
By booknerd1203

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Rebels demand freedom while their oppressors are not willing to let their slaves go. Decisions have to be mad... More

Please read
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
Character List
chapter four
chapter five
authors note!!!!
chapter six
Making a new cover
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten
tentative cast list
chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
update coming soon!!
Chapter twenty three PART ONE
chapter twenty three PART TWO
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty nine
update coming soon!!
chapter thirty
lap top almost fixed!!
chapter thirty one
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Untitled Part 45
chapter 34
Untitled Part 47
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter thirty eight
Watt pad mess up
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 40.5
Authors note

chapter twenty eight

340 37 7
By booknerd1203


***Caroline's Point of View***

"What's starting?" I demand. "Your task." My father answers with a heavy sigh. "I'm not appreciating all the vague answers I am being given." I bark towards my parents. "How did you know I already sent Landon and Allison away? Don't give me some cryptic answer. Tell me what you know?" I boom out while thunder claps above us and lighting starts striking around the circle we are in. "What is happening?! Why... How can I do all this?!" I yell over the sound of the thunder. "Sweet heart, it's hard to explain..." Christine trailed off. "Did you know that I would send them away?!" I demanded again. "Yes!" she yelped as lighting struck a few feet away from her. "I knew that you would do that. You would do what you thought was right because you didn't have all the information." She explains quickly. "whose fault is it that I didn't know all the information? Who was supposed to tell me?" I roar already having figured out the answer.

It all made sense now. "You were so adamant about me not being involved in the rebellion. You thought if you pressured me enough I would give it up and the foretelling wouldn't happen." I say before she tries to explain herself. "When you realized you couldn't keep me out of it you decided to try to hurt me enough to get me to give it up just for your love. When that didn't work you ran away." I cry out. Tears were streaming down my face and rain started falling around us. I could see the others trying to speak, but I was still holding them quiet. "You are a coward! You left us here and never planned to help us!" I cried out. "I need to know what you know!" I demand. She missed her chance to give them to me the easy way. She wasn't going to give me the answers I wanted so I will just have to force them out of her. I turn to her mate, and realize I don't even know his name. Oh well. I free him to move and he instantly lunges to move towards his mate, but I'm not going to have that. I want my mother to feel all the pain I did. She knew how I felt about Landon and knew that I would send him away. She knew that I would feel all this hurt. She deserves to feel pain of losing someone she loves.

I freeze her mate in midair and I focus on his wolf. I can see it he is frozen as well, but he is still growling at me. Stupid mutt, I think to myself. I lessen my focus on the group to have more on this wolf. I hear voices around me, but I can't pin point whose is who. I hear screaming and crying as well as my name being yelled. Someone is trying to get me to calm down, but I won't calm down. I pull her mate towards me and he floats to where he is about half a foot away. I feel like I have no control over myself anymore, but my body knows what to do. My hands reach out and take hold of his head. I see his wolf and see his human and as my hands pull away from his head his wolf comes with me. He starts shaking as his wolf first starts coming out and it is apparent that he is in pain. I can hear a female screaming and I smile knowing that it is most likely my supposed mother screaming as well from his pain. A few second later his wolf is completely separate from him and the wolf is lying on the ground breathing deeply.

I release him form my control as well as everyone else. He falls to the ground in a heap. Christine throws herself on him and tries to wake him. William pulls Elizabeth into his arms and my father is just gaping at me. I turn to Christine and roll my eyes at her sobbing self. "Quit your blubbering." I snap at her. "He isn't dead and he is still a werewolf, but he will never be able to change again. He will always feel half empty and like something is missing." I explain to her in a condescending tone. I don't know how I know this information, but I don't really care.

"Caroline, baby please calm down. You don't know what you are doing." My father said in a calming voice. "She deserves to feel the pain I am feeling!" I explain while thrusting a finger towards her. "I know, Caroline, I know. She will feel the pain now. You got what you wanted, but right now you have to calm down. I am willing to explain everything. I just need you to calm down. Stop the storm sweet heart." He said gently while slowly walking towards me. "I...I can't control it. I don't know how to stop it." I whimper out trying not to cry. What have I done? I tore a man apart. I took part of him and destroyed it. I'm a monster. "It's ok Caroline we will help you." Elizabeth announced while pulling away from William. William nodded in agreement and watched as Elizabeth pulled me into her arms and we both fell to the ground. As soon as we collapsed everything stopped. The lightening, thunder, rain and wind all vanished. All I can hear are the sounds of dozens of wolves howling. They sound like they are in pain. I caused this. They feel this wolf's pain and they are suffering as well.

"I...I...I didn't mean to." I stutter out to my mother's mate who had woken up and was still on the ground not far from us. "The rage inside of me, it took over." I tried to explain. He nodded weakly in understanding. "Can you put Paul back inside me?" he asked his voice sounding broken. Paul must be his wolf. "I can try." I say while stumbling up and towards Paul. He makes his way to the wolf as well. "Just close your eyes and think of what you want to do, Caroline." My father instructs. I nod while concentrating on fixing what I had done. I feel my hands move over the wolf and I can feel a soft vibrating. One hand moves to be on Christine's mate in human form and on the wolf. I need to learn his name I think to myself, but quickly get back to focusing. I can see them both in my mind and I force them to become once again. Heat surrounds me and I open my eyes to see a blinding light and a loud howl pierces my ear drums. I shield my eyes from the light and when it dims I see him standing now and there is no wolf in sight. "Did it work?" I ask quietly. He nods once, but doesn't speak. I don't blame him for being angry with me. "I wasn't trying to be rude dear." His voiced rumbled in his chest. "My wolf was talking to me. He is thankful you were willing to make us whole again." He finished with another nod. "I really am sorry I didn't know what I was doing." I apologize again still feeling guilty. "My mate did a grave injustice against you I can understand your anger." He replied. I nodded once still not looking at Christine. I was still angry with her, but I was worried I would lose control of my anger again and do something else I would regret.

***Christine's Point of View***

She is more powerful than I ever thought possible. I had always thought my grandmother had over exaggerated about the amount of power Caroline would have. I was wrong once again. Caroline was right though I am a coward. I ran away too weak to watch my daughter have this much power and responsibility on her shoulders. I knew the things she is going to have to do and I couldn't stand by and watch it. Instead of standing up and teaching her about her destiny I ran. I knew there was a chance that she would lose the one she loved, but I had hoped it wouldn't happen. Things are going to be so much harder for her now. She must have heard the foretelling from the vampire with her. My grandmother leaked a distorted version of the foretelling to the vampires to keep them at bay. The only way she would have sent Landon and Allison away is if she thought she was going to die. The real foretelling doesn't say that it will take all her strength to save her people or that she will die. The true foretelling is much more complicated than that. Much more complicated.

"Let's take this back to the planning tent." Craig voiced out to the group. There were several nods and we headed that way. Though I haven't been here for a while I still know this place like the back of my hand. I started seeing the people and was not surprised to see the terrified looks in their eyes. Caroline had hardly tapped into her powers and she has already scared her people near to death. She will have to work hard to show them that she will not harm them. It would be so much easier if Landon was here. "You're a monster!" A voiced cried out from the crowds of people we passed. I didn't recognize him, but it seemed the others did. "You are a danger to us all!" The man accused. There were several shouts of agreement from the growing crowds. William stepped in front of Caroline who was visibly shaking. I couldn't tell if it was from fear or anger. I prayed it was from fear. "Jeff, you will stop spewing such vile lies against my daughter!" Craig demanded while the man made his way towards us. "You know Caroline and you have been involved with the planning that has been taking place. She wants to help her people not hurt them." Craig defended. "Well I just saw everything she caused to happen too. It's not natural to be able to do all those things!! She is a monster and she will end up killing one of us if we don't get rid of her! We can without her. I know the plan she plans on using! We don't need her!" he bellowed causing the crowd to cheer in agreement once again. The crowd had grown in number now and has easily reached over a hundred people.

Caroline stepped out from behind William and raised her chin at Jeff. "You say I am a monster, yet I am the one who is going to keep us all alive. I want nothing more than for us to be free and not oppressed by the vampires. I may be a monster, but I am a monster that is on your side. We all want the same thing. I have sacrificed greatly for this cause, while you sit there on your ignorant behind acting like you are some savior. You say you can pull off this plan, but let's face the facts Jeff. Without me this plan falls apart and you know it. I am in no mood to inflate your ego right now. You call me a monster, but this monster will be the one who saves our people." She exclaimed. Her voice carried throughout the crowd and I heard murmurs breaking out. The people were obviously deciding who to follow. "You can follow Jeff here and I promise you will die." Caroline yelled out. "Let's see who is really a savior Caroline. Fight me. No powers or gifts, just using your normal strength." Jeff challenged her.

"You don't have to do this Caroline." William muttered and Craig agreed as well. "Sweet heart, William is right." But Caroline just shook her head at them. "I accept your challenge. When and where?" she asked, with a tired voice. "No time is better than the present." Jeff taunted. She just nodded while the crowd moved backwards giving them enough room. I could see Craig, William and Elizabeth giving her advice, but Kale had drug me away so I would not get injured in the fight. This is a mistake. He won't fight fair.

***Caroline's Point of View***

"Keep your eyes on him at all times." Dad reminded me while Elizabeth pulled my hair back into a pony tail. "Right, and don't forget that your small size can help you. He is going to rely on his bulky strength, but you can out move him and eventually tire him out." William added. I nodded taking in everything they were saying. I could hear the crowd cheering for either Jeff or myself. It sounded like an equal balance of supporters for each of us. I wasn't sure if I could take him, but I knew I had to try. Landon and Daniel had taught me well. I have to do this for Landon.

We both stepped into the circle and he instantly lunged towards me. I was able to jump out of the way and trip him in the process. He grunted when his face hit the dirt and it caused the crowd to laugh. I didn't lose focus though I couldn't afford to. He came at me again aiming for my neck. He was going to try to get me in a hold. I ducked down while side stepping and brought my leg up swiping his feet out from underneath him in the process. He hit the ground again resulting in more laughter. I could already seem him panting and his face was turning red. He was getting angry. His anger would either help him or hurt him in the long run. He ran at me again and I feigned to the right but went left and brought my knee up to his crotch. He wheezed as he hit his knees clutching himself. The laughter roared through the crowd, but I stayed focused. "You'll pay for that, girl." He hissed. He came at me again and I thought he was going for my head but he surprised me by bringing his foot down on my knee cap. I tried to lurch forward to keep my balance but he rammed his fist into my nose. I heard a sickening crack and felt blood before I could see it on my hand I used to wipe my nose.

He didn't go easy on me while I was on my hands and knees. He brought his foot down on my back forcing me onto the ground. I heard gasps as my head hit the ground. I rolled over fast as I could and saw his foot stomp on the ground where my face just was. I grabbed his ankle and pulled with all my strength. When he hit the ground on back I moved to straddle him. He rolled over, but I was able to slip out of his grip and get on his back. I wrapped my left arm around his neck and grabbed my left wrist with my hand to secure the hold I had. I applied pressure while blowing out of my nose to get the blood out of it. "Tap out Jeff." I pleaded exhausted from the fight. He was still bucking underneath me, but I had a secure hold and he wasn't going anywhere. I applied more pressure and his face started turning red. "Tap. Out." I ground out through my teeth. A few seconds passed before he finally brought his hand to the ground and tapped three times. I released him from my hold and fell off his back. William was instantly there helping me up.

I winced when touched my nose. He sighed while biting into his wrist and holding it up to my mouth. I drank from him trying to ignore the fact that I was drinking blood. I could already feel it helping my nose. He pulled his wrist away and I nodded in thanks. My father and Elizabeth were also next to me and were both congratulating me. The crowd was cheering and I could hear my name being cheered. I guess I won back their respect and approval. My nose was back to normal in a few seconds and I was wiping all the blood off my neck when I heard a scream and felt excruciating pain in the back of my neck. The world blurred and I heard more screams I turned to see Jeff getting his neck snapped by William and Elizabeth was screaming and crying. My father was holding me and guided me gently to the ground. "He threw a knife at her!" Someone was yelling. A knife? Who was a knife thrown at? I couldn't focus all I could feel was pain and there was a warm liquid soaking my back. "William! Hurry William!!" Elizabeth was yelling. "Caroline hold on ok? Sweet heart you have to hold on!" I think it was my father's voice, but the world was to blurry and all the noises were running together. I felt a yanking sensation where the pain was and then I didn't feel anything anymore.



.Cliff hanger!!!! Sorry hahahahaha. I will update tomorrow though so it's not really to long of a cliff hanger. What do you guys think??? Like it hate it??? Comment and let me know what you are thinking or if there are any questions. Vote if you liked it!!


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