Flawed :||: Kyle Brofloski x...

Od Blonde_Dumb

23.6K 728 2.1K

Y/n comes from a high class family. She's an only child of course, with a perfect Mother and a perfect Father... Více

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter One

1.5K 49 157
Od Blonde_Dumb

Tomorrow was Y/n's first day of school. Again.... The only reason it wasn't her third first day of school, was because she just so happened to move to Wyoming last summer. Now she was in a whole new state, in a whole new town, surrounded by whole a new community of people. Not many new people, though.

Y/n had lived in smaller towns before, but not as small as this one. While her mother preferred the city life with hundreds of stores and thousands of people, her father seemed really content with the major downsize. He kept saying things like:

"Gosh, just smell that fresh, little mountain town air!"


"There'll hardly be any drama around these parts! Friendly faces everywhere! Humble folks without a hint of temptation. There's ample parking day and night. Wherever you go, there's just a bunch of happy people shouting 'howdy neighbor!'."

Drew seemed very happy about their fresh little start, but Diana loved to complain about it. She hated the snow in the middle of April, she hated the 'country hicks' that walked around their classy neighborhood, and most of all, she hated how small the town was in general.

"Where am I supposed to go shopping? The only store they have here is a Walmart!" She exclaimed as she vigorously mixed her organic, coconut-flour lemon cookie batter.

"Oh, honey, you can do most of your Coachella shopping online." He assured her. She wasn't exactly pleased, but she obliged.

Y/n's family tradition when moving into a new city was to greet their new neighbors. They lived in the rich neighborhood, she supposed. After all, their house was three times bigger than almost every other building in town. Her father rang the doorbell, and her mother held the lemon cookies as they all stood outside in their Sunday best. A little black boy eagerly opened the door wearing football padding and cleats.

"Hey, Stan, I'm ready, I just have to grab my-" The boy's lips sealed when his gaze shifted to the two fancy looking adults ahead of him. He looked right at the girl who stood between the two. Her hands folded nervously behind her back as he continued to stare.

"Hello, little boy! Are your parents home?" Diana chimed.

"Oh... uh... yeah, sorry. Hey Mo-o-om!" He ran back inside, letting the door close behind him. Diana sighed impatiently, and Drew quickly glanced at his watch. Y/n's eyes fell to her feet out of boredom. She kicked a few pebbles with her shiny black slippers. After a moment someone finally opened the door again, and her parents brought back their shiny, inviting faces.

"Hello!" The dark-skinned woman greeted them warmly, "I'm terribly sorry, I was just reading up in my study again." She said in a quirky tone, giggling as she widened the door.

"Oh, that's perfectly, fine! We're the Huckabee's! I'm Diana, this is my husband, Drew, and this is our daughter Y/n!" Her mother said, politely shaking her hand. She handed the plate of cookies to the woman.

"Oh, that's wonderful! Token, go take that off this instant." She told her son from under her breath.

"What? But Mom, you said I could-" He began.

"Now, Token. We have guests. You can play with your little friends later." She instructed. He groaned and ran up the stairs in his football gear.

"Please! Have a seat! You're all just in time for tea." She said, placing the cookies on her coffee table.

The pair of parents started talking about things like the neighborhood, and how investments were in town, and the different country clubs available, and a bunch of at her adult stuff neither Token or Y/n cared about. Y/n was silent, staring into the cup of tea in her hands, bored out of her mind. Token glared at the floor with his arms crossed, clearly not wanting to be there either.

"Oh, these cookies are divine!" Linda chimed as she slowly chewed the nasty dessert. She was pulling off a face that, with years of training, Y/n clearly recognized as hidden disgust. Like always, though, her mother fell for it.

"Oh, thank you, dear! I just love making treats with less fattening products." She said. Y/n couldn't help notice her mother glancing over at her, and suddenly she felt like throwing up her lunch.

"Oh, you poor kids are probably feeling dull, huh? Token, why don't you show the new girl around to your room?" His father suggested. Token's sour face finally melted a little as he looked up at her. She blinked at him for a second until he let out a sigh.

"Yes, sir." He said, seeming a little relieved to finally be allowed to move. He got up and started walking towards his stairs. Y/n quickly set her cup down and got up to follow him.

"This is our $6,000 ugly painting. This is my Dad's stupid tennis trophy, this is my Mom's $20,000 vase that has a dead person inside it." He bluntly pointed to objects around his hallway. He opened a door that lead to his big room. He had a king sized bed with dark blue sheets.

"This is my room. I use to have a race car bed, but that's baby stuff I guess." He shrugged, putting his hands in his jean pockets.

"Uh... cool..." Y/n finally piped up. He turned and looked at her, looking a little surprised. She crossed her arms as his eyes trailed her body, which made her feel very uncomfortable. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"So, uhh... where are you from again?" He asked, averting his gaze as he leaned against his bed.

"Oh. Lots of different places. My last town was in Wyoming, though." She said.

"Oh. That's... cool..." He said in an uninterested  tone.

"Oh... not really," she laughed, "I've lived in much nicer places. Chicago, Kansas City, Los Angeles. I was born in America, but, actually, I lived in Germany for a majority of my childhood." She explained.

"Oh... Oh! That explains why you have a little accent!" He smiled.

"Yeah, I guess. It's fading..." She shrugged, "Ich spreche aber immer noch fließend Deutsch."

(I'm still fluent in German, though.)

"Woah. Cool. Yeah, for a second I thought you were adopted or something." He said.

"No!" She giggled, "At least... not that I know of." They both shared a chuckle.

"So uh... how do you like South Park so far?" He asked.

"Oh... I'm not sure. My Dad says it'll be our permanent home, so I guess I have to get use to it. Right now, it seems pretty... quaint." She shrugged.

"Well... you're gonna learn quick that it really isn't." He laughed.

"What do you mean?" She giggled nervously.

"You wouldn't believe it, but a lot of really weird stuff happens here." He said.

"Like what?" She furrowed her brows with a playful smile. He just shrugged at her.

"A lot of weird stuff."

"Token, Y/n." Linda knocked before peaking her head in.

"Your parents are heading to the White's house, honey. And Token, your friends just came to the door asking about you. You can go hang out now, okay?" She told him.

"Aw, yes!! Thanks Mom!" He threw his gear back on in record speed and grabbed his helmet, "Later, Y/n!" He said before dashing past his mother.

"Nice meeting you!" She called as she heard his cleats thump down the stairs. His mom guided her back to her parents.


Y/n began getting ready for school. She took a nice, long shower, did her skin care routine, repainted her nails bright pink, and styled her hair to look nice and pretty for the day. Her mother wouldn't let her leave the house if she didn't. She checked her weight on the scale. One-hundred-thirty pounds. Her mother wouldn't be impressed. She put on a pair of dark denim high-waisted jeans, a baby blue crop top that tucked into her waist band, and her favorite, bright pink, fluffy jacket for the chilly weather. She finished it off with a cute, pink bowtie in her hair and two dangling earrings.

"I'm ready for school!" Y/n yelled over the loud whirring of the blender as she walked into the kitchen. Her father looked up from his news paper and beamed.

"You look darling!" He told her. Her mother turned off the machine and looked at her. She scoffed.

"You are not ready. Where's your mascara? Your pretty lipgloss that I just bought for you?" She questioned. Y/n sighed.

"Mom, please... can't I go to one school without having to put on make-up every day? It takes so long." She complained.

"Pain is beauty, Y/n. It'll take you twenty minutes, and you have half an hour before school.

"Mom, please, I read somewhere that it's terrible for your pores, and besides, I kinda just wanted to sit down and chill out for a while before I have to go-"

"Y/n, your eyeshadow pallets were fifty bucks a piece, that foundation that you hardly ever wear was sixty dollars, and you have buckets of eyeliner that you wanted!" She told her before turning on the blender again.

"I know, but I just wanted-"

"I. Don't. Care!" Her mother yelled over the obnoxious noise, "Go make up your face, or I'm gonna do it for you!!"

Y/n looked at her father as the blender stopped again.

"Dad, aren't you going to defend your little girl?!" She questioned him.

"Well, we did spend a few hundred dollars on all of your make-up sets, Y/n. It's only fair that you use it all up." He said, straightening out his paper.

"You're kale smoothie will be done by the time you get back." Diana said. Y/n groaned and ran upstairs to do what she was told.

She didn't bother with foundation or contour. She put on some winged eyeliner, a little mascara, some light pink blush, and a sweet layer of lipgloss. She sighed at her reflection. She looked pretty, and she knew it, but she couldn't help wishing she was someone else.

Before she went downstairs again, she looked at her body in the mirror. She knew she wasn't fat, but she noticed she had a tiny bit of a belly from the red pasta she ate at the White's house the night before. To her it looked like she was six months pregnant. She sighed and promised herself that she wouldn't bother eating lunch today.

She grabbed her pink Micheal Kors bag and ran back downstairs. She quickly finished half of her kale shake, which was torturous to drink in the first place. When she was done her Dad gave her a ride to school.

"Don't be nervous, honey. You've done it a hundred times before." He told her. It was true, and it never got easier. She stepped out of the Tesla. Her ankle-high heeled boots clicked against the concrete as she stepped towards the school.

"Good luck! Have a great day!" He told her before driving off. She took in a deep breath and walked towards the entrance. Immediately people started to stare. She began to realize that she was the only one wearing Chanel-brand clothing, and she felt completely out of place. Even when she got into the school every person she passed couldn't keep their eyes off of her. She was starting to get extremely anxious.

After getting her schedule from the office, she saw a small blond boy with a bright blue shirt on, talking to another blond kid with a gatsby hat.

"Wait... so you're saying some weirdo necromancy guy brought you back from the dead last week?" The first kid questioned him.

"Rightio! That's why I have all these scars, you see?" The second boy turned to him, and Y/n was startled by the array of stitches all over his face. Token was already right about weird stuff happening in this town...

"Wow, Pip. That's awfully stra- stray... eewhoa..." The first boy turned around when he realized there was a very pretty girl staring at both of them.

"Oh. Uhh... hello..." She said nervously, not taking her eyes away from Pip's distorted face.

"Whhuu- Hi pretty lady!" The boy smiled and waved at her, making her blush, "My name's Butters! What's your name?"

"Uh... I'm Y/n. Would one of you happen to know where room one-twenty-four is?" She questioned.

"Wh- sure! I'll take you there right now!" He said, grabbing her hand. She jolted her hand away and wiped it on her jacket.

"That's okay! I'll just... figure it out myself..." She told him, clutching onto her hand bag.

"Oh... okay..." He said, watching her cautiously walk past him. Weirded out, she took in a deep breath and began to scan the doors. She wasn't getting very close, but then she saw someone familiar.

"Yeah, the graphics are good, but the storyline didn't make much sense to me." Token told his chubby friend in the red jock jacket.

"Token!" She called, which surprised him a bit. She brushed her hair out of her face as she approached him.

"Oh. Hey." He nodded at her. His friend, along with another shaking boy with messy blonde hair, stared at her from behind him.

"Uh... I didn't realize you went to school here." She laughed.

"Yeah. Well, it's like the only high school in town." He shrugged.

"Right..." She said, looking to the floor in embarrassment.

"Who the hell is that?" The brunette friend whispered, catching her attention again.

"It's the new girl I was talking about." He whispered back.

"Agh!! You mean the rich one that lives across the street from you?!" The blond boy spoke through his clenched teeth.

"Huh?" Y/n questioned as her eyes shifted nervously.

"Nothing." Token said, "So... do you need help with anything?"

"Oh! Right. Could you help me find this room?" She smiled, showing him her schedule. He looked at it for a second.

"Oh yeah. You have History first? Me too. That's the counselors office. It's right over there." He said, pointing down the hall.

"Oh! Thank you." She nodded before rushing off to the door. When she was out of earshot, the brunette boy spoke up again.

"She's hot!" He exclaimed.

"Clyde, will you shut up about girls being hot for like... two minutes?" Token told him.

"No, I kinda agree. I may be gay, but I know a stylish girl when I see one!" The blond kid agreed.

"Aw, Tweek, not you too... I had a little more faith, dude." Token sighed.

"Token, tell me that girl is not hella sexy." Clyde said.

"Okay, sure, she's pretty. But I have a girlfriend. Besides, you guys only like her because of her expensive clothes. Down in Denver you see girls looking like that everywhere you go!" He said.

"Yeah, in Denver. Not in our school!" Clyde told him, watching her disappear into the counselor's office.

"You guys are such chumps." Token rolled his eyes.

"Hello, sir." She greeted the man with the balloon-like head, sitting at his desk at the back of the room.

"Oh! Hello, there. You're here early, m'kay." He smiled.

"Yeah. The office lady told me I could get my locker combo here." She smiled.

"Of course! M'kay, so uh, tell me your name again? M'kay?" He said, pulling up a page on the computer.

"Y/n Huckabee." She said.

The bell rang. Token walked into class with his friends following behind him.

"Are you kidding dude? For the last time, I lost the game because it lagged!" A boy in a bright green hat argued with his fat friend.

"Yeah right, Kahl. Just face the facts and realize, you suck at Titan Fall 2, and I'm the fucking best at it." He jibed.

"Cartman, if you don't shut your fat fucking mouth, right now-" Kyle raised his fist at him.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-haaa- ha! Kyle sucks at Titan fall!" Cartman laughed mockingly, doing a little dance.

"God, will you guys just drop it? You know Kyle beats you at like every other PVP." A kid with a red-poof-ball hat complained as he sat at his desk.

"Yeah!" Kyle smiled triumphantly.

"Whatever... He can't beat me at Titan Fall." Cartman continued to pester. Kyle growled in frustration.

"Whatever, guys. It's just a stupid game." Kyle's friend told him.

"A game that Kahl sucks at." Cartman smirked. Kyle furrowed his brow and let out a sigh.

"No. No... Stan's right. It is just a stupid game." Kyle said, sitting down at the seat next to him.

"Heh.... just a game that you-" Cartman began, leaning on the side of his desk.

"I know I suck at it! There's always going to be at least one game I'm not good at. Same goes for you, fatass." Kyle said.

"Ugh... you're no fun." Cartman rolled his eyes and sat down before pulling out a bag of Cheesy poofs. The class continued to chatter and socialize until the teacher walked into the room.

"Alright, class, settle down. Settle down now!" She yelled, bringing their noisy talking to low whispers.

"We're very fortunate to be having a new student today! She comes from our vacant neighboring state, Wyoming!" She announced.

"Ugh. Wyoming... she's probably some dumb old cowgirl chick." Cartman said to Stan.

"Yeah, don't they all still ride horses and wagons around town there?" Stan questioned.

"Honestly, I didn't think that state actually existed." Kyle smirked.

"Hehe- how much you wanna bet no one even walks through the door?" Cartman joked, making his friends snicker. The room fell silent as her heels clicked into the room. She stopped next to the teachers desk.

"Class, this is Y/n Huckabee!" The teacher chimed. They all stared at her in utter silence. Y/n bit her shiny lips as she looked at the faces around the room.

"Tell us about yourself." The teacher said.

"Hey... uhh- My name is Y/n, and I'm actually not from Wyoming. I just lived there for a while." She said. No one said a word.

"Um... I actually grew up in Germany for a while. But I was born in New York... my parents are pretty successful. My Mother is a hair stylist, and my Father worked in the military, so we moved a lot. But now he's retired and uhh... I guess I live here now." She shrugged.

"Very good. Do you have any hobbies or interests?" The teacher questioned her.

"Uhm... I guess I like to go hiking... I love nature, and... I have a PS4. I also did a lot of sports growing up, so... that's fun I guess..." She said.

"Wonderful! Make sure you all give a warm welcome to your new class ma-" The teacher was interrupted as a kid in a full orange parka stormed through the door. He was on his way to his seat when she spoke up.

"Kenny? Can you please tell me why you're late? Again?" She asked in a very annoyed tone.

"Because some stupid fucking freelancer that just moved into town bought out my family's house to 'renovate it', and now we're fucking homeless!!" Kenny angrily explained, throwing his hands in the air.

"Kenny!" The teacher yelled, "I'm sorry about your house, but that's no reason to use such vulgar language!"

"Oh, fuck, go suck a fat one Ms. K!" Kenny flipped her off under his brown mitten and huffed as he took a seat with his arms crossed. Y/n gulped, having a hunch that that might've been her father's doing. Ms. K sighed.

"Well... go ahead and take a seat." She told her. Y/n awkwardly shifted through the desks and took a seat in the back. The fat kid suddenly burst out laughing.

"Check it out, guys. Now Kenny's poor and homeless!" He said, following it up with more tearful laughs. Kenny didn't say a word, he just glared at him.

"That's enough, Eric. Anyway, today we're going to be learning about big businesses, and how it applied to the industrial revolution." Ms.  K explained, writing it down on the board. Y/n reluctantly pulled out a notebook, staring at the parka kid with an overwhelming guilt. She knew she'd have to apologize or something....


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