Gaze into the Future [ My Her...

By EvoJaden

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[ This book will Follow the story but things will become altered as time goes won't truly effect the story un... More

Forms [ Limited Time ]
Kagura Jaden
Chapter 1 part 1: The Beginning
Chapter 1 Part 2: Kamen Rider.........
Chapter 1 Finale: IWAE! THE KING!
Chapter 3: Building the stage
Chapter 4: November 2017
Chapter 5: Reliving the past
Chapter 5 part 2: Build Finale! Be The One!
Chapter 6: The Unbeattable game
Chapter 7: Promises
Chapter 8: The man behind it all
Chapter 9: Two plans
Chapter 10: Don't let fear hold you down

Chapter 2: Past and Future

302 7 2
By EvoJaden


Rider Time!

Kamen Rider! Geiz

Geiz has cracked his knuckles before charging towards the group of three ahead of him " Wait wait wait! We can talk this out! " Kagura waved his hands in front of him before Vlad grabbed him and Nathan, jumping back just in time to dodge Geiz's strike " Too late for talking....Eraserhead you still got some fight in you? " Vlad glanced at Aizawa who only gave a modded, readjusting his goggles as he held his bandages in hand readied for a battle " I don't have business with any of you besides Zi-O.....stand aside or I will take you down too...." Geiz warned. Nathan stepped forward narrowed his eyes " Listen Chief, I don't know who you are or where you came from, but if you think you can beat all four of us your wrong. You see Eraserhead's quirk here will render your quirk unless making it easier to defeat you " Nathan pointed out as he prepared to transform back into Quiz. " A quirk?....I forgot that humans haven't fallen to ' him ' yet...." Geiz muttered before a yellow kanji appeared from his belt before taking form of an axe


He took stance as Vlad and Aizawa took theirs. " Henshin " Nathan transformed into Kamen Rider Quiz as Kagura summoned his Zikan Girade. Geiz ran towards the group, Nathan and Vlad headed at him first. Nathan went for a punch which Geiz ducked under and swung his axe at Nathan's back knocking him back before he blocked Vlad's fist with the back of his left arm. He thrusted his foot into Vlad's chest pushing him back before having Aizawa's scarf wrap around his arms from behind him, holding him back from Vlad. Kagura ran past Vlad and held the trigger on his Zikan Girade's ken mode, slashing Geiz's chest plate while the blade left pink after images with each slash. " Take this! " he was about to go for a final swing before having the Zikan Girade kicked from his hands. Geiz jumped a bit as he used his legs to place Kagura in a head scissors before back flipping and throwing the boy at Aizawa which knocked the pro down with the boy. Vlad has charged Geiz, grabbing him by the shoulder's as he pushed him towards a wall by the U.A. building. Smashing him into the said structure before using his blood quirk to stick Geiz to the wall. " This ends now! " He stated as Geiz just moved his head to the side " For you that is..." Geiz replied " What? " Vlad was confused before he heard a voice come from the air:


He was suddenly rammed by Geiz's time machine, which sent Vlad flying a great distance back also causing the blood trap on Geiz to fall down. Nathan and kicked Geiz from the side making him stumble before he used his Zikan Zax to block the next strike, the two began exchanging blows and moved while doing so until they realized they were inside the school itself but that didn't bother them really " I didn't know there was another Kamen Rider in this timeline..."Geiz said as he brandished his axe " Well news flash, I'm the one taking you down, poser " Nathan replied before throwing a punch which was easily counter by Geiz who flipped Nathan over his shoulder onto the ground, bringing his axe down not to long after. Nathan quickly rolled out the way of the axe watching as it cratered the floor. " You can run all you won't stop me..." Geiz switched his axe into a bow gaining a ' yumi ' announcement

He drew a shot ready and began to fire several arrows towards Nathan whom barely dodged them by taking cover around a nearby cover. Geiz halted in his barrage and began to proceed down the hall. Nathan began to think of a way to get past Geiz's awareness; glancing towards the window he saw Aizawa helping Vlad to his feet outside, before returning the stare at Nathan before nodding. ' So then I get to use both my quirk and my armor's ability ' he clapped his hands together before asking a question " Question! You'll think you'll finish your mission, O or X? " Nathan spoke as he walked from his hiding place and pointed at Geiz who looked to the side before starring at Nathan " What type of question is that? Of course I'm finishing my mission! " Geiz had ran at Nathan which the Quiz mister pointed his thumb down " X " The roof above Geiz suddenly shattered as a violent lightning struck him down. A gold star had appeared above Nathan's hand before he absorbed and he grinned under his helmet " and Thats 15% power boost for me " he said as Geiz slowly stood back up " what kinda of trick is this! " He shouted before aiming his boy at Nathan " Behind you " Nathan pointed and Geiz turned his head only to come face first to a lariat by Vlad, knocking him off his feet and allowing Aizawa to bring his feet onto the armored male's chest, driving him into the ground. " Stay down! " Aizawa used his quirk on Geiz as the male under his feet became unresponsive " Jeez, tell that's the end of it....dam machine almost broke a bone " Vlad mumbled " I'd like to assume the same " Nathan replied as he came walking over.  ' Ono! ' the group of three looked down to see Geiz had switched his bow to axe form before inserting his Geiz watch into the axe



Geiz struck the ground beside him causing several holographic clocks to erupt from the ground. Nathan shoved nothing Vlad and Aizawa down, as he to rolled to avoid the projectiles. Geiz quickly jumped up and lunged into the air aiming to take out Nathan first. ' Zyu! ' he noticed ahead of him Kagura stood in his Zi-O armor holding his Zikan Girade in gun form before he began to shoot Geiz down. Vlad jumped up quickly and grabbed Geiz to where the male's legs where over his shoulders as the blood hero power bombed Geiz into the ground. Geiz groaned heavily before becoming irritated " This game ends now! " he rolled over switching his axe to bow form and began to fire arrows at the group only for his arrows to be matched by Kagura's bullets. " Quiz! " Kagura shouted as Nathan ran up the middle of the two fighters blast " Take this! " Nathan had delivered a double punch to Geiz's chest knocking him back, Aizawa jumped off Nathan's shoulder and used his scarf wrappings to yank Geiz's Zikan Zax away. Vlad used his quirk to eject blood over his fist and gardening them to deal more damage when he struck Geiz's helmet dead on sending him flying into another wall. Geiz grinned heavily as he landed on his knee. He noticed his watch beside him and quickly plugged it back into his Ziku Driver so his armor wouldn't vanish. Nathan noticed this and asked another questions " Your next attack will have less of an impact on us, O or X? " Nathan said and Geiz didn't respond which Nathan sighed " O " Geiz had been shocked by a strong electrical force to which Vlad dashed forward and punched Geiz back into the wall, making him rebound back to Vlad. The blood themed hero kept punching him into the wall several times before Geiz caught his fist and elbowed him on the cheek before ducking a left punch and drop kicking him past Nathan. " Zi-O, Quiz, get ready! " Aizawa told them as he charged Geiz. Geiz watched Eraserhead make his way towards him and quickly rolled to the side to dodge a kick, able to grab his Zikan Zax and aimed its bow mode at Aizawa however the pro was three steps ahead, and without looking had wrapped his scarf around Geiz's arms from behind. Nathan quickly jumped into the air as a large bar appeared in his place, one panel labeled ' X ' the other labeled ' O '. Kagura pressed his Zi-O watch in his Ziku Diver:



He then jumped into the air as his kanji surrounded Geiz while he himself too vanished behind the Quiz panel. Geiz struggled to break free before the panel
asked with Nathan's voice. " Our kicks will defeat you, O or X? " Geiz didn't respond once more which didn't matter as  both X and O panels shattered and Nathan kicked down from the left while Kagura kicked from the right, his kanji sticking onto the sole of his show


" ARGHHHH!! " the two riders had drove their feet onto Geiz causing a semi-explosion to erupt in the lobby, luckily Aizawa pulled his scarf back in time. " it's over...." he mumbled in relief before seeing the smoke clear as well as seeing Geiz holding both Nathan and Kagura's ankle's preventing their finishing move form hitting " YOU WON'T TAKE ME DOWN! " he threw into a wall to which Aizawa was even shocked by such power ' He just wont stay down....If only the other staff were here this would be easier ' he thought to himself. Kagura quickly got up beside Nathan as they readied themselves for Geiz's next move. Geiz turned towards them as he took a watch off from his right gauntlet slot " I didn't think I'd have to use this here, but it's obvious you lot are more than I bargained for...." he turned the watch to complete it's face and pressed it's button to activate it:


He placed the watch on the left side of his driver and slowly began walking towards the two other riders, he then slanted his driver before spinning it back into place.


A hollow armor appeared him with a banner able it labeled ' armor time ' this banner circled around the armor before it shattered and the pieces of armor added onto Geiz's as well as changing his visor's kanji.

KAIGAN! Gho~ost~!

He began to do hand signs before releasing several different ' jacket ' ghost that all charged towards Nathan and Kagura " The eyecons...." Nathan was shocked beyond belief while Kagura was confused by what he meant before they were both struck down by the several ghost.

Geiz began to run at them while they knocked over, pressing both his Geiz watch, then the ghost watch:



He jumped into the air as an ' eye ' symbol appeared behind him as thrusted both his feet forward


Kagura quickly stood up and gotten in front of Nathan spreading his arms wide open " Stop it! " he pleaded " DIE ZI-O! " Geiz shouted as his feet became coated in a bright orange energy as he kicked Kagura's chest plate which caused the boy to go rolling back, forcing his watch out his Ziku driver and destroying his Zi-O armor. Geiz landed on his feet and summoned his axe once again as he walked towards the injured Kagura who couldn't even stand. Nathan quickly grabbed Geiz's arm and tried to stop him " Stop this! " he tried to force Geiz to drop his weapon only to be grabbed by his neck and lifted off the ground slowly " I told you to stay out of his but'll suffer the same fate as Oma Zi-O...." he raised his axe about to swing before feeling someone grab wrist wrist, turning his head his eyes met with those a transparent male, a ghost

" Impossible..."Geiz drooped Nathan as this ghost let go of his wrist and watched as he walked backwards a bit " How are you here?....why are you here?! " he asked as if he was going crazy. Aizawa starred at the ghost said " Tenkuji the watch! " he shouted and the ghost simply backed Geiz into a wall before yanking the ghost watch from his belt. " Give that back! " Geiz punched the ghost ' Tenkuji ' only for us first to simply pass through him. Tenkuji slowly walked backwards before pressing the watch's button:


The watch vanished as a different belt appeared around his waist. " I'm not sure how you took my powers away or when.....but.....if there's a soul in danger....I won't allow myself to watch as someone harms them..." he said before pulling a strange object and inserting it into his belt:


A ghost had came out the belt and flu around Tenkuji which it repeated the phrase ' Ore Bacchiri Mina ' until Tenkuji pulled the handle of his belt out and pushed it back in:


Let's Go! Kakugo!
Go Go Go! Ghost!


Then ghost circling him had back his armor's jacket,He had transformed into the Kamen Rider, Ghost. Slowly removing his jacket looked at Geiz and spoke " Aizawa-Sensei, let's finish fight...." " You sure know how to keep everything dramatic, Takeru " Aizawa stood up and walked beside him

Takeru took his stance as Geiz readied his axe " Remember our old combo? " Aizawa asked as he placed his goggles on " You mean the one we did back then? " Takeru Tenkuji looked at Aizawa who nodded and smiled " Alright Sensei! Let's do it! " Takeru charged towards Geiz who swung his axe several times but Takeru easily dodged and began to rapidly punch Geiz's chest to the point he lifted the time traveler off his feet. " Sensei! " Aizawa lept into the air used his wrappings to grab Geiz, flipping to use heavier gravity to slam Geiz into the ground before stomping on his chest to keep him down. He then wrapped his scarf around Geiz's leg and jumped back, lifting him onto the ceiling before releasing him. Takeru preformed a hand sign as a bright orange eye appeared behind him before he pulled and pushed in his handle of his driver


He kept into the air as the orange eye converted into an energy that covered his left foot


He thrusted his foot into Geiz's chest before which shattered the other's armor and knocked him down, forcing his Geiz watch out his driver as well. Takeru landed back on the ground as Aizawa sighed softly. " You still truly are amazing, Takeru " he looked at his firmly student who simply looked back and bowed respectfully towards Aizawa.

Outside the U.A. A boy with black hair sighed a little " That was no fun.....I was hoping at least Zi-O would've been taken out the picture....." he mumbled as he a watch with Another Build's face upon as well as new watch that resembled Quiz's helmet. " Look at the bright side Uhr, we have three build watches half of this timeline rider's powers....we're making progress " a female walked beside him as stood up " I guess your right..Hora " Uhr put the watches in his pockets " now let's go pay Kamen Rider Build's time a visit, Zi-O won't know what hit him. " Hora turned around as both teens walked away from the scene of action as just bother pro heroes began to show up.

Not to far from the gates of the school, stood that same well dressed male that Kagura met just before another build showed up. He stood on a tree branch and took a picture of the destroyed entrance " So Geiz had two you've slipped up haven't you " The male said to himself " but seeing how your younger self is, I can't blame.... although you two are truly different. " he pulled a watch out from his pocket and starred at it

" Where as you became that tyrannical king, something tells me this kid, is about to change many thing's.....hehe, I can't wait to see how far he comes before he's ready for me...." He soon vanished into some odd portal after witnessing several heroes, police, medics, and firefighters show up to U.A.

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