise!" He shouts as his fist connects with Sanji's face once more, sending the boy flying into the railing. The ring of fire now hotter than ever.

I grimace, biting my tongue from calling out.

He's laughing once again, making me want to stuff anything into his mouth to shut him up. "Come on, do something to me. If you just try you might be able to stop me. That is, if you have finally accepted the old man's death."

Sanji wipes the blood from his nose onto the back of his hand. Not even looking up at anyone.

"Argh," Luffy's first sound in ages fills my ears, and I can feel how angry he is without even looking at him. This whole time he's been trying to figure out a plan that saves everyone, and it seems like he has finally figured something out. "Aahh!" He lets out a scream, causing me to look over as his leg shoots up into the sky.

"Wait, Luffy, what are you do?" My eyes widen as I think of all the possibilities he has, and none of them end happily.

"Stop you idiot!" Sanji calls out. "Don't interfere!"

"Well, this is the day I die," I sigh, preparing myself for whatever is coming next.

"Gum-Gum...Battle Ax!!" Luffy's foot slams into the deck of the Baratie, breaking it apart easily.

I'm not sure how I end up on my butt, or how I got so lucky to be on a floating piece of the deck, but at this point I have stopped asking stupid questions like those.

Luffy is on the same chunk as me. He's smirking like he does when he means business. He is in a lunge-like position with one hand on his knee and the other on the deck.

"Gin, that kid is up to something!" Krieg exclaims. "Blow a hole in Zeff's head before anything else happens!"

"Hold on a second, I never touched you guys," Luffy stands up, the smirk on his face gone. "I just broke the fin."

"Were you even thinking, chore boy!?" Sanji shouts.

"I did, and I am," Luffy nods. "I'm going to sink the ship."


Hope you enjoyed! Sanji interacting with Akari will not be like how he normally interacts with women, but I hope that is okay! Their relationship is going to be more quips back and forth. Anyways, I would love to know what you thought! :D

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